Logic Loop Worker placement
Well, the issue has come up again. Next turn the crawler will start providing extra minerals to Logic Loop, in the process removing our ability to work the 1/5/0 tile. Here are out options...
2/1/0 tile... best for growth, with some extra minerals as an afterthought
2/0/1 tile... best for growth, with some extra energy as an afterthought
1/1/3 tile... best overall tile, and best for energy
Just some notes:
Not matter which of these tiles we choose, growth will be in 5 turns.
Comrade Corellion, Secretary of Science and Social Engineering for the Human Hive in the Alpha Centauri Police State Game (ACPSG).
Function Corelli Omega-9, Internal Affairs Function (Terms 110, 101, 100, 011, and 010) and Advisor on Foreign Affairs (Term 001) for the Cybernetic Consciousness in the Alpha Centauri Democracy Team Game (ACDTG).
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one.