Pop booming
We have a few options for pop booming available to us.
1. Normal pop booming via golden age. This means building treefarm, network node, children's crèche, and then allocating 50-80% of our energy to psyche. All our bases will boom up size 7 fairly rapidly. The problem with this is, pop booming is disabled for 14+ bases and hence we have to delay planting 7 of our bases until after we have completed the population booming.
This will only be possible to implement after we have already gotten tree farms. Also we may become short of energy as the due to the upkeep of the facilities.
2. PTS pod booming. Build 3 colony pods, plant one get 2 extra population points back. The two extra pods are moved into another base. Need a few crawlers to crawl minerals into the base.
3. Golden age with doctors only.
Golden is very possible with the HGP at size 4 and with 0 psyche allocation. Two doctors can be set to make the city go into golden age, if a network node is built. Combine this with a children's crèche and the city can boom up to size 5.
For size 6 cities it is possible to pop boom if the 3rd efficiency limit hasn't been reached. 3 doctors are required, and a network node, a tree farm, and a children's crèche.
With our current land area we have 1 more base than the 3rd efficiency limit. So either we PTS/pod boom any bases that are BDrone level 7, or we can hold off building that 22nd base.
One good point of this is that the +2 nutrients only need to be available after the golden age has been initiated. This mean it is possible to have insufficient food while the doctors are causing the golden age. In the next turn when the doctors are workers again the city will grow from the pop boom.
4. Golden age with doctors only, unlimited pod builder.
It has been discovered that if a pod build is timed correctly a size 4 base can be in perpetual pop boom with two doctors, children's crèche, network node, and some crawlers for food. Add enough minerals to build a colony pod every turn and we have an unlimited colony pod base.
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After this analysis it has been decided to use mainly the PTS pod booming until network node and children's crèche infrastructure can be put into place.
When the children's crèches and network nodes are in place pop booming with occur in size 4 bases with emphasis on timing the golden age pop booms such that most of the food has already been queued for a short wait to size 6. The golden age pod factory will be used to bump up size 3 and size 5 bases, putting them in position to pop boom up to size 5 or 7 respectively.
It is believed this combination of tactics will be able to keep us on par with the other factions with respect to population at least until we hit the expected 7 limit. As our spacing is only designed up to size 9 cities, stringent population planning shouldn't be required after that.