I recently bough and installed ptw. But multiplayer game doesn't let me into the game, saying "you're behind a firewall".
First thing I done, I removed my zone alarm. It didn't help at all........problem continued.
Then I went to network/lan/settings and I opened ports listed (6667,3783,27900,28900,29900,29901,13139,6500,2302 ) on gamespy site for civ3. Nothing happened.
Then I went to start/run/msconfig and disabled all the startup programs and all non ms running services.
Nothing happened - still have a firewall issue when trying to connect.
Then I fired zone alarm again , but gave it all permissions for gamespy and civ3, plus I opened list of the same gamespy ports. Nothing.....
I don't use router, my pc connected through cable modem from Comcast and they said, that they don't block ports. I also have very normal (not firewall) ip address.
Any help will be appreciated.