Events problems in scenario...
I am currently hard at work on my first scenario creation, a fantasy scenario, and I've run into an unfortunate brick-wall:
Whenever I attempt to create an events file for the scenario (either as .txt file, blank, using the manual's instructions, or using the events editor), all future attempts to load the scenario give:
"there was an error in the events text" message, and the scenario ignores the events I've written.
I'm currently using Multiplayer Gold Edition, updated to version 1.3 by the patch on the apolyton site. I have tried to use delevents to "strip the file of embedded events", but this returned a "cannot find events header message".
Unfortunately, for my scenario to be playable, it needs events to cover the fall of certain key cities.
Any and all suggestions/help is greatfully welcomed.
-KhanMan the newbee scenario-designer