October 30, 2003, 15:33
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"Sir, the Serbs are making hostile remarks, accusing us of building an army to attack them."
"Preposterous, what would we want to build an army for? We are and have ever been peaceful."
"Yes, sir I realize that, but it seems the Serbs are being excessively paranoid."
"Pssh, its not paranoia, they know as well as you do that we have no interest in war. They are not paranoid fools, they are doing this quite deliberatly."
"What for?"
"They are trying to squeeze us to get our navigational charts of New England. They are attempting to colonize this new world but lack skilled sea captains like Leif Erickson and John Cabot. Since we are not going to give away information about the new world, they are trying to threaten us for them."
"How can you be so sure, sir?"
"When you have been around as long as I have, you learn to read people, you learn politics and how the world works. They are trying to manipulate us, and world opinion to get access to our sea charts. This is not an honorable way for friends to behave toward each other. Send them an open letter again pledging friendship with Serbia, but stress our need to keep our maps a secret. If they are true friends, they will understand."
"Yes sir."
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
October 30, 2003, 18:08
Local Time: 19:26
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The MAN sat astride his horse in the desert and looked down on the small vilalge in front of him, time to remove all evidence of his crimes he thought to himself. Yes those damn people would pay and pay dearly.
Meanwhile back in RAZ city
Pharaoh Rameses looked over his gathered army and felt very down hearted, once again Egyptians would be turned agaisnt Egyptians, but THE Man and his forces must be stopped, the Egyptains didnt want war, they wanted peace and open trade, but the Man was driving his people down a path they might deeply regret, he had to act now, before things got ouit of hand
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
October 30, 2003, 23:13
Local Time: 19:26
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Cleopatra was only 8 when her parents moved away from the large city life in Raz City and headed east to join the many Egyptians being encouraged to settle in the newly claimed lands along the Great River. Her family were mainly made of low skileld workers with her father and grandfather being hard working masonary labourers. Her five brothers were all general farm workers and her two older sisters were already married and they were travelling with their new husbands who were bronze workers.
Travleling through the desert was a hard and treachourous journey with many foriegners encountered along the way , especially in the feared Suez Crossing area. Forutnalty there were no major incidents as they headed east and they arrived safely in Holy Land Citys only 1 year after departing Raz City.
Her family soon found work on buildign new infrastructure in the new villages, and her life seemed to be returning to normal.
But it wasnt long before she saw the terribleness of the way Egyptians treated foriegenrs and how foregners treated Egyptians. Th emutual hatred of Serbs and Tartars was so confusing to one so young.
By the age of 12 her family were on the move again to settle new villages and again she was confronted with the teribleness of mans hatred for man.
All this was to impact her greatly and may have been the major influence on her future
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2003, 17:24
Local Time: 10:26
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The Tartar Solution
Still no word from the Tartars. King Stefan Uros II Milutin is awaiting news from Tartar land impatiently in the fortress of Volgograd at the moth of Volga in the Caspian see. From the tallest turret of this easternmost Serbian outpost one can even see the Tartar city of Uppsala, Milutin’s first target in his righteous campaign against the infidels. Bogdan and Milutin have gathered an impressive force of 10000 heavy cavalry, 30000 archers and 100000 infantry. Assembled around the Christian cause and promises of plunder and capture of new land, the campaign has attracted poorer part of Serbian Nobility, ruined feudal lords and second and third sons of the wealthy ones.
Bogdan Jugovic enters king Milutin’s quarters.
“Sire, the troops are getting restless. They are wondering when our attack will begin. I’m wondering that too. I suggest we wait no more, for the Tartars have not elected a new ruler yet and we shall profit the most if we attack now.”
“I’m fed up with this waiting. Yes, we shall attack now! God is my witness I tried everything in my power to avoid the war, but Tartars don’t understand the language of diplomacy. The only arguments they consider are those of steel and blood. We shall now give them those arguments”
And so the Serb army arrived near the Tartar city of Uppsala and set up a camp there. At the dinner with the leading nobles, King Milutin had a toast about the coming clash with the Tartars.
“Tomorrow we attack and shall burn Uppsala to the ground! But we shall not stop until we put Tartar capital Trondheim to the torch! The entire Tartar Empire does not stand a chance against our mighty army of crusaders in their holy war to spread the true faith all over the world! I raise this cup in honour of our army! To our army and the might of Serbia”, and King and the nobles drank the wine from their cups.
“Tonight the dinner is humble. There is no venison or any other game at the table. Not because we don’t have good hunters, but because we must eat light and remain sober for tomorrow. We shall have no feast but a plain supper. We shall eat what Christ ate, because tomorrow we shall be the warriors of Christ”, continued Milutin.
Just as King and the nobles prepared to start eating a guard entered the King’s tent bearing the news.
“Sire, I have important news! May I speak?”
“Are you crazy? Why are you barging in like this? Is this a country crossroad or a Royal tent”, asked Bogdan furiously.
“Forgive me Sire, but the news is extremely important. Our patrol brought in a herald from King Winzity II of the Tartras”
“Ah, so the Tartars have elected a new king. What does he want”, asked King Milutin.
“The herald said it was for your ears only. Should I show him in?”
“Yes, we are curious to hear what he’s suggesting”, replied Milutin.
And so the Tartar herald entered the Royal tent.
“O Stefan Uros II Milutin, glorious King of all Serbs, hear now the message of Winzity II, king of all Tartars! The Tartars realise the crimes our former King Sub has committed against Serbia. We wish to avoid the war and agree to compensate Serbia. But if our king agreed with the terms of your ultimatum, he would be deposed very soon and the Tartars would be on the war path with the Serbs for all eternity. The Tartars would not profit from the war, but so would not the Serbs either, for the other nations would surely use the prolonged war between our two mighty empires to their advantage. Hear now the terms Tartars are offering to avoid a destructive war. We shall surrender Uppsala and the surrounding area to the Serbs. We shall pledge an alliance with the Serbs in all matters of foreign policy and shall guarantee the Ural border between our two nations. And to strengthen our friendship, king Winzity II is offering his youngest daughter to become wife of your Majesty. Tell me now, O Magnificent Milutin, is your magnanimity equal to your greatness?”
“This Tartar proposal is interesting. Tell me something more about the young Winzity’s daughter”, inquired Milutin.
“Don’t tell me, your Majesty, you haven’t heard of her. She is known all over the world”, spoke the herald.
“Could she be the one I have heard all the stories about? Is there any truth in the stories”, asked Milutin further.
“Your Majesty, the stories are not exaggerated. I swear. She is an eternal virgin. The only one of the kind.”
“All right. Tell your king we shall meet tomorrow in Uppsala to sign a peace treaty. We accept your conditions. Now hurry up to tell good news to your king”, concluded Milutin.
After the herald left, the nobles started to discuss.
“Do you know what kind of prize I have got today”, asked Milutin.
“Sire, I believe you have been too lenient with the Tartars. You could have gained more, have you pressed them enough. If we had burned Uppsala, we could have hoped for a better settlement”, replied Bogdan.
“But of course we shall plunder and burn Uppsala and the area around it. Do you think our army would settle for anything less? I was referring to my personal prize, my future bride.”
“Sire, may I remind you that you are already married. Maybe you should give the hand of this Tartar princess to your son. And what’s so special about this girl?”
“The issue of my marriage is going to be dealt with. And the girl is special because she has seven layers of hymen. Each of the layers grows on a particular day of the week and that fact makes her eternal virgin.”
“Sire, for a woman like that, I would have divorced my wife too. But we’ll have to fix it with the pope.”
“Don’t worry; I think I know just the way how to do it without involving the pope. Now Bogdan, announce the news to our troops. And we shall have a banquet! Now!”
And so began the feast that lasted until the dawn.
And for three weeks after that the dismissed Serbian army plundered and pillaged the area of Uppsala, until entire Tartar population either left or was killed.
Last edited by Ljube; November 1, 2003 at 17:34.
November 1, 2003, 18:13
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 05:26
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An eternal virgin?
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
November 1, 2003, 18:19
Local Time: 10:26
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From a conversation between two disillusioned Serb knights serving as mercenaries in the Egyptian army.
“Damn Milutin and the way he betrayed us! We are simply dogs of war now. He forced us to become mercenaries”, said Ivan Kosancic.
“Yes, he made us leave our homes and follow him in a holy war against Tartars. But we saw no war. Some plunder and rape, but no war. He settled with the Satan King Winzity and he got a witch bride as a reward”, said Milan Toplica.
“I hear he married her in spite of the fact he had already been married at the time. The Pope wouldn’t grant him the divorce, but he made Archbishop of Ras Patriarch and he divorced him.”
“Yes I heard the same thing. And his son, Stefan Uros, Prince of Zeta rose against him with a group of poorer nobility betrayed by Milutin in the same way we have been betrayed. You know, only the favourites of Milutin got land in the area of Uppsala, so many knights were unhappy with the way Milutin treated them.”
“Maybe we should join the rebellion of Milutin’s son?”
“Let us first get rich in this war Egypt is fighting against the heathen Tartars. Then we shall see who wins in the battle. If Milutin’s son is winning, we’ll join him and get some land there for our support to him. If Milutin turns out to be victorious, we shall stay in the land of The MAN and become Egyptian nobles. I have no problem with that.”
“You are right. We should concentrate on plunder here. There is enough of Tartar wealth we can take here in Mesopotamia. Tomorrow we attack Aarhus. We shall camp here, in this valley nearby”
“Yes, let’s rest before we burn Aarhus. The only good Tartar is a dead Tartar.”
And so the Serb army in the service of The MAN made camp near Aarhus, but they failed to secure the encampment. They were ambushed by the Tartars that night while they were sleeping and slaughtered mercilessly by Tartar savages.
November 1, 2003, 19:07
Local Time: 10:26
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“I want to know the secret behind King Arthur’s longevity. And not only that, but the secret of his performance as well. I have a young wife I want to satisfy. I have to do it every night or she will have it with another man. I can’t be sure she isn’t having an affair if I don’t do it every day”, told Milutin to his trusted aide Milorad Sekaric. “To get to the bottom of King Arthur’s secret you must gain the trust of my father who is Arthur’s trade advisor. Then, you shall acquire the secret at all cost. You have a license to kill because it’s the future of our nation that is at stake here. Once you get there, you are on your own, since this is a super top secret assignment. I’ll give you a hint that our intelligence suspects Arthur’s foreign minister, Sorcerer Merlin to be behind the prolonged life and super human bed performance of King Arthur.”
“I shall go at once, Sire”
“One more thing. If you get caught, you shall under no circumstances reveal the true nature of your mission. You shall admit after some torture that you are an Orthodox fanatic, let’s say member of Crimson Brotherhood who planned to kill my father and his wife, Princess Ann for their heresy.”
“You can trust me, I shall not fail you Sire.”
“On the way there, take this treacherous son of mine I have recently captured and blinded for his rebellion against me and ask my brother Dragutin to find a safe dungeon for him. I’m sure Dragutin is going to love this, because he always suspected I wouldn’t keep my promise to have his son as my successor. Well now that my own son rose against me, I think the safest thing I can do is to stick to the agreement with my brother to the letter.”
“Rest assured Sire, the traitor shall not leave my sight. He’s pretty much harmless now being blind. I don’t think he can ever contest for the throne of Serbia again”, replied Milorad.
And Stefan Uros, the only son of Stefan Uros II Milutin, blinded by his father, was turned over to Stefan Dragutin in Belgrade. He was then handed over to the English for safekeeping in the Tower of London.
November 1, 2003, 19:56
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St. Sava's Cathedral
Terrible feeling of guilt was tearing Serbian King Milutin apart. He felt he had done wrong because he had sent his wife away, blinded his son and married an infidel witch. Furthermore he had deepened the rift between the Serb and the Roman church. The danger of a schism was real and he was guilty for it.
He decided to repent. He arranged the canonisation of the first Serbian archbishop Sava and his father Simeon. He built at least one church each year during his 40 years of reign, totalling to 68 churches and monasteries and during his last year a masterpiece of Serbian architecture was completed in Novi Sad – the greatest cathedral in the entire world. It was named St. Sava’s Cathedral because Novi Sad was the resting place of St. Sava. His remains were moved to the Cathedral and buried under the altar during the ceremony of consecration Pope Leo I himself performed.
The whole Christian priesthood gathered in Novi Sad to witness the event and to attend the First Ecumenical Council on the issues of the faith. Pope Leo I and Ras Patriarch Danilo I presided the Council and the decisions of this Council were considered official dogma of the Church for the years to come. All disputes were settled and Christianity stood united once again, condemning the heresies such as Arianism, Monophysitism and Monothelitism.
November 1, 2003, 21:57
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Witch Doctor Totem (placeholder)
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2003, 22:59
Local Time: 19:26
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The priests of THE GREAT RAZ stood around the burnign remains of their latest sacrifice, the incense was filling the room. They hummed the latest and greatest chorus glorifying the one true God and smiled.
At the completion of the ceremony the high priest entered and gathered all the priests in front of him.
"Brothers, I have sad news, the infidels from the North and East still trapse our beleoved Holy LAnds. Many attempts to convert these heathen from theri false beleifs has failed. It is time for the holy jihad. We have infiltrated all our neighbours temples and witnessed for ourselves their pagan rituals. The Great Raz is not pleased that so many have forgotten him already. Msny of our own nation too are no longer true beleivers. We will begin our jihad in our own cities and once Egypt is cleansed we must cleanse the holy Lands completely"
He pulled a short spirally dagger from his sleeve of his robe and slashed his wrist.
"This blood is to symbolise the begginning of the end"
The priests al lbowed and faced East to the Holy Lands and begun their crys and moanings as the ritual demanded.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2003, 23:21
Local Time: 21:26
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Azande suspicion
A Great Barrier?
The Azande, the true Western sea Azande from the stars, were suddenly enveloped in an enclosed space. They were highly suspicious yet felt entirely secure. It was the Uele! Their leader had developed a devious device that protected the jungles but they don't realise that it also protects the Azande!
But what of the Azadine in the East? Were they also protected? And what of the Egyptians in the North?
Ah, the Gypos! The Azande only had one city in the Western jungles but a true to their word a tribe of true-believers embarked on a pilgrimage into the deserts. There they did amass with true believers from the North and the great desert town of Northern Azande was settleed...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2003, 23:21
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The young Cleopatra became more and more beautriful , but also more and mroe determined to see a resolution of all the hatred and violence in her world. She had the gift of knowledge and wisdom and man adored her. By the age of 16 she had become the most influential women in the East of Egypt. Many beleived that Rameses himself was courting her for his wife.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 1, 2003, 23:27
Local Time: 21:26
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Azande wealth
It was from this port of Azande that a magnificenmt journey did'st commence. It was the only known port on the entire west coast of Africa. A small vessel set forth containing special goods for sale in the far off kingdom of Angle-land. After a treacherous journey where a futuristic goto oar tried to sink the ship it finally reached the port of London in 350BC.
A great trade deal was negotiated with that fair land and great wealth did flow to the jungles of Africa...
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2003, 23:33
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Azadine trade
The Eastern Azadine had trade plans of their own. With many cities they set forth many caravans to Egypt and to the far East, from where the witch doctors did perceive a great leader of reason! For it was in the wars of far-off Europe that one voice did proclaim an honest solution. But it was not heeded. Turmoil in Egypt had set forth murderous asasins to attack anything in the Middle East! The Indians it was believed had offerred an entire city to placate the rabble and thus place a barrier between them, for it was not THE MAN ruling all of Egypt anymore!
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2003, 23:41
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AZadine salt
A salt caravan heading for the Egyptian capital discovered that they no longer needed salt. Furher investigation revealed that salt was required in Europe and a course was ploted for Beograd. The Azadine witch doctors willed it so and planned to test Serbian peaceful intentions. The Azadine allies, the Tartars, had sufferred at the treachury of the Serbs but the Azadine needed to venture forth and see for themselves what truth existed in this world.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 1, 2003, 23:50
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THe Angles had explored westward and discovered a New World. Then it was revealed that some sort of competition existed to explore and settle this New World. The Serbs were vieing for part of the action and it was known that in the far East Terra Australis was being settled.
The Azadine paniced. Had they been standing on their hands?
The Uele were oblivious to these events, quite contect behind their safety barrier...
The Azande saw it all so differently, for they were the chosen ones, the ones from the stars, the ones yet to be reckoned with. It was their caravans that yielded 4x the gold of any other civilisation on the planet. They had devised a secret strategy that would dominate the world, yet only minimally settle it....
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
November 2, 2003, 00:26
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THE MAN ordered his genrals to move up over the ridge, the township below was burning , the last stand by the Egyptian army had been a wasted effort, many lay dead across the plains. With anarchy spreading across the breadth of Egypt, revolts were occuring in every city. This all pleased THE MAN who was now known throughout the world for his violence and evil. Soon he would be strong enough to ride on to Raz City and retake all that belonged to him.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 2, 2003, 00:34
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In Raz City all the chiefs of all the provinces gathered with Pharaoh Rameses and discussed how to get the Egyptian revolt under control. Finally in disgust Rameses threw his crown onto the floor and shouted
"If th epeople will no longer follow their Pharaoh i will leave and live in the valley of my ancestors. "
And with that he left.
So the Chiefs were left to sort out the mess, it took them many years of internal squabllign before they fianlly settled on a new form of govenrment they called the Senate. Each province would elect a Senator to represent them and the Senators would elect a new Emperor to rule them all.
And so began the Republic of Egypt
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 2, 2003, 05:12
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The Wedding
In a secret location in the Holy City, THE MAN looked across at his beautiful new wife. Cleopatra would make him very happy he knew, not only in the bedroom, which he was anticipating immensley, but also her favour with the people would be his inroads back to power.
Already he knew that most Senators favoured making Cleopatra the new Empress of all of Greater Egypt. Once that decision was announced he would declare his marriage to the nation and take his palce at the side of his Young , beuatiful , virgin wife in the Forum.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 2, 2003, 05:18
Local Time: 19:26
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The Forum
Cleopatras first action as the nations Empress was to return all the soldiers to their barracks. The mid east was in peace at last.
She sent her chief diplomat to meet with the Serbs but he was expelled whilst journeying through Turkey. This did not please the Egyptians and Cleo put it to memeory how the egyptain diploamt was treated.
Trade was offically launched and Egypt welcomed the camels from southern africa and rejoieced with the new commoditeis availalbe.
New citys were built in Western Africa and the engineers were madly building roads to link the great nation together.
Irrigatio nwas also being laid to feed th egrowing populace which had rushed the one million mark.
The first merchant ship was built and was ordered to load with egytpian finery and find suitable trading partners.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 2, 2003, 17:43
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The Great Raz looked down and saw everyone rushing to the New World. Yes he hasd been wise to keep his people away from the New World. Soon there would be war in the New World as Serbs, Tartars, English and Indians fought for the right to call the palce their own, even the Azande were sailing that way too. And as for the Chinese well The Great Raz knew their ways well.
Yes his people would be safe from the war in the New World, but that wasnt to say that all would be safe in Africa and Asia, no things were just about to hot up
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 2, 2003, 21:33
Local Time: 03:26
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China had existed in splendid isolation, with the exception of her two allies, the Indians and Tartars. For years knowledge and trade had been exchanged between lands, and the people grew numerous and were happy in the land no matter what kingdom ruled them.
The primary route of trade led through Southern China into the Jungles of Indo-China to the Indian city of Bangalore. There Chinese goods were exchanged for those from all over India and Australia, as well as Indian and Tartar currency, which was the point of the first issue the Chinese government took up which bothered them about a foreign nation.
The powerful Kingdom of the Serbs was no mystery to the Chinese government. Basic contacts were kept with their leaders periodicly and both were commited to peace, but the great distance between the nations kept most issues relating to them on the backburner, that is until Serbian nobility became envious of Chinese and Indian trade routes. They called for the world in open forums to not allow currency to fall into the hands of the Chinese, which perplexed many within China. For years China had no need of its own currency, but had traded its own goods for foreign currency. Most labourers in China freely accepted this foreign currency as one way of establishing a set price for goods.
The Chinese Government was quite concearned about these outright rude comments made by Serbia. A special board of the top merchants in Shanghai and Beijing met along the grand canal to create the first Chinese currency. Foreign currency would continued to be allowed as well.
Fueled by the vast wealth aquired through trade, new cities were established in Indo-China, on Formosa, and expeditions were set out to explorer the artic northeast, and to find a new world of our own.
Despite all hardships and irrational outsiders China continues to promote peace and trade throughout the world, as well as open discussion and compromise.
November 3, 2003, 19:42
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Update on Ozzys graphs
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 3, 2003, 19:57
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First Egyptian Census 20AD
The Senate ordered a complete Statitistical Survey of Greater Egypt the following informatio was released.
Cleopatras' Approval Rating was 71% (Rumoured to be 4th highest in the world)
Population total of al lthe provinces was 1,040,000
the GNP $121 Mill
Manufacturing sector contributed 64 Tonnes
Land occupyed by Egyptians was 156,000 Sq miles
Only 32% of the population were literate (which was also 4th highest in the world)
Disease effected 45% of the popualtion (The second best medical system in the world)
There was no pollution anywhere to be found (On a par with all leading nations)
The average Egytpian would live for 28 years (2nd highest in the world)
In that short lifetime they would have 5.5 children (The largest families in the world, and this may also explain the lower life expectancy)
The Egyptian populace were also expected to spend 3 years in the military
The Average Egyptian on the street earned $59 a year.
Productivity was running at 71 (Again the second best in the world)
Empress Cleopatra was reasonably happy with these results
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 3, 2003, 20:04
Local Time: 19:26
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Ancient records found
Out of the bowels of the Pharaohs tombs was found this information from 1100BC
Arty Intelli had an approval of 50%
Population was 240,000
GNP was only $12 mill
Manufactoring produced 8 Megatonnes
Egypt only occupied 47,000 Sq miles
Still only 32% of population were literate (but this was highest in the world)
Disease only affected 30% of the population
No pollution
Average life was 36 years
Family size was 5.1 children
Each male served 5 years in military
PAy for the year was $16
Productivity ran at 46
Cleopatra was please in some regards but had some areas she was lagging in
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 3, 2003, 20:11
Local Time: 19:26
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
King Tuts records found
Found in Tutankhamens tomb from 625BC
Tut was approved by 47% of the populace (Interesting that they preferred the Dumb AI more)
Population had swelled to almost double at 430,000
GNP up to $13 Mill
Manufacturing swelled to 28 Megatonnes
Land area was increased dramtically to 87,000 Sq miles
Literacy was still 32%
Disease upto 31% of population
No pollution
Life expectancy dropped to 35 years (Due to the harder work ethos and larger familys)
Average family size a whopping 7.9 children
Each male served 7 years in military
Take home pay dropped to $11 a year
Productivity upto 65
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 3, 2003, 20:18
Local Time: 19:26
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
The MANS secret Census
The Man walked into Cleopatras office and handed her the results of his secret census taken in 275BC.
He also laughed and pointed out that he was now over 800 years old!!!!!!
THE MANS approval rating was 56% much higher than King Tuts!!!
Population again surged to 750,000
GNP was also surging to $43 Mill
Manufacturing steady at 30 Megatonne
Land swelled under his militaristic conquests to 138,000 Sq miles
Still only 32 % were literate
Disease well under control at only 25% of population sick
No pollution
People lived longer too with average length of 40 years
Probalbly due to only 3.3 children per family
Despite the longest running war under his leadership , military service was only 3 years
Take home pay swelled to $20
But productivity had dropped to 45
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 3, 2003, 20:55
Local Time: 19:26
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
For the Graphically minded people (Ozzy)
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 3, 2003, 23:43
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 05:26
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 10,595
The End of Camelot
The final years of Camelot were a prosperous, though naively happy time. The power and wealth of the kingdom grew rapidly and there was much rejoicing, no one expecting the somber patch of misery that was soon to follow.
Relations with the Serbs were renewed greatly. The First Ecumenical Council was a great success. Pope Leo I and Ras Patriarch Danilo I issued a joint declaration outlawing Arianism and several other heresies of the faith. Bishops throughout the British kingdom enforced the new dogma from the pulpit.
Shunned and in many cases excommunicated, the newly persecuted Arians found themselves strangers in their own land. Seeking refuge this religious minority boarded the great fleets of Leif Ericson and John Cabot bound for the new world. These settlers, and practicers of other heretical sects, tamed New England through the establishment of several colonies. From Arthurtown in the south to Quebec in the north, the English controlled the rich coastline.
The Arians increased in number, both in New England and in the motherland. To appease the interests of a few wealthy Arian merchants, the Arian lord Oliver Cromwell was appointed to the Round Table. He took over the position of Domestic Advisor from the late Stephan Uros.
King Arthur was by this time very old and ailing. His reign was very long and prosperous. Despite his old age, he was rumored to have no trouble pleasing the beautiful (and much younger) Queen Guinevere. With the well known, and by now legendary impotence problems of the long dead Egyptian King Tut the English Bishops used this to their advantage and began circulating explanations behind both Arthur's prowess and Tut's impotence.
As a way to promote marital fidelity the Bishops blamed Tut's trouble in the sack on his many concubines, and credited Arthur's monogamy for his great ability (rumors the Queen was having an affair with Lancelot were violently stamped out).
The Round Table, was finally ready to unveil the great monument in South Paris to the voyage of Leif Ericson. By this time the great stories and exploits of Ericson's voyage had been made public. Everyone prepared for the great celebration of the monument's unveiling on October 12 the following year.
Sadly the King would not live to see the celebration.
Arthur died on a Tuesday. It was the 6th night of rain and Camelot felt collective anguish upon hearing the news. For two weeks Queen Guinevere rarely left his side. Princess Ann and her twelve sisters tended to their father as best they could in his final days, but to all things there must be an end.
Sadly, despite his great virulence Arthur did not produce a male heir. Those close to the Round Table knew the truth behind the myth, it was not his monogamy but rather the sorcery of Merlin. Now that the reality of being without a son has struck the court, this magic was deemed not a blessing but a curse.
With no clear successor the kingdom was in terrible turmoil. There was great doubt and uncertainty in the once confident nation. Seizing upon this, the Domestic Minister, Oliver Cromwell immediately took to the streets denouncing the foul witchcraft of Merlin. Condemning the mystic for placing a curse on the house of Arthur that cost him his heir.
Whipping up the public into a frenzy of hatred, and using the long standing Christian objections to Merlin's pagan sorcery, Cromwell at the head of a mob had Merlin put to death by sword. He was executed in a public square in London.
Terrified by the turn of events, several members of the Round Table fled the city. One of the few to remain was Sir Lancelot. His attempts to retain order and the principles of Camelot were destroyed after Cromwell accused Lancelot of having an affair with the Queen and further contributing to Arthur's lack of an heir. For this offense Lancelot was also put to death.
Cromwell packed the Round Table with his supporters Atawa, Elfboi, Mordred and Morgan le Fay among others. Soon they had a majority of members at the Round Table. Cromwell declared that as no heir could be found, the monarchy was over and rule of the nation would be by the Round Table. Supposedly representatives of the people, the members of the Round Table, now known as "Roundheads," would vote on legislation.
This new restructuring was announced to the nation and the great English Civil War began.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Last edited by OzzyKP; November 3, 2003 at 23:53.
November 4, 2003, 03:38
Local Time: 19:26
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
The MAN entered the Empress's bed chambers and smiled. Yes he maybe headig towards 1000 years old but his wife was only 16 and she kept him feeling young at heart. He studied her body under the sheets in the bed and knew that he wanted her. Nut he didnt hav etime for that, he had to get her to take action on the military front , but she was too nice to want to fight, so his new proposal might elleeviate that somewhat. He would take control of al lthe military and leave her to domestic duties.
He had already overseen the construction of new training ground sfor his troops to improve their readiness and soon his master scienctists told him they would be able to train in new and wonderful technologies.
Yes the homeland was well protected now, but still the Egyptians lagged behind the world and it was THE MAN's desire to gain respect and respect only came from power and the sword.
The Azande and Azadine were what worried him now. If they found out his evil desires they would turn on him, already he felt their prying eyes turning on him, and he knew they would soon see his evilness and begin their magic , which he and he alone knew was real. The rest fo Egypt may have forgotten how it all began , but he hadn't. He knew the Azande people well, and he feared them.
The only one he feared more was the Priests of The Great Raz, the religous zealots who referred to themselves as Raslims. The holy Khoran of Raslim spoke of the evil he was performing, the priests knew him, but with the passing of the Pharaohs all power had been stripped from the Priests and he knew that till the people returned to their root faith, The Great Raz would not return, so he was free to infiltrate the world even more so.
Yes, if only the people realised that even his name was misleading, he laughed as he though tof it , THE MAN. They didnt even know he wasnt a man at all !!!!!!! He was not born of this world.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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