Essentially, the goals of the Foreign Ministry have not changed since the last poll. But I am polling anyway, to clarify a few things...
We still desire diplomats with all other civs, though it seems likely we will first get one with the Zulus, in all likelihood we will have one with the Germans very soon as well. The Russians may take longer, depending on how soon we actually run into them (though we have an approxiamate (okay,

I know that one is wrong too Ben Kenobi, but I am going to leave it as is

) idea.
So, if we use diplomats first and foremost to establish embassies, (and if the fickle populace now thinks that is a bad idea....please state it below, I am going by the last poll and will not change it unless enough of you tell me that we know longer desire embassies), but what else would we like our diplomats to do?
As you can see, we have 8 currently, and four more in production. Of the 8...One is in Atomants Hell, one is just outside Buffalo, one is near Delhi (an American City), three of them are outside of Rack and Ruin, and the remaining two (pictured below, though not sure how legible the insert will be

my apologies) are near the Greek Cities of Delphi and Agros respectively.
The last diplomat that passed a Greek unit is no more, and though we intend to avenge it, I must ask if the citizens think it is wise to leave Diplomats in the Greek territory. The arrows I have indicated above are the directions I think we should head, with the one heading north finding the Eastern edges of the Great Lake. The one heading south I hope will avoid Greek units for as long as possible, though it might be wise to propose peace if we stand outside a city with a diplomat, both in hopes of saving the diplomat, and of having the Greeks stop attacking us for a time being.
The last question relates to the Americans. If the Americans are successful in researching Steam Engine (which is obviously on the path to Railroad

) should we attempt to steal it right away, slowing our progress to Fundamentalism, or do we wait until we are in Fundamentalism, or do we wait and see if the Americans research Railroad next, and perhaps steal that instead of Steam Engine.
/me , Foreign Minister hoping that if the absent Hydey returns, that he will not think this a "stupid waste of time poll"