April 7, 2000, 00:59
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Xin Yu's Strategy for Red Front 1.4 -- welcome comments
Xin Yu's Red Front 1.4 Strategy
I. Introduction
The strategy is splitted into two parts: 'Tactics' and 'Tricks'. Tactics do not abuse the loopholes of the scenario; tricks do.
The tactics and tricks worked fine during the period from summer 1941 to winter 1942-43. The author had never played the scenario beyond that. New, stronger units would be available in later periods, especially for the German side.
II. Tactics
II.1 Research
II.1.1 Research Path
At the beginning you are given 1200 science bulbs towards your research of 'Propellants' (the tech for Katyusha). Your next tech target should be 'Mobile Warfare II' (the tech for KV-1 tank). The KV-1 tank is the strongest defense unit and can be moved to the front prettry fast (a/d/m/h/f=10/9/3/3/2). Your front relies on it to hold out!
Afterwards, there are two choices.
The first choice is to go for the research path. Go for 'advanced research', then 'military research', and build the tankograd wonder (SETI). It will expedise your future research.
If you really want to piss the German as early as possible, you can go for the second choice: go for 'advanced flight II', then 'advanced flight III' (the tech for IL-2 Shturmovik). The IL-2 Shturmovik plane is the strongest attack unit (a/d/m/h/f=12/6/14/3/3), however it can only be used during summer time (That is, only one turn in 1941). In the winter season its attack factor is zero.
II.1.2 Research tactic
At the beginning, set science to 80%, tax to 10%, luxury to 10%.
For all cities (except the 3 Caucasus cities with a lot of 'oil fields' terrians), change ALL of your available citizens to scientists. Here "available" stands for that your cities will not go to farmine or have to disband units the next turn. It is OK to have food deficit as far as you have at least one food reserve left in your food box.
For the 3 Caucasus cities, do not hire scientists (they provide more science if working on oilfield). Rush build universities, build roads on oil fields, and have the cities celebrate 'We Love the Comrade Day'. Later build airbases for more trade bonus.
You'll have 3000+ science output, enough for a tech per turn (a tech research needs 2700+ sciences). Since you have 1200 science already available at the beginning, you can set back the science for a turn and still get 4 techs in the first 4 turns. Of course you cannot do it forever, so in October you need to put the citizens back to work and prepare for the winter. Fortunately by then your convoy will soon arrive to give you trade bonus and there's no immediate need for more tech advances.
II.1.3 Summary of Research
In June-September 1941, maximize your science rate. Sell city improvements to support your economy.
By August 1941 you should have researched 'Mobile Warfare II' and start rush-building KV-1 tanks to hold the front line. By October 1941 you should have two more techs that either allows you to build the 'tankograd' (SETI wonder), or IL-2 shturmovik planes.
In October 1941 and later, slow down the science and prepare for the winter. You need to have enough food, and also enough units for the winter counter-attack. During this period, use convoys to give instant trade bonus for money and research.
II.2 Terrian
Oil fields: They provide huge trade. Build road on them to maximize the benefit.
Plains: Good shield productivity after being mined (industry).
Grassland: Gives good food support after building farmland for a city with 'Kollective farm'.
Minefield: Provides the highest moving cost and worst defense. Do not have units wait next to them because the AI may use bombers to attack you and at the same time protect the units on the minefields. Use high-moving units to move and attack then retreat. Laber brigades can change grassland, plains, and tundra into mindfields. Laber brigades can also change minefields into grasslands, so the minefield can serve as a media for transforming plains into grassland.
Marsh: Same as Minefield, but it is natural so cannot be transformed. There are several places on the map can be used to trap the German and slaughter them. For example, the minefields west to Moscow, the marshes southwest of Leningrad, and the marsh/minefields north to Sevastopol.
Mountain, Refinery, Kollective, Sawmills, Izba: Highest defense bonus. Occupy these places to delay the enemy advance.
II.3 Transportation
During summer time, roads gives 1/3 moving costs, plain/grass 1, forrest/spruce 3, marshes/mountains 6, minefield 8. During winter time, roads gives 1, plain/grass 2, marshes 3, forrest 4, spruce 6, mountains/minefields 8.
There is no railroads to use (except some suburb squares next to large cities), but your freighters (transports) moves pretty fast: summer 9, winter 6, and if you build the convoy system wonder, add 2 to movements. You should set up a transport system to instantly move your units to the front using the rivers.
Airlifting is also very important, especially when you try to move a unit from eastern cities to the front.
II.4 Unit
II.4.1 Attack units
IL-2 shturmovik: a/d/m/h/f=12/6/14/3/3 (Summer). Strongest attacking unit during Summer time unless the enemy has x2 vs air flag. Can be used as patrol unit during winter.
Katyusha Rockets: a/d/m/h/f=12/2/4/2/3 (Summer), 12/2/5/2/3 (Winter). Ignore city walls. Take out or severely damage most emeny units.
T34/85 tank: Same attack as Katyusha, stronger defense, much higher moving points. take out enemy units in the open. Not useful if attack cities.
Partisans: Ignore city walls. Terrific unit to take out 0-attack units like the hedgedogs, the panton bridge, and the AA battery. Partisans is the only unit which gets the bonus when attacking 0-attack units. One partisan can kill one hedgedogs, five partisans can kill a panton bridge.
Cruiser: High attack factor and HP. Coastal bombardment using veteran cruisers is devastating against most enemy land units. Put them in the rivers and inside cities to pick up enemies on the road, or use them to do coastal bombardment to occupy enemy cities. Especially useful against 'superunits' like the Karl 60mm Motar (one cruiser can kill a Karl on marshes/minefields, two can kill a Karl on grass/plains).
II.4.2 Defense units
Fortified position/fortified artillary: Enemy units won't attack them due to their high defense values. Only the Stuka jet planes may try but they always lose.
KV-1 heavy tank: defense=9. With hp=2 and fp=3, it is the strongest defense unit in early days against land attack.
AA Battery: defense double (actually X3) against air raid. Paired with KV-1 will make your cities inpregnable.
II.4.3 Settling units
Refugees will become laborors in Winter 1941. Build as many as you can during Summer 1941 since your population does not drop when building refugees and they are so cheap! Labor brigades can transform terrians and work faster than the laborors.
II.5 Support
You have 6 support-free unit per city, so your shield support should not be a problem. Food, however, will become a problem during winters since you have so many laborors (former refugees) to support. Build cities using the laborors and disband them by building labor brigades (NONE and works faster). Since the moving cost of winter is larger, it is better for you to build roads all over the places before winter using your existing labor brigades. Put 3 labor brigades in a group, and they can give you 3 roaded plains/grasslands each turn as you move towards Southeast.
II.6 Happiness
In July 1941 most likely you will lose a happy wonder in Minsk. This should now cost revolt in your cities since most of your citizens are scientists. Just be careful when you put them back to work. In Winter 1941 you are going to build new cities. You can have them up to size 7 without having happiness problems (using 3 red army units for martial law).
The 3 Caucasus cities can easily celebrate 'WLTKD' with 10% luxury rate due to their high trade.
II.7 Other
II.7.1 What to sell in a city which is about to lost
Airbase, coastal fortress, and then the most expensive one. Selling airbases is crucial since you don't want German stukas recover in one turn and kill a dozen of you infantries the next turn. Selling the coastal fortress will give you an opportunity to retake the city from the sea/river.
II.7.2 What to be built in new cities
You need Kollective farm and all shield production improvements. You need barracks. Maybe you also need airbase to airlift units or produce vet airplanes. You don't need big cities. Size 7 cities won't have happiness problems and with 5 industrialized plains and 3 farmlanded grasslands (one of them is the city square) you should be able to produce most units in one turn. You can also build size one cities (both city square and working square are industrialized plains) to provide red armies for martial laws. Also you can disband the red armies to add to the production of other cities so that you can build 100-shield units in one turn as well.
II.7.3 Where to hold the line
Any city where you can get 5 AA batteries and 15 other units in July 1941 will have a chance to hold out. Concentrate your forces to the city and give up the others. Your KV-1's will be availabe in September, and the German can only go that far in two months.
On the North when facing the Fins you can put your units on good defense positions to gain advantage.
III Tricks
III.1 Changing host cities of 0-movement units
Use your labor brigades to build cities on top of fortified positions and fortified artillaries. Then change the host cities for those units and fortify them. The units won't be disbanded when their former home cities were lost.
III.2 Moving 0-movement units
If the fortified positions or fortified artillaries are on river banks, you can build cities on top if them then use freighters to ferry them to other cities. Most german units won't attack those units, and those who dare to try (stuka, for example) always lose. You can hold the Southern fron and the Northern front this way and concentrate your force in the central front.
III.3 Attack Finland
Finland will become tough in Winter 1941. However you can wipe it out during Summer 1941 when it is still weak. Use 4 vet cruisers to bombard Hersinki, then land 8 T34/76 tanks or Katyushas to finish the job. It takes 2-3 turns to finish the Finland.
III.4 Attack Romania (Prefer during Winter time)
Romania is one of the two most important area (the other is the Caucasus). If you can occupy Romania you will be able to airlift convoys from the Caucasus to there and get huge trade bonus.
Attacking Romania should start in Winter 1941 since during the Summer German can use air superiority to counter-attack. Again you can use vet cruisers to bombard the eastmost city (Galati) of Romania, then land katyushas to attack Bucharest. You may also want to land a couple of partisans to deal with the hedgedog in Ploiesti. To take care of the counter-attack, you can move your fortified positions to Ploiesti, or you can build a city on the mountain top north of it and move a fortified position there before starting the attack.
III.5 Attack Yugoslavia, Albania, and Italy
Those cities are lightly defended. Use Katyusha and attack during the Winter will give you easy victory. Do not develop Yugoslavia cities and fortify KV-1s in them, since they will be attacked by barbarian partisans later. If you choose to attack during Summer time, you can use Il-2 shturmovik planes.
III.6 Attack Germany (Prefer during Winter time)
You can use the rivers to attack Germany from both North and South. Occupy the eastmost cities you can reach from the rivers, secure them with fortified positions then start attacking towards west, which are relatively lightly defended. Details are the same as 'Attack Romania' section. There is a small island city named Ronne (north to Danzig) which you can use as the base to launch your attack.
III.7 Attack Sweden
Sweden cities are defended by fortified artillaries. You need approximately 6 partisans for each such unit (9 if the city is on the river). In later seasons whenever your infantry units are killed a partisan will appear. So you can accrue partisans easily.
III.8 Disband units
In Summer 1941 whenever your red army unit is killed, a german unit is produced. So if you cannot retreat your red army units, you can disband them in order to avoid the events.
III.9 Destroy cities
You can sell the anti-tanks of your cities to prevent them from being occupied by the Germans. Some event are triggered by lost of certain cities, and they won't happen if the cities are destroyed. Renaming the cities has the same effect.
IV. Conclusion
Using the tactics and tricks, Red Front is no longer a tough scenario. A player should be confident enough to use only the tactics of this strategy and still can beat the scenario.
You should be able to beat the scenario to the extent that the only city that is not yours is the U.S. base.
April 7, 2000, 06:29
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The back door trick is cheating as far as RF is considered, and I don't know what you were smoking when you wrote this:

III.3 Attack Finland
Finland will become tough in Winter 1941. However you can wipe it out during Summer 1941 when it is still weak.
Use 4 vet cruisers to bombard Hersinki, then land 8 T34/76 tanks or Katyushas to finish the job. It takes 2-3 turns
to finish the Finland.
Where the hell are we supposed to get 4 veteran cruisers near Finland?! I won't even talk about 8 T-34s!!
April 7, 2000, 15:02
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Ah yes, but:
1) How are you going to last until Winter or so when you are rush building CRUISERS and have the tax rate at 10%?
2) When exactly where you planning on defending from the Germans when you send more than half your T-34 supply to fight the finns?
3) The back door trick is cheating and is therefore not a strategy, but a cheat. Get my drift? It's not how to beat the game the way the game was intended to play out.
4) Selling anti-tank improvements is also cheating. So is renaming cities. If you disagree, ask Nemo
5) Attacking Sweden borders on cheating. Supposedly they are Neutral.
6) Moving movement 0 units is certainly cheating.
You know, I'm amazed you didn't talk about how one could move a convoy outside London and then build all the wonders in London by having the convoy step off the transport and "help build wonder", at the same time disbanding the transports and armored infantry that pop up in the city. We could also talk about building an airport in london...
April 7, 2000, 15:48
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DarthVeda: Captain Nemo said that moving 0-movement units were 'certainly legitimate'. I take that as a sign that this is not cheating, but a trick.
He also had some comments on selling anti-tanks and pillaging roads. He did not comment on the back door strategy directly but he seemed not care about it. His statement was that there was no easy strategy. I classify those as tricks as well (selling anti-tanks and disbanding units to avoid certain events were soft cheating in his opinion, if I remember correctly).
On the other hand, from previous discussions he argued that airlifting the convoys from London was not allowed; only the convoy system wonder could be built in London; players should not sell the NKVD headquarters in the cities. (Some of them should be written in the readme file). So I did not include them since they ARE cheating in the designer's point of view.
If you move the fortified positions to protect your cities then you'll have enough forces for attacking Finland. Your money comes from selling improvements. Also you can hire some tax collectors when you have enough science for the next advance (you should get around $1300 for the first 4 months). You disband sloppy units to build good units. But you are right that I was playing on the edge for my budget. In the next version I'll recommend that the player put people back to work after KV-1.
April 7, 2000, 16:00
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...now, if I print this, how many pages will it be?
April 7, 2000, 16:36
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Forgot to mention that attacking Finland will give you around $1000.
April 8, 2000, 00:22
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Cheating issue: I have already named the back door strategy as a trick which abuses the loopholes of the scenario.
Finland issue: Rush build Cruisers in Leningrad and Narva. By August they are ready, and by September the strike begins. T34-76 can be airlifted to Murmansk and Leningrad, and also being built in nearby cities.
April 8, 2000, 21:00
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terrians = terrains
panton = pantoon
inpregnable = impregnable
fron = front
Sweden cities = Swedish cities
Yawn, doesn't really matter.
St. Leo
April 9, 2000, 02:56
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St Leo: Thanks a lot!
I will revise the strategy and put in my own date of progress (using all the tricks). I'm playing it right now.
I guess I'll change the research process to be 'maximize science in June 1941' and get enough science for KV-1 in July 1941. Nothing else really matters as far as the player can get the tech for IL-2 before the next Summer. The game is winnable using KV-1, Katyusha, and IL-2 only.
I also need to give the details of another trick: to sell two improvements each turn in certain cities (one of them is 'forced selling' due to budget deficit). This is very useful when you want to pull out as much as you can from a doomed city.
April 11, 2000, 00:02
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OK, I revised the strategy and now I'm testing it.
To address Darthveda's question about the budget, I modified the research strategy.
Outline of new idea:
All cities east of Moscow-Stalingrad-Leningrad line will not produce anything in Summer 1941 (they cannot reach the front in time anyway). The cities will hire tax collectors or scientists.
Try to hold Kiev and Nikolaev on the Southern front, hold Smolensk and build a new city on the kollective west of Moscow on the central front, and hold Tallinn and Leningrad on the Northern front. It hasn't been tested so I'm not sure if it is possible. Plan to use freighters to help the southern and northern front.
Cities not protected by the abover fronts will be evacuated; cities inside those fronts and west of Moscow-Stalingrad-Leningrad line will rush build units. Cities north to Leningrad will also rush build units for defending against Finland.
Caucasus region will rush build airbases instead of universities. Labor brigades will be airlifted there and build roads.
Sell all science improvements after July 1941. Detail the trade tactic for convoys from UK and Iran.
To ensure getting the tech for KV-1 in July 1941, scientists will be hired. However I change it to 'hire scientists on cities which have universities, or have libraries but do not have banks.'
April 14, 2000, 15:43
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Finished revising the strategy. Just sent to Polaris. Added a detailed description of optimizing UK and Baku then getting two convoys arrive Baku by October 1941 (airlifted to Caucasus by September). Some other changes too.
April 17, 2000, 19:50
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I was thinking, if anyone would like a Red Front website, that is, with Captain Nemo's consent. I can get a forum from bravenet.com and I have a page builder and tactics could be posted in a special secton on the page. There could also be a section for unit tactics and best rolls for different units. Any feedback?????
April 17, 2000, 19:51
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BTW, what's Polaris' web address?
April 17, 2000, 19:51
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BTW, what's Polaris' web address?
April 17, 2000, 20:14
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I consent...
April 17, 2000, 20:32
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That's a great idea! RF is the best scenario and it worths to have its own webpage! Reserve redfront.com now before somebody else has the name first! It's gonna be hot!
Polaris' webpage (Art of War): Check out a thread originated by 'PolarisGL' in this forum and click on the webpage on his profile.
April 17, 2000, 20:36
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Too late... it has been used. How about 'redfrontscenario.com' then?
April 18, 2000, 17:36
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Well, I'm not planning on spending money to register it, but I can have http://on.to/redfront !! Does that sound good? BTW, does anyone have version 1.1 of RF?
April 18, 2000, 19:31
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Boy, I remember Red Front Alpha. Didn't need too much strategy in there to win. I was able to hold Kiev straight through the winter.
April 19, 2000, 18:03
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It is taking me a while to work thru this scenario between changing diapers!!
Do you sell your Ports? I did my first run through the summer of '41, since I had the Admiralty, but I am rethinking it now as I restart. One thing I am not going to do is build 175 refugees...  The only refugees I build will be in high food, low production areas.
I lost Kherson and then Perekop too early last time and that opened up the Donets belly to Rostov too soon. Since Nikolayev Dneproetrovsk, and Kherson are on rivers and form a nice defensive triangle, I wonder if I can hold those by not throwing so much at Odessa and Kiev. Minsk I may throw away too, it is just too expensive to defend cities that aren't built on defensive terrain. Unfortunately in the center that only leaves Belgorad and whatever new ones you can get built (the river Ibza east of Kiev and the river Kollective east of Minsk.)
One advantage of the science specialist strategy is that it makes preparing for winter food stores without the Ukraine Wheat Fields (pyramids) a lot easier to manage. Just keep the food box from overflowing.
April 19, 2000, 18:36
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SS: Please give details! What have you done to keep Kiev and Odessa? How did you lose Peretop? When did you get KV-1s? I understand the central front is tough, but how bad it is?
I'll sell everything I can think of in small cities. For example, if a city has size <5, I will sell marketplaces although I know I'll need it soon. The instant cash is more important for me at the moment. Later when I have money I'll rush-build barracks, airbases, and shield improvements. I never sell fishing fleet and kollective farm. Other than those two, no problem!
The ideal situation is: small cities grow to size 7 in winter 1941, build industry, and pump out units each turn; large cities provide money to support the economy and also build units each turn; supply convoys provides more money to buy units instantly for some cities and also provide science. You have 100 NONE labor brigades working on the land. Do not build too many new cities since you already have enough cities to improve.
April 19, 2000, 20:51
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To keep Odessa - up through October at least - I moved the Black Fleet and defense from Sevestapol, used the Naval forces to take out Galati's stacked navy, bomb the city and capture it with a Naval Infanty unit and some Red Army grunts. Counter attacked the Romanian infantry and Germans with the Sevestapol units, and Navy; used the fighter planes from the airbase to attack every Stuka I could find. I cut every road in heavy terrain that I could, some with Cossacks.
Kiev I stacked with 40 units and counter attacked every stack I could reach with Howies. Kautushyas are so expensive I built a lot more Howies and a few ATs. With a FP of 4 and an vet attack of 10+ they can do some damage for only 30 shields.
I used Partizans to attack the 0a-10d motorized infantry wagons which killed the stack more than once.
I lost a poorly defended Perekop when heavily defended Nikolayev was bypassed and Kherson's small garrison was overrun... my stupid Generals fault, not mine.
I didn't get KV-1s until September, which is why I wanted to start over... I researched something else first since the Civpedia didn't show any units with Mobile 2. So I got some general research tech in July and then I missed an August tech by something like 5 beakers - argghhhh! That is what I get for cutting it too close.
City improvements - sounds like we do the same things. Sell something every turn in almost every city to cover the cash shortfall. Rush Barricks all over the place in June, focus on production outside of the Caucasus. Hike the Stalingrad Labor Brigade down to build some oil roads and fly in some others in July.
This game is really tough to play coherently 30 minutes at a time with a tiny baby in the house. My little Field Marshall keeps me trooping back to the command tent to change my orders!
April 20, 2000, 00:46
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Just a note on the Pedia not showing units... Because some units only appear when the later rules are loaded, the techtree won't show them in the early stages of the game. The tech tree stays the same throughout but units get added to the techs as slots become available. Your Mobile Warfare III would give you the T-34/85s but the Civpedia tech tree would only show them after you load the first winter rules.
However Mobile Warfare II should have shown KV-1s from the start of the game...
The other tricky part is that there are 2 of each mobile warfare techs... You may have been looking at the German one that would produce nothing until the Spring of 1943!
I should probably change the German MW to "Panzer Technology" 1-4, for example, to avoid this confusion.
April 20, 2000, 00:52
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I think there's a way to hold the central front easily. Just rush build 2 bombers in Moscow and move them to the fortress square between Smolensk and Minsk and put several AA batteries under the bombers. By August 1941 you can setup such a combo to stop the German advances. I haven't tested it so I don't know how many AA batteries are needed to fend off the German fighters. But you can always use cheap troops there to sacrafice for the safety of the bombers.
April 20, 2000, 07:07
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You may think building 137 refugees was daft, but I don't think so.
It especially payed off because I used those units these cities built to be in Ploesti, Riga, and Minsk by November of 1943. (Even though I had been sent back to the Don on the entire front). The ploesti was a straight shot too. No back door crap. It was kind of frustrating watching all these stupid hedgehogs peek up miles behind my lines.
It helps when you're producing over 25 veteran T-34/85s a month, 5 KV-1s, 10 Katyushas, 10 Il-2s, and 15 Motorized infantry a turn.
It also helps because I reached the end of the tech tree in March of 1943. (With Stalingrad victory and Zhukov's tactics)
April 21, 2000, 13:20
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FMK: Thanks for posting your game here. It's very important for me to gather information about how this moving fortified position trick works. By the way, have you experienced money problem? When did KV-1 come?
Fortified position is weaker than fortified battery but the former has X2 vs air flag.
April 21, 2000, 17:04
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Well, the KV1's came 2 turns before the first winter. I was able to rushbuild one in Kiev, but it wasn't enough... I have had a bit of money problems.... more than usual. I have yet to build Civilian Donations or any Wonder for that matter. I just had to step up my tax rate so as to stay out of the red. Doing that bumped my science up to "Every 4 turns", but I'll have to take the hit
I built 4 cities along the Don river, each on one of those fort. pos. I called them "DonRiverBridge 1-4" I moved the F.P. out of two of them (Southernmost) and left the other two. Immediately slapped up antitank defenses in the bridge-cities that I was going to hold. One of the cities, right east of Tula was destroyed by armored units... the F.P. wasn't much help there...
What worries me most is the threat to Northern and Middle Siberia... If the Germans are able to roam free with their Panzergranadiers and PZKW's I'll be finished. As it stands now, all they'd need is a dozen Panzers to take the majority of my weak underbelly. *sigh*
Xin Yu, were you able to get any F.P.'s or F.B.'s to Moscow?
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
April 21, 2000, 18:27
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Location: Emeryville, CA, USA
Posts: 1,658
In addition to the anti-tank, you need to manually fortify the F.P or F.B in the city windows and build barracks there. Throw some cheap units there to absorb damage just in case. Most likely you were not attacked by tanks but by 105mm wespe (ignore anti-tank). Tanks got no chance against F.P. behind city walls.
No, there's no way to get F.P. to Moscow. There is a kollective square (on river) west of Moscow which you should build a city there on July 1941 for defense.
Only a science every 4 turns? I got a science every turn during June and July!
April 21, 2000, 21:28
Local Time: 01:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Posts: 2,048
Yeah, I manually fortified them...I guess they really wanted to take those bridge cities.
I already built a city on that kollective outside of Moscow...I didn't get enough troops in to hold it. It was destroyed in September.
I guess the reason I don't get discoveries every turn is because I don't micromanage to the nth degree. I'll build universities in the Caucusus and I micro manage a fair ammount, but I'm not solving equations like you Xin
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
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