September 27, 2003, 12:27
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The Stories page
I know there are many aspects to poly already and I also know that many of you already do loads here and at other sites.
I just wanted to ask how many of you read the stories over on the civ3 stories page?
If so do you think they are a valuable part of the poly scene as a whole?
If you do take time to read the stories do you give feedback or just lurk?
Have you posted a story there yourself?
Are you thinking of posting a story there in the future?
You may or may not be aware that the stories page is fairly quiet at the moment, I think there have been so many good games released this year and of course the demo games seem to suck away a great many posters.
Of course there may well be a resurgence of stories being posted when conquests comes out, I hope so.
The stories page is for me the best part of the site, the talent that is on display is superb and the best thing about it is that its given freely to share with other like minded civ fans.
Id really like to know peoples thoughts on this so please take the time to ponder my questions.
Two more questions for those who have been here for a good long while.
Who do you think is the best ever writer to have posted civ3 stories?
And finally what would you do if you had to improve the stories section?
Mods please dont send this to the stories page Ive posted it here to try and get some attention.
September 27, 2003, 13:08
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I do not go there, mainly because I am afraid I will find it interesting and it will suck up more of my time.
September 27, 2003, 13:14
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Oh you will definitely find it interesting my friend, I see your point about time and all and I know you are one of the strategy and general pages most active players but you really are missing out on some great stories.
In a way most stories are AAR's that get elaborated more. Some are real drama well some are hilarious comedy the whole spectrum.
Go on do yourself a favour take a sneak peak and read some stories.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 27, 2003, 13:27
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I've read quite a few good stories on the stories forum, but I haven't visited there in a long.. long.. long time
my favorite was Legion, I don't think it was ever finished
September 27, 2003, 14:07
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I've read a few of them, and vmxa is dead on  . That page, along with the unit renaming feature in PTW, prompted me to start keeping histories of my games, in hopes of eventually sitting down and putting a story or two together from them. For any who haven't checked it out, the stories are generally very good.
"They say if you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. But if you teach a man to fish...then he has to get a fishing license. But he doesn't have any money, so he has to get a job and enter the social security system. And he has to file taxes, and you're gonna audit the poor son of a ***** because he's not really good at math. You pull the IRS van up to his house and take everything. You take his velvet Elvis and his toothbrush and his penis pump and that all goes up for auction with the burden of proof on you because you forgot to carry the 1. All because you wanted to eat a fish, and you couldn't even cook the fish because you need a permit for an open flame."
- Doug Stanhope
September 27, 2003, 14:10
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Hi PeaSoup, yes I dont think Ive seen your name posted over there and Ive been posting there for about a year and a half.
There used to be loads of stories that never got finished but we had a big debate about it and decided not to allow unfinished stories into the contests some time ago. It was a successful move in that it increased the amount of finished stories by quite a bit, but you know some stories still never get done. In fact I myself am somewhat guilty of this as I started to post my second story back in January of this year and to date its still not finished.
Anyone care to give answers to my questions
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 28, 2003, 12:41
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Re: The Stories page
Alright, most of you all have probably never seen me around these parts, but I used to be an active poster just before Civ3 came out and a bit after.  And you know what, then I discovered the stories forum. Well, as a result I haven't been known to post in General for a long, long while, so I'm afraid vmxa's got a point there: once you get into the stories, you never go back.
Any ways, I see Chrisius here's got some questions, so here we go:
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
I just wanted to ask how many of you read the stories over on the civ3 stories page?
* Vovan raises his hand *
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
If so do you think they are a valuable part of the poly scene as a whole?
Absolutely. In fact, I think the stories are about as important as the "Files" and "Creation" forums. Why? Because they add to the replayability of the game! They are written by very creative people, who might not want (or know how) to create a scenario for the game. But they do, often times, give you a new perspective on the game. I know there are some people out there that think of the game purely in terms of numbers and the fun of the game for them comes from figuring out the formulas and the guts of the engine. Stories are, unfortunately, not for them. But there is quite a bit of other people out there as well, who think of the game in more personal terms. They feel like they are leaders of the nation. They think about the people that live in their cities, and soldiers that fight for their country. To them, each story opens up a new perspective. A new way to look at what they are doing in the game. And that's great! I can't even count now how many times I abandoned the game because I got bored or frustrated. But every time, I would come over to the stories forum, read a great new piece by Chrisius here, or SKILORD, or Scratchy, or any other of the wonderful writers that comprise our community, and I would think "Oh, that's so cool! That's such a great new way to experience the rule over your people" and I would go back to the game and enjoy it again. I would go so far as to say: visiting the stories forum at least doubled, if not tripled, the shelf life of Civ3 for me.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
If you do take time to read the stories do you give feedback or just lurk?
Feedback! I know how important it is to the writers. Without feedback, they are like flowers without water: they loose their blossom and fade away.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Have you posted a story there yourself?
A couple, yes.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Are you thinking of posting a story there in the future?
Well, every time I disclose what I have up my sleeve, I tend to rush posting it, and then have a hard time finishing it. So, I will keep quiet for now.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Of course there may well be a resurgence of stories being posted when conquests comes out, I hope so.
There better be!  Seriously, any of you here that bothered to even open this thread should go over to the Stories Forum and try your hand at writing something. Even if you think writing isn't your thing, try it, and you will be surprised! After all, what have you got to lose? Knowing the audience, I can tell you right now: noone will make fun of you or anything, and in fact, people will try to encourage you and help out if something doesn't read quite right. Like I said, there were so many people there that thought they would never write anything creative in their life, and yet they tried it once and could never stop.  Take me, even. I am a programmer - I've got no creativity whatsoever. And yet, some people seem to enjoy reading what I write. And more importantly: I immensly enjoy writing! Any ways, enough preaching: give it a whirl, and see for yourself.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
The stories page is for me the best part of the site, the talent that is on display is superb and the best thing about it is that its given freely to share with other like minded civ fans.
Agreed! The quality of writing has been amazing of late.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Who do you think is the best ever writer to have posted civ3 stories?
Meh. I don't think there are any. All of the writers are great nowadays! Just check out the competition between the stories in the last few contests. The results have been so close, that it is clear just how good the writers have gotten now. (Yet, like I said, there is always space for expansion, and we love to see new blood flow into the forums, and new members join our little sub-community. Nothing better than to see a new name and read something refreshingly different.) However, if someone wanted to check out the crème de la crème of the stories, I'd say take a look at the Story Contest History thread. Scroll down to the second post to see the latest installments and check out those truly brilliant creations. Maybe they'll inspire you to try your hand at it, like they always do for me.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
And finally what would you do if you had to improve the stories section?
Add more people to it! It's always so cool to see new people come in and start writing.
EDIT: Stupid typos.
Last edited by vovan; September 28, 2003 at 12:51.
September 28, 2003, 14:05
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I frequent the Stories forum frequently, although not as much as I used to. I have posted several stories in the past, and am currently working on one right now. It is a very important part of 'poly; it keeps the interest in Civ3 alive for many.
September 28, 2003, 16:00
Local Time: 10:22
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Thanks Vovan and verto its good to hear from you both, now then come on all you civers out there come and fill out my survey and tell me what you think of the stories forum. Have you got any good ideas on how to improve the forum, have you got any really cool ideas for a story.
Like Vovansim says what have you got to lose.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 28, 2003, 17:21
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I visit the Stories forum regularly hoping to find a new gem. There's a lot of great stuff in there. To me, it's one of the best parts of the site. Too bad there's not much happening right now.
I don't give much feedback on stories. Maybe I should, but I'm not much of a writer myself so I don't feel comfortable judging the stories. I'm just amazed at the display of talent.
September 28, 2003, 19:08
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The stories are fantastic!! If you haven't visited, you must!!
I am a lurker. I try to get there once a month or so. I just felt compelled to make my 1st post there just the other day. A particularly interesting story concerning a resource delima and Egypt. One of the must reads over there.
Thanks to all who put there time and effort in over there.
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People are screeming for consistency, but it ain't gonna happen from me. -rah
God... I have to agree with Asher ;) -Ming - Asher gets it :b: -Ming
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September 29, 2003, 04:01
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To everyone whos replied to this so far  I was'nt sure if there would be any interest but its good to see some feedback
@Solomwi, Its good to hear that you might one day give us a story, Ive seen your posts in support of others there and say  up to you and all others who support the writers. Maybe when conquests comes out you will finally get the inspiration to write your first story, and I will keep an eye out for it hopefully in the near future
@ sprudl I know what you mean, its difficult to comment on other peoples work, its quite scary cause you dont want to upset any one. My advice is just start by saying "wow that was great!" etc, of course only if you actually think its great  . The thing is you see that most of the writers thrive on feedback, its one of the things that keeps em writing
@ PLATO well done  Its good to see new folks post their comments, its equally as important as writing stories. Without the contribution of those who give feedback many of the writers would simply stop writing.
Thanks again one and all, now could some more of you give answers to the questions posed like Vovansim has done.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
September 30, 2003, 18:54
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I thoroughly enjoy the stories.
It would be great to see more people contributing them.
I love to hear of the adventures that people are having with this game.
October 1, 2003, 22:34
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"The end of Honour" by jackl is just finished. An excellent read.
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People are screeming for consistency, but it ain't gonna happen from me. -rah
God... I have to agree with Asher ;) -Ming - Asher gets it :b: -Ming
Troll on dope is like a moose on the loose - Grandpa Troll
October 1, 2003, 22:39
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Originally posted by PLATO
"The end of Honour" by jackl is just finished. An excellent read.
Indeed, highly recommend to check this out to see what quality writing you can find at the Stories forum. The End Of Honour.
October 2, 2003, 02:33
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I would have to agree, definitely one not to miss.
I see no more takers for the survey, oh well I must have been right, everyone is to busy *sigh*
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 2, 2003, 14:26
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Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
I see no more takers for the survey, oh well I must have been right, everyone is to busy.
Pfft. Put on your optimist's hat.  There's been a bit of increase in the activity over at the stories forum, so I bet this thread has played a role. Just that people still didn't listen to me and prefer to lurk rather than respond.
October 3, 2003, 11:48
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Yes, the ol' lurking routine...
Max and Laramie would be very proud of them
October 3, 2003, 16:23
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I'm a lurker....
My favorite story that I've read was Chingis Khan's The Culture Flip. I really enjoyed that...even voted for it!
Time is a factor, but I would recommend that folks read at least one story every so often. A good story really makes future playing of Civ more enjoyable.
Haven't been here for ages....
October 3, 2003, 21:21
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Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
I would have to agree, definitely one not to miss.
I see no more takers for the survey, oh well I must have been right, everyone is to busy *sigh*
Perhaps a thread in the Off Topic would inspire some to remember why they came to this site in the first place. Reading one of the stories is just the thing to get you fired up and ready for Conquests
Favorite Staff Quotes:
People are screeming for consistency, but it ain't gonna happen from me. -rah
God... I have to agree with Asher ;) -Ming - Asher gets it :b: -Ming
Troll on dope is like a moose on the loose - Grandpa Troll
October 4, 2003, 04:01
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Hmmm yes good suggestion Plato, I might just do that but the only thing is that I see a few problems, ie: how quickly some subjects get buried there, How the hate civ3 group will try to tear it apart and possibly spot an opportunity to spam away in the stories forum. Hmmm Im not sure really what do others think ?
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 5, 2003, 01:40
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Originally posted by Shogun Gunner
Time is a factor, but I would recommend that folks read at least one story every so often. A good story really makes future playing of Civ more enjoyable.
Well, I keep saying this, but I'll say again: while it is true, that time is a factor, how long does posting a short response to a story really take? A word or two of encouragement mean a lot to every writer, but take only a couple seconds to post.  So, I second Shogun Gunner's encouragement to read the stories, and would like to add: ... and comment.  Thanks!
October 5, 2003, 01:52
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Originally posted by PLATO
Perhaps a thread in the Off Topic would inspire some to remember why they came to this site in the first place.
 That may be a good idea, but I kind of doubt it. If it produces any effect whatsoever, chances are, it won't be what we desire. There are really two types of people over in OT:
1. Those that stay in OT and don't visit any of the other forums often. They are quite unlikely to visit the stories forums, IMO.
2. Those that are after the post counts. You see them posting a lot in the Community forums, for instance. Now, we know that a lot of them already check other forums for a +1 opportunity or two. In fact, I can quote one instance, where a farily upleasant quarrel unrolled over at the Stories forum, right after the NESes were moved over to "Diplomacy". Literally, a few hours after the flaming started, the vultures from the OT descended and put quite a bit of fuel into the fire. That just goes to show, that such people that are likely to follow the link to the other forum, do already check out the non-OT forums, in search of a +1 opportunity, but couldn't be bothered to contribute anything meaningful. (In fact, I bet I know who will respond to this within the next 24 hours saying he is not really an OT vultur.  )
So, taking those two points into consideration, I guess it might be worth it to post an announcement in the OT.
On the other hand, it seems that since the Stories forums have been a particularly peaceful place so far, it might be hard to incite a flame war over there (this is NOT a challenge  ) and thus the spammers attracted through a post in the OT would sort of loose their interest shortly, and only those that might actually be interested in the stories would stay. So, then, it might, after all be worth it to post an announcement there...
I don't know. Just some things to keep in mind. What I'd do, though is, I'd wait till we have enough stories for another competition (and I hope Dark Cloud finally posts that nominations thread!), and then make a news item and post in the "Community" forum about the competition and the stories forums in general. Then, if that goes well, announce the next competition over at the OT.
October 5, 2003, 16:00
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I think I will wait for a while before posting in th OT and see what happens when coquests comes out, there have been a lot of games come out this year that may have dragged people away from civ, but I think conquests will bring them all back.
If anybody is interested I have just updated "The Fight For Freedom" over in the stories forum
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 5, 2003, 18:58
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Fear not about posting in the O/T. The attention span there is generally pretty low. Sure, there would be an initial spam attack, but that would fade quickly. The attention to the forum just might bring some new blood into an excellent place.
That being said, I think that it is an excellent idea to start with posting an announcement in the Community Forum just to gage reaction.
Favorite Staff Quotes:
People are screeming for consistency, but it ain't gonna happen from me. -rah
God... I have to agree with Asher ;) -Ming - Asher gets it :b: -Ming
Troll on dope is like a moose on the loose - Grandpa Troll
October 6, 2003, 10:12
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Posts: 53
The stories forum is ace.
"Feed back is great and makes people WANT to write more. So people..lets leave feedback...good, bad or means youre reading and it means a lot to a writer."
Chrisius maximus, Plato and all others i just gotta say've made my day.
October 6, 2003, 22:18
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Well deserved praise, jackl. Really looking forward to your next effort. Keep up the good work!
Favorite Staff Quotes:
People are screeming for consistency, but it ain't gonna happen from me. -rah
God... I have to agree with Asher ;) -Ming - Asher gets it :b: -Ming
Troll on dope is like a moose on the loose - Grandpa Troll
October 9, 2003, 20:53
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Chrisius and others, I've got to say thanks, too. I've just started my first story, and will probably finish and post it tonight.
I've always loved reading the story, and trying to put the events in game terms (in addition to just enjoying the story for itself). One thing that's always fascinated me is how the most minute game event can be turned into a riveting story. I forget the name, but I read one that dealt with just staying out of a war (Americans, Confederates, Germans and others involved and Cordell Hull as Confederate Sec. State, IIRC). It was a very good story, and I was doubly floored when I stepped back, put it into game perspective and realized... this story's about a non-event. Excellent.
"They say if you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. But if you teach a man to fish...then he has to get a fishing license. But he doesn't have any money, so he has to get a job and enter the social security system. And he has to file taxes, and you're gonna audit the poor son of a ***** because he's not really good at math. You pull the IRS van up to his house and take everything. You take his velvet Elvis and his toothbrush and his penis pump and that all goes up for auction with the burden of proof on you because you forgot to carry the 1. All because you wanted to eat a fish, and you couldn't even cook the fish because you need a permit for an open flame."
- Doug Stanhope
October 10, 2003, 13:44
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Ive read your story Solomwi and I must congratulate you on a job well done
All you poly civ3 fans reading this should get on over to the stories page you dont know what youre missing.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 15, 2003, 13:40
Local Time: 03:22
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Been a while since the last bump, no?
Just wanted to point out that there's been a surge of activity over at the Stories forums, so a huge thanks to all of you who have already visited - we hope to see more of you (  ) - and to those of you who are still thinking: make sure to stop by. The stories are great! Also, the new nomintaions thread is now open so go check out the truly strong competition this round.
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