Sorry for the delay, RL looms large and I have not had much free time as of late
As a result, I am finally posting screen shots from the Foreign Ministry.
Our position is still supreme

, and our reputation is still atrocious

Meanwhile, our formerly greatest rival, the Americans, have fallen in power somewhat, and now sit at third in the powergraph.
As you can see, they are still researching Steam Engine, which we do not yet have, but aside from that, they posess no techs which we do not.
Meanwhile, our neighbours to the south have used our "defence only" strategy to grow to become our greatest rival, a close second in the powergraph...
They still seek the knowledge of Astronomy, and also have no techs we do not already posess.

And.....the Zulus!! (Who are in a
However, they only have ten cities, so though we must take them by force, they should not take long to fall, if we should decide to break our treaty with them...or more likely, if they should desire to break the treaty with us.
And of the Germans and the Russians you ask?
However, we beleive this situation will soon be rectified, (with the Germans at least).
Lastly, here is the number of Diplomats we have, both in the field and in our cities...
Our diplomats are ready and willing to wreak havoc upon our enemies, and now that our government is Fundamentalist, we may soon have the economic power to convert cities to our cause, or indeed...entire civilizations!