I wanted to ask you, Leon Marrick and Harlan Thompson as the authors of "Advanced Scenario Design" and Patrick Williams as the author of "Radiospace's CIV 2 Scenario Design FAQ", if I may use those dokuments of yours and translate them into German with some additions for the German Version of Civilization 2.
I sincerly hope Leon Marrick and Patrick Williams are still around here somewhere since those Dokuments were written quite some time ago. I know Harlan is still here.
So, do I have your permission to translate and add to those dokuments?
My additions would include hints on how to use the tips and tricks on the German Version of Civ II and how to handle the problems of getting an englisch scenario to run under the German Version and vice versa. Perhaps some other very small additions but that what is above is all that is planned. The original text will be translated into German as accuarate as possible.
Just to be polite...
Mathias' Civ II Page