Not really so much on Ice Realm, but seeing it was raised, my scoring on Time Threat Paradox was a tough one, and I did try to explain why it got the score it did ( ). I think if it was put together by someone outside the professional gaming industry (i.e. one of us) it would have scored close to full marks.
For me, scoring on the S. League has always been a 'curly' matter, and I'm sure each judge has his or her own system. In a nutshell, I've broken my scoring down to four rough grades, although take into account the relative merits of the scenario in the three categories;
Less than 15 - requires work, serious problems somewhere.
15 to 19.5 - fine but lacking. Needs more thought/development and probably some technical matters to address.
20 to 24.5 - very good but still some matters that need addressing. Usually strong in one area (e.g. great artwork, great balance, engaging plot) but let down elsewhere. A scenario I'd come back to from time-to-time.
25 and above - excellent. One of my personal favourites. A game I am pleased to play over several times.
To date, Blackclove's Toussaint at has been my highest score at 27.
Sorry about the diversion.... back to chatting about Ice Realm....!