Chris says:
get in here dammit
Chris says:
Vev says:
"This is Suzie, she gets turned orned by car battery"
Alan says:
The problems with my connection are unrelated to me aptitude
Alan says:
Alan says:
What crazy Australian talk is that
Vev says:
I haven't quite captured the amerikan drawl
Chris says:
we're canadian fool
Chris says:
we don't have a damn drawl
Alan says:
Canadians have thier own drawl, thankyouverymuch
Chris says:
no we don't
Alan says:
Vev says:
but temptaaion island is full of yanks
Alan says:
You are so stupid!
Chris says:
everyone else has an accent
Chris says:
we dont'
Alan says:
Right, right
Alan says:
Alan says:
By the way...
Chris says:
Alan says:
When I said "Japs." I didnt mean it
Alan says:
I watch anime...
Alan says:
We tend to idolize them
Chris says:
alan is japanese
Vev says:
Alan says:
What! I'm not a stinking jap, you hoser
Chris says:
yes you are
Chris says:
ask dario
Chris says:
he'll confirm it
Vev says:
he seen it happening?
Alan says:
The stinking?
Vev says:
and witnessed your creation?
Alan says:
All lies
Chris says:
where's dario
Vev says:
Chris says:
all truths
Chris says:
Alan says:
Dont make me smack you with the Good Book
Chris says:
yeah, alans written a couple of them
Alan says:
(FLCLvolume one)
Vev says:
Alan says:
Alan says:
Alan says:
Anime comic book
Alan says:
You dig my lingo?
Vev says:
not FLCL though
Alan says:
You dont dig FLCL?
Alan says:
What brand of devil art thou
Chris says:
Alan says:
Alan says:
Or mayest thou lose your tongue
Vev says:
I have no idea what FLCL is
Chris says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
Alan says:
Then what are you doing going and dissing it like that?
Chris says:
Chris says:
Alan says:
I aughta
Alan says:
Alan says:
Chris says:
cry baby
Chris says:
Alan says:
I wont suppress my violent urges upon you
Alan says:
Suppressing violent urges only leads to psychological, internal violence! Got it?! If I were to use an analogy, I'd turn to yeast! The root of all breadmaking!!!
Chris says:
Vev says:
is this the turning point were it gets deviant?
Alan says:
It wasn't before?
Alan says:
With the winter golf ball sodmoization?
Vev says:
need more grunt
Chris says:
what is grunt?
Chris says:
Alan says:
Masculine sound?
Vev says:
Vev says:
Vev says:
Alan says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
Alan says:
I was riiiight
Alan says:
And you were wrong
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
Alan says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
alan is a jap, right?
Vev says:
you just missed out a wondering sodomising session
Alan says:
With golf balls!
Vev says:
no need for ping pong balls when you have golfballs!
Voltaire says:
What answer do you want me to give?
Alan says:
Yes or no
Alan says:
Pick one
Voltaire says:
Well it's not black and white
Chris says:
yes it is
Chris says:
his parents are japs
Voltaire says:
Alan ethnicaly is not a Jap, does he want to be, and does he try to be, yes.
Chris says:
he was born there
Chris says:
he is one therefore
Vev says:
how would dario know?
Alan says:
Stop being derogatory, you filthy cracker
Alan says:
Vev says:
evil tutors
Chris says:
i'm just using jap because i don't want to type out japanese
Voltaire says:
I know because I have the plesant fortune of knowing these individuals IRL
Chris says:
it's not derogatory
Alan says:
Hmm, let me think...
Alan says:
Vev says:
have you seen what domai leads to?
Chris says:
it'what i meant
Chris says:
is it's not supposed to be derogatory in the way i was using it
Alan says:
It refers to the war. The war refers to trenches, disease, death in great numbers, the ATOM BOMB. Show some respect!!!
Chris says:
it just shows my laziness
Chris says:
alan . . .
Alan says:
Chris says:
*shakes head*
Alan says:
Vev says:
SMAC thing
Vev says:
acutally SMACX
Chris says:
Alan says:
As in the comic book?
Vev says:
dario thing
Alan says:
Ooooh... riiiiight...
Alan says:
Chris says:
Alan says:
What the hell are you talking about
Alan says:
Voltaire says:
Sorry I'm in another chat as well
Voltaire says:
Alpha Centauri, you know what me and Stephen like, that game.
Voltaire says:
Which you should join
Alan says:
Voltaire says:
and join the Hive because we're the best
Vev says:
have you checked where domai leads to?
Voltaire says:
and we're not liberals
Alan says:
You're a bunch of commies, I know that much
Chris says:
hive is horrible
Voltaire says:
no i have not
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
foolish Chris
Alan says:
Shut up, you goddamn commie
Vev says:
I rather not check Domai on my work computer
Chris says:
Vev says:
for some very good reasons
Chris says:
i'm a big supporter of her
Chris says:
she's gorgeous
Vev says:
no Miriam is not in domai
Alan says:
Yes she is
Chris says:
Alan says:
Hey man, I know what I'm talking about
Alan says:
I'm hip
Alan says:
I'm in with the Alpha-whatsit
Vev says:
you can find out with google search
Voltaire says:
I'm thankful you and Chris aren't a part of the Hive, we're already a SPAM factory as it is
Alan says:
What the ****! I looked up Domai and the first site I got was pr0n
Chris says:
i rule at spam
Chris says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
or brawn?
Alan says:
Chris says:
as in eva braw
Alan says:
Chris says:
eva brawn
Alan says:
Alan says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
Alan says:
Wow, yeah!
Alan says:
I like this Domai thing
Alan says:
Sign me up
Chris says:
did vev leave?
Vev says:
I do not own it
Chris says:
Chris says:
there he is!
Vev says:
are you busy now?
Alan says:
You Alpha Centauri guys are a bunch of pervs!!!!
Vev says:
you see preoccupied
Chris says:
dario's watching his hentai
Alan says:
I dont blame him
Alan says:
His Domai
Alan says:
Voltaire says:
no chris
Alan says:
I'm a big fan of domai now!!
Voltaire says:
I'm masterbating to thought of you
Alan says:
Alan says:
That was not funny
Voltaire says:
It wasn't meant to be
Voltaire says:
shock value and all
Chris says:
domai stands for dirty old mens association international
Voltaire says:
isn't that NAMBLA?
Alan says:
Something like that
Chris says:
it says so
Chris says:
that's what it does
Chris says:
Vev says:
I am still here
Chris says:
Voltaire says:
Alan says:
You and your godless pictures!
Chris says:
i have a feeling you'll all appreciate that
Voltaire says:
ontological empiricism, eh?
Alan says:
Tha must be why they call them "daddy" long legs
Vev says:
I doubt the SMAC team is in domai
Alan says:
Har har har!
Vev says:
sugar daddy?
Voltaire says:
Christ this conversation is getting too creapy even for my tastes
Chris says:
Chris says:
so, how bout them local sports team?
Vev says:
is it that bad?
Alan says:
We're not interested in sweaty men, Chris, go talk to Dasha
Chris says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
for one
Chris says:
Vev says:
who is dasha
Chris says:
for 2
Chris says:
i hate her
Chris says:
for 3
Chris says:
she's not on
Alan says:
Alan says:
This Domai is great
Chris says:
are the people you are living with going to mind that alan?
Vev says:
Alan says:
Hey man, this is just Alpha Centauri., right
Alan says:
You all do it, right
Vev says:
Vev says:
no no no no
Chris says:
Alan says:
Voltaire says:
do what?
Vev says:
Alan says:
Hey man, this is just Alpha Centauri., right
Voltaire says:
I'm still at a loss
Voltaire says:
And I have a feeling I want it to remain that way
Vev says:
SMACX is no way related to Domai
Alan has left the conversation.
Alan has been added to the conversation.
Vev says:
hi therea agion
Vev says:
just coincidence
Alan says:
Alan says:
I'm not so easily fooled
Alan says:
You shall all burn!!!
Vev says:
Voltaire is the Head of hte Hive
Chris says:
Chris says:
the person behind me in history is doing a report on voltaire
Voltaire says:
Good choice
Chris says:
i tried to convince her to give him to me
Alan says:
You didnt know Dario was Voltaire?
Chris says:
but she wouldn
Chris says:
Chris says:
it was random
Chris says:
i got descartes
Voltaire says:
Ah yes I recall
Voltaire says:
I wanted to do Voltaire in grade 11
Vev says:
use your charm and convince her
Voltaire says:
but i was stuck with Newton, still good
Chris says:
she didnt' even know who he was
Chris says:
and teh 2 people who got plato pronounced his name "plado"
Voltaire says:
**** you class is ignorant
Chris says:
dasha was one of them
Voltaire says:
Now that IS not funny
Voltaire says:
Just ****ing stupid
Vev says:
you there dario?
Voltaire says:
Chris says:
he was just talking
Chris says:
Vev says:
is alan there?
Chris says:
i killed him
Chris says:
so yes, in a sense
Vev says:
or is he really, really, occupied?
Alan has left the conversation.
Alan has been added to the conversation.
Vev says:
hi ther
Chris says:
stop leaving dammit
Alan says:
Uh, the comp didnt tell me I had problems that time
Vev says:
you do realise what you are looking at is not SMAC?
Alan says:
Yes, don't worry, I was just hassling you
Voltaire says:
Alan says:
It was tastefully done anyway
Voltaire says:
He lies a LOT
Chris says:
Chris says:
compulsive liar and all
Voltaire says:
Mr. I was both 2 months early and my name was changed to Richard
Chris says:
and a kleptomaniac
Alan says:
Vev says:
so you mean no weird deviant hentai stuff?
Alan says:
I've seen some
Alan says:
Dont care for it
Alan says:
Much of it is silliness
Chris says:
remember rob and jen
Chris says:
Voltaire says:
Yes I do remember
Vev says:
I don't
Voltaire says:
I downloaded that stuff to kicks
Chris says:
Chris says:
yuo weren't ther
Voltaire says:
to find out what hentai was like
Voltaire says:
and they sat there watching it for like 20 min
Chris says:
Chris says:
it was scary
Vev says:
rob & jen or hentai?
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
or rather the combination of the two
Chris says:
Chris says:
it was eerie
Vev says:
what they are starting to play out the hentai in real life?
Chris says:
Chris says:
bad vev
Chris says:
baaaaad vec
Chris says:
Vev says:
so what happened?
Chris says:
they were just watching it
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
in a room
Voltaire says:
with the lights off
Alan says:
Quiet you, lest me cane meet your backside
Vev says:
that doesn't sound too bad
Voltaire says:
no it's not as bad as we make it out to be
Voltaire says:
trust me, we have been exposed to much worse
Chris says:
Voltaire says:
our little minds cannot be disturbed easely nowdays
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
It doesn't affect me anymore
Voltaire says:
Alan says:
You and Chris havent seen anything
Vev says:
was it eeiree becuase of rob and jen?
Chris says:
you ain't seen nothing yet!
Chris says:
duh duh
Alan says:
I have seen something that should not be seen by any sane mortal
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
Damn my curiosity
Voltaire says:
always getting me into places i don't want to be
Alan says:
Naw, you'd figure out the URL if I told you the name
Chris says:
Vev says:
Chris says:
bad tubgirl
Chris says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
Voltaire says:
Chris says:
*crosses fingerss*
Alan says:
Christ, ave you seen it Chirs?!
Chris says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
on rpgnet they mentioned it
Alan says:
Voltaire says:
he's in denial
Chris says:
and i, i , i read what someone said
Alan has left the conversation.
Chris says:
it was disgusting
Alan has been added to the conversation.
Voltaire says:
What did they say?
Chris says:
Alan says:
Voltaire says:
say what they said
Chris says:
Alan says:
Chris says:
just heard about it
Alan says:
Chris says:
i am never going near
Voltaire says:
well tell me what is this thing you have heard about?!
Chris says:
why did you go to it?
Alan says:
Chris says:
Vev says:
also, try not to search up scratology
Alan says:
Dario, look, its for your own good
Chris says:
it is
Voltaire says:
I know it is
Alan says:
Scatology is nothing
Voltaire says:
but the fact that I can't have it makes me want it all the more
Vev says:
Vev says:
even I say so
Alan says:
I know, Dario
Alan says:
Just forget about it
Voltaire says:
Chris says:
clear mind
Vev says:
your life will still remain happy
Alan says:
Alan says:
God, there are some sick, sick freaks out there
Chris says:
have you seen it vev?
Vev says:
anyone heard of goatse.xc
Alan says:
Alan says:
Never seen it
Chris says:
Vev says:
Vev says:
e.g. like tubgirl
Vev says:
Chris says:
youhave seen tubgirl????
Alan says:
I'm curious about it, but I'm not making the same mistake twice
Alan says:
Not after Tub Girl
Vev says:
yes very true
Vev says:
remain untainted dario
Vev says:
resist all urge
Voltaire says:
fine i will resist
Voltaire says:
well no i won
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
i'll forget
Voltaire says:
i'm cursed with curiosity
Voltaire says:
but blessed with bad memory
Vev says:
but domai is fine
Vev says:
ask alan
Alan says:
Yes, domai is fine
Alan says:
Domai is more than fine
Alan says:
Because most of them were probably Finnish
Alan says:
Or so it appeared
Alan says:
Ever listened to Finnish music, Vev?
Chris says:
you and your fins
Vev says:
Alan says:
ood ****
Vev says:
have you found the newsletters?
Alan says:
I assume you speak to Dario
Voltaire says:
eh, i'm at a loss
Vev says:
actuallt to alan
Alan says:
Alan says:
Vev says:
guess you haven't found them
Voltaire says:
Gloria patriae et filio, da pacem
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc
et semper, et in secula seculorum
gloria mea pacem
Alan says:
Quiet you
Chris says:
bad latin
Alan says:
How many times have I told you
Alan says:
Chris says:
*hits latin over head with shovel, making sure it's dead*
Vev says:
seen domai lately dario?
Alan says:
Yeah? Seen it?
Voltaire says:
Vah! Denuone latine loquebar, me imeptum
Alan says:
Real babes
Voltaire says:
no i have not
Vev says:
evil latin
Chris says:
Chris says:
stop mentioning domai
Alan says:
Vev did!
Chris says:
now now
Chris says:
lets not play the blame game
Chris says:
Alan says:
You are such a retard that I'm at a lack of words
Chris says:
that's not nice
Alan says:
Domai is nicew
Chris says:
what time is it downunder?
Alan says:
Uh, wait
Vev says:
3:15 PM
Alan says:
Alan says:
Chris says:
Alan says:
Close enough
Chris says:
good guess alan
Voltaire says:
yes it's already tomorrow in australia
Vev says:
I don't think I should post this conversation
Vev says:
on the Hive forum
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
You should
Voltaire says:
no one reads them anyway
Chris says:
you should
Vev says:
it would need several posts
Chris says:
do it
Chris says:
Chris says:
it'd be great
Alan says:
A large amount of what we say should never be posted to the public
Chris says:
says you
Alan says:
Like competetive prostitution
Chris says:
Chris says:
that was great
Alan says:
You're sick! Sick as a donkey!
Chris says:
are you saying donkeys are always ill?
Alan says:
What am I saying?
Alan says:
I'm not sure
Alan says:
So where were we
Alan says:
Oh yes
Alan says:
Spiders with large equipment
Chris says:
Chris says:
that was great
Chris says:
good job alan
Chris says:
i'm easily amused this late
Vev says:
where's dario?
Alan says:
I guess that's why they call them "daddy!"
Alan says:
Har har har
Voltaire says:
Still here
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
Vev says:
Voltaire says:
Yes, spiders
Alan says:
Chris says:
Chris says:
or water
Chris says:
or pop
Vev says:
and avoiding tubgirl
Alan says:
The blood of a virgin
Voltaire says:
Alan says:
Uso da
Chris says:
Alan says:
Osake o nomimasu
Chris says:
donde es bano
Voltaire says:
shouldn't that be 'osake ni nomimasu'?
Alan says:
Ha ha ha ha!
Alan says:
Your teacher sucks
Voltaire says:
i've had 3 classes
Alan says:
Osake o san bai kudasai
Voltaire says:
it's a miracle i know what i do
Chris says:
Alan says:
Wait man
Alan says:
What did I say
Vev says:
Vev says:
you are leaving
Chris says:
Chris says:
i said night
Alan says:
It's 11:30 over there
Chris says:
how does that imply leaving
Voltaire says:
yes it is
Voltaire says:
and i should be going as well
Chris says:
yeah, i'm gone
Chris says:
nice meeting you vev
Voltaire says:
and since you are such an expert in Japanese
Alan says:
Osake o kyu bia kudasai
Voltaire says:
you'll teach me from now on
Alan says:
Alan says:
Chris says:
i asked where the bathroom was by the way
Vev says:
and avoid all the things we have mentioned
Alan says:
Did not
Voltaire says:
Alan says:
Toirettu wa doko desu ka
Voltaire says:
do post this conversation
Chris says:
post it
Chris says:
josh will love it
Voltaire says:
i want to see the reactions of the Hive
Chris says:
Alan says:
Means where is the bathroom
Voltaire says:
Chris says:
donde es bano
Chris says:
where is the bathroom
Voltaire says:
Alan says:
I know
Vev says:
some things should have protected from the public
Voltaire says:
a useful phrase
Alan says:
Yeah, in Mexico
Voltaire says:
and the public should be protected from somethings
Chris says:
Alan says:
Where the food travels throuh you like a bullet train
Voltaire says:
but due to the Hive freedom of information laws
Chris says:
Voltaire says:
we have to post this conversation
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
Chris says:
post it
Voltaire says:
i will speak to you all tomorrow
Chris has left the conversation.
And my essay topic is: Pygmies from North Korea and their effect on U.S. foreign policy has left the conversation.