HongHu says:
John I tried the colony pod trick and it didn't work!

John says:
which one
HongHu says:
you build a pod and let it join the base
John says:
John says:
HongHu says:
I thought then you'll have 3 pop growth
John says:
HongHu says:
but it didn't
John says:
you need to build 3 colony pods
HongHu says:
John says:
abandon base
John says:
rebuild base
HongHu says:
and you still have a base with 3 pop then
John says:
that gives you 2 population
HongHu says:
so it gives you more bases
John says:
yeah that too
John says:
so you build 3 colony pods
HongHu says:
what gives you 2 pop?
John says:
when you use one colony pod to replant the base
John says:
you get 2 pop from the PTS
HongHu says:
yes that's true
HongHu says:
John says:
and the extra 10 minerals too
HongHu says:
I'm out of place to build new bases

HongHu says:
ok I'll see
John says:
you can send the other 2 colony pods to older bases
HongHu says:
thanks for the claification
HongHu says:
oh and still get +1 pop
HongHu says:
that's right
HongHu says:
John says:
basically you want to boost the cities that have alot of food to 5 population
John says:
then you can use specialists
HongHu says:
oh now after you have 5 pop
John says:
basically that's what I'm doing with the Hive
HongHu says:
can all the specialist be librarains?
John says:
HongHu says:
or do you still need doctors
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
alright I get it thanks!
John says:
you might need anti-drone facilities
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
I have police unit
John says:
what I'm doing with the ACDG Hive
HongHu says:
I'll use 2 police
John says:
is letting two our of nut rich cities grow to 4
HongHu says:
and at least 1 specialist
HongHu says:
that'll do
John says:
then sending two recently popped colony pods
HongHu says:
our hive doesn't have police ability yet
John says:
to make them 5
John says:
then I make librarians
HongHu says:
good strategy
John says:
and network node
John says:
so we get roughly 10 extra labs in each of those size 5 cities
HongHu says:
so network node is pretty high in your building list?
John says:
15 labs in each of those cities
HongHu says:
uh huh
John says:
well network node for the mini science cities
HongHu says:
I was thinking about what to build first, children's creshe, tree farm, nodes, army ...
John says:
depend what you need
HongHu says:
you mean for the ones with librarains
HongHu says:
well I need to destroy morgan
John says:
children's creche is good for front line defending a city
HongHu says:
but it is on the other end of the world
HongHu says:
why ?
John says:
recycling tanks are good too
HongHu says:
I thought it only gives you some growth and effeciency
John says:
depends on what you need
HongHu says:
yea I've those
John says:
it also cancels the morale negatives
HongHu says:
children creshe?
John says:
HongHu says:
oh good
John says:
if you're running wealth
HongHu says:
John says:
and you have children's creche
John says:
the wealth penalty is removed
HongHu says:
ahh I remember it now
John says:
but that's only if the unit is in the city
HongHu says:
although I have CN too
HongHu says:
wouldn't that already helped
John says:
well the children's creche adds to the CN bonus
HongHu says:
I really want to know if CC has built anything
John says:
well if you're attacking someone at the front door of your base children's creche gives a bonus too
John says:
HongHu says:
John says:
lots of probes
HongHu says:
in my pbem once everybody is building SPs
HongHu says:
and I was the third and was really really scared that the first two guys will finish theirs
HongHu says:
and I will have nothing left for me
HongHu says:
fortunetaly rubin didn't finish his
John says:
that's happening to the cycon and university we hope
HongHu says:
you know if we are preparing for VW
HongHu says:
but CC gets VW and we have to build CN
John says:
HongHu says:
it has lower cost so will there be quite some waste of minerals?
John says:
it was a risk
HongHu says:
John says:
chairman said it was an acceptable risk
HongHu says:
well we have to take that risk anyways
HongHu says:
there's no way to turn back
John says:
since we've already passed the turn on
HongHu says:
we have to try our best to get it
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
if we don't we just have to live with it
John says:
John says:
like we missed out on the WP
HongHu says:
yea I know
HongHu says:
and we dealt with that pretty good actually
John says:
still HGP/PTS/VW
John says:
would be nice
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
you know I really think the timing is too coincidential
John says:
what do you mean?
HongHu says:
makes one wonder if somebody knows our plan
John says:
like how the cycon decided to build the VW straight before us?
HongHu says:
John says:
John says:
we could ask googlie
HongHu says:
why would he know?
John says:
to see if the cycon have did anything suspicious
HongHu says:
you mean from the private forum
John says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
yes that's a good point
John says:
you know losing the WP was a boon for us
HongHu says:
although if it is really the case I doubt they'll make it public in their forum
HongHu says:
John says:
because if we had gotten the WP, we probably wouldn't have accumulated the industry for the other SPs
HongHu says:
yes that's true
John says:
Being forced to wait made our industry heaps better
HongHu says:
yes that's why they always say Sai Wong Shi Ma An Zhi Fei Fu
HongHu says:
you know that one?
John says:
HongHu says:
there is this old guy
John says:
feel too tired to translate
HongHu says:
he lost one of his horse
HongHu says:
his neighbors was wondering why he wasn't sad
HongHu says:
he said how do you know if this is not a good thing
HongHu says:
and surely the next day
HongHu says:
it came back with another horse
HongHu says:
but now he got worried
John says:
HongHu says:
and he said how do you know if this is not a bad thing
HongHu says:
and yep the next day his son was riding the new horse
John says:
yeah getting all those SPs is bad for us diplomatically
HongHu says:
and fell and broke his legs
HongHu says:
and then he got happy again
HongHu says:
people were more confused
HongHu says:
but then the war happens
HongHu says:
and his son was able to stay home because the broken leg
HongHu says:

HongHu says:
So anything could have two aspects
John says:
so the morale of this story is war with other factions is good then?
HongHu says:
John says:
because we lost the WP, but got the PTS,HGP
John says:
but that made us too powerful
John says:
so the war happens
John says:
but because of the war we conquor everyone?
HongHu says:
and it may be a good thing ...

HongHu says:

John says:
HongHu says:
lol I'm always a optimist
HongHu says:
never worry for something that has not happened
John says:
so you reckon the cycon are doing something dodgy?
HongHu says:
I don't know, just suspecting
HongHu says:
I need to go
HongHu says:
baby's crying
John says:
maybe PM googlie
HongHu says:
the forum is quiet lately
HongHu says:
John says: