Jamski says:
Everyone's here
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Many women love "stramme" men in "Lederhosen"
Vev says:
what about contempary lederised Tracht?
John says:
except honghu
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
lol, what should that be?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
hey john!
Jamski says:
I was talking abouit the WOMEN's clothes
Jamski says:
Vev says:
they can still be lederised too
John says:
Jamski says:
Definitely NOT sexy
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Dirndl! Thatīs very sexy, if itīs a good girl wearing it
Jamski says:
leather catsuits however...
Jamski says:
Vev says:
catsuit Tracht?
Jamski says:
Are you INSANE
Jamski says:
latex Tracht
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
the Tracht for women is called "Dirndl"
Vev says:
Jamski says:
I thought it was all tracht
Vev says:
wooo special terms
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Tracht is the word for the kind of dressing, and then you distinguish between the different types
Jamski says:
Even I'm getting confused
Vev says:
whatabout those huge horns?
Vev says:
some seems to enjoy blowing
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? has been added to the conversation.
Jamski says:
Vikings, that's what you're thinking of
Jamski says:
Vev says:
you showed me the pic J
Jamski says:
WWJD is who?
Vev says:
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
of course
Vev says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
And what are we talking about today?
Jamski says:
YOu mean the PIPES
Vev says:
oh pipes
Jamski says:
german traditions
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
and beer
Vev says:
yeah, they seem to enjoy blowing into pipes
Jamski says:
they didn't inhale

Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
http://www.oktoberfest.de/en/galerie/ then go to
on the left side and start the slide show
John says:
that apparently
Vev says:
Micha are you a goth or a visigoth?
Jamski says:
he's a Saxon
Jamski says:
yes Micha?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:

Vev says:
so no big horns?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
so what do people think of googlie's suggestion to ask the peace?
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I must be off, have fun... though from the looks of it you already are.
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I like it
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
They won't tell us though
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Peace that is
Vev says:
what peace?
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I was thinking of it myself
Jamski says:
I think
John says:
we should still try
Jamski says:
we should give peace a chance
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
but it won't do us any good since we would have to wait and find our anyway
Vev says:
arrgh the pics are infested with tracht wearing men
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
stop with the bad puns
Jamski says:
John says:
yeah but then we wouldn't have to chew our fingernails while we wait
Vev says:
I like waiting
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
but i gtg now
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? has left the conversation.
Jamski says:
For the sake of our peace of mind
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
Jamski contact the peace and ask
Vev says:
the pics have quite a lot of people well endowed in the belly
Jamski says:
beer filled bavarian bellies
Vev says:
is that common?
Jamski says:
Vev says:
and the ladies too?
Jamski says:
but find some of the GIRLS

Vev says:
any links?
Jamski says:
sadly not
Jamski says:
Vev says:
is catty in the oktoberfest spirit?
Jamski says:
thank GOD he's gone to sleep
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
no, just the man
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
looking for it...
Vev says:
Jamski says:
I'm covered in scratches and teeth marks
Vev says:
he was busy

Jamski says:
looking fro Pr0n
Vev says:
tracht and dirndl p0rn?
Jamski says:
I found some GREAT pr0n today
Jamski says:
Aren't you going to ask where?
Vev says:
Jamski says:
on the INTERNET, silly

Jamski says:
John says:
he made it himself
Jamski says:
I wish
Vev says:
not catty porn?
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
too dangerous
Jamski says:
and he's had his penis amputated
Jamski says:
so it would be pretty pointless
Vev says:
any luck Micha?
John says:
so should I ask the pirates?
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
ask them if?
John says:
ask them what SPs are being built
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
Vev says:
is the goofy looks in the photoes due to excessive alcohol consumption?
John says:
or have been built
Jamski says:
give them some fake info in return
Jamski says:
yes Vev
Jamski says:
and being german
John says:
John says:
maybe someone else should do it
Vev says:
being German?
John says:
PMing flubber to ask
Jamski says:
is the goofy looks in the photoes
Jamski says:
=being german
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I heard that!
Vev says:

Jamski says:
ah, you are still with us
Jamski says:
offer something in return John
John says:
money makes the spam go round, the spam go round
Jamski says:
offer 5ec
John says:
offer them world domination
Jamski says:
offer them the bases with our SPs in
Vev says:
offer them a probe
John says:
John says:
we can offer them ascent to transcendence
Jamski says:
offer them your first born child as a sacrifice
John says:

Jamski says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
This is a DIRNDL
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Jamski says:
Vev says:
do you have a tracht?
Jamski says:
she's NOT naked

Vev says:
John says:
offer them that picture
Vev says:
need horns
Jamski says:
she's not too bad though
John says:
well tell them that we'll name a base after them!
Vev says:
is she really German though?
Vev says:
(no mention of when we begin or how long we keep the name)
John says:
Jamski for information on what SPs are being built/having been completed
John says:
tell them we'll name the next base to whatever they like
Vev says:
I like very loose conditions
Vev says:
gives lots of room for manipulation
Jamski says:
sounds good too me
Jamski says:
I like it tight too
Vev says:
any more Dirndl pics Micha?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
yeah she is
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
that would also save us the work to find new names ourselves
John says:
Jamski says:
I'm on a Dirndl search myself
John says:
anyway Jamski send the email
John says:
and then copy it to the peace negotiation thread
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
still searching... :P
Jamski says:
I send an e-mail?
Jamski says:
to whom?
John says:
Jamski says:
what's his address?
John says:
use the apolyton email feature
John says:
Jamski says:
and what do I write?
John says:
flubber's email address is there
John says:
we want to know what SPs are built or have been completed
Vev says:
Ahoy, Capt'n Flubber
The Hivers are be need'n yer information
John says:
and we're willing to name a base as whatever they want in exchange for that information
Vev says:
It hast come to our ears, that tha may or mayn't be SPs built
Jamski says:
keep going
John says:
also what SPs are in construction by the university and cycon
Vev says:
In return for this information, we'll send you two return-trip tickets to the Hive and the next Hive based named in your honour!
Vev says:
How 'bout we have a deal?
Jamski says:
or we can sweeten it if we have to...
Jamski says:
OK, I'll send it
John says:
Vev says:
Although i am not offering myself.
John says:
sweeten it with what?
John says:
Jamski says:
Sweeten it with OH!
Jamski says:
some of OUR info of course
Vev says:
an O-face?
Vev says:
like where the drones are
Jamski says:
*edits Vev out*
Jamski says:
ok, ok, ok,
Jamski says:
sending NOW
Vev says:
any response?
John says:
we should post this