April 18, 2001, 00:27
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How many turns do I play?
April 18, 2001, 00:35
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No more than 20 - less if you feel that's all you can manage ...
Scouse Git[1] -- git1@scousers.net
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
April 18, 2001, 05:59
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The Swedish part I cannot help with, but Marko_Polo has changed his handle to Marko Polo hence the lack of profile .... (and he's still Finnish)
Scouse Git[1] -- git1@scousers.net
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
April 18, 2001, 06:57
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Well played, Carolus.

Originally posted by Carolus Rex on 04-17-2001 03:58 PM
Two barb legions destroyed by our horse.
Nice to see that your Majsty's legendary skill in horsemanship is as strong as ever!!
April 18, 2001, 08:26
April 18, 2001, 11:26
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Originally posted by East Street Trader on 04-18-2001 06:57 AM
Well played, Carolus.

Nice to see that your Majsty's legendary skill in horsemanship is as strong as ever!!
Aye, but it was a close call! One single thin red line left of the horse... Fortunately, he recouped in Rome thanks to sweet honey and oat.
April 22, 2001, 14:51
1752: Food
1754: Industrialization
1756: Stock exchange
1760: Magnetism, Factory, spice (224g) + beads(75g) to Rheims
1762: Railroad to Americans, 50g
1764: Diplo
1766: Metallurgy
1768: Diplo, Industrialization to Americans
1770: Electricity, Engineer
1774: Engineer
1776: Navigation to Americans, 50g, contact French, Japan, they demand gold  -->war
1778: Conscription, diplo
1782: Caravan
1784: Refridgeration
1786: Caravan
1788: Barb leader
1790: Steel, trade for chivaldry(Am), 50g
1792: Railroad-->French, Japan, Physics-->Am, 50g
1794: Supermarket, WLTPD begins
1796: S21, 50g(h)
1798: S22, Corporation
1800: S23, Food, Gunpowder-->Am, 50g
We are now researching Atomic theory. Too bad we haven't found Indians yet. They are (probably) the weakest and dumping techs to them would lower the sciense cost. They must be somewhere in the southern sea where we don't have access  .
[This message has been edited by Marko Polo (edited April 22, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Marko Polo (edited April 22, 2001).]
April 23, 2001, 00:08
I have got a new computer and am having problems setting up Win98 SE properly. Now it seem to work and I try to play my turns tonight!
April 23, 2001, 05:45
East Street Trader, according to post 1 you are the next.. did you receive the save game?
April 27, 2001, 10:46
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Posts: 814
I got your e-mail but no attachment.
But I've realised the save must be the one in post 1 described as AD880 so I'll play my turns from that and try to send it on to skrobism and to SG(1) to-morrow (but it might be Monday morning as I'm ordinarily off line over the week-end).
We are being a bit slow, by the best standards, I suppose but granted the underlying problems things seem to have picked up since I last played. I will do my best to keep that going.
April 27, 2001, 10:57
East Street Trader
Please don't play the 880AD situation as we are currently at 1800AD! I'll resend the correct save game in a few hours.
April 27, 2001, 15:15
Game sent to EST & SG[1].
April 28, 2001, 00:49
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I am a dozzy bugger sometimes. I'll await the save.
April 30, 2001, 05:48
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Post #1 now updated with four new save games - I am just about getting my act together after Easter -- however, entering marking hell so there may be more delays at my end - sorry guys ...
Scouse Git[1] -- git1@scousers.net
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library has been built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
May 3, 2001, 11:00
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Posts: 814
My 20 turns were quite eventful, ending with a tasty freight delivery and news of a bloody battle on distant shores against the evil Japanese. I am saddened to report that bribery and corruption were rampant throughout my brief reign so we ended with a NONE engineer and the small task force of NONE units (legion and dragoons) which fought the battle of Shimonoseki and has currently occupied a Japanese fort. We have maxed out at size 26. We have a Power Plant with the tech for an offshore platform not too distant a prospect. We could do with another NONE engineer. Two lower value freights are on route to cities demanding their commodities. Advances are coming in each four turns. I did not make contact with the Indians.
1802 Freight (spice). Disband supported cannon (shields now 20).
1804 Bribed French engineer (none unit). Discover Atomic Theory. Electronics next.
1806 Freight (beads). Establish French embassy.
1810 Freight (food). Gift Metallurgy and Conscription to Japanese (they are grumpy).
1812 Discover Electronics. Leadership next. Rush freight. Taxes to 100%.
1814 Freight completed. Cash in all freights/caravans. French ask us to join war with Japanese. Agree. Exchange Polytheism for Conscription. Gift Magnetism. Exchange Maps.
1816 Darwin’s Voyage. Discover Leadership and Tactics. Refining next.
1818 Bribe barb legion.
1820 Freight (wine).
1824 Discover Refining. Machine Tools next. Building Power Plant. French build Eiffel Tower. Mountain now hills.
1826 Building Power Plant. Disband two supported engineers. Set luxuries to 20% to celebrate.
1832 Size 26. Luxuries to zero. Sell Sewer system. Bribe barb dragoons.
1834 Power Plant. Discover Machine Tools. Combustion next. Bribe barb dragoons. Sell aqueduct.
Our dragoons destroy corps of Japanese elephants and their supporting cannon in the battle of Shimonoseki, 1838. Fort occupied by dragoons and diplo.
1840 Freight (gold). Japanese elephant kills our entrenched dragoons [  ]. Japanese build Great Library. Spice freight arrives San Francisco (demanded) 384 gold.  .
I had hoped to make progress towards contacting the long lost Indian tribe. An Indian city with a Wonder figures on the Find City list and is apparently located beyond the Japanese. But I made little progress towards sneaking through. In any event I suspect they will prove to be on another continent otherwise there would be more signs of their activities, whether visible directly or through the evil Japanese. A visit by ship to these mysterious folk might be called for.
My successor should watch the beakers for the next advance. We were exactly one quarter the way when the spice freight contributed a little over one eighth. I have made a rough adjustment which will bring in the advance in three turns without too much waste but a good micromanager could probably improve on my settings.
I will shortly send the save to skrobism and SG.
[This message has been edited by East Street Trader (edited May 09, 2001).]
May 9, 2001, 00:29
Local Time: 18:00
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I got the save on Sunday, well I check Sunday. I will try to play tonight, but if I have passed the time limit go ahead and play on. Don't let me hold this game up.
May 11, 2001, 14:45
Local Time: 23:00
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Posts: 6,344
Post 1 updated with round 3 info - I propose that when we start round 3 we drop the maximum number of turns to 10 each - we are getting close to launch and once we set out on the conquest phase 10 turns may prove far to many ...
Scouse Git[1] -- git1@scousers.net
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library has been built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
May 17, 2001, 16:09
Local Time: 17:00
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Location: Texas
Posts: 433
Hey this sounds like fun! Can I get in on the next one?
I"ve been absent from here for a while, are the biweekly OCC games still going on?
May 18, 2001, 06:16
Local Time: 23:00
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Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
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Hi crow - welcome back
Yes the biweekly OCCs are still going, but more like monthly now - a new Queen of OCC has arrisen in your absense - check out some of Ribannah's spectacular games - Have a look at the Great Library (top thread in Civ2-Strat) I think that too is new since I last spoke to you.
Do you just want in on a Succession Game or particularly on an OCC bloodlust? if the former I think there is one starting at the moment although it is proposed to be at Prince rather than Deity
See ya around
Scouse Git[1] -- git1@scousers.net
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library has been built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
May 18, 2001, 09:42
Local Time: 17:00
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Location: Texas
Posts: 433
Hello SG1 -
Thanks for remembering me!
I looked at some of those logs. That is quite an amazing feat. I'll have to see if I can come anywhere close to those dates, LOL!
Either type would be fine with me, but maybe I'll start with AC since I don't play bloodlust so often and wouldn't want my lack of warmaking skills to drag the game down. I'm a lover, not a fighter.
I'll check around to find that game, Prince level is fine with me, I can show off a bit then, right?
One thing though, I have MGE, is that compatible in a succession game with the other versions?
May 28, 2001, 09:13
Local Time: 01:00
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What's happening with the game? Who's turn is it?
May 28, 2001, 16:46
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Carolus - as far as I know skrobism has the con and will pass to me ...
June 29, 2001, 15:02
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Originally posted by skrobism
I got the save on Sunday, well I check Sunday. I will try to play tonight, but if I have passed the time limit go ahead and play on. Don't let me hold this game up.
 I am sorry that it seems that I killed this game, but I thought that I gave permission to play on. I was out of work for the past 2 months, and even though that sounds like the perfect time to play even more civ, I found myself too busy to justify playing. I am working again and will make time to start playing Civ2 and hopefully the successions again.
It looks like SG is waiting for my save. I will send it now. I have not played a turn. So, the Gits continue where I was supposed to start.
July 5, 2001, 07:19
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I now have the game - will get to it tonight ... (I hope)
July 9, 2001, 07:54
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After a slight delay - game played and attached for Carolus ...
We get Computers momentarily - have built an Engineer, Offshore Platform & Superhighways as well as several Freights - Research at 4 turns, Exchequer healthy
July 10, 2001, 18:40
Local Time: 01:00
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Got it!
Too tired to play tonight, though.
July 10, 2001, 18:50
Local Time: 15:00
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too tired??? But the summer sun is still in the sky!
July 11, 2001, 00:33
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Holy sheepdip! this is still running?
ah yes,I see it is getting close to combat time.This could be an interesting finish.
July 11, 2001, 06:12
Local Time: 01:00
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You still alive, Sten?
I've ICQed you, I've e-mailed Donie and asked for you... Heck I've even signed your daughter's guest book!
Good to see you're alive and kickin'! You got old Bird and I worried, son!
July 14, 2001, 11:17
Local Time: 01:00
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I have played my turns, will send the save to our man in Suomi. I made a couple of mistakes and doubtful moves. Anyway, here's the log!
1861 Freight built. The French demanded 1000 gold… War! Spice to Avignon (144 gold). Legion relocated to the fort in the east
1862 Freight built, start on mass transit
1863 Computers, nuclear fission next. Switched to research lab and rushed it (208 gold)
1864 Research lab completed. Alpine troop next
1865 Alpine ready, stacked it with the legion in the mountain fortress
1866 Nuclear fission, nuclear power next. Freight built. Gold to Chicago (Argh, not in demand anymore! 289 gold)
1867 Freight built
1868 French destroyer attacks and kills the alpine (which I had moved back into the city) and the none chariot
1869 Nuclear power, flight next
1870 French destroyer killed by an unfortified, new alpine who becomes a vet. I bought a battleship (480 gold)!!!
1871 Flight, laser next. Battleship fortified in Rome
1872 3 turn discoveries with taxes at 40% (budget surplus equalling 115 - 35 = 80 gold/turn), freight built
1873 French ironclad killed by battleship. Freight built
1874 Laser, radio next
1875 Freight built, cloth to Washington (130 gold)
1877 Radio
1880 Advanced flight, rocketry next
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