October 30, 2003, 22:26
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Maori diplomat expelled!!!!
A diplomat reported this morning he was expelled from Chinese teritory near the city of Tatung.
While we let a diplomat from Tatung build an embasy in our city of Outpost the Chinese expelled the diplomat that was send to return the sign of friendship and trust.
Not only that but they shaved off his hair and took away the funds he brought to build the embasy.
We now have the following demands:
1, A public apology by the president of the Chinese.
2, The diplomat is compensated for his financial and emotional damage, estimated at 100 gold.
Untill our demands are met any Chinese without a valid Maori visa WILL be considdered an intruder in the yellow marked zone
November 4, 2003, 16:06
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900AD: Maori capital is the first city to have more then 900.000 inhabitants
November 4, 2003, 19:23
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Here started WW of HOM
A silly ONE square island.
Atawa has tried to foolish a whole world. He gabe me a suggestion of agreement there he offered democracy and gold for the island. I rejected, because the island is good for research and I don't had use for democracy st the moment.
After that Atawa gifted me democracy and start whining in KC about that I don't give him the island as "agreed", but as I said above I don't agreed to his suggestion and I had told him that. So why did he offered me democracy with out demand anything back???
I can only see ONE reason: He tries to get the other players to think I broke an agreement!
He could do a barter there he demanded what he wanted! And he did it at the moment he suggested the treaty. So he know how to do it! It's clear he try to foolish the other players that a break a treaty!
winzity ICQ 30339567
Please note I don't longer use the mail address winzity@hotmail.com.
Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.
November 4, 2003, 20:09
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Police action in the Pacific.
After our diplomat was expelled from Chinese occupied North Whananga  we made it quite clear to Chinese that this was not acceptable and we demanded compensation.
But not only were our messages ignored, the Chinese build 2 new city's in the yellow marked zone to further show disrespect to the Maori people.
As we are a peaceloving nation we decided to give our neighbours one last chance and as a sign of goodwill proposed the following deal:
150 gold plus the teritory of california plus the secret of Democracy of witch the Maori had sole posession at the time was to be exchanged for the city of Kaifeng.
After some high pressure negotiating (My caravel with landing troops next to his undefended city  ) The Chinese delegation ok'd this deal.
As a sign of good will and trust we gave them the knowledge of Democracy in advance witch was accepted bu the Chinese, when days later the Maori envoy arived at Kaifeng with the rest of the settlement the Chinese refused to give up the city, claiming they didnt agree with the deal.
Being backstabbed by the people we saw as good neighbours and friends for milleniums was too much, the Maori people couldnt stand by so much disrespect
As we didnt trust our neighbours we then proceded to build the Statue of Te Ao-marama so we could defend ourselves if needed.
In the meantime there were protests in all major Maori city's against the Chinese aggression.
The protests on the street got out of controll and the Maori goverment collapsed
In the chaos that followed the Chinese city of Kaifeng was captured by a unit of pikemen from Aloha.
Now we are in the situation that our next goverment is still unclear, the different fractions are still arguing and the outcome will be largely be influenced by the attitude of the Chinese goverment.
If needed we are prepared to take any meassures to ensure the Chinese can no longer threaten the Maori nation but we prefer to sign a peace treaty with the Chinese.
We still offer them 150 gold and the building rights in all of california if they are willing to sign a peacetreaty.
If the Chinese respect our claim to the islands of the big ocean (without japan and formosa whitch we considder Chinese) I'm sure our nations can live together in peace.
November 5, 2003, 15:35
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Fryslân has been brutally attacked by the Slavs.
Defeat has been thorough and decisive.
A bid for peace has been send to the Slav Consul:
Fryslân will cede all captured territories t the Slav in return for a lasting peace.
We have been cought completely by surprise, and we have witnessed that 10 minutes is not enough to defend our lands against such an onslought. During our turns we have been approached by so-called peace-brokers, but their words have been empty. While we accepted their terms during these negotiations, the clock ticked, and we have for the first time seen what happens then...
Fryslân bows to the superiority of the Slav forces, and we only wish peace for the Frysian people.
Gerben, Consul of the Frysians.
November 6, 2003, 22:40
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As he waited for his terminal to find the data for his history homework, Zontag shuddered. His government issued coat was not warm enough. He often wondered if the system that the inhabitants of this planet prior to the arrival of Mbleek race practiced, and of which his teachers always spoke with indignation, the so called "market economy", could provide him with a warmer coat.
But now the data loaded and he immediatedly forgot his cold. He always loved history. Today he had to read some of the old newspapers that survived the first nuclear winter in the city natives called Smara. There was gread library there once, and it proved a wealth of information for Mbleek researchers when they explored the schorched planet. He loaded the first paper. He studied the shape, the composition and layout of information. Then, he loaded the map, engaged translator, and began to read...
November 6, 2003, 22:42
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(wrong file the first time&second&third time)
Last edited by VetLegion; November 8, 2003 at 12:37.
November 6, 2003, 22:47
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November 6, 2003, 22:49
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November 6, 2003, 22:50
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The chairman slammed his hammer on the table, to no effect. Sabor [parliament] has descended into a cacophony of noises, shouts and screams. The ancient open roofed hall has seen many heated debates, but the one that went on these days was unparalleled. There was no semblance of order in the room.
Seated in a row below him was the government. The ministers argued as hotly as the rest, but one seat was empty, that of the Consul and wartime Supreme Commander.
Suddenly a trumphet sounded. All heads turned to the origin of the sound and all clamour stopped. The announcer stepped forward.
"Consul Branimir! All hail!"
Silence that wellcomed him in the room was a show of respect. It was this man, and his policies, that allowed Slavs breakthrough in the Thousand Years War, in which for the first time stalemate was broken and Armies of the People of the Land held the upper hand.
He climbed the speaker's podium.
"Lords and Gentlemen! Today, via a special envoy, I have received a message from Fryslan!"
There was commotion as representatives exchanged puzzled glances.
"The messenger says the rumours are untrue and Gerben is alive. He delivered to me a letter handsigned by him." Held waved it in the air.
"Lords and Gentlemen! The Fryslan want peace!"
Hundreds of mouths opened as one and once again the hall descended into disorder. Consul raised his hands. "Please! I have served this House well in matters of this war, now I come to you so we can establish a new policy! I will respect the wish of this House, but let us speak in order!
As the representatives silenced down, the eldest speaker rose.
"Hear me my colleagues, we need to establish peace! Have we not achieved our justice? The city built on the spot where Biograd was has been destroyed. And have we not won a prize? Two new cities to serve and further our progress. The Fryslan have learned their lesson, that no King, no Lord and no Nation can attack Slavs without repercussions. This struggle lasted for long centuries, and let us face it, it has set us back among the nations of the world! There is the ancient scripture we still hold, of reparations we demanded from the Frysk. I plead to you, let us find it, let us calculate the values in today's terms and let us, in the name of young men in our army, sign the peace!"
After him, in the order of seating, another one spoke.
"Representatives! The fact that Fryslan are asking for peace is a sign of their weakness! There is nothing more obvious, no path clearer than to charge into the city of Sneek, and take possession of the wonders of the world! This is our destiny! Only a fool would not see it! What fool would stop our advance now, and abandon the armies we paid much to train and equip! I say, let's use them. They want peace? We can sign it when we throw them into the ocean! That is all I have to say!"
And another.
"Comrades! Let us not forget the big picture! This world of ours is an ocean and a ripple in the ocean causes waves on the other shore! If we destroy the Frslan now, who will be our ally, when we turn on the Maori! Yes, Maori! It doesn't matter we are friendly with them now, but did we not see the reports!? They have built an Idol and they are becoming increasingly religious. One day, they will come like a tide and engulf all the free people in the world, and who will stand up to them? We, alone? Comrades, we need a world coalition, and we need Fryslan as part of it!"
And another.
"Respected House! You know me, I was a know merchant before I retired into politics. My ships have traveled as far as both Vananangas and seen all the great cities of Maori. Indeed they are rich! But you don't become rich by being stupid! Fanatics, nonsense! They are sensible traders! I have friends in the parliament of Maori! I have connections! I give this house my word; I can within weeks argue Maori into an alliance that will be profitable to us both! We shall take the Frysk possessions in Europe and they will take those in Vanananga for them! This will work gentlemen, give me your trust and I can do it!"
Long into that night, and the following, the debate continued...
November 7, 2003, 08:10
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Great stuff
November 7, 2003, 15:08
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Thanks, but  what atrocious spelling! That's what I get for doing it at 3. A. M
And the plot thickenes as new world alliances begin to be forged....
November 7, 2003, 17:00
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Yeah, the game got a lot more interesting last session.
A lot of things can happen now, Winz has in fact got a BIG say in how the game goes ahead, refusing to sign a peacetreaty could mean the hardliners in the Maori nation getting the upper hand with us going Fundi/Commie, a peacetreaty could bring the democratic powers to power.
The other thing is our longtime allies the Frysians are under attack from the Slavs, the outcome of that conflict will also have much influence on how this game develops.
November 7, 2003, 17:30
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The other thing is our longtime allies the Frysians are under attack from the Slavs, the outcome of that conflict will also have much influence on how this game develops.
So, what entire world was speculating about is indeed true.
Darkness falls on us, as streetlights go off all over Europe...
November 7, 2003, 19:57
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Our Slaven friends dont have to be paranoid. On our arivel in your continent we set up an allience with the Frysians who were then very much the smaller party in the bloody war that raged over the lands, now this conflict has yet again heated up.
The Maori people wish this conflict to be over as it will only lead to an increase in arms spending witch will affect the whole world.
November 8, 2003, 09:50
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G66d st4ff, g4ys. And 36ng 6verd4e...
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
November 10, 2003, 12:04
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Originally posted by VetLegion
The other thing is our longtime allies the Frysians are under attack from the Slavs, the outcome of that conflict will also have much influence on how this game develops.
So, what entire world was speculating about is indeed true.
Darkness falls on us, as streetlights go off all over Europe...
i'm getting a bit bored by these insinuations: for many sessions I have been accused of aiding the Maori. From what I have heard, it's the Slav that keep putting this silly idea in the head of the Chinese and the Ethiopians.
Yes, I am formally allied with the Maori since god knows when. My alliance with the Chinese is even older... Not that alliances appear to matter in these diplo games, as it seems they are being made to check out eachothers tech without having the need for ambassies.
Both the Chinese and the Ethiopians keep bashing me about my so-called alliance with the Maori, but I ask you: who gave the Maori Iron Working? The bloody Chinese, who did indeed get it from me some time ago, and I want to note I haven't seen anything in return, exept for these bullshit accusations, and false proposals with regard to the Slav invasion.
Secondly, it has been the Ethiopians who have build Colossus, which has given the Maori even a bigger advantage regarding intercontinental trade. If there has been a single act that has skyrocketed the Maori grasp on our world, then it has been the construction of Colossus.
From what I can tell, all other nations have been as whores to the Maori, sharing everything they had in the hope they might be able to pick up some crums from the fat dishes the Maori are eating, yet at the same time they shout criminal! if they even have the faintest idea I might share something with the Maori.
To me it seems I would do well to turn off the KingChat and ICQ, as all I get is crapahola: unfounded accusations at best, but most of the time I just get a verdict presented to me, no input from me desired.
The Slav have not spoken to me in millenia, and they still have not spoken a single syllable to me. I can live with that, but cut out the crap. If you guys are not interested in listening, then don't speak to me.
November 10, 2003, 17:13
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Your allegations are certainly interesting, and shed new light on some events. Why did the Chinese give away Iron Working, the world public wonders?
As for me, I haven't been ignoring you. I got your PM but I thought it better to work a solution via these forums, and incorporate it into the story if possible - my last post about parliament debate is to that end.
Because in general I think that we are lagging behind in the stories which give diplogames depth and make them worth playing. I did not intend to become Emperor by diplogaming, but King, should be reachable ...
As to formal reply to your peace offer, it has not yet been formulated by the divided parliament of the Panslavian nation.
November 10, 2003, 18:00
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Originally posted by VetLegion
Because in general I think that we are lagging behind in the stories which give diplogames depth and make them worth playing. I did not intend to become Emperor by diplogaming, but King, should be reachable ...
I agree with you, and I must say that so far I find this diplo-thing very boring
There is no diplomacy whatsoever: I have said before: I only get stupid accusations the whole game over, when players have allready made up their minds, they appear not to be interested in inquireries. I am fed up in trying to change peoples perceptions that have been build on bigotry.
And the lack of stories is stupid, but since people don't talk to me anyway but start shouting for no reason, I just figured out it is all being worked out behind the scenes, so it is all part of the game.
Anyway, you certainly are as quiet as the others, it's only the Maori who express an interest in what I'm doing, so if the Slav/Ethiopian/Chinese block is wandering how come...
The most funny thing I have experienced so for that at certain intervals I get these messages like: [angry] are you talking to atawa [/angry]
Paranoia rules this game
November 10, 2003, 23:03
ACS Staff Member
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Uh-oh, hope the game isn't apart.
If you wanna see how the game is done, read through the HOTW4 thread. Thats a diplogame for the pros.
Though maybe HOTW4 is siphoning off time from Ljube, cause he is writing some good stories for HOTW4, but not much here. *shrug* maybe he is feeding off the others in hotw4.
But to jump start this game, carry out all the above *****ing and moaning in character. That's how things get interesting. You can do quite a lot of stuff with the current wars, suspicions, and rivalries that are dominating the game. Run with it! Stay in character!
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
November 11, 2003, 00:30
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hey guys dont fret, even teh great HOTW2 was marred by much personal slanging and dummy spitting... So hang in there post through it all and continue having fun
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 11, 2003, 06:15
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
Uh-oh, hope the game isn't apart.
If you wanna see how the game is done, read through the HOTW4 thread. Thats a diplogame for the pros. 
Though maybe HOTW4 is siphoning off time from Ljube, cause he is writing some good stories for HOTW4, but not much here. *shrug* maybe he is feeding off the others in hotw4.
But to jump start this game, carry out all the above *****ing and moaning in character. That's how things get interesting. You can do quite a lot of stuff with the current wars, suspicions, and rivalries that are dominating the game. Run with it! Stay in character!
OK, I'll bite
The lack of posting by the Ethiopian ruler has to be attributed to his inability to stick to his promises. The ruler, who is known by many names like Saddam Hussein and Anwar Sadat over the past centuries, has failed to honour any agreements with the Frysk. And so his promise to post in this thread, a solemn pledge made last time we met, has been proven to be nothing but empty words.
November 11, 2003, 08:09
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Making friends, not enemies?
His nose wouldn't stop bleeding, but he smiled anyway.
He got hurt by a stray chair leg that hit him, when Sabor discussion turned into a brawl and then into a fight. But the compromise has been reached. Consul has ridden off to Sjevernomorsk with established policy to work by, and it was left to him, as Chairman of Sabor, to send the envoy to Gerben with the letter of conclusions of the Sabor.
This is how the conclusions read:
In the year 1100 after the Great Slaven,
In front of Sabor of all Slavs, I, chairman of the said noble house have put together these
Conclusions of the Sabor and Peace accords.
Fully aware
of the momentary weaknesses of our neighbour, the Fryslan, which manifest themselves as:
- undermanned european cities
- lacking defense infrastructure
- insufficient war production capabilities
- low troop morale
and Slav strengths which manifest themselves as:
- over two scores of veteran crusader armies
- excellent leadership
- mass mobilization in progress in the interior
- high troop morale
And the current situation on the battlefield:
- Sneek about to fall
- all other Fryslan european cities undefendable and within a couple years of falling
We have come to understand that it would be beneficial for Slavs to stop their advance and sign a peace deal with the Fryslan.
For Fryslan because they could keep their developed industrial base, and their prize cities, and for Slaven because by showing magnanimity in victory and good will in negotiations, we hope to achieve a true, lasting peace.
These are our proposals:
- Slavs are to keep two Fryslan cities, with their infrastructure and everything in their city radii
- Permanent border will be established in Europe
- Slavs will cease military operations and demobilize most of their armies, save the minimum needed for self defence
- Both parties will agree not to keep armies of offensive units in Europe. For this purpose mutual weapons inspections will be established.
In addition to that, and in compensation for Slavs agreeing to not take Sneek now, and to leave it for ever in the hands of Frysk
- Fryslan are to gift Slavs a city of choice in the north Vanananga.
He sighed as he read. So short. So simple. Who will ever know what kind of work and sacrifices it took to agree on this.
He added something.
NOTE: As much as I would have preffered to start from bigger claims, and work our way down in negotioations, I feel these are the minimum requests. The fact alone that we accept not to take Sneek will probably mean the fall of this government, as pressures are HUGE to take the happiness wonders and solve forever our problems with riots. I hope Fryslan will see that these demands are fair and can serve as basis for trade, cooperation, and prosperity in peace.
NOTE2: Sabor did not ultimately demand that we get techs-for-peace, but this does not mean Slavs would not appreciate to recieve some technology from Fryslan as sign of good faith. This is ofcourse not obligatory.
Mirko Filipovic
Chairman of the Sabor of Panslavia
November 11, 2003, 08:22
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Frysia will NOT cede any territory in the new World.
as for the weapon inspections: who will conduct them? Ethiopian inspectors are certainly out of the question.
With all other points the Frysk can agree.
November 11, 2003, 08:42
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If you wanna see how the game is done, read through the HOTW4 thread. Thats a diplogame for the pros.
We must have a different idea about diplogames.
To me diplogaming is different from other long running games as except from bribing city's and certain wonders there are not a lot of rules. This makes the diplomacy part of the game much more interest as people can freely exchange techs, gift units and city's and basicly do anything you want.
The storythread is nice and I would see some more posts in it but there is a fine line between making a good storythread (Written in character or as player doesnt make a difference imo) and just spamming away with all the pictures you can find on the net
/me "*******" of the Maori
November 11, 2003, 08:51
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Originally posted by germanos
Frysia will NOT cede any territory in the new World.
as for the weapon inspections: who will conduct them? Ethiopian inspectors are certainly out of the question.
With all other points the Frysk can agree.
As the Maori are still in favour of world peace we would like to propose the following:
Slavs keep their European city's recently counquered by them from the Frysians with permanent borders between them.
The Maori will provide a settler for the Slavs to build on the islands in between North and South Whananga.
Chinese will sign a peacetreaty with the Maori and cede their claim to anything in the yellow marked teritory except for california.
The Maori will stay in democracy.
November 11, 2003, 11:55
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Do Frysk value so little the city of Sneek and all its treasures?
We appreciate the offer from Maori, but we need a city on the mainland, the islands alone do not satisfy Slav imperial-peaceful ambitions.
November 11, 2003, 12:38
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Very well, the Frysians will cede the city of IJlst (size 5, on a river in the central USA) to the Slav.
November 11, 2003, 14:01
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The Ethiopian Republic
After the death of Queen Cleopatra who had committed her entire life to the state and remained childless, a civil war broke out between two pretenders for the throne. One was a cousin of Cleopatra, Ptolemy, whose powerbase was the area of Nile and the cities of Karnak, Luxor, Alexandria and the other was the husband of Cleopatra’s niece, Reza Pahlevi, whose support came from the Asian part of the Kingdom. Kingdom of Africa and Asia fell apart and much suffering and torment was inflicted on its people during this long period of upheaval that lasted for 20 years.
Because of the state of nearly constant warfare and widespread destruction and lack of any central government, the executive mechanisms established in the golden age of the Kingdom of Africa and Asia deteriorated gradually to the point that there was no central government any more and the people depended on their feudal lords. More people started to escape the ravaged countryside and move to the big cities. The lords of the cities were forced to acknowledge certain rights to these men. They received the right to elect representatives to governor’s councils and the cities and their surroundings started to function like small states. The land disintegrated even more when the leaders of two nominal parts of the former glorious Kingdom died and left each several contenders for the throne.
Finally a strong leader emerged. It was the young governor of Basra, Saddam Hussein that managed to unite the diverse nation, but not under one crown, for the Ethiopian citizens have learned to hate monarchy during the civil war and have decided not to restore it.
It was a coalition of Asian cities that started this unification process. They held a conference in Basra and elected Saddam Hussein, the mastermind behind the conference, new leader of this fragile alliance. They established procedures for the election of their leader:
The elections will be held every fifth year.
The Supreme leader shall bear the title of Consul.
The Consul shall take charge of foreign relations and trade between cities. He shall command the army in times of war. His bills are subject to reviews in a representative body called the Senate having three representatives from each city.
The cities will keep the most of their self-government in their internal matters.
United around such efficient form of government, the Asian part of Ethiopia managed to annex the rest of the country soon. On the tenth anniversary of the reunification of Ethiopia, a grand statue in honour of the great Consul Saddam Hussein was erected in Ethiopian capital Asmara. The statue was placed on the entrance to the port of Asmara and was the first thing sailors from all over the world saw in the horizon when they sailed for Asmara to trade in this commercial capital of the world.
November 11, 2003, 14:04
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The foreign trade tax
“The analysis show that the statue of Saddam Hussein in the port of Asmara has corroded and is likely to collapse if nothing is done about it”, reported shortly the dean of the University of Asmara during his audience with Proconsul Tariq Aziz.
“Something has to be done about it. How much would the repairs cost”, asked Aziz.
“Only 2346 talents of gold, according to my calculations.”
“Are you crazy? We are a poor and developing nation. We can’t spare that much. Is there any way we can patch up our statue? For a smaller price?”
“A patch-up job which would ensure the survival of our statue would range between 800 and 950 gold talents.”
“I was hoping for a sum around 50 talents. We can’t spare that much.”
“Well consult with our wise leader, Saddam Hussein then. He is sure to come up with a solution to this crisis.”
Later that day, conversation between Consul Saddam Hussein and Proconsul Tariq Aziz.
“You know now the cost of the reconstruction that would only temporarily ensure the survival of our great statue. Full reconstruction would require more than double the amount”, informed Aziz his Consul.
“I may have an idea how to solve this problem and not spend a dime from our treasury”, said Saddam Hussein.
“You have always been the brightest of all of us. Tell me what you have on your mind.”
“It’s very simple. We shall introduce a port tax.”
“A port tax? But I don’t think that is in the authority of a Consul to issue local taxes.”
“No, it’s not. But we can surely persuade the mayor of Asmara to issue a decree of import trade taxation in the amount, say 10%. Taking into consideration the volume of the foreign trade with Asmara, the tax is likely to generate enough income for the proper maintenance of our statue and other infrastructure in Asmara. I don’t think the good mayor will object to that.”
“Indeed not. The plan is masterful like any other of your plans sir.”
“Thank you”
And this is how and why the import tax on all trade with Asmara was established in the year 220 AD.
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