View Poll Results: Trappings Poll
A: Dialog is well written, could possibly use more 5 5.49%
A: Dialog is pretty good 6 6.59%
A: Dialog is servicable, does not detract 3 3.30%
A: Dialog needs some work 1 1.10%
A: Dialog SUCKS, stick to other things 1 1.10%
B: Battle scenes are well written, give me more! 7 7.69%
B: Battle scenes are pretty good 6 6.59%
B: Battle scenes are servicable, do not detract 1 1.10%
B: Battle scenes could use some work 2 2.20%
B: You have no idea how to write a battle! 1 1.10%
C: The Back Story is well incorporated 8 8.79%
C: The Back Story is just there 4 4.40%
C: There's a Back Story? 1 1.10%
D: Enjoying the overall story/would like a book 7 7.69%
D: It's a good story to read once 6 6.59%
D: Hey, it's decent for being a post on poly 1 1.10%
D: I only read it because I'm bored 1 1.10%
E: I can identify with the main character and care what happens to him 9 9.89%
E: The main character is just there to push the story 5 5.49%
E: The Main character detracts from the story 1 1.10%
F: The supporting Characters are interesting and eventfull 8 8.79%
F: the Supporting Characters are just tools to drive the story. 3 3.30%
F: I didn't even notice the supporting characters. 1 1.10%
G: Please post your favorite character so far. STORY, not in GAME or Poly Personality. 3 3.30%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 91. You may not vote on this poll

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Old September 23, 2003, 13:47   #1
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The Trappings of Polls: Now with multiple choice!

Be BRUTALLY honest please!
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Old September 23, 2003, 13:59   #2
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Ok, it is multiple now.

My favorite character has been MrWIA.

I knew I had free reign with him. Aro and Shiber come in a close second. I miss Shiber's chatter
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Old September 23, 2003, 14:07   #3
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Well I haven't been reading the story very long, mostly since the lastest war so I don't really know the back story.

In the latest ones the battle scenes are quite short, but the story itself is short so comparitively, I guess they fit in size.

And since I haven't been reading very long, GF would be my favorite character as I haven't really seen the others you mentioned.
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Old September 23, 2003, 14:34   #4
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I have been kind of holding back the battle scenes because the battles themselves have been small. I want you to be able to tell a small skirmish, as everything has been so far in the story, to a battle of dozens of units.

For those big battles, I will either post one very large edition or split it into several editions just for the battle.

Perhaps the fact that I am 'behind' and trying to catch up by weeks end has effected the latest writting as well, though.
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Old September 23, 2003, 15:48   #5
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H: more illustrations and "bouncy" graphics.
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Old September 23, 2003, 16:37   #6
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First, I have to read more of it. Did not poll yet.
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Old September 23, 2003, 17:18   #7
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Can read from the beginning here:
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Old September 23, 2003, 18:20   #8
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I have absolutely no sense of literary criticism so I'm not going to vote on this poll

However, I think it is quite enjoyable
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Old September 23, 2003, 18:37   #9
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It's a tie between Crazy Genghis and MrWIA.
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Old September 26, 2003, 01:04   #10
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Dialogue is very good. Battle scenes - especially the latest - are truly excellent. I can almost feel the sword entering my heart.

The back story, if you will forgive the pun, is absolutely glorious, and a compilation of this would be something I would definitely keep in my bookshelf if such a thing happened. As it is I am about to hopefully printout the lot to read as inspiration for an idea I am thinking of. This is quite the epic - a relatively simple idea - revenge, but this is certainly one of the best motives for literature-based characters history has ever provided, and it works well to keep the sense of a quest going. Will the quest ever end? Who can say?

I forgot to vote for E, but my write-in vote is that I almost feel sorry for the character. He is an absolute bloodthirsty machine, which tips the scales a little. Back in the day of this MrWIA's visit to GoW, however, it was clear that the main character was a tragic victim of epic proportions, and I WANTED him to seek out his tormentor.

Naturally I get a kick out of the supporting characters. I cannot remember all of them very well, but GF and MrWIA (as short as that appearance has been so far) are fantastic in that they are very easy-to-believe. Pure evil and, er, twisted evil.

My fave has been MrWIA, because he IS the villain of this piece beyond all others, and one day you just KNOW there will be a showdown to end all showdowns.

Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!
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Old September 26, 2003, 01:13   #11
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Or is it because the character is you?
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Old September 29, 2003, 05:34   #12
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UnOrthOdOx, I like the trappings very much, but the level of this last episode is a bit less, it is also too short, once you have a feeling to be "in the story" it's already finished. Also, I could identify with your character quite well untill you started with the episodes about the war. In these episodes your character remains the main character, but becomes more like a sort of a chief supporting actor and not the main actor with which you are supposed to identify. Please write more about the feelings of UnOrthOdOx and his thoughts, just like you did when you wrote about the dragon and your trip to GS.

But my overall rating: "Where is the nearest bookshop?"

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