Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
sorry, was watching TV

Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
What do you mean?
John says:
it's okay
John says:
oh mongoose commented on our SPs
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
what did he say?
John says:
it sounded like he said "don't hate the drones, look the hive is more powerful than us"
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
public forums?
John says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
what does he mean by "40 rows of SPs" ? The mineral rows?
John says:
40 mineral rows
John says:
John says:
micha choose anything that I do, and I'll give you the job
John says:
I'll help teach you to the best of my ability
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
well, how long are you going to stay?
John says:
as long as I can
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
cause I have things to do (about 2hours)
John says:
hrmm you mean tonight?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
and I will leave tomorrow for 3 days
John says:
not long because it's nearly midnight
John says:
John says:
well tell me
John says:
is there anything you would like to do
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
nah, I´ll go now into town
John says:
because if there is I can think about how to teach you
John says:
and formalise it into a to do list
John says:
or I could just teach you informally too
John says:
whatever suits you
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I´d like to know about micromanagement, because this is the part of game I have the least knowledge
John says:
the mircomanagement is also the most complex
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I know
John says:
do you have alot of time when you get back?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I have lots of time
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:

John says:
okay during the weekend we'll work on a preturn update
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I come back sunday evening
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
(my time)
John says:
it's partly about thinking carefully too, but for what I've already discovered
John says:
I can teach you all of that
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
it will take a while
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I know
John says:
do you want to progress through the same way I did
John says:
or just shortcut to what you need to know for playing the turns
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
you mean by reading all the strategy guides and testing on the sim?
John says:
basically skip the proofs
John says:
well if you want to progress the same way you'll need to get a pen and a calculator
John says:
because that's how I did it at the start
John says:
after I got the simulator
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
hm, that won´t be a prob... I´ll use it as a test for my maths
John says:
then I stopped writing everything down so much
John says:
I'll have to teach you how to adjust the simulator.
John says:
Also if you start finding anything too boring or time consuming.
John says:
When we're going through, just say so.
John says:
because I can understand someone wanting to cut some of the corners at least
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
hehe, don´t worry about that. I´ll tell you when anything annoys me

John says:
*hasn't found anyone with the same stubborn patience for completely boring stuff*
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
you know how making a house of cards
John says:
you usually end with it falling
John says:
my strategy always was to keep trying until it's done, simply because I know it's possible and if it's possible I'm not willing to give up
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
anyway I know that not all of the things I do are useful.
John says:
some of it is simply keeping an eye open for certain possibilities
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
well one thing would be me extensively checking over buster's turn everyturn
John says:
buster would tell me anything important
John says:
but I still do it because I'm always hoping I'll learn something
John says:
or something important buster missed might turn up
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I see.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
He´s your sensai
John says:
At the moment yes, he's the most experienced player I know.
John says:
I got interested in the big_chaunk, sikarad and Vel but then I found out those guys have been away for an while
John says:
I'm already learnt interesting things from googlie
John says:
Did you know I figured out where 3 other base sites were from googlie's map
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
Googlie made a map for Jamski, Me, Mark, Vev, Yoda, and Achmed
John says:
When I replicated the Hive's land from the ACDG I learnt a few things
John says:
I figured out Jamski's Achmed's, and one other person we didn't meet base sites.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
I put a red dot on Jamski's and Achmed's bases sites, before they had told me about where they were.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
well firstly because Googlie likes to manipluate rivers
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
which is terrible work to do :S
John says:
you've tried it too *lol*
John says:
I've had to figure out how to do it too
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
lol, yeah
John says:
unlike rainfall which works on a 4 different evalations
John says:
rivers work on the exact elevations
John says:
did you know rainfall is somehow effected by map size too
John says:
anyway going back
John says:
googlie likes to direct rivers
John says:
which means ripping channels in the map
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
by raising terrain?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
ah ok
John says:
and those kind of channels you don't see in an autogenerated map
John says:
Also Googlie gave people habours
John says:
did you know the map ALWAYS puts you next to the sea
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
ah, so you guessed the base site by looking for artificial rivers running into the sea?
John says:
well I think Googlie tried to make our headquarters more defensiveable
John says:
finally Googlie makes sure the bases are evenly spread
John says:
so I just have to check a certain radius
John says:
looking for habours and channels
John says:
when I pinpointed one
John says:
I went looking for the next
John says:
I think Googlie put alot of work into that map.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
yes, he surely did
John says:
Also I think he got annoyed that the players voted for a restart.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
why´s that?
John says:
Well he hinted that he didn't want people to restart, he actually voted against it.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
ok, but why not?
John says:
Just like anyone else he probably didn't want to waste his time.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
only 2 turns have been played IIRC
John says:
more turns
John says:
but I got a land survey pod
John says:
so I had a fairly large chunk of the map
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
hehe, I remember
John says:
you remember?
John says:
I didn't realised you had the password
John says:
oh different issue
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
you´re talking about our DG?
John says:
John says:
restart of another PBEM
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
when there suddenly was a huge carré of land visible?
John says:
John says:
if you pop a pod at 3500m
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
oh, I see
John says:
it often gives a large portion of land
John says:
Googlie gave me a huge energy park in that game.
John says:
triple the size of the ACDG Hive mountain
John says:
then again it was a huge map
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
I got a rover to the top of the mountain and poped the survey pod
John says:
and it was OMG
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
sorry, I really got to go now, or the copy shop will be closed...
John says:
cya later
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I need to get my schedule for this semester from there
John says:
we'll see about teaching you all the mircomanagement
John says: