To BeBro an SCDARS
Thanks a lot guys!!!
Basically, first etruscan infantry was not so different from italic one ( on kind of AOE bronze skirmisher ), with a large-crest helmet, round shield and spears/small swords equipment... but the late one ( after the "oriental period", i mean )was shaped on Greek oplite phalanx ( full equipment, "annessi & connessi" ).
The cavalrymen also owned a greek-like equipment, but they were composed mainly by noblemen ( a famous etruscan game was a horseride in a sort of maze-shaped hippodrome, and it was reserved to noblemen; still today, cavalry is one of the most popular sports in Tuscia-Northern Lazio: have you even seen a "buttero"? ), so they needed a long training because only few people could afford such a huge cost. I promise you to check again my sources... stay tuned!
P.S. don't forget you can perform "bipennis" battleaxe also, an heavy double axe...
[This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited June 27, 2000).]