December 1, 1999, 20:11
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Hello All
Name as it is, James Otis. Some might recognize the name, some might not. Look at the signature below for a little clue, my friends.
To the point, now.
I am currently in work on an American Revolution scenario, seeing that I am an expert in the subject. It WILL contain tons of new units, for I am not Alex the Magnificent, I am still a very good artist, not on paper, due to the British putting taxes on our paint these days.
Now, any suggestions on the scenario? I plan for it to be the best American Revolution scenario yet. There will be either one event file for each side, or maybe two, depending on how time shall go. Many special events and wonders, etc. I do believe it will be an outstanding scenario, followed by a French and Indian War scenario (even though it was before the American Revolution) a few months later, but I can't guarentee I will have the time for that scenario, but I probably will.
To the chase, now, I believe.
Any suggestions on ANYTHING including wonders, units, city improvements, events, etc? I'd be glad to hear them. Thanks.
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!
December 1, 1999, 22:39
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Loyalists, Regulators and Congreve Rockets. I'm an Alex Hamilton man myself, we're in the same bar.
December 1, 1999, 23:53
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You're russian
December 2, 1999, 09:00
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Nyet, nyet, Amerikanets
December 2, 1999, 19:47
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Michael, Loyalists were not exactly military. They were more like people who favored King George III and England. Some joined the regulars, but not many.
No, I am not Russian. I know Alex the Magnificent is, and I like his work, but I am not Russian.
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!
December 2, 1999, 20:15
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Oh good! I've been waiting for a good War for Independence scenario and I'm too lazy to make one myself!
I'm worst at what I do best and for this gift I feel blessed
I found it hard, it was hard to find, oh well whatever, nevermind
December 2, 1999, 22:00
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Nyet, nyet, Amerikanets
Unless you are trying to say you belong to the wild tribe that makes it home the barren land to South of Canada, you probably mean "Nyet, nyet, Amerikantsi.":-)
St. Leo
December 2, 1999, 23:13
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Mr.Temba, all in good time. What happened to your website? I am making a website myself. Just one to show my scenarios and some units. Say, how do you all manage to put images on these forums for a preview of a unit? A great idea, indeed.
"Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle?...I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
-Patrick Henry, March 1775
A small preview of the beginning text so far, my friends. Shall someone kindly inform me how to post pictures in the forums? Thank you. I have made one colonial militia, but in the game called "Minutemen."
Another item of question: should my scenario begin in April, 1775 or July, 1776? Lexington and Concord could occur by events in 1775. Would many of you like to play those battles, although Lexington would be hopeless for the colonists? Concord will be a sure victory for the colonists, however. I am making a bridge graphic for terrain in Concord, if you all would like the scenario to begin in April, 1775.
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!
December 2, 1999, 23:17
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Yep, that's exactly what I was saying. As in Ya Amerikanets (I don't know how to type Cyrillic so we get phonetic Russian).
And I said Regulators, not regulars.
December 3, 1999, 03:00
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For the Amerikanskis, ya gotta have von Steuben and the Swamp Fox!
For the Brits: Tarleton and Tryon.
Benedict Arnold could be most interesting (A veritable event-fest!)
And if only because we'll probably never see a complete scenario devoted to it, how about an optional opening campaign featuring the "War of Jenkins Ear" (1739-1741)?
December 3, 1999, 04:29
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To place an image in a forum, it must already be on the web, and you use the tags as outlined in
December 3, 1999, 08:16
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Give up alex, I know it's you.
December 3, 1999, 09:01
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Birth of America covers the War of Jenkin's Ear. Did you think I could ignore that name?
December 3, 1999, 16:07
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Michael, I realize that. I was saying regulars when explaining something else.
No War of Jenkin's Ear, sorry.
No one has answered my question as to if the scenario should begin in 1775 or 1776.
No, I am not Alex. If I was Alex, my English would be horrible, my good friend. I am American by blood, was born here, and live here now. Make no mistake.
Ok, I will try to get an image online.
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!
December 3, 1999, 16:34
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Ok, friends! Here is the first image preview:
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!
December 3, 1999, 17:01
I'd say start with Lexington & Concord if you can do it well. Otherwise, skip them and go right to the meat.
The image looks very good. I look forward to seeing more!
P.S.: This is thread #600 on the SLeague!
December 3, 1999, 17:20
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my webpage? I turned my back on it for one second and it dissapeared! Can you believe that? Webpages these days....
I don't care when it starts. Hurry up!  J/K
December 3, 1999, 18:11
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Ah, my friend, Mr.Temba, true that when you turn your back on something, it disappears. When we turned our back on the Stamp Act, did the British not repeal? Haha.
Well, I think 1776 will be fine. I find it difficult to have the colonists gain territory from there.
Thanks, Blackclove. Yes, SLeague is very efficient, and your tip studies are amazing and helpful. Thread #600! Wow, my friend Blackclove. It seems as if your site is going well, as well as its forums.
I am expecting "War for the Colonies" to be released on December 31 at the earliest and February at the latest. I am going to scarcely have any cavalry units, although. In the regular Civ2 scenario, you could construct and train many dragoon units. There were not many at the beginning...
My scenario includes:
-The creation of the American Navy
-The creation of the American Army and the Second Continental Congress
-Wonders including the Boston Tea Party, the Declaration of Independence, the Intolerable Acts (even though were fought), and many more.
-Over 20 new units.
-Multiple events files for the Colonists and the British, the two playable civs.
-Unique playablility.
-Excellent event pop-ups.
-A dedication page, coming soon possibly.
Also, my scenario will have part of Canada and HESSIANS, unlike the work done by Nic C. earlier. (Yes, I read the forums, even though did not join yet.)
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!
December 4, 1999, 08:25
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You are welcome to use my city graphics as you requested in the Red Front thread. Which ones were you thinking of using? The "Pioneer type" cities in Alex's Quebec scenario, the Civil War era cities or the European 1700s cities on Alex's site?
Good luck with your venture.
December 12, 1999, 01:29
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If you want it to be "the best American Revolution scenario yet" I think you ought to include the whole war. Start it in 1775, man.
Include the Native Americans if you can as a bribable force in the west... make two tribes if you can! The Hurons, etc. were friendly to the British, but the Delawares in Ohio were very nearly offered statehood by the colonists. It could make for a very interesting and realistic side war, so long as the tribes' power is kept relatively weak.
Anarchist Supreme of the Glorious PROT!
"Those who would trade a little freedom for a little safety shall have neither freedom nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
"All war is the art of deception." - Sun Tzu
December 13, 1999, 01:03
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James, what version of Civilization will your scenario be done in? FW? MGE? or ToT?
December 13, 1999, 01:30
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Alex, surrender now.
December 13, 1999, 03:35
He, he, he, I think I've got to be with DV on this one
Anyway Mr Otis, here is a name: Governor Galvez. That one should be in if you want your scenario to be regarded as the best one on this topic.
June 16, 2000, 11:37
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Anyone knows what happened to this? I'm looking for a good Revolutionary War scenario to play.
[This message has been edited by Steve Clark (edited June 16, 2000).]
June 16, 2000, 14:16
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Smeg: here was me thinking it was current and posting ideas.
[This message has been edited by Andrew Livings (edited June 16, 2000).]
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