September 19, 2003, 01:13
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Eg it may destory the cycon pirate pact.
September 19, 2003, 09:07
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Chairman did you ask flubber for the guest list?
September 19, 2003, 16:15
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Originally posted by Kody
Chairman did you ask flubber for the guest list?
No I have not, though it has been a while since I have heard from Flubber. I will send him a small reminder message now.
September 24, 2003, 07:05
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Anyone get the feeling that the pirates dislike us?
September 24, 2003, 07:46
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What never. 
/me scrubs of anti-Hive graffiti written in parrot poo.
September 25, 2003, 19:25
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I sent this e-mail to Flubber :
John says:
anyway Jamski send the email
John says:
and then copy it to the peace negotiation thread
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
still searching...
Jamski says:
I send an e-mail?
Jamski says:
to whom?
John says:
Jamski says:
what's his address?
John says:
use the apolyton email feature
John says:
Jamski says:
and what do I write?
John says:
flubber's email address is there
John says:
we want to know what SPs are built or have been completed
Vev says:
Ahoy, Capt'n Flubber
The Hivers are be need'n yer information
John says:
and we're willing to name a base as whatever they want in exchange for that information
Vev says:
It hast come to our ears, that tha may or mayn't be SPs built
Jamski says:
keep going
John says:
also what SPs are in construction by the university and cycon
Vev says:
In return for this information, we'll send you two return-trip tickets to the Hive and the next Hive based named in your honour!
Vev says:
How 'bout we have a deal?
Jamski says:
or we can sweeten it if we have to...
Jamski says:
OK, I'll send it
John says:
Vev says:
Although i am not offering myself.
John says:
sweeten it with what?
John says:
Jamski says:
Sweeten it with OH!
Jamski says:
some of OUR info of course
Vev says:
an O-face?
John says:
yeah pirates like young lads
Vev says:
like where the drones are
Jamski says:
*edits Vev out*
Jamski says:
ok, ok, ok,
Jamski says:
sending NOW
That should amuse them too
October 4, 2003, 20:52
Local Time: 18:30
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Greetings Ambassador Flubber,
I have been very busy due to the turn planning now taking over a day to
do. I would like to apologise on behalf of the Hive for lack of catering
at the party we invited you to. In fact the lack of party altogether. I
left it in someone elses hands.
I would be appreciated if all correspondance between the yourself and the
chairman Voltaire be given to me. There have been a few gaps in the
correspondance that never made it to the Hive archives, it is believed
some messages by yourself and the chairman are missing. I am hoping to
fill in all these gaps in our archives.
Your previous offer of a pact hasn't yet been seriously considered as
nobody started the discussion. I will attempt to rectify that.
I'm going to suggest a "research and non-agression pact", similar to what
the hive agreed to with the drones. When the Hive has spoken to the
other two factions and asserted their stance towards us, further
discussions on alliance issues will commence.
The Hive recognises that the pirates are a leading power and so the state
of our relations are important.
The Hive can possibly trade Flexibility for Gene Splicing. We finish
Flexibility ourselves next turn, however with some cooperation with the
Peace we will be able to redirect to Gene Splicing. This will boost both
our respective techonology and help us catch up with the University who
undoubtedly has a large tech lead.
If we can close this trade before the hive's next turn that would be
great. However, if we don't it may be a while before the hive will be able
to obtain any techs you will be interested in.
Anyway I've still got to organise the discussions on these issues. This
message is being sent pre-emptively so that the Peace can discuss these
possible offers while the Hive gets organised.
PS: sorry for lack of roleplay in this message, I'm kindof falling behind
in things I have to do.
October 4, 2003, 20:56
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RE: RE: RE: Re: You see a bottle floating by.
I used the email feature of apolyton to forward the message to you also.
To sum up you need to create a poll on whether the pirates would be interested in a "research and non-aggression pact".
Also we asked if you would be interested in a flexibility for gene splicing. If you give us flexibility we can get gene splicing to you next turn. However if the trade doesn't go through we instead use up all our research points on flexibility.
Basically the choices are help us and both the hive and peace benifit from getting gene splicing or don't help us and we get flexibility anyway.
There's more details in the original message.
Re Ambassador Flubber bottle. I have posted in our Dip thread and emailed him.
If it is important and is holding up you playing the turn, then send it to me also.
You might also send your email address as I find that handier.
A bottle with a hive stamp floats by your ship heading towards the last known location of Ambassador Flubber.
October 4, 2003, 20:57
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Hercules wrote:
Hi Kody, I have posted your message in our Diplomacy thread and also
Ambassador Flubber has acknowledged receipt of the message.
Personally I am in favour of the deal, but like you I will have to wait
for other views.
PS where have all the other Great Hive posters gone.
October 4, 2003, 21:33
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It's my view we will go with the proposal but we need some of our
heavyweights to weigh in with views. This may take a few hours so be prepared for a typical Pirate day.
Whatever you do, don't play without contacting me, if you don't hear from us.
October 5, 2003, 18:46
Local Time: 01:30
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Ambassador Flubber,
On Sun, 5 Oct 2003, Ambassador Flubber wrote:
The Peace are totally in favor of making this deal , HOWEVER, The most recent Peace turn hae already been played and sent . .. We had no knowledge that such a deal was possible or that your discovery of flex was so imminent-- I hope it is not too late but you will not see doc flex on the most recent turn
I apologies for that. However Comrade Kody took over the diplomatic dealings due to a breakdown of communications on my end (e-mail problems). The Hive is all missing diplomatic messages written by Peace to Voltaire, for the period of the 17th of September to the 5th of October. It would be appreciated if we could obtain any such missing messages from that time period.
The last communication was the following message.
Ambassador Flubber,
I regret to inform you that we indeed have not acquired non-linear
mathematics as of yet, I have put forth a request to our Department of
Development, as well as the Department of Science, to ascertain when we
will be able to acquire such knowledge.
I will pass on your suggestion of a future binding tech-trade agreement to
the People.s Congress and Central Continuing Committee. Please feel free
to present us with such an offer at any time, the Hive would be most
obliged to consider it.
We will await your final decision on the .Applied Physics-Doctrine:
Mobility. question, and we are prepared to at any time listen to
counteroffers which you present.
I will be contacting you again soon with the information you have
Chairman of the Central Continuing Committee
We are pleased to report that our trade negotiations have proceeded well and that the Hive has approved the trade proposal with overwhelming support.
So this does not occur again it would be appreciated if all future
messages be carbon copied to two Hive members (myself and Comrade Kody).
Our Department of Development has informed us that for these arrangement to work you must set Doctrine: Flexibility to accept this turn in order for us to get Gene Splicing next turn, upon which we will send it to you as per our agreement.
Furthermore we bring more good news; the Hive has accepted and approved the pact with PEACE. Though in order to take into account changes in public opinion we would ask that our non-aggression pact have a clause stipulating that the pact will be brought up for review and renewal in 35-years. We would appreciate if you could pass this information along to the PEACE government for approval, if you do not agree with the stipulated review-renewal period you may reject the issued proposal and we can continue negotiations further until both parties are satisfied.
-Chairman Voltaire
October 5, 2003, 23:14
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So it's another case of excutive decision overuling the democratic decision? Are we really going into 35 year pact or are we still bluffing? I would appreciate a clarification on the situation.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
October 5, 2003, 23:24
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Well it was actually tied, then chairman voted making it 3 against 2.
I wasn't quite happy with 3 against 2 as it wasn't a clear majority. So during the turn chat we started talking about it.
Micha was worried about it the pact lasting, and that was never our intention.
In my original message I suggested we would re-evaluate the situation after we've met the both the university and the cycon. However, that wasn't obviously clear enough for others and maybe not for the pirates either.
So I suggested a time limit, 35 years is about how much time it'll take to get to MMI and have a military force built up. After which we should be free to cancel the pact honourably as that is the agreement we're asking for.
The pact is a research and non-aggression pact. Nothing more.
Anyway after the 35 year clause was suggested Micha changed his vote from abstain to Yes. That gave us the required two thirds majority, and chairman didn't have to veto the decision.
October 5, 2003, 23:29
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Ok I was reading the poll thread and read Micha was saying change his vote to no. Didn't read the turn chat when he actually agreed. (Just read it)
Anyway I don't know if I like the 35 year term though. I thought the initial idea is to pact with them for a short period (like 2 or 3 years) and then cancel it using whatever reason (eg. Drones). And the purpose was to gain infiltration and test the water. I didn't know we are going toward the pact with real intent of keeping it for 35 years or longer.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
October 5, 2003, 23:41
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Well my original intent was stay pacted until we meet the other two factions, then decide on whether we keep it depending on whether they look like they're going to join forces.
However a 35 year clause is much more upfront, and will help dispell fears of a drone-hive alliance. At this time my intention is to keep the promise of a 35 year non-agression pact.
Here's a summary of the conversation
Kody says:
peace are in favour of both deals
Micha says:
what other deal?
Kody says:
pact and gene splicing for flex trade
Micha says:
oh, you consider pacting a deal
Kody says:
it's just a deal, not a full on commitment
Micha says:
i don´t like that idea
Micha says:
well, I voted abstain, because I´m not fully informed and didn´t want to ruin that poll
Micha says:
ok. but i really doubt they´ll pact with us
Kody says:
they've already said yes
Micha says:
they have said YES?
Micha says:
Still, I don´t trust the Pirates.
Kody says:
chairman about the pirate pact situation
Voltaire says:
Yes, I've heard, they've accepted
Kody says:
they've agreed to pact and trade
Kody says:
however we don't have majority from the hive
Micha says:
can´t we make it informal? Without giving them infiltration? Just on the paper with the promise to honor it?
Kody says:
that sounds kindof dodgy
Kody says:
also we're trying to make it seem we're not on strong terms with the drones
Kody says:
they'll wonder, why did we pact with drones but not them
Voltaire says:
We must take into account the possible ramifications this could have on our relations with the Uni and CyCon
Voltaire says:
Particualrly the CyCon
Kody says:
I can say not all the important people have voted
Kody says:
and put the pact in
Kody says:
and at a later date we can say that the vote finalised and it was against?
Voltaire says:
Why not do something like we initialy did with the Drones, a time constrained pact?
Voltaire says:
after a given number of years both parties can break it
Voltaire says:
or renew it
Kody says:
Micha says:
sound agreeable (This is the point where micha appeared to agree)
Kody says:
how long?
Voltaire says:
50 years?
Kody says:
that's a long time
Kody says:
it's only been 40 years so far
Kody says:
but 50 years would be commitment
Voltaire says:
Micha says:
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
or 20 even
Kody says:
20 seems too whore like
Kody says:
35 seems about right?
Kody says:
what do you think?
Voltaire says:
35 sounds fine
Kody says:
okay we set a time limit on the pact for 35 years
Voltaire says:
Micha says:
I second that 35 years time limit
That's the summary with all the unimportant lines removed. The original post can be found here.
October 5, 2003, 23:46
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I've already read the turn chat where micha actually agreed now (just didn't read it when I posted the first post). But thanks for copying it over for me.
I thought the problem of a long term pact with the pirates were said to be that it is easier for them to see the depth of the drone hive pact. but I hope it won't be too big of a deal. We might be infiltrated eventually anyway unless we have the anti-probe SP (whatever it is called).
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
October 8, 2003, 18:48
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Can you inform the pirates they will be receiving gene splicing next turn.
October 8, 2003, 19:19
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Finally a descsion
Democracy, eh?
December 22, 2003, 14:53
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My email to Hercules:
Btw we are calling the governor election. What would be your stance?
Reply from Hercules:
Hello comrade Honghu,
We are canvassing opinion re the council. I think it very likely that our friends the Hive will get our vote. Seeing that we are in Pact with you.
Cap'n Hercules
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
December 22, 2003, 14:57
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My email to Hercules:
Dear Captain Hercules,
Thanks for getting back to me. We look forward to more communications with the PEACE regarding trade and cooperations. Also I would like to inform you that the Hive has offered the CyCon's a pact. It is expected that the CC will accept it the next turn. 
Ambassador HongHu
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
December 22, 2003, 15:50
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Um, what is the purpose of telling the pirates that we are going to pact with their worst enemies that will soon destroy them?
December 22, 2003, 16:02
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Peace is pacted with us. In other words, if we don't tell them this now, they'll open the next turn and see we are pacted with CC, their worst enemies, and declare vedetta with us out of rages.
Telling them now means they know that we cannot be hold responsible for what have happened after we offered CC the pact (you know what that is  ).
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
December 22, 2003, 16:15
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I see, although I doubt they check their infiltration data regularily. I mean, their science rate is a third of the average one, despite the fact they are well populated. So my guess is they don´t pay much attention to gameplay matters... Could be wrong, though
December 22, 2003, 18:59
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Hmmm you maybe right. I believe their turn player is still kind of a rookie. Well since we are still pact brothers I feel that it may be better if we tell them than waiting them to discover this themselves. I mean yea they may already be toasted but we are still the honorable Hive aren't we?
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
December 22, 2003, 22:22
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Originally posted by Kody
Another possibility is having another shot at breaking their 2nd encoding scheme. I'm certain they're leaking secret information using that encoding scheme in their newspaper.
This is something I can do.
Send me phrases with likely meanings, and any 'rosetta stones'.
What are all the locations (that we have access to) where the CyCon use such code?
Please send links
December 23, 2003, 01:49
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Enigma you do realize you are digging up skeletons from the past? I do not believe CCs are using this coding system any more. But let me know if you feel strongly like having some code cracking fun. Some of the codes are spreaded in earlier public forum posts, just before Kody joined the team. You could perhaps check the CyCon's newspaper: 3D. If you have problems finding it let me know I'll try dig with you together.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
December 23, 2003, 08:15
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Digital Data Download, eh?
I should speak to Laurentius; he's the one that got me started on this. And as for code cracking fun - why not?
Just point me to the solution of the last code, and give me examples (or rosetta stones) for this code.
December 29, 2003, 18:16
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Message from Captain Hercules:
Hi Comrade Octavian, I sent his to Honghu (acting Ambassador) a few days ago. However I now understand Comrade Voltaire is back as Ambassador.
Please pass on the message.
Also we urgently await the Hive response to our two questions below.
Yours Cap'n Hercules
Hi Comrade Honghu,
Our pirate members are mostly away over the Christmas period. We had
asked our Ambassador Flubber to contact you on two matters. But there is
no indication in our private forum that he has done so.
The two issues on which we need to know your views are obvious.
1 In the game, the AI version of the Glorious Hive, has declared
vendetta on Cycon as a result of our PACT. We are asking you as PACT
partners to maintain that stance. In other words to be at vendetta with
the Cycon.
2 In the voting for Planetary Council because the PUT have voted for the
Drones, our 33 votes can swing things either way. Because of recent
events we wondered how you would assist us if you assist you.
Ambassador Flubber would use flowery language.
PS I have not contacted the Drones on this matter.
Cap'n Hercules
December 29, 2003, 20:15
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We MUST NOT declare war on the CyCon because the stinking Pirates want us to.
December 29, 2003, 20:16
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But we do want the govenor votes.
Say we will, and then don't do it.
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