February 25, 2001, 18:38
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Here is the history of my reign, from 1360 to 1520 AD.
1360 - Our diplomat (inadvertantly) discovered a barbarian camp near the city of Gloucester. From the outside it looked like just another empty hut.
1400 - Diplomat steals Leadership from Kazan
1440 - Chemistry discovered, working on Explosives.
1500 - Barbarians near Gloucester have been put down with no loss of life or population reduction.
1520 - The reign of King John-SJ ends.
The Gems caravan heading toward Reading is still engaged in it's monumental task and we are on the verge of discovering Explosives. All in all, it's been a relatively peaceful reign.
Kabul and Kazan have had techs stolen from them.
Save game sent to kcbob.
[This message has been edited by John-SJ (edited February 25, 2001).]
February 25, 2001, 18:45
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Game received.
Frodo lives!
February 25, 2001, 19:54
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In the year 1530, kcbob the Dimwitted came to power in the land of Head Start. While his reign began inauspiciously with Explosives being discovered, Metallurgy chosen as the next research topic, and advanced tribes of Cremona and Cannae being found, in his 40th year he lost complete control of his mental capacities.
Convincing himself that Crusaders were the wave of the future (but in reality dreaming of an impossible dream, a great chapel by the artist Michaelangelo), kcbob chose Monotheism as the next research topic. The people were dumbfounded. Why waste such an important decision without the benefit of using a lifeline??? Then again, what the heck is a lifeline in 1570 AD?
In an effort to redeem himself to the good graces of the people, kcbob spent the next 40 years preparing a great caravan. A super caravan. The mother of all caravans. And so it was that in 1600, the caravel laden with three caravan, three caravan desired by the kingdoms of the east, set sail. Whether it reaches its ultimate destination only time will tell.
And in one last giant leap for mankind (and one small leap for kcbob), the cities of Capua and New Kansas City were founded. Perfect in location, rich with natural resources, these towns will forever be a legacy to the reign of kcbob.
They’d better be for in 1610, just 10 short years before his exit in disgrace, in the same year in which the folly of Monotheism was discovered and Physics chosen for the future… the Mongols attacked. Curse all Mongols!
Game sent to Julius.
Frodo lives!
February 26, 2001, 05:16
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Kcbob, "Dimwitted" is sure to be an exageration, but I haven't received the game yet.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 26, 2001, 09:44
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 02-26-2001 04:16 AM
Kcbob, "Dimwitted" is sure to be an exageration, but I haven't received the game yet.
Hmmmm?? I'll check when I get home tonite. Normally I send myself a copy at work just in case this very thing happens. Of course, I didn't do that the first time I need to.
My bad! Fat finger placed an extra letter in your email address, Julius. Sorry. I'll get it out when I get home.
Frodo lives!
[This message has been edited by kcbob (edited February 26, 2001).]
February 26, 2001, 21:23
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Game resent to Julius.
Frodo lives!
February 27, 2001, 07:16
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Originally posted by kcbob on 02-26-2001 08:23 PM
Game resent to Julius.
Game received, this time. I’ll try to play it tomorrow morning.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 2, 2001, 08:02
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At last! Come on the Mongols!!!
(Hey. Never thought I'd hear myself saying that.)
March 10, 2001, 15:20
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Julius - how are you getting along with Mrs. T.? 
March 10, 2001, 16:40
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 03-10-2001 02:20 PM
Julius - how are you getting along with Mrs. T.? 
I haven’t forgotten the game. I’m gonna play it tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
But between the Lightning, the Invasion Earth, the OCC and this Headstart, well … I’m just lucky not to have received the Gigampap this week !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 10, 2001, 20:26
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I know the feeling - nothing for days - then an avalanche!
March 11, 2001, 09:47
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Arggh !
I played the OCC yesterday and the Invasion Earth this morning. But now I got the lightning one. Some more patience please. If you want to skip me, I would perfectly understand !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 17, 2001, 16:02
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1630 Boy this game looks strange. 1640 AD, we discover physics, steam engine next. Many technologies look different without Wonders. 1650 Mongols lose frigate, we lose an explorer. We buy some barbarian partisans. 1660 Sorry I now understand Mongols don’t attack caravans ! So they head again in the direction(s) of Mongolia. BTW, where are the other civs ? 1690 AD we discover Steam Engine. 1710 AD we capture Barbarians leader. Nothing ever happens ! 1740 Barbarians land near Dover. We discover Railroad. 1750 AD Bad news : something has happened : a Mongol spy has bribed Reading ! Advanced Tribe of Genoa. 1752 AD : more good news, the Mongols are a Democracy, we can’t bribe back Reading. We steal Communism, though. 1754 we revolt and are now Communists. Maggie’s going to love that one ! 1758 AD, we discover Industrialization. Looks like a good time for a true Tory to resign …
March 17, 2001, 16:04
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Game sent to Dave V. There was finally some action …
Sorry for the time I took to play those poor 15 turns.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 19, 2001, 08:50
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Game received, currently second in the queue behind the lightning game.
March 25, 2001, 01:20
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Game sent to SG2. High(and low)lights of my reign:
1758: rearrange tax sliders (from 2.3.5 to 2.0.8) and workers. Sell some improvements which are at break-even or less.
Income: from 93/81 to 79/70; Science: from 233 (5 turns) to 366 (3 turns). Establish Gold Mountain.
1760: Mongols bribe Berwick  . Mongol ironclad sighted near Capua.
1762: Sleaze 1-3 founded. Mongols drop off some unknown units near Capua.
1764: We discover Democracy, Espionage next. Sleaze 4 founded.
1766: Sleaze 5-8 founded.
1768: Russian cavalry located at (30,70). Sleaze 9,10 founded. Mongol ironclad kills engineers near Stanraer.
1770: Espionage discovered, Conscription next. Science throttled waaay back to 8.1.1 (time to put those spies to work). Our ironclad sinks a Mongol galleon near Stanraer.
1772: Sleaze 11 founded.
1774: Sleaze 12 founded.
1776: Sleaze 13 founded.
1778: Sleaze 14 founded. Mongol ironclad dies attacking Sleaze 8. Defending musketeer promoted!
1780: Sleaze 15 founded.
1782: Sleaze 16-19 founded. Embassy with Mongols at Reading. They're researching Machine Tools, but have inexplicably gone Fundy! They discover Machine Tools anyway  , Guerrilla Warfare is next. Mongol destroyer kills defending musketeer at Sleaze 5.
1784: Sleaze 20-22 founded. Mongol destroyer kills partisans in Sleaze 5. Tacitus reports: we are 7th wealthiest, Mongols are 2nd at 5640. Ouch! Mongol cavalry kills 11 spies. Triple ouch!
1786: We steal Tactics, Amphibious Warfare, Magnetism. Sleaze 23 founded. We wreak revenge on the Mongol cavalry.
March 27, 2001, 12:16
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1788 -  On assuming office in some succession games it is sometimes hard to follow the thinking of your predecessor. Not so this time! Comrade DaveVeeski had begun a huge railroad (dwarfing even the Trans-Siberian) heading for Reading.
During the last hours of 1788 the Presidium Strategic Planning Committee agreed the following:
a) To continue railway building and improving infrastructure.
b) The maintenance of high tax rates at the expense of science. Advances should be stolen.
c) DaveVeeski had noted in his diary that a Russian Cavalry unit had been spotted to the north. It was decided to investiagte this continent beyond Bristol.
Taxes 60; Science 0%(token scientist on the payroll at Finchley for caravans) Lux 40% to prime some celebrating.
1790 - Lux rate reduced to 30%
Mongol Ironclad kills Musketeer at Sleaze 5. Barracks built at Richmond/MarketPlace built at Gold Mountain our new financial capital.
1792 - Mongol destroyers kill caravel and a spy in Sleaze 5 - which has now built a Coastal Fortress.
Land Ahead! The wandering caravel with 3 caravans has just found the French City of Rouen Coal (demanded) 600g. Thank you who ever sent these beasts to sea! The French may not be too advanced as a knight is parked outside Rouen.
Conscription, Electricity, Steel stolen from Reading. Spy bribes back Reading for 908g (98g plundered) take Fundamentalism
Guerrilla Warfare stolen from Berwick bribed back for 512g (56g plundered) took Machine Tools The Mongols (at present) have no techs we require - Comrade Dave, the railroad paid dividends! Now to build a railway to link up the isolated cities around Sleaze 5.
Advanced Tribe (Dingle) (4 city with Temple) found on Continent 2, to the north of Bristol.
1794 - Mongol Cruiser kills Musketeer (despite Coastal Fortress) in Sleaze 5. Mongol Destroyer kills Musk in Sleaze 20. Now researching Economics. Gold to Finchley (demanded 226g) Copper to Rouen (demanded) 472g & Gems 307g  Time for Fundy
1796 - REVOLUTION Mongol Navy hands out more punishment to the coastal cities. They have just developed Economics - which we have just stolen. New Grantham founded on that rivered 2xSilk/Gems/Peat spot  Hut Barbs/Hut Advanced Tribe - Litherland.
1798 - Hut/100g; Paris located at 147:99
1800 - The Corporation; Our Navy fights back and sinks 1 Cruiser/1 Destroyer.
1802 - The Mongols develop Theory of Gravity!! They're doing well for an advance every 3 turns in Fundy. Coastal Fortresses begin to take their toll on the Mongol Navy.  Hut 50g
Theory of Gravity stolen from Mongols. F8 reveals Finchley is the 3rd Top City, behind two Aztec ones of 25 and 29. Moscow and Tenoctitlan both demand Oil - sounds like they have reached Automobile
1804 - Mongol Navy is suffering losses  Vet spies sabotage when adjacent to coast.
The Dreaded Message Too Many Cities  The Mongols have 41; We have 58, so that leaves 156 amongst the other 5 civs - averaging about 31 each.
1806 - Hut/100g - Mongol Navy is sinking
1808 - Mongols develop Atomic Theory; Hut/Barbs (on Continent 2 to the north) bribing shows them to be NON units.
1810 - Russian Spy spotted at 29/79(2); Hut/200g  French sunk the exploring caravel with a destroyer.
1812 - Refining > Combustion; The railway is completed to the isolated Sleaze 18 area.
One or two cities are scheduled for disbanding.
1814 - Mongols develop The Corporation.
Atomic Theory stolen from Mongols. Moscow found! (size 2?)
Embassy, now the Bad News
They own 54 cities, so THAT Moscow is their second one They are 10 techs ahead, Advanced Flight, Automobile, Combined Arms, Combustion, Electronics, Flight, Miniaturization, Mobile Warfare, Rocketry & Radio
Automobile taken as Little Moscow bribed for 630g; hut/100g;
Looks like the Mongol heartland is south of Sleaze 5.
1816 - oops Little Moscow now surrounded by the White Army  Sleaze 4 disbanded/Russian View  founded from Advanced Tribe (after I had lined up another city site - that is the road going nowhere with a fort at the end of it  ) Oil Freight from Cambridge to Finchley 581g
1818 - Combustion > Mobile Warfare. Russians liberate Little Moscow
Mobile Warfare stolen from Little Moscow
Electronics taken as Little Moscow bribed back for 170g
Game sent to John with copies to all.
[This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited March 27, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited March 27, 2001).]
March 27, 2001, 12:36
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Mobile Warfare and you guys are defending with Musketeers!
It's gonna be a bloodbath.
Go Mongols Go!!!!
March 28, 2001, 01:14
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Originally posted by East Street Trader on 03-27-2001 11:36 AM
It's gonna be a bloodbath.
Go Mongols Go!!!!
LoL @ EST It is a ****ing bloodbath - The Mongols can go or stay - they are not a major problem. The unknown Aztecs with their vast cities could be near to spaceship technology; that is a problem!
March 28, 2001, 17:09
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Oops, due to a changing in priorities I find that I will not be able to devote enough time to Civing to get this turn out within the next few (several?) days. Since SG(2) has forwarded the turn to everyone, I would be most appreciative if kcbob could step in and play in my place. Thanks all,
March 29, 2001, 14:35
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I'll give it a go tonight.
Frodo lives!
April 6, 2001, 15:47
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Well, you probably all know this, but maybe it is good to think about it. Don’t worry it’s a good news. It seems to me that the AI never starts building Apollo before the human tribe has discovered space flight. We could use that to our advantage wait til we got many spies to steal many techs at once, and then if we got the cash, go for it and lauch in one turn … and win … If I am correct, the Aztecs will kindly wait for us. All it requires is coordination and surviving ...
April 6, 2001, 16:29
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I have received the game. I’m going to play it this week-end. Kcbob could you post your log ?
April 8, 2001, 16:59
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1840-1842 ad, we quietly fight the Mongols and engage on a bold trade project with the french. In 1844 ad we are struck by a terrible message. Aztecs have started building Apollo. What can we do about it ? we don’t even know where they are. We capture the city of Khanbalyk in a last futile attemps of glory. Then High Priest Julius, having lost faith and seeing no way to win agains the Aztecs commits suicide, saying “How Lord how come you have abandoned us”. May a true God of the game step up and help us in 1846.
April 8, 2001, 17:00
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Dave V, it’s all yours now. The task look impossible. They will launch before we even find them, and I don’t see no way to gain the technologies easily and building faster. Maybe we can steal from the Russians, but it’s a long shot : they’ve got fighters to kill our spies and the railroad is building too slowly.
April 8, 2001, 17:02
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 04-06-2001 03:47 PM
It seems to me that the AI never starts building Apollo before the human tribe has discovered space flight
Hmmmmm .... Who said that ? was it really me ?
April 9, 2001, 18:25
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File received. I'll play as many turns as I can and pass it on.
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited April 09, 2001).]
April 11, 2001, 14:35
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After three loooong turns (about 5 hours!), things are looking up. Apollo is still unbuilt, and the Russians have generously shared some of their tech with our spies  . Soon, they will share some of their cities . I am headed out on vacation, and can't play for a week, so I pass the game to SG(2). My log:
Scene: the Tory war room.
Intelligence officer: The situation is dire, your eminence. The infidels have outstripped us in technology, and now threaten to launch a spaceship that will render futile any further Tory accomplishments.
Military officer: Our chief enemies are far away, you eminence. The Russians lie two continents away, far beyond the reach of our railroads, and the Aztecs lie at at an unknown distance in an unknown direction.
Foreign officer: Your eminence, our power is Moderate and our reputation is Atrocious.
They are all speaking to a robed figure whose face is hidden in the shadows of his cowl. He finally speaks: If our enemies lie beyond the reach of our railroads, then more engineers must be built and our railroads extended! If our enemies have knowledge we lack, that knowledge must be acquired for our empire! Let our unused libraries and universities be razed, and their structure used to build up our military. The infidels' lands shall be taken from them, and added to our empire. When the satellites are launched, we must be ready to take advantage of the intelligence we will gain from them. Back to work! This war is not over yet. Our opponents are many and strong, but lacking in knowledge and subtlety.
1848: The Tories discover Advanced Flight, decide to research Combined Arms next. Our excellent veteran spy brings down the walls in Capua on her first try. Capua is subsequently stormed by Tory armor and captured. Same story for Tabriz, Karakorum (II). Mongols develop Mobile Warfare, Russians develop The Laser, Space Flight next.
1850: Sabotage walls, capture Crete. Spies ride Mongol railroad and scope out the rear areas. Two Russian armor bribed for 1850 each (!), each kills an accompanying armor. Russians capture Brest, acquire Theology.
1851: Trans-Siberian railway completed to Minsk . We steal: Combined Arms , Computers, Robotics . Minsk bribed for the bargain price of 380 gold, Nuclear Power taken . Three caravans sent to inner Mongolia, for a very disappointing payback of a few hundred gold. Not worth the two armors needed to clear a path .
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited April 11, 2001).]
May 14, 2001, 05:54
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Well, we are damn lucky that the Aztecs are waiting for us before they launch. N'est-ce pas, SG(2) ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
May 14, 2001, 19:10
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Yes - I'm on the case!
Sorry for the delay - but this thing called "work" really interrupts the important things like playing Civ2.
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