May 21, 2000, 23:30
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New Ancient Empires Scenario
"Seeds of Greatness", the second scenario in the Ancient Empires series is now available for download. If you liked "End of the Bronze Age", I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. To whet your appetite, here's a quote from the Readme file:
"This Ancient Empires scenario is set in the year 3500 BC. It is the dawn of history and seven ancient Near Eastern civilizations are ready to embark on the long road of Research, Building, and Conquest! How do you win? As in the real world, you must achieve the "Alexander Solution"! By the time of his death in 323 BC, this entire region had fallen to the Macedonian conqueror. The calendar moves in Ten-Year increments and you must complete your conquests by 0 AD. The shadows lengthen upon the sundial, so may the Gods be with you Illustrious One!"
Some of the new features in SoG include:
1) All Seven Civs are playable, and each comes with it's own customized Events file.
2) A "Red Front"-style batch file takes care of the file switching for you. (Thanks Nemo!)
3) The map is full of independent city-states and towns for you to conquer and enslave. And no, they aren't cities!
4) Barbarian Democracy eliminates the old "bribe-your-way-out-of-trouble" strategy. (Thanks Allard!)
5) "Goody Huts" are back! Finding and exploiting these resources is a key part of the scenario.
6) Every civ starts off at the Dawn of History, so you have a complete set of Advances, Units, Wonders, and City Improvements to research and build.
7) A color-coded, two page Tech Tree is included, suitable for framing. 
8) Two other handy reference documents (Units and Advances) are also provided.
9) There are 4 zip files to be downloaded (one set of game files and three of sounds), but you won't have to download Sound Files #1 and #2 if you already have "End of the Bronze Age"....they are the same!
10)It's been playtested quite thoroughly, so it should be bug free.
If you've got that Empire Building itch, head for my web site and get Seeds of Greatness now!
May 22, 2000, 00:44
Local Time: 05:59
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Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 831
Another check to my wanted lists.  Downloading as i write. Lets see the next great scenario. later
May 22, 2000, 10:48
Local Time: 23:59
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Appetite whetted, probably next on my list. Thank you for continuing to develop historical-based scenarios, this is probably the one thing that keeps (and will keep) Civ2 playable.
May 22, 2000, 11:29
Local Time: 06:59
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Can't download it!!!
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Our survival is based on continouus changing.
-Mao Tse-Tung
God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
much screwed that whole idea..
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May 22, 2000, 14:55
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gimee gimme! 
Did I ever mention EOTBA is, my fave scenario?
DL-ing now!
May 22, 2000, 15:33
Local Time: 22:59
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Stefan: I was able to perform the downloads both at home and at work, so they seem to work fine. Please try it again. If you continue to experience problems, let me know and I'll email the files to you.
May 22, 2000, 16:30
Local Time: 06:59
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Posts: 375
I have downloaded succesfully, but when I start the scenario, the title gif comes up and then Civ GPFs. I have MGE and no problems playing EOTBA. Suggestions?
May 22, 2000, 16:48
Well, I'm very curious to play it. I also played End of the Bronze Age, there I played the Babylonians. It was a great scenario, although it became a little hard to overview all the units. But I hope that this one will be at least as great as the first one. RedFront Engine? Hmmm..
May 22, 2000, 20:13
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Miner: Hmmm. You are correct, there is a problem with MGE. The earlier versions of SoG worked fine on MGE, but I've made a lot of Hex-Edit type changes recently. I'll have to dig into this further.
May 22, 2000, 21:14
Same here, I have MGE, and it won't let me play it.
May 23, 2000, 01:24
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No luck so far. But I do have a test version from 5/14 which runs perfectly in MGE, so I'm certain the problem can be fixed. Please bear with me, MGE owners!
May 24, 2000, 00:50
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The MGE Bug has been fixed! Apparently, Allard's new method for combining the civ selection and civ intro screens (see the recent thread titled "something to reveal: text commands") is not acceptable to MGE. Once I removed the offending commands from the "AE-3500B.txt" file, the problem was solved. For you MGE owners, here are your alternatives:
1) Download the "" file from the web site. It contains a revised "AE-3500B.txt" file and an updated "Readme.txt" (fixed a few typos and some minor errors).
2) Open the "AE-3500B.txt" file you've already downloaded and delete the following three rows:
- @listbox
- @options
- @columns=2
Everything should work fine now. Enjoy!
[This message has been edited by Kull (edited May 24, 2000).]
May 26, 2000, 16:09
Local Time: 07:59
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Apparently, Allard's new method for combining the civ selection and civ intro screens (see the recent thread titled "something to reveal: text commands") is not acceptable to MGE.
Sorry, Kull, I assumed it worked the same as in FW (after all, there are hardly differences between them). I only tested it under FW.
I'll have a look at it though. I'll keep you informed..
[This message has been edited by Allard HS (edited May 26, 2000).]
May 29, 2000, 21:13
Local Time: 06:59
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I'm downloading it right now
May 30, 2000, 07:14
Local Time: 05:59
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Posts: 95
Great scenario. It's like playing your first few games of CivII all over again.
June 4, 2000, 10:43
Local Time: 22:59
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"Seeds of Greatness" is definitely not your "normal" scenario. For those who haven't played it yet, here's another teaser from the Readme file:
"Do you remember the early days of Civ II? No scenarios or special challenges, just starting with a single settler and clawing your way to world domination? But soon you learned all the tricks and needed new challenges to keep things interesting. This scenario recaptures that "Start from Scratch" thrill! The Tech Tree, Units, Wonders, and City Improvements are all new and historically appropriate to the world of the Ancient Near East. As a special bonus, each of the Seven Civilizations has it's own customized Event file, so no game will ever be the same."
The early part of the game will really keep you on the edge of your seat. Seeing 8 powerful Barbarian units pop from a goody hut near your weakly defended frontier cities gives new meaning to the phrase "Oh S**t!" ;-)
June 19, 2000, 11:40
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Started playing this scenario a few days ago and it is the BEST scenario I have played so far. It is truly like playing Civ2 for the first time again! In fact, I had to restart the game after about 50 turns because I was making the same mistakes I did when I first started playing. The completely redesigned tech tree is a masterpiece. I'm playing this at Deity and it is truly a challenge. My only quibble is that for non-OCC games, I don't like to play with Raging Hordes and there's no way I can see to change that. It is truly a great scenario.
June 21, 2000, 01:43
Local Time: 23:59
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Location: Indiana
Posts: 367
This scenario is truly amazing. Very good work, Kull.
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So if it might be right for you, it may not be right for some
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