September 12, 2003, 00:19
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AUSG101 - Spaceship team DAR 1
This is the DAR (“during action report”) thread for the first turn block of 40 turns (4000bc – 2150bc) for the spaceship victory team. Please post your DAR of the first 40 turns, including thoughts of why you did what you did in the game, along with a screenshot at 2150bc and a savegame at 2150bc. Please name your save with your nickname, team name, and the time (i.e. rhoth-spaceship-2150bc).
Current votes:
Tarquinius: 3
alexman: 2
vmxa1: 1
Total votes cast so far: 6 of 6
Last edited by Rhothaerill; September 18, 2003 at 19:56.
September 12, 2003, 07:36
Local Time: 09:38
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 387
I am first of our team yay
I liked the start a lot! (Thanks Rhoth  ) I built Mecca on the starting spot, and started to build another scout.
Worker starts irrigating a cattle. Start researching Bronze Working at 100% (because it is a decent tech and cheap, so i can get more expensive techs from huts)
3800 BC: Scout ready in Mecca, builds a warrior next
3750 BC: Get warrior code from hut
3600 BC: worker is done irrigating/roading one cattle and goes to the other one. Scout finds warrior in hut.
Warrior done in Mecca, start building a Granary next.
3500 BC: Map from hut. Meeting America. I trade CB and WC for Masonry and 10 gold.
3300 BC: Meet Carthage. I trade WC and pottery for Alpha and 14 gold. I could get more gold if I traded CB with him too, but decided i did not need the gold.
3250 BC: I discover BW, and start working on mathematics with 80% science. Maybe not the best choice but I noticed it was cheaper than normal so I gave it a go
3200 BC: worker starts mining the bonus grass.
3100 BC: Granary finished in Mecca, starts building a settler.
3000 BC: 25 gold from a hut.
2900 BC: Settler ready, got mysticism from a hut.
2800 BC: Warrior built in Mecca, starting another settler.
2750 BC: Masonry + pottery for the Wheel + 10 gold from Japan.
2710 BC: Medina Founded 4 tiles away from Mecca (9,9,9,6), on the food plain next to the deer.
2670 BC: Settler built in Mecca, going south.
Status in 2590 BC (30 turns)
2 cities, and one settler on its way to a city site.
All tier 1 techs + mysticism discovered. Mathematics in 2 more turns. All neighbours two techs behind.
Exploration: I can see most of my continent, only the size of the southern part where Carthage is is unknown.
The enemy civs are quite far off, so my pure builder approach will probably work quite well. I use a loose spacing, with preferably 4 tiles between cities.
Military: I have 4 warriors, with one more to come, and two scouts.
Probably mine will not be chosen, but I do not think I did so badly 
Unfortenately no screenshot, as I do not know how... Once someone tells me how to do it I will make one
Alea iacta est!
September 12, 2003, 12:34
Local Time: 04:38
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Wow, expansion trait isvery strong on this map.
4000 found Mecca, research to Alp, it is just a place holder I would guess. Building warrior. worker to irrigate cow.
Went warrior scout scout scout warrior I think.
I am going to uncover all I can before barbs start whacking scouts or blocking them.
3600 got adv tribe at Medina. I am not sure I have ever had one before.
3550 Mason from hut
3250 trade for Alp I gave a tech and gold
3300 started settler
3250 got a warrior, sent to Medina
3150 Warriro Code
3100 Medina starts worker, got another warriro, traded it looks like Bronze for WC can't read my own writing
2950 Wheel for Alp +10 (note I am not bicker for them, just taking them as they offer them
2900 Start Temple in Mecca
2850 found Damascus near coast an spices
2270 one scout has returned from Japan and found a hut near Mecca and gets Mysticism
2230 found Baghdad to link up with Medina
September 12, 2003, 12:39
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I have no firther notes, so I guess nothing much happened. I did not have a save for 2150, but found that autosave was on and it had one. I usually disable autosave, so it was a break.
Man I had to zio this puppy?
September 12, 2003, 12:39
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Here is a screenie
September 12, 2003, 12:48
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I have not gone around to make any trades. All first level techs learned + Mysticism. Iron Working being researched, sorry the war part of me. I should have gone for Writing to get a bead on Lit. I was thinking that I would get the GL by force, whoops. I did not look real close to see how the capitol is set up to build wonders. I know workers are in order now and I would want to get some more land.
This map was very well set for an expansion race and America may have cut into some of the action.
September 12, 2003, 14:08
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Looks like there is max confusing about the first report cycle, oh well. There is always a few kinks to fix.
September 12, 2003, 18:34
Local Time: 04:38
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Tarquinius nice job, I just got around to reading your report and I noticed the screen part.
Here is one way to do it and it is free.
You can bring it up anytime and start the capture as any key you want. I use Cntrl-F11.
Once it has been captured to the clipboard, you can use the resize option to get it to 800.
Save it some place as a jpg and attach it via the post reply browse button.
September 13, 2003, 07:20
Local Time: 02:38
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Looking at the 4000bc save... Rhothy mentioned a LOTR-themed surprise. Well, I checked the F10 screen (spaceship), and guess what I found?
September 13, 2003, 07:44
Local Time: 09:38
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Posts: 387
Thanks a lot for the screenshot help vmxa, I think I got it now 
I played 10 more turns; not too much happened:
2510 BC: Mathematics discovered, writing is next at 80% sci. Warrior ready in 2nd city, building worker next there.
2470 BC: Damascus founded west from Mecca
2430 BC: Got Horsebackriding from a hut
2230 BC: Temple built in Mecca
In 2150 BC I got 3 cities, and two additional techs over 2590 BC: Horsebackriding and Mathematics.
A temple and a granary are built in mecca.
A warrior settler pair is aiming for two tiles northeast, to block the Americans off. (I think I am aiming for the same site where vmxa has put a city in his game) Usually I don't place cities so far off, but in this start I want all the space I can get to use my granary in Mecca to the fullest.
Alea iacta est!
September 13, 2003, 07:47
Local Time: 09:38
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And a screenie
Alea iacta est!
September 13, 2003, 07:48
Local Time: 09:38
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Now I got the hang of it
Alea iacta est!
September 13, 2003, 15:06
Local Time: 04:38
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I take it the Black Land has something to do wit Lord Of The Rings?
September 13, 2003, 15:21
Local Time: 01:38
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Originally posted by vmxa1
I take it the Black Land has something to do wit Lord Of The Rings?
'Tis the name of Mordor. Many of the regulars for the Intersite Democracy Game have avatars relating to the Lord of the Rings right now.
September 13, 2003, 17:04
Local Time: 04:38
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I actually own the first one on DVD, but was not sure. I can remember if I ever read the books. It is one of those deals where you have been exposed to so much, it is confusing to remember if you heard it or read it. It would have be in the early 60's if I did. I read SF/Fanatasy in the 50's and 60's. A long time ago.
September 15, 2003, 07:28
Local Time: 09:38
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Posts: 387
Hey, our team has more members than two right?
Come on and play your games!
Otherwise there will not be much to choose
Alea iacta est!
September 15, 2003, 07:33
Local Time: 08:38
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How does MS stand by 2590 BC?
Building strategy:
Starting Mecca in 4000 BC (moving it to the hill is not worth it), then a city N on the flood plain. These 2 cities would become Settler pumps.
Then 2 cities E and W; these would become Wonder cities or barracks.
Techs strategy:
On Monarch, we can go for Literature and the GLibrary. Once we got it, we’ll go for Republic at 10%. With the gold, we’ll upgrade some Warriors to Swordsmen.
4000BC: Mecca founded: Scout-Worker-Warrior-Worker-Warrior-Settler-Granary. 1st Scout goes NW along the coast. Our Worker starts roading and irrigating the cow W.
3800BC: 2nd Scout goes E.
3750BC: 1st hut (NW) gives us a Settler! There are furs, fish and whales.
3700BC: Medina is founded along the coast. Worker-Warrior-Warrior-Settler (for the furs).
3600BC: Mecca produces the 1st Warrior. Since there are no barbs threats for now, it will go S. The Worker will road and mine the hill E.
3550BC: contact with Japan. Trade Pottery and Bronze Working for the Wheel and 10 gold. Not the best trade but…
3500BC: 2nd Worker in Mecca, goes N.
3300BC: Mecca 2nd warriors; stays home. Contact with Carthage: traded the Wheel and Ceremonial Burial for Masonry, Alphabet and 20 gold. Japan is broke. Researching Writing in 31 turns.
3250BC: our N scout discovers Mathematics all by himself.
3050BC: contact with America. Traded Ceremonial Burial for 10 gold. Traded Warrior Code for Masonry with Japan and the same for 20 gold with Carthage.
3000BC: our Scout E discovered Mysticism.
2850BC Mecca builds its 1st Settler.
2800BC: Damascus is build. Worker-Warrior-Settler-Granary. Another hut: a Warrior.
2670BC: Medina 2nd Warrior. Builds a Settler.
2590BC: where we stand:
Arabs: 9 techs, 75 gold, Writing in 10 turns, 3 cities (take note that I stopped at 2590BC), 3 Workers, 2 Scouts (to be disbanded), 5 Warriors.
Carthage: 2 cities, 0 gold, -3 techs.
Japan: 2 cities, 0 gold, - 2 techs.
America: 3 cities, -2 techs.
Our future?
After the Granary, Mecca will pump settlers heading N and E, to check the Japan and America, AND S to plug the Carthaginian advance at the isthmus.
Medina will build 2 Settlers: 1 NE for the furs and another SE along the coast. Then it’s Temple and barracks.
Damascus will build a 2nd Warrior, a Temple and go for the Pyramids as a pre-build for the Glibrary.
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
September 15, 2003, 07:35
Local Time: 08:38
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The save:
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
September 15, 2003, 07:36
Local Time: 08:38
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And the screenshot:
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
September 15, 2003, 07:45
Local Time: 09:38
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That is a quick reply to my post
Nice that you got a settler from a hut (it seems like everyone except vmxa and I got a settler  )
You should play 10 more turns though, just like I did, because everyone else played 40 turns.
I got to go now, I wil give more comments on your game later
Alea iacta est!
September 16, 2003, 01:58
Local Time: 04:38
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Ok, here's how it went down for me:
-Settled Mecca on the starting tile, began Alphabet at 100%, and a scout. Set off to work the cattle tiles.
-First hut popped... nada. 
-3600: My southern scout makes contact with the Carthaginians. No good deals at the moment, so I hold off.
-My NW scout pops a hut... Warrior Code!
-With WC in hand, I cut a deal with Carthage: C.B. and W.C. for Alpha. I lose some research time, but I'd rather have the tech sooner.
-3500: NW scout makes contact with Japan
-With Japan, I trade Pottery and Alpha for The Wheel and 10 gold.
-3500: My NE scout finds the Americans!
-With the US, I trade Alpha for Masonry and 30 gold. Suddenly I'm the top of the tech race.
-I settled Medina somewhere around here... forgot to write down the turn 
-Next hut pops a warrior.
-Next hut pops 25 gold.
-3200: Stupid barbs defeat my garrison at Medina, trashing my settler build. Dang.
-Mecca has a granary, and is pumping out settlers. One departs and is in position to settle my next city, SW of Mecca.
2150 Summary: 2 cities, with 1 settler ready to settle. Researching Writing at 100%, and Carthage has Myst., which can be traded for soon enough. Military forces are 2 warriors, 3 scouts, with another warrior on the way. Military is light right now, but that can easily be fixed. Entire continent is more or less explored, save for some Japanese territory.
September 16, 2003, 02:01
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The picture...
September 16, 2003, 02:02
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Oh, right: I also researched BW and IW in there, as well
September 16, 2003, 06:39
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I will play another 10 turns and post my saves+DAR tomorrow (Wed.)
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
September 16, 2003, 10:06
Local Time: 09:38
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Posts: 387
Zargon: Ouch that hurts, a barbarian attacking and pillaging your settler work  . You would have been on par with me if that had not you are slightly behind. Well, better luck next round
Mountain Sage: I will comment on your game, although there are 10 more turns to come. I like your game a lot 
Between Medina and Mecca there is a lot of room for expanding
Next city will be next to the game I assume? (on the place where I put my 2nd city or somewhere close that site)
Alea iacta est!
September 16, 2003, 10:24
Local Time: 08:38
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I don't have played it yet, but the next city (maybe I will even sacrifice the granary for it) will be north of Mecca. This is why I planned the road (the worker will immediately start on a mine). I want to bottle up Japan, then fill up west and grab the furs and the horses. Afterwards, I'll go S to bottle up the Carthaginians at the isthmus and E to grab the iron.
Well, that's the plan. For us Europeans, I will post it by tomorrow midday.
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
September 16, 2003, 10:25
Local Time: 08:38
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double post. sorry.
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
September 16, 2003, 13:26
Local Time: 04:38
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Looks like I should have posted a tally to make it easier to see the status.
(techs we have and they do not)
USA 3 cities 10 gold (Alp and Myst)
Japan 2 cities 20 gold (Mason Pottery Myst)
Carth 2 cities 120 gold (CB)
Damascus size 1, grow in 3, temple in 8 has spear and warrior, spices hooked up, worker roading and a scout coming to be disbanded. I am looking here to get the culture border to cut off Carth from the mainland. Yes they have a warrior scouting, but no more will be allowed and no settlers.
Medina size 3, grow in 8, spear in 9 has 2 warriors. Scout coming to be disbanded. Working mining, has a temple. Need to connect to capitol. I wanted to get the mine in before US gets huffy.
Baghdad size 1, growin 8, spear in 8 has warrior. Scout returning.
Mecca size 3, grow in 5, spear in 3 has 2 warriors. Has barracks and temple 158 gold.
September 16, 2003, 17:08
Local Time: 09:38
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Posts: 387
Originally posted by Mountain Sage
I don't have played it yet, but the next city (maybe I will even sacrifice the granary for it) will be north of Mecca. This is why I planned the road (the worker will immediately start on a mine). I want to bottle up Japan, then fill up west and grab the furs and the horses. Afterwards, I'll go S to bottle up the Carthaginians at the isthmus and E to grab the iron.
Well, that's the plan. For us Europeans, I will post it by tomorrow midday.
Ah yes, that is a very good plan as well. I'd have to see the final result of your game of course but I think your game makes a good chance to become our next starting points play it well
But it is too bad only 4 players played the game, with six there is more to choose  So please join us, missing players!
One last question MountainSage: do you live in Switzerland, or did you just have the flag for fun? Because your timezone is GMT, and you should be in my zone (GMT+1). I am just curious
Alea iacta est!
September 16, 2003, 17:21
Local Time: 02:38
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Defcon5's Arabia at 2150bc:
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