its possible to have a cityless civilization. It took awhile but i found the scenario that has a ghost city. That scenario is Rise of ROme by Allard H.S. Höfelt. Its available at CSC on
(Civilization Scenario Collection). Its a bug in Civ2. Just capture Carthage using Rome and the city will be destroyed. Its still there though. says Carthage in Grey. To get to the city, open Advisors at the top of the screen. select city status and double click on Carthage. You can play with the city. I deleted all other Roman cities and played like this as the Romans. It didn't crash. So try it out and copy the event to do the same to your scenario and you can have a cityless civ as Carthage can't be taken by other players. Might be of use to others who want a un-conquerorable civilization
but there are easier, more "legitimate" ways of playing a civ without cities, just take a settler, rename it to general or flag or whatever, give it the appropriate stats, and voila, you've got a "capture the flag" scenario, a single battle scenario without cities.