MSN - Pirates Thinggy
Kody says:
pirates replied
Kody says:
nope it's EZRhino
Voltaire says:
What did they say?
Kody says:
remember I'm also handling embassy access
Kody says:
EZRhino was asking for access too
Kody says:
you must have had to premonition
Kody says:
Kody says:
about the pirates and all
Voltaire says:
Indeed it was yesterday
Vev says:
Kody says:
although I'm more worried about the drones
Voltaire says:
Kody says:
because they don't want us to go agressive until air power
Kody says:
and buster seemed to hint that if we started getting alternative techs to the beelines he considers optimal
Kody says:
it will raise the question of whether the pact will be useful for the drones.
Kody says:
how's your story writing?
Kody says:
Vev: anything useful in public forum I should look at... running out of time etc.
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
What do the Drones expect form us?
Vev says:
nice political discussion and nihlism!
Voltaire says:
If we were to enter into a permipact?
Kody says:
Kody says:
HongHu wrote "Hey I only wrote one OT post before I truly left.", what did she mean vev?
Vev says:
Kody says:
the last MSN discussion thread
Vev says:
posted on the forum?
Kody says:
Voltaire think you can run the polls, and take over for the pirate diplomancy. Basically flexibility is high priority as well as getting the comm links of other factions.
Kody says:
yes posted in forum
Vev says:
Vev says:
you know when ACDG2 was on, My choice was between hive and pirates
Vev says:
I guess you know which I picked
Voltaire says:
lol, that works out well does it not
Kody says:
So can you handle the pirate stuff?
Kody says:
run the polls etc
Vev says:
If it presents nice oppotunity for me to spam
Vev says:
TrickyAnansi has been added to the conversation.
Vev says:
who is TrickyAnansi?
EZRhino says:
Im EZRhino
EZRhino says:
my name is Erin
Kody says:
*cough*, any answers to any of the issues I've raised?
Voltaire says:
What issues?
Voltaire says:
The Drones?
Kody says:
the 3 issues I've raised
Vev says:
Kody says:
* tech path
* someone needs to do pirate tech trading polls
* I was hoping someone else could handle pirate diplomancy
Kody says:
* tech path - whether we're going to go war techs, or work with the drones in tech.
Voltaire says:
I can handle pirate diplomacy, unless someone else wants to
Voltaire says:
if we're serious about the permipact then we cooperate with the drones
Kody says:
so scrapping the early invasion plans?
Kody says:
do you agree with buster that it's not really early invasion plans anymore?
Kody says:
erin: you can talk whenever you want to
EZRhino says:
sorry, I was afk
Voltaire says:
Yes, scrap early invasion plans
Kody says:
do we need to vote on it
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
we never voted for invasion
Kody says:
since we never really voted on having them in the first place
Kody says:
Voltaire says:
Vev says:
all the warmongers will be dissapointed
EZRhino says:
Invading the Pirates?
Voltaire says:
It was my brainchild, if I can see it's flaws so too should they.
Kody says:
If theres anyone that is reading this MSN conversation, they can raise the issue and ask for a vote within the next 2 days.
Vev says:
Erin: anansi -> spiders?
EZRhino says:
Vev says:
really big spiders?
EZRhino says:
sort of
Vev says:
rip-people-apart spiders
Vev says:
EZRhino says:
not quite
Voltaire says:
In my mind it would be better for us to stand together with the Drones, rather than alone.
Kody says:
okay then
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity has been added to the conversation.
Voltaire says:
Let us show the Drones we are serious about the permipact, let us coordinate our efforts more closely.
Kody says:
Kody says:
okay then
Comrade Micha says:
EZRhino says:
Vev: Anansi just mean spider in Ashanti
EZRhino says:
but my name refers to just one in paticular
EZRhino says:
hi Micha
Vev says:
hi Micha
Vev says:
a happy spider?
EZRhino says:
no, an untrustworth spider
EZRhino says:
we dont have anywhere near the logistics needed to invade the university
EZRhino says:
the pirates are a more immediate concern
Kody says:
we have the logistics
Kody says:
just whether it's a suitable gamble
EZRhino says:
they probably wouldnt expect it
EZRhino says:
but beside just being a disruption, what cause would this serve?
Kody says:
not sure ask voltaire
Voltaire says:
Attacking the university?
EZRhino says:
Voltaire says:
I'm lost
Voltaire says:
Ask Voltaire what?
EZRhino says:
attacking the univeristy so early
EZRhino says:
: why
Comrade Micha says:
The problem with attacking the pirates is, that they serve as a king of link between the factions because of their contacts... The others may be more interested in good relations with PEACE than with us
Comrade Micha says:
And where is the university? We didnīt have contact yet, right?
EZRhino says:
well, at this stage attacking the pirates is out of the question
Voltaire says:
No we do not.
EZRhino says:
we dont even have flexibility
Vev says:
stiking out would bear little gains
Comrade Micha says:
I know:
Comrade Micha says:
TrickyAnansi sagt:
we dont have anywhere near the logistics needed to invade the university
TrickyAnansi sagt:
the pirates are a more immediate concern
EZRhino says:
at this stage, with so little to go: I agree
Vev says:
at the stage when we could do it
EZRhino says:
go on, rather
Comrade Micha says:
btw: who are you, TrickyAnansi?
Voltaire says:
I must be off at the moment, ttyl
Which is better: to achieve Nirvana, or become a Boddhissatva? has left the conversation.
EZRhino says:
Comrade Micha says:
oh, ok.
Comrade Micha says:
what combat technologies do we have by now? 4-2-2?
EZRhino says:
I didnt think we had Impact weapons yet
Vev says:
Vev says:
best is 2-1-1
Vev says:
in other words feeble
Comrade Micha says:
hm. So why are you even talking about attacking other factions?
EZRhino says:
EZRhino says:
it would mean foil probes and scout inf.
EZRhino says:
we could upgrade them later
Vev says:
but it is getting impractical
Vev says:
and by the time we are there
Vev says:
or even ready
Vev says:
they would ahve been nicely dug in
EZRhino says:
not neccisarily
Comrade Micha says:
I second Vevīs view
Comrade Micha says:
we are in no position to guarantee a positive outcome of a war with any factin
Comrade Micha says:
EZRhino says:
I agree
EZRhino says:
but for the future, we should rule nothing out
EZRhino says:
keep our potions open
Comrade Micha says:
of course
EZRhino says:
this is why doct:flexibility should be a major priority
Vev says:
plus it lead to do:air
Vev says:
and foil probes
Comrade Micha says:
well, OTOH that doctrine is already available to other factions, so we might rather research higher things and trade for d:f, or even steal it...
EZRhino says:
we cant steal it woith out foil probes
EZRhino says:
which require doct:flex
Kody says:
we can't steal flex without foil probes *chuckle*
Comrade Micha says:
Comrade Micha says:
so trade for it?
Kody says:
we're trying
Vev says:
Kody says:
read the pirate diplomancy thread in the hive embassy forum
Comrade Micha says:
tomorrow, promised
Comrade Micha says:
ok, read
Comrade Micha says:
"Kody forwarded the intercepted message before continuing"
Comrade Micha says:
that message link leads to a site not related to that story, or did I miss anything?
Comrade Micha says:
Comrade Micha says:
"And also why I have been having diplomacy with JDM in the PBEM ACDG"
Comrade Micha says:
I see. Never mind. The link just leads to far to the top
Comrade Micha says:
Ok, will go to bed now. See you tomorrow? good night
Kody says:
Kody says:
just finishing some diplomancy business
Vev says:
he's here
Kody says:
I'm sending that map okay?
Comrade Micha says:
always diligent...
Comrade Micha says:
ok, bye
Vev says:
with the quake and all
Kody says:
base placement to the drones?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity has left the conversation.
EZRhino says:
what exactly did that earchquake do?
Kody says:
connect our two lands together
EZRhino says:
Kody says:
near the top area
EZRhino says:
connected to that tiny little Island?
Kody says: