All PreDesigned Units ala Civ 3
I have never realy liked the Design workshop of SMAC and I suspect many of you might not either. The reasons are many, poor design by AI, complexity, constant upgrading, Broken or exploitable combinations, HORIBLE graphics!
I am wondering if perhaps we simply produced a long list of all the desirable units we want, link them each to a specific tec in the game and then Disable all the weapon/Chassies/Armors/abilites.
The Pre Designed units would then function just like Classic Civ units, they would be unalterable and easily understood and lots of interesting Dynamic Balance could be devised. I belive its also possible to set costs for all the units too.
This can significantly help the AI too, just look at the effectivness of adding Probe Foils to the predesigned unit list dose.
Is their any interest in Persuing this? Has anyone tried it already? If we want to do it, how many units would be apropriate? What kind of interesting combos could be produced?