John says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
John says:
so how's that roleplay intro coming?
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Haven't had time to edit it, I wasn't home all night
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
And today I'm back to working on my thesis
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
the proposal is due next week and i need to get the readings done by then in order to be able to start on the paper itself
John says:
okay I understand
John says:
goodluck with that
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Thank you, though it isn't really all that difficult
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I'm doing mine on nuclear deterrence
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
The concepts are easy to understand
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Except I need to asses the viability of these concepts
John says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
To put it simply, does nuclear deterrence work.
John says:
"terriorist threats to deter nuclear war"
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
In order to understand that, one needs to see if nuclear war can actualy be waged.
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
elaborate on that statement
John says:
you need to create your own mircocosom
John says:
I was just thinking of ways to deter nuclear war
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
But I must apply this to the real world, if we were dealing with perfectly rational actors then yes it would be easy, but there are a considerable number of factors to take into account
John says:
since all the supply lines may have been destoried
John says:
after a war
John says:
you would need some elite team doing terrorism or something
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
How would that deter nuclear war?
John says:
well even if you manage to wipe someone out with nuclear weapons
John says:
their elite teams will still continue to damage you
John says:
so it's not a decisive victory
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
You're missing the point
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
War always carries with it political motivations
John says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
In a nuclear war there are no gains to be made
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
other than both the destruction of the enemy and oneself
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
that's the essence of nuclear deterrence
John says:
well if you can destory the enemy before yourself
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
the problem is
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
one side may thing they can take out the response capabilities of the other and would strike first in the hopes of doing that
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
that carries risks
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
great risks
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
the essence of nuclear deterrence is that the risks associated with nuclear war as so great
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
that they negate all political motivations
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
the problem is what about cases of accidental launch, limited nuclear war, etc.
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
how do you ensure that you don't start one by accident
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
you see
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
what i'm trying to argue
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
is that nuclear deterrence can preserve peace
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
of at least pervent war
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
if they're the same thing
John says:
hrmm okay
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
the point is to demonstrate that accidental nuclear wars, and limited nuclear wars, as so unlikely
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
that nuclear deterrence still works
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
which reminds me
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
can you do me a small favor
John says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Do this test and tell me your results:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
it's yes no questions, ~70
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
take it seriously
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
It is rather accurate in terms of describing ones personality, at least it proved to be so in my case.
John says:
alot of that is neither no or yes
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
all of them are yes no
John says:
John says:
some of them are inbetween for me
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Try to answer as best you can.
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I know it may be difficult
John says:
having trouble clicking score
John says:
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
56 56 11 11
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
John says:
You are:
moderately expressed introvert
moderately expressed intuitive personality
slightly expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed judging personality
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Here's a description of that personality type
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
read it and tell me if it sounds anything like you
John says:
I would have to read all the personality types
John says:
because I know better to read just 1
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
lol, that is what I did, well more or less, though I was surprised at the accuracy of my description
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
it described my thought patters, modes of thinking, motivations, etc. dead on
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I'm an INTP
John says:
that one sounds like me too
John says:
so INFJ sounds like me and INTP too
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Well you could be close
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
since your score on FJ as 11% for both
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
perhaps you are borderline
John says:
John says:
John says:
there's like always one line that sounds like me in all of the things
John says:
their habit comments seem generic
John says:
their personality comments are more specific
John says:
but then they gathered information on the personality, not the habits
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
John says:
*shrug* we had a course that went into that sort of stuff
John says:
They talk about habits many people would have
John says:
Personally I believe that people can't be divided as easily as that.
John says:
Also when you're in a different mood you'll be switching between personalities
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I would assume as much, the answers to some of those questions on the test will differ according to emotional state
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Nonetheless I was surprised how accurate the description of my personality type was, granted I scored rather high on all of the 4 traits
John says:
I accidently did one personality test twice
John says:
and came up with different results
John says:
it was 6 months betwen the tests though
John says:
one was at the start of the semester and the other was near the end
John says:
I had a huge personality shift according to the test
John says:
but that was just because I was relaxed at the start of the semester, and one of my friends was conducting the test.
John says:
and the 2nd test was being conducted by my manager and we had deadlines and exams coming up
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I still think that there exist general trends in human behavior
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
which we may not be able to measure
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
but over long persiods of observation
John says:
I agree
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
we should be able to classify
John says:
but I think that classifying them as a percentage in each area is probably better
John says:
rather than saying you're definitely these personality types
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I agree
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
These types are established as archetypes
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
most people fall in between two or more
John says:
just wondering, how much of our personality do you think is genetic, and how much enviromental?
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Tough question
John says:
Hrmm we need more discussion threads in the Hive forum
John says:
*decides to post it*
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I do believe that genetics plays a predominant role in determining certain aptitudes of individuals.
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
As for personality itself
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
I think that it is shaped by the environment
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
but limited by genetics
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
for example
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
the NT types
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
form a very small % of the total population
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
John says:
John says:
mind if I post this discussion
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
They tend to be the scientists, philosophers, great thinkers, etc. And I think that their innate biological intelligence makes them predisposed to being of a particular personality.
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Not at all
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
As in INTP
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
In fact post a link to the test as well
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
See what the Hive memebrs are.
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
WWJD - for a Klondike Bar? says:
They can look up the descriptions there