Tassadar says:
HongHu says:
I'm sure this is shorter than most of MSN chats that involve comrade Kody and/or Vev.
John says:
Jamski didn't edit the MSN conversation :fear:
HongHu says:
which part do you want him to edit?
HongHu says:
about googlie?
John says:
well all of the tassadar part, all of the googlie part, all of the hacker mentions
HongHu says:
not about naked women I'm sure

HongHu says:
well that's common knowledge anyway isn't it?
John says:
nah everyone ignores that
John says:
well it makes us look bad in front of Tassadar and googlie
HongHu says:
sometimes one just couldn't help to brag
HongHu says:
nah I think it's ok
John says:
HongHu says:
not like we have admitted anything more than we have already
HongHu says:
naked women
John says:
I suppose
John says:
but jamski said googlie is evil, and tassadar might get offended
HongHu says:
but you are very observative for me though
John says:
I observe everyone the same
HongHu says:
noticed my habit of confessing
HongHu says:
John says:
you just post more
HongHu says:
remember when I confessed to you and vev about what jamski did in the red field?
HongHu says:
guess I'm just too honest am not I?
John says:
yeah I remember
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
don't you think I'm honest?
John says:
I wouldn't really know
HongHu says:
John says:
there's a difference between always telling the truth
John says:
and always being honest you know
HongHu says:
what's the difference?
HongHu says:
oh you mean just not to tell
John says:
and I'm not really confident that I can tell
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
I got you
John says:
well I think honest people won't hide
HongHu says:
well if somebody ask me not to tell
HongHu says:
and if I made a promise
HongHu says:
then I won't
HongHu says:
but for myself
HongHu says:
it's all how you ask

John says:
someone can always tell the turth, but they can mislead still
HongHu says:
if you ask
HongHu says:
I answer
HongHu says:
most of the time

John says:
John says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
but I really think I'm very very honest
John says:
I don't feel like judging
HongHu says:
the 1% being like to play
John says:
but I know you're not a lair
HongHu says:
how do you know that?

John says:
but I know you're not a liar
HongHu says:
ok I was teasing you
HongHu says:
wow repeating really make it very convincing
HongHu says:
John says:
well just because your stories always match
HongHu says:
my stories?
HongHu says:
John says:
I spelt it wrong the first time
John says:
that's why I repeated myself
HongHu says:
wasn't aware I have stories
HongHu says:
John says:
sorry I don't mean stories as those kind
HongHu says:
what kind? Now you are confusing me
John says:
just that I'm not aware of you telling any lies
HongHu says:
well you have given people that same feeling too
HongHu says:
now I'm not saying I don't have my own reservation
HongHu says:
But I have always valued you the highest
HongHu says:
in every aspect
John says:
thanks HongHu
HongHu says:
you are welcome
John says:
I've always considered you a friend
HongHu says:
it's always nice to be considered a friend
HongHu says:
but I mean friend have different meanings
HongHu says:
I would like to be the true friend
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
you know when you don't really ask for anything
HongHu says:
then it's normally the time you can see who is your true friend
HongHu says:
I don't know if that was said correctly
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
anyway so what're you doing
John says:
I'm not sure either
John says:
I think what you were saying was....
John says:
A friend will try and help you without you even asking.
HongHu says:
yes ...
John says:
I was trying to plan the turn
HongHu says:
and he/she will do things for you without asking for return
HongHu says:
or even expecting return
John says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
do you still want me to do the turn report
HongHu says:
I mean you probably already know everything
HongHu says:
although it may be nice for other people to have something to look at /
HongHu says:
John says:
it's still useful I think
John says:
HongHu says:
ok I'll do it then
John says:
is there something you can think of that will help people get involved in the game?
HongHu says:
well looks to me more people ahve been involving
HongHu says:
especially with the SPs and diplomatic developments
HongHu says:
I'm sure when the game opens up more
HongHu says:
people will actually involve more
HongHu says:
I mean there are more aspects for people to be involved then
John says:
well what could be kindof good would be if someone wrote a internal events history
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
we need a Hive historian
HongHu says:
John says:
Make a thread seperate from the turn tracking
HongHu says:
John says:
then each turn you update it with important events
HongHu says:
well I don't know if it needs to be every turn
HongHu says:
just the important evens sounds good to me
John says:
like for last turn it would have been
* we built the VW
* pirates appear to have stopped talking to us
HongHu says:
like when we met other factions
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
John says:
* The ACDG introduction is nearing completion
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
sorry I haven't been very involved
John says:
did you talk to chairman recently
HongHu says:
I pmed him once
HongHu says:
about IC
John says:
I heard you two were organising the hive intro part
HongHu says:
he said that we should talk more through msn
HongHu says:
but never did
HongHu says:
guess I wanstn't around much
HongHu says:
John says:
I kindof dislike how people change their MSN names so much
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
I know
John says:
I have 4 people on my MSN list that always change their names
HongHu says:
only voltair has that habit right?
HongHu says:
HongHu says:

HongHu says:
John says:
Voltaire, Rastlin, Brian, Zelabith, and DJ
John says:
well that's five
HongHu says:
don't know most of them
HongHu says:
John says:
but I can usually tell who DJ is because he usually puts "quack" in
HongHu says:
DJ is tass?
John says:
nah you probably won't know the others
HongHu says:
John says:
DJ is a kid in western australia
HongHu says:
oh ok
HongHu says:
ok I think I'll do the turn report and answer some emails and then I would need to be going
HongHu says:
very exhausted today actually
John says:
HongHu says:
the zoo is 2 hours driving from home
HongHu says:
kids had great fun though
John says:
actually just do the turn report on even years
HongHu says:
just didn't want to come back
HongHu says:
even years/
John says:
and on odd years do the events update
John says:
make a new thread
John says:
for the events update
HongHu says:
you want new thread?
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
ok I'll see what I can do
HongHu says:
I think I've got a minor case of flu perhaps
John says:
events update should be just somewhere were we can see what's been happening
John says:
HongHu says:
my throat hurts like hell
John says:
hrmm you should drink lots of water and get some rest
HongHu says:
although it might just be I've been shouting too much today
HongHu says:
almost lost my voice now
HongHu says:
John says:
hrmm what techs are we worried about the pirates and cycon getting?
HongHu says:
yes that's something I always forget
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
did you see my post about the SP?
John says:
nothing really
John says:
John says:
oh in the CGN
John says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
the one about infiltration
John says:
they're going to go for empath guild?
HongHu says:
empathy something
John says:
that is disabled
HongHu says:
oh that's good
HongHu says:
sorry I forgot
HongHu says:
rubin just got that so I was kind of surprised
John says:
if the drones can pop boom up large enough
HongHu says:
ok then
John says:
and we can build enough bases
HongHu says:
John says:
then we'll be the only two candiates for the planetary governer
HongHu says:
that's right
HongHu says:
it will be perhaps another 10 years away though or longer?
John says:
well the pirates have met all the human factions
John says:
I assume they've met the AI too
HongHu says:
well they have to initiate the meeting though
HongHu says:
which I'm not sure if they want right now
John says:
John says:
because they wouldn't want the university and cycon directly trading with others
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
how far are we from flex?
John says:
HongHu says:
without trading?
John says:
I would say 2145 abouts
John says:
maybe earlier
HongHu says:
John says:
depends on how fast the drones can pump their tech out
HongHu says:
now is 2139?
John says:
we get mobility in 2141
John says:
now is 2138
HongHu says:
yes next turn will be 2139
John says:
actually the drones might be able to get it in 21413
HongHu says:
so 6-7 years before we even have a chance to meet anybody else
HongHu says:
ok good
John says:
well actually it's better than that
John says:
because the drones have a scout exploring some land to their south
HongHu says:
John says:
and they're going to send a probe to that "B" labeled land
HongHu says:
right I know that
John says:
a foil would be pretty nice right about now though
John says:
too bad we're out of pods
HongHu says:
yes lol
HongHu says:
oh well
HongHu says:
you know luck can not be with same person/faction always
HongHu says:
so we better hope we have little difficulties now
HongHu says:
and will have more lucks later
John says:
well even though we got unlucky with our pod pops
John says:
we got lucky with hrmmm
John says:
with the drones finding us
HongHu says:
ok the first luck of the Hive is of course we've got Comrade Kody
John says:
that gave us our early industry advantage because of earlier IA
HongHu says:
you know you sometimes are too practical
John says:
gosh HongHu, you've been working pretty hard to pump my ego up
HongHu says:
some things are not able to be explained by rationing
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
well it is true though
John says:
maybe I should stop theorising on what the other factions are doing
HongHu says:
and the second luck is that he has not concentrated all his ability to overthrowing the chairman
John says:
John says:
well the thing is I don't want more responsibility
HongHu says:
and actually concentrated on working for the Hive

HongHu says:
I mean how often do you get that?
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
one in the entire Poly forum I would say
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
ok I gtg Kody
HongHu says:
one more pbem
HongHu says:
then I'll drink some water
John says:
okay then
John says:
HongHu says:
John says:
get better soon
HongHu says:
or cya
HongHu says:
John says:
if you feel like it save and post this chat
HongHu says:
John says:
it's okay either way
HongHu says:
anything important?
HongHu says:
oh yes
HongHu says:
the Kody's ego
HongHu says:
ok I'll do it
HongHu says:
John says:
John says: