I have same problem with Play the World. Been playing Civ3 without any problems aftering patching to the latest PTW patch but then I noticed a US-English Civ3 patch on the fraxis site so I installed that. Then after trying to start Play the World i get that same Insert correct CD rom error mentioned above.
BTW the version of Civ I own is the Englisg Double Game Pack that includes Civ 3 and Play the World.
It is a legit version brought from my local Game store in Hull. If anybody has any doubts I can easily scan in the CD covers to prove it.
One thing did confuse me though, all previous Civ games I have owned came with a nice manual, however this double pack doesnt have any manual at all. The only manual to be found anywhere is in the game it self.
Im going to try and reinstall PTW and Civ then repatch only PTW to see what happens.
Update: Looks like Play the World works until I install the Civ3ptw127f.exe patch. Then I get the above error. Uninstalling everything and reinstalling appears to get it working again.
The way the NONE US patches are presented on the official site is slightly confusing so theres a chance i have the wrong patch.
Time for a rant about Safedisk
Also Safedisk is a truely horrible protection system to put on games because some versions set the CDrom in stone at install time. Should that Cdrom breaks and need replacing Safedisk is not smart enough to detect the change so the game refuses to work until a complete reinstall of windows has occured. Even the patches and fixes (patches for a protection system what ever next) designed to correct minor errors do not work when this happens.
Some versions of Safedisk also conflict with popular virus checkers and anti spam programs. Now I do not know about you guys but given the choice between virus and spam free computer or playing a game I know which way I will jump and have infact already jumped in the case of the now totally unplayed Mechwarrior 4 IS and Clan Packs.
Id like to see the type of copyprotection named on the box so customers who hate certain copy protection systems like Safedisk can choose not to buy a game that uses it.
I think that one addition to a games CD cover would quickly kill off all the bad copy protection systems leaving only those that do not cause problems and are not already infamous amongst players.
The thing about some versions of safedisk is they need to run server on your computer and use a pass system to allow games to work. Which to me is pure madness.