Since someone asked for it, random off-topic MSN for those with too much time (short)
Vev says:
Voltaire says:
Vev says:
see me did testy?
Voltaire says:
Vev says:
Me INTP, me thinky
Vev says:
you too INTP
Voltaire says:
Vev says:
does think me we can become maniacal evil scientists with moral issues?
Voltaire says:
Well I think of myself more as a philosopher, attempting to understand the complex system that is humanity.
Vev says:
then twisting it into a parody?
Vev says:
and laugh evilly?
Voltaire says:
No, I'm not quite that evil
Voltaire says:
I'll stick with ruling it with a authoritarian fist
Vev says:
you should, it is very new age
Voltaire says:
Vev says:
found any thing to exploit in the fragile human psyche?
Voltaire says:
Not yet working on it
Vev says:
does having a doomsday device work politically?
Voltaire says:
of course
Vev says:
like Kuskov idea of an armageddon ship
Voltaire says:
Vev says:
does Canada have one too?
Voltaire says:
I've said too much already
Vev says:
Vev says:
I think I can hear the Canadian secret police coming
Vev says:
Vev says:
They are here!!!
Voltaire says:
I'm sorry comrade vev
Voltaire says:
you found out too much
Voltaire says:
there's nothing i can do
Vev says:
Vev says:
Voltaire says:
It's out of my control
Voltaire says:
I'll see what i can do
Vev says:
Wait a minute, they have red stars!
Voltaire says:
but it will take time
Voltaire says:
remember comrade vev
Voltaire says:
when they ship you off to Nunawut be strong
Vev says:
Am I going to a Canadian Gulag?
Voltaire says:
We preffer to call them spas
Vev says:
and count trees?
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
there are no trees up there
Voltaire says:
only snow
Voltaire says:
and more snow
Voltaire says:
you can count snow
Vev says:
Do I also have to learn Russian?
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
Only French
Voltaire says:
we're a bilingual country
Vev says:
Do you have the Masonic order in Canada?
Voltaire says:
Of course we do
Voltaire says:
We started it
Vev says:
is there a Masonic deterence?
Voltaire says:
I'm not sure
Vev says:
like a Masonic missile shield
Voltaire says:
oh no
Voltaire says:
we have something better
Voltaire says:
you see
Voltaire says:
nuclear weapons don't really work
Voltaire says:
it was all a canadian plot
Voltaire says:
we made the world think they actually do
Vev says: