September 18, 2003, 08:32
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Looking for mod Suggesting for WW1 scenarios
I have resently compelted a WW1 scenario, on the Massive, north atlantic 210x210 map, However the game is un modified other then diplomod, extra nations and a few new civ's. The game is baddly in need of balancing, costs of units, buildings, science. Their abilities could be modified too. Britain is in constand riots for example.
It has a few bugs, such as not being able to play with out bugs unless your the blue nation. and trade routes don't work.
The Diplomacy needs to work faster, ie ask for allies to declare war strait away. not 10 turns later.
Make the russian go communist once they acheive it.
I was wondering what suggesting people may have for the improvment of the scenario, like unit, building modification, new units, improved dimplomcy, editiing or new government types.
WW1 is a turning point in history, and i intend the scenario to contuie from 1900 (WW1) onwards, so suggestions on modern units would be helpful too.
by the way im no programer i don't want theoritical suggestions just pratical ones. I spent ages finding out the 1900 politcal system just for fun so i would realy like to get this to work, any suggestions that might help would be great
September 18, 2003, 12:41
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Play a few good civ2 WW scenarios to get a good idea of balance, even though it uses a different combat system it can help. They also give a good idea of creating atmosphere.
September 18, 2003, 19:03
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Also might want to look at my own World At War mod. Covers the period 1900-1950 fairly nicely if I might say so myself.
There's heaps of units, techs, buildings and wonders for that 50 year period in there.
EDIT: Also contains my little SLIC file that changes your government on the first turn. Wouldn't take much to make it work on a different turn, thus your Russia --> USSR migration.
September 19, 2003, 04:43
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I think good navel units are a must (submarines, dreadnoughts and trop transports from America very late in the war)
The land war was one big stalemate with nothing really going on apart from the mounting death toll (machine gunners, rifle men, tanks and snipers)
For plains you would have dog fighters, recon planes and zeppelin bombers
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September 19, 2003, 20:16
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The problem with a mod simulating WWI is that it will be very difficult to simulate the entrenchments and fortifications built on the western front. The game will be much more dynamic than the real events. I don't think an accurate simulation can be achieve with a game like CtP2 or even Civ2.
Diplomacy is another thing, if you want a closed alliance system I suppose that declarations of war by the AI can be achieved through "triggers". When one of the Allies or one of the Central Powers declares war, the trigger could force the AI civs of the same side to declare war themselves immediately. As I am not a modder I don't know how it can be achieved or if it can be done at all
Another problem is that some countries could have join a side while others could have joined either the Allies or the Central Powers.
Italy (can only join the Allies)
Rumania (can join either side but has more chances to join the Allies)
Greece (can join either side)
Bulgaria (can only join the Central Powers)
Turkey (can only join the Central Powers)
- If Greece joins the Allies, Turkey could align with the Central Powers earlier
- Bulgaria could join the Central Powers earlier if Greece or Rumania joins the Allies
Some minor countries have not joined either side at the beginning of the war but have declared war later:
Turkey (winter 1914)
Italy (summer 1915)
Bulgaria (winter 1915)
This is a very tricky era to simulate with a civilization like game.
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September 19, 2003, 20:32
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It's easier in Civ2, because there is no stacked or ranged combat. You line up the rifleman over the fortification lines, and send waves and waves over the top to die until you invent tanks. Then the trick is to balance attacking too heavily (and the enemy can counterattack) and attacking to lightly (so even your tanks can't get through). I wouldn't imagine it'd be very interesting though.
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September 20, 2003, 09:27
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then there are country like the USA who supply weapons and only when there country is in possible danger they join the war
(i know that sounds a lot like the second world war but in the first one i heard that Mexico was going to attack the usa so the usa joined the war don't know how true this is like  )
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September 20, 2003, 09:36
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Last edited by The Big Mc; September 20, 2003 at 10:06.
September 21, 2003, 22:24
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Thanks for the tips,
But im not trying to simulate WW1, because their would be no point in someone playing it, im trying to present the pre-WW1 eviroment, in WW1 for example, Italy got upset with its ally Austro-Hungery. Over land they captuered around albania. And declared war on them, i can't simulate that. But it did happen by fluke in one of the games i was playing. And USA is neutral, i've played it as germany and got USA to attack canada (british terrirory). |
"The Big Mc" , Germany did offer Mexico an alliance, so that if America joined the war against germany, Mexico would become a second front. Mexico could regain texas and other terriorties lost to America. When the AMerican pres. found out he published the letter Gemany sent to Mexico on the front page of all the news papers. And their were several differences in WW1 and WW2.
When someone said new navel units what do they mean?
I like Zeplines, good idea. and i suppose Gotha bombers as well. Arial assalt needs a revamp. in Cpt 2 they just run out of fuel and crach. but you can have figher combat.
but when i said new units, I meant. Like conscipts (cheaper, less good soilders). Snipers are tactical units, not stategice, so not point in them. could have a unit,
"gurilla" fighters. That are stealth infintry.
As for the Russia/USSR change, I was looking for the change to occure when they discovered communism, not at a set date.
As for creating trench warfare, i was thinking that, if you could get the Comp, when 2 oppsoing unit stacks are of equal size, they sit next to each other and fortify. THey then become like cities and the comp sends units to increase size, and until one stack is sufficenty large to attack they do. This should create evetualy a line of evenly apposed stacks. This however has to be balanced with city defence, ect. (Can this be done)
I think i should just make units cheaper to make and upkeep and science a little more expencive.
Thanks for all the tips. keep them coming if you can
September 22, 2003, 05:03
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ships like the dreadnaught battle ships of world war 1 there was only a small battle if i think right between them but both the German and British fleets were huge  (the German fleet is apparently good diving after they scuttled them off the coast of Scotland)
Then there’s convoys from Canada to Britain that need defending and attacking depending what side you are on
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September 22, 2003, 07:52
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Some special units appeared in the later part of WW1, the Tanks and the Stosstruppen (infantry units designed to infiltrate the ennemy lines).
Don't forget the Zeppelins were used to spot the ennemy. The planes were also mainly used to spot the ennemy though they gradually evolved and started being used as fighters and bombers (though this was not particularly efficient as the pilots were throwing the bombs themselves).
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
September 22, 2003, 19:59
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The CTP2 engine will work well for a WWI scen, at least the early part.
I'm currently taking a class about WWI and the thing that caused Schlieffen the most anxiety was the capability of the railsystem to accomodate moving all the German troops into France. The 12 unit limit per square in CTP2 would emulate this well, and cause a logical and numeric limit in the troops that could cross into France executing a Schlieffen type manoeuver.
Is it going to be a world map or just Europe? At the beginning of the century (or at least by circa-1902) there were 3 major blocs rather than two: France-Russia, Germany-Austria-Italy (sort of) and UK-Japan. Britain and France wouldn't resolve their colonial rivalries for a few more years, and many in Germany and Britain saw one another as natural allies.
September 26, 2003, 10:26
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The fighter planes in ctp are next to useless so they can only be used for spotting, The zeplines would probably be like an early bomber.
The map, is the 210x210 Atlantic map, its a bigger scale the omni world map, For the size imagine a box with the bottom tips reaching from the southern tip of India, to Panama. I given the scenario pre WW1 diplomacy, but 1900 land control.
It works out well, cause you give both France and Britain large colonial empires
my main concern is scripting units to fortiy next to each other like i meantioned above. How this is done i don't know.
As for extra units, i was looking for outside the box type of things, Zeplins, Conscripts, Not all elite units.
I pulled some screen shots out, how do i get them in the message
September 26, 2003, 12:21
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you can add them as attachments or if you have web hosting ( eg the modmakers site at load it up on the web when you post your post (note not by quick response ) you can click on image and past the address in there for it to appear
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September 26, 2003, 17:33
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Just one question, but how can you simulate WWI with two of the major allies missing, that being Australia and South Africa?
Both nations made huge impacts on the war. EG:
- Poitieres
- Gallipoli
- Palestine
September 28, 2003, 09:32
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The map isn't big enough, so Aust. and Sth weren't included. And INdia was made stronger to compensate for this.
Those battles in particulare were not fought by one nations but a coalition of Commonwealth troops under british command so would have been part of the british empire anyway.
Sth Africa and Australia were still very much dependent on england and their fore wouldn't be added as an ally of britain but part of britain.
Your point is taken, i think i will rename england as Commonwealth to include the armies of these nations.
September 28, 2003, 18:14
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Britain as "Commonwealth" is good. A good idea would be to have the Aussies/New Zealanders and the South Africans to deploy from Egypt, since this is where they first deployed to.
October 8, 2003, 17:18
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Originally posted by The Big Mc
(i know that sounds a lot like the second world war but in the first one i heard that Mexico was going to attack the usa so the usa joined the war don't know how true this is like )
Actually Germany sent us an offer to join the Central Powers by attacking the USA and that they wouldn't sign a peace treaty until the USA gave us back the territory they took in the war of 1846-1848. It also asked that Mexico initiate contact with Japan for their entry in to the war on the Central Powers side.
Obviously we didn't buy that and hence never made an attempt to attack. What it did was to make the US angry at the Germans and helped set the stage for US entry into the war. The telegraph by were Germany instructed it's ambassador in Mexico to make this proposal was published in the US on March 1st, on April 6 the US declared war.
I've always wondered what would have happened if we and Japan had entered the war. Obviously we would have gotten kicked in the a.., but what effect would that have had on the war in Europe. I mean the US would have had to send troops into Mexico and that would have meant less troops for Europe. I mean, General Pershing and his brigade spent almost a year looking for two Mexican brigades lead by Pancho Villa and he couldn't find them. So to conquer Mexico would have required sizable troop deployment. Just a thought.
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October 8, 2003, 18:11
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The Nazis made a similar offer to Scotland apparently...
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October 8, 2003, 19:05
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Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
The Nazis made a similar offer to Scotland apparently...
To whom did they make it to? I mean, to what government?
"Between nations, as between persons, respect for each other's rights is peace".- Benito Juárez.
October 8, 2003, 19:39
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Uh... I don't know...  It seems I can't find any other evidence to back up that claim. It might well be rubbish, I'll ask the person who told me.
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"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
October 8, 2003, 22:17
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You might be thinking of Ireland...uh, and the Imperial Germans, not the nazis.....
Scratch that, maybe it was when Von Ribbentrop or whoever turned up in Scotland one day during the war (After France had been kicked out, he parachuted in) and offered Britain a peace deal.
October 9, 2003, 05:24
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At the beginning of WWII, Hitler and his clique considered the British as a "brother people" and thought they would one day or the other side with Germany. This explains why the german troops did not attack the Dunkerque's pocket to crush the remnants of the British Expeditionary Force, and why Von Ribbentrop was parachuted in Britain to meet with the Bristish leaders and start negociations.
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October 9, 2003, 05:25
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it was Rudolf Hess
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October 9, 2003, 12:16
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In fact the Nazis used Brittan as tan example of the master race ability’s with the rule in India
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October 9, 2003, 21:42
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Hitler also wanted England's help against Communist USSR.
October 11, 2003, 19:40
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Originally posted by ískallin
it was Rudolf Hess
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