CivFix Bug Report
If anybody downloaded this program (and its cousin civhot) previously, you should not use it. The old versions (1.1,1.0) had a bug that would disable the barbarians. Version 1.2 will correct this. For now I've taken it out of circulation.
Anyone with damaged files can fix them by waiting for the new version or by hex editing offset '2E' turning the last bit on (the barbarians!), with a hex editor.
For example if all tribes were in play, the value should be Hex "FF". The value Civfix placed in there was "FE". In other cases you could just add 1 to the hex value there.
I'm sorry for any trouble this may have caused, but I don't think this program has been widely distributed.
[This message has been edited by Gothmog (edited May 18, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Gothmog (edited May 18, 2000).]