September 24, 2003, 23:55
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I tried to translate the rules but It ´s a bit late here now si I´ll leave what I did for now (not much):
1º. The organizer will start the game withthe chosen options by the rest of the players. He will save the game on the first turn (4000 BC) before doing anything and then post it at the forum in the apropiate thread.
2º. The players download the saved game and play it, then post the savegame corresponding to the last turn of the round, this is the savegame corresponding to the 1 AD year for the dirst round.
The players will post besides the savegame of the last turn form the round:
- The score obtained in that turn.
- Victory, type of it and the year.
3º. The organizer will take all the given information by the players at the end of each round and elaborate the qualifications (CLASIFICACIONES?) following this criteria: "la tasa de crecimiento acumulativo por turno", de modo que el jugador que más hace crecer su score es el que más puntúa.
I will try to translate more later tomorrow.
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.
Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!
September 25, 2003, 04:39
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No problem Carlos - the Ironclad still rules even without The Admiral
Large map
not dark blue
September 25, 2003, 22:22
Local Time: 01:45
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En las EEUU la industria de cerdo advertisa en el TV, "Pork, the other white meat!" porque todos los health experts dicen carne blanco es mejor que carne rojo.
Fans of B5 had this thing about "spoo" being a blue food made from spoo beasts herded on some distant planet, and they used the phrase, "Spoo, the other blue meat!"
Well, naturally that means there must be an original blue meat… Yum, yum!
(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
September 25, 2003, 22:45
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Baby: the other other white meat.
September 26, 2003, 07:18
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Originally posted by Straybow
En las EEUU la industria de cerdo advertisa en el TV, "Pork, the other white meat!" porque todos los health experts dicen carne blanco es mejor que carne rojo.
Fans of B5 had this thing about "spoo" being a blue food made from spoo beasts herded on some distant planet, and they used the phrase, "Spoo, the other blue meat!"
Well, naturally that means there must be an original blue meat… Yum, yum!

1º. The organizer will start the game withthe chosen options by the rest of the players. He will save the game on the first turn (4000 BC) before doing anything and then post it at the forum in the apropiate thread.
2º. The players download the saved game and play it, then post the savegame corresponding to the last turn of the round, this is the savegame corresponding to the 1 AD year for the dirst round.
The players will post besides the savegame of the last turn form the round:
- The score obtained in that turn.
- Victory, type of it and the year.
See savegame rules at 2.3
3º. The organizer will take all the given information by the players at the end of each round and elaborate the qualifications (CLASIFICACIONES?) following this criteria: Accumulative growth rate per turn .
4º. Next, each player retakes the round from the end of the last one, this is, in the case of the 2nd round, the players retake their game starting from 1AD. They play until the end of that new round, repeating the same process round by round until at least one player achieves victory.
5º. When a player achieves victory, the PROGRESSIVE GAME ends in that round, but it doens´t mean that the rest of the players have to abandon their round, only that the round will be the last one to be played.
The player that wins has to post the savegame in which he won, right after he won without passing the turn. The post will include all the previously mentioned information.
The rest of the players will continue playing until omne of the two sittuation arises:
- they achieve victory on their game,
- or end their round.
When the period of that round ends, the qualifications of the round and the final ones will be made.
The players that achieved victory on their games will receive higher bonus points to their score the sooner they have achieved victory.
6º. If a player is defeated in his game, he is eliminated from the PROGRESSIVE GAME (even if the AI launchs the spaceship before him)
The distribution of the rounds is different according the the difficulty level.
1st Round 4000 BC - 1 AD
2nd Round 1 AD - 1500 AD
3rd Round 1500 AD - 1850 AD
4th Round 1850 AD - 1900 AD
5th Round 1900 AD - 1950 AD
6th Round 1950 AD - 2000 AD
1st Round 200 Turns.
2nd Round 100 Turns.
3rd Round 100 Turns.
4th Round 50 Turns.
5th Round 50 Turns.
6th Round 50 Turns.
1st Round 150 Turns.
2nd Round 100 Turns.
3rd Round 100 Turns.
4th Round 50 Turns.
5th Round 50 Turns.
6th Round 50 Turns.
1st Round 100 Turns.
2nd Round 100 Turns.
3rd Round 100 Turns.
4th Round 50 Turns.
5th Round 50 Turns.
6th Round 50 Turns.
1st Round 100 Turns.
2nd Round 75 Turns.
3rd Round 75 Turns.
4th Round 50 Turns.
5th Round 50 Turns.
6th Round 50 Turns.
1.1 The time limit to play each round will be TWO WEEKS starting from the first savegame post, ater that the next round will start.
Each round starts on Monday and ends on Friday of the next week (12 days) On the weekend the qualifications will be made so the next Monday the game resumes as usual.
1.2 The comments about the ongoing rounds will be made in the HALLs, which are the threads posted for that purpose, so no priviliged information will be disclosed to the players that have not played their round. Only the organizer and the players that have posted their savegames are authorized to to post in the HALLs.
2.1 Only one savegame per round and player is allowed. The player that doesn´t follow this rule can be disqualified from the game.
[...] More later.
2.2 Los saves se postean en el thread de su ronda correspondiente y deben estar grabados en el turno correspondiente al final de la ronda (ver distribución de las rondas para más información). Recuerden no pasar el turno sin haberlo grabado antes, aunque en este caso se permite volver al autosave.
2.3 Con cada Save hay que incluir:
a) El Score del turno final de la ronda.
b) En el caso de obtener una victoria en el juego se incluirá el año en la que se obtuvo y el tipo de victoria obtenida (nave espacial, conquista, ...).
2.4 Se recomienda NO terminen sus rondas bajo la forma de gobierno ANARQUÍA, las condiciones especiales de este tipo de gobierno pueden desvirtuar la puntuación.
2.5 Se recomienda que guarden sus partidas a menudo y activen el AUTOSAVE para evitar pasarse el turno de fin de la ronda. Si un jugador no dispone del turno de fin de la ronda en el plazo establecido, será inmediatamente descalificado. En el caso de disponer de una salvada cercana al fin de la ronda se estudiará su caso a fin de permitirle volver a jugar esos turnos hasta el fin de la ronda.
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.
Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!
Last edited by Unspeakable Horror; September 28, 2003 at 10:00.
September 26, 2003, 16:11
Local Time: 09:45
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Bueno, veo que mi traducción ya no es necesaria....
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
September 26, 2003, 16:18
Local Time: 05:45
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 pobre yaros
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
September 26, 2003, 16:50
Local Time: 09:45
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No, que va, un trabajo que no tengo que hacer
En serio, he estado muy liado estudiando de nuevo
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
September 26, 2003, 16:56
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ah, no la hiciste!!
sonaba como que ya la habías hecho...
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
September 26, 2003, 16:59
Local Time: 09:45
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En realidad, comence a hacerla el primer dia que dije que la iba a hacer... pero se fue la luz. Al dia siguiente intente abrirla desde la cache (es decir, sin estar conectado) y se habia perdido por las reparaciones del Scandisk automático de Windows XP cuando no se cierra correctamente.
Y desde entonces no he vuelto a empezar la traducción, nestor
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
September 26, 2003, 20:12
Local Time: 05:45
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Podrías hacer esta parte:
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.
Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!
September 27, 2003, 08:13
Local Time: 10:45
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Location: PG's ID: 0000 Founder of PROGRESSIVE GAMES. Living in Leganés (Madrid), but born in SANTANDER
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 Ohh, genial, muchas gracias Carlos y a Yaros también... ahora voy a comer pero en cuanto vuelva a tomar el control de esto la copio y la posteo en alguno de los primeros postes.
De momento unas pequeñas ayuditas.
3º. The organizer will take all the given information by the players at the end of each round and elaborate the qualifications (CLASIFICACIONES?) following this criteria: "la tasa de crecimiento acumulativo por turno", de modo que el jugador que más hace crecer su score es el que más puntúa.
Clasificaciones las puedes traducir como:
La tasa de crecimiento acumulativo por turno la puedes traducir como:
Acumulative growth % per turn.
September 27, 2003, 09:08
Local Time: 10:45
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Accumulative growth rate per turn
"Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
"España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
The Spanish Civilization Site
"Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico
September 27, 2003, 09:15
Local Time: 10:45
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Location: PG's ID: 0000 Founder of PROGRESSIVE GAMES. Living in Leganés (Madrid), but born in SANTANDER
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Originally posted by jasev
Accumulative growth rate per turn
Bueno, el banco mundial lo escribe con % en las tablas de datos, pero en fin, Serafín.
September 28, 2003, 09:58
Local Time: 05:45
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Gracias Kramsib y Jasev 
1º. The organizer will start the game withthe chosen options by the rest of the players. He will save the game on the first turn (4000 BC) before doing anything and then post it at the forum in the apropiate thread.
2º. The players download the saved game and play it, then post the savegame corresponding to the last turn of the round, this is the savegame corresponding to the 1 AD year for the dirst round.
The players will post besides the savegame of the last turn form the round:
- The score obtained in that turn.
- Victory, type of it and the year.
See savegame rules at 2.3
3º. The organizer will take all the given information by the players at the end of each round and elaborate the rankings following this criteria: Accumulative growth rate per turn .
4º. Next, each player retakes the round from the end of the last one, this is, in the case of the 2nd round, the players retake their game starting from 1AD. They play until the end of that new round, repeating the same process round by round until at least one player achieves victory.
5º. When a player achieves victory, the PROGRESSIVE GAME ends in that round, but it doens´t mean that the rest of the players have to abandon their round, only that the round will be the last one to be played.
The player that wins has to post the savegame in which he won, right after he won without passing the turn. The post will include all the previously mentioned information.
The rest of the players will continue playing until omne of the two sittuation arises:
- they achieve victory on their game,
- or end their round.
When the period of that round ends, the rankings of the round and the final ones will be made.
The players that achieved victory on their games will receive higher bonus points to their score the sooner they have achieved victory.
6º. If a player is defeated in his game, he is eliminated from the PROGRESSIVE GAME (even if the AI launchs the spaceship before him)
The distribution of the rounds is different according the the difficulty level.
1st Round 4000 BC - 1 AD
2nd Round 1 AD - 1500 AD
3rd Round 1500 AD - 1850 AD
4th Round 1850 AD - 1900 AD
5th Round 1900 AD - 1950 AD
6th Round 1950 AD - 2000 AD
1st Round 200 Turns.
2nd Round 100 Turns.
3rd Round 100 Turns.
4th Round 50 Turns.
5th Round 50 Turns.
6th Round 50 Turns.
1st Round 150 Turns.
2nd Round 100 Turns.
3rd Round 100 Turns.
4th Round 50 Turns.
5th Round 50 Turns.
6th Round 50 Turns.
1st Round 100 Turns.
2nd Round 100 Turns.
3rd Round 100 Turns.
4th Round 50 Turns.
5th Round 50 Turns.
6th Round 50 Turns.
1st Round 100 Turns.
2nd Round 75 Turns.
3rd Round 75 Turns.
4th Round 50 Turns.
5th Round 50 Turns.
6th Round 50 Turns.
1.1 The time limit to play each round will be TWO WEEKS starting from the first savegame post, ater that the next round will start.
Each round starts on Monday and ends on Friday of the next week (12 days) On the weekend the rankings will be made so the next Monday the game resumes as usual.
1.2 The comments about the ongoing rounds will be made in the HALLs, which are the threads posted for that purpose, so no priviliged information will be disclosed to the players that have not played their round. Only the organizer and the players that have posted their savegames are authorized to to post in the HALLs.
2.1 Only one savegame per round and player is allowed. The player that doesn´t follow this rule can be disqualified from the game.
2.2 The savegames will be posted in the corresponding round thread and they must be saved in the last turn at the end of the round.
See distribution of the rounds for more information.
Remember to not pass the turn without saving it before, under this circumstances it is allowed to use the autosave.
2.3 With each savegame you must include:
a) The Score of the finishing turn of the round.
b) In the situation of achieving victory in the game it will be included: the year and waht kind of victory (spaceship, conquest...)
2.4 It´s advised NOT to finish the rounds under ANARCHY, the special conditions of this type of government can alter the score.
2.5 It´s advised to save your games often and activate he autosave to avoid passing turn of the end of the round.
If a player doesn´t have the turn of the end of the round on the established time it will be disqualified. In the case of having a savegame near to the end of the round his case will be analyzed to allow him replay those turns until the end of the round.
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.
Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!
Last edited by Unspeakable Horror; September 28, 2003 at 10:24.
October 11, 2003, 00:37
Local Time: 01:45
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Y cuando comenzara? Esperando hasta gue attachments funciona?
 Pueden usar el upload space…
(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
October 11, 2003, 06:35
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Bueno, yo estaba esperando que se apuntase más gente pero...
Voy a ver si saco tiempo para organizarme... y empezar.
October 13, 2003, 22:33
Local Time: 05:45
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Un pedido / A request
Sombody please send me an unmodified version of the rules, as i am not sure wether mine are unmodified enough for this game. Preferably in English.
Que alguien me mande las reglas sin modificar, porque no se si las mías están suficientemente intactas.. en inglés preferiblemente...
Gracias por adelantado / Thanks in advance..
(PM or attatchment will do)
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
October 14, 2003, 03:46
Local Time: 10:45
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En los primeros postes de esta thread dispones de las reglas en Español y en Inglés (aún faltan de incorporar algunas pero [acento tejano on] estamos trabajando en ellooo [acento tejano off] )
October 14, 2003, 16:19
Local Time: 01:45
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I think this is what you meant (although you should be able to copy it directly from your Civ II MPG distribution CD)
(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
October 15, 2003, 12:58
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Yeah, Straybow, thanks.
And my cd was used to slide down a sandpaper ramp... (or so it looks..)
Y Kramsib, las rules de Civ...
Bueno, a jugar se ha dicho!
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
October 15, 2003, 16:22
Local Time: 09:45
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Kramsib, I've also translated the rules. As I didn't remember what part was missing in Carlos' translation, I've translate all, but I've rewrote it all in a very different style. I don't believe that you're going to like it, but here it is:
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
October 19, 2003, 16:57
Local Time: 10:45
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The complete translation of the rules is now available in the third post of this thread.
I want to thank Carlos an Yaroslav for all their efforts.
October 21, 2003, 09:56
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Nestor, te has pasado 2 turnos, ¿no tienes el autosave? ¿o alguna salvada anterior cercana al año 1 ?.
Supongo que podré autorizar tu partida pero ten más cuidado la próxima vez, por favor.
October 21, 2003, 11:11
Local Time: 01:45
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He visto en el N35t0r.sav—no se preoccupan, ya he jugado hasta el 1500  —es evidente que su puntaje no crecio despues de 1 AD.
N35t0r founded Astrakhan en 40AD, pero tambien Sebastapol ha construido el Settler. +1 punto -1 punto. Moscow crecio de 3 hasta 4 en 3 turnos antes que el save, 25BC.
(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
October 21, 2003, 11:16
Local Time: 05:45
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no, me olvide completamente, tengo el save del 4000 B.C. y el del 40 A.D.
mil perdones por esto, prometo tener más cuidado la próxima. Y mil gracias por dejarme seguir
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
October 21, 2003, 11:29
Local Time: 01:45
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Location: LF & SG(2)... still here in our hearts
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 Turn on autosave in the Game Options menu!
Does my analysis match your memory of your last 3 turns?
Yo siempre salvo cada 500 años hasta 1000 bc, y cada 250 hasta 1 ad. Mas o menos, me olvido a veces y tengo salvar un turno tarde.
(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
October 21, 2003, 14:09
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Voy a poner el autosave...
And to check if indeed the settler was built (i already mentioned Astrakhan) i'd have to be at home...
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
November 25, 2003, 17:42
Local Time: 10:45
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Location: PG's ID: 0000 Founder of PROGRESSIVE GAMES. Living in Leganés (Madrid), but born in SANTANDER
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Señores, quisiera abrir el IIIº Progressive Game para Civ II, pero quisiera saber con cuántos de ustedes cuento para ver si hay quórum.
También tengo poco tiempo para dedicar, el PG de Civ III me requiere mucho más esfuerzos. Así que he pensado en que alguien podría ocuparse del PG para Civ II.
¿Alguien interesado?
November 25, 2003, 18:35
Local Time: 10:45
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tambien puedes ceder el puesto de mando del Civ3 y quedarte en este, no?
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