May 5, 2000, 17:47
Local Time: 05:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 831
playing with more than 7 civs
At the moment, you can only play Civ2 with 7 players and the barbarians. This is hard
coded into the game but maybe one day will be changed by a scenario creator. Well, I
found the next best thing to adding more civs into the game. In a normal game of Civ2,
a player that is eliminated is replaced by another tribe. Normally you can't pick the
tribe who replaces the destroyed Civ. With some searching into the rules.txt, you can
pick the next player.
Picking your next Tribe.
In Civ2 theres 7 colors for the tribes. Blue, Purple, Green ect. Each color has three
tribes assigned to it. If you take a look at your normal Rule.txt the tribes look like this.
White Color = Romans
Green Color = Babylonians
Blue Color = Germans
= French
= Vikings
At the bottom of the Rules.txt, it tells you how there in order. The first number (0)
represents the leader as Male (0) or Female (1). As there all o, all three players are
male. The second number is the color number. Romans are color 1 (white),
Babylonians color 2 (Green) and Germans color 3 (blue). If you follow the list down
you notice the colors go to 7 and restarts at color 1 again with the Russian tribe.
0, 1, 1, Romans, Roman,
0, 2, 0, Babylonians, Babylonian,
0, 3, 3, Germans, German,
You can pick your next tribe by renaming the tribes in the color set. If I want the next
tribe to be the Russians, I will kill off the Romans, who are the first tribe in color 1
(white). A new settler is created by the game for the Russians. It will be color 1 (white).
But the game chooses randomly the next tribe in that color set. It could be either
Russians or Celts. To make sure the next tribe you want is the Russians, rename the
Celts to Russians. The game can't tell the difference between the names. As long as
everything is the same, Russians will be the next tribe to join your game.
Ok, so you can change the name of the tribe but what about choosing the location of
that new settler unit?
Well, at the moment you can't place the location of that settler unit. This is done
randomly by the game. But you can place new units and techs using a new events file.
Because alot of new scenarios are focused on using multiply events (Redfront,
Spartacus), the death of a Civ can be a goal in the game. Say the you want to create a
Persian empire scenario. There could be 7 civs. Persia, Medes, Babylon, Libara, Egypt,
India, Greece and a Barbarian Cartharage empire. You can have goals for the Persians.
Defeat and unite first with the Medes. Once the Medes are destroyed by Cyprus of
Persia, use a new events file to create new units for another civ, say Macedon. As
long as the new events file says Macedon as the new owner of the units, there won't
be any errors in the events file or the game.
What about the settler units being randomly placed by the computer. Won't they
create cities you dont want?
Theres two ways to fix this problem. Make the settler unit available for no civs. the
unit has a strong defence ability, and obsolete when the new civ is given a tech
through events. When you load the new events file, create engineers for that new civ
and give it the tech to make the settler obsolete. The computer should disband the
settler units. But this has many problems. The biggest is the computer doesn't always
disband that unit.
The second way to fix this problem is to create a isolated city controlled by
barbarians. Give the city the Da Vinci's Workshop wonder and using events, create
units for the new civ around that barbarian city. Once the city is retaken, give the new
civ a tech to make the settler unit upgraded to a air plane with fuel of 1 turn. It will die
after the first turn. Also, when the barbarian city is captured, you can create units to
attack certain cities you want them to have. Once those cities are taken, you can
create barbarians to retake that barbarian city back with Da Vinci's workshop. And
after , you can do this again for another civ.
How many civs can now be played?
Well, depending on how long you wan't to have the scenario to be, you can have up
to 19 tribes. But 19 tribes means 19 event files. Too much I would say.
To limit how many tribes will be in a scenario, you can kill off certain civs in the
beginning in the game. Its as easy as that. I'll have abit more of this later and a demo
to show you how its done.
May 5, 2000, 19:24
Local Time: 05:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Scenario League
Posts: 1,350
Uh, I don't mean to bust your bubble.
This is old news...
Another thing.
Even though you can pick the civ you can't choose where it will start. The scenario resets all start locations on the map so a civ such as Vermont could pop up in California. The only type of game this is good for is a fantasy scenario.
May 6, 2000, 05:04
Local Time: 06:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Some cold place
Posts: 2,336
I have to agree with WarVoid.
BUT: Have you ever tried this:
7 civilizations.
Conquer the capital of the largest civ so a civil war errupts?
I've heard messages about Zulus and Japanese active at the same time and so on...
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May 6, 2000, 05:53
Local Time: 06:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of London
Posts: 375
Hang on a sec...
When a civ is destroyed and another created, it does so by creating a settler(s) ie whatever is in slot 1.
Edit the unit in slot 1 so that it is a 1 move 0 range with NO settling abilities.
The game engine will create this unit but won't be able to do anything with it, leaving you free to event create real settlers wherever you please. How about it?
May 7, 2000, 23:13
Local Time: 05:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 831
Old news? Oh well. Anyways, its good for fantasy and ancient scnearios. A historical point of view. Rise of ancient world. With so many people representing the ancient world, the use of new tribes can give a better experience to the player. Rise of Rome, Persia, Cartherage or Greece all in one scenario.
WarVoid, with the locations I think I might be able to fix that. Using the same name with a color set. German, German, German for blue color set. I've been using the events to destroy the German tribe and create a new settler unit for new German tribe. Hasn't work yet, but still trying different event styles. Who knows...
Stefan, With the capital issue. I've never seen it done. I've had two Roman players with the white color. To do this, I hexedit a new game. It was wierd, two Romes, Caesars and so forth. System didn't crash either.
Miner, I've done it many a times. Only problem is the game engine doesn't reconize the unit as a settler unit and kills the civ instantly.
later for now...
May 8, 2000, 08:10
Local Time: 06:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Some cold place
Posts: 2,336
My update of "Quest for Asia 2: The Persian Empire" has following civilizations:
Lydians, Greek Allies
Africans (Carthage&Egypt)
For the Africans, I have two city styled: Without walls and with walls. Egyptians have the version without walls making them look like Egyptian cities, Carthaginians vice versa.
When Egypt is taken, all Egyptian units are transformed into Carthaginian ones. Same goes for Lydia and Greece.
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