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Old October 4, 2003, 14:47   #1
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameC4DG Team Alpha CentauriansACDG The Cybernetic ConsciousnessACDG Planet University of TechnologyPolyCast TeamACDG3 Spartans
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ACPSG news article
We'll need an article to announce the new ACPSG. I have been writing the one below, but it's not really finished yet. What should I say more to attract people or to give a general view what it's all about?


Are you tired of democracy? Do you prefer political intrigue, backstabbing and corruption instead? Do you want to purge your opponents or stage a military coup? Or perhaps become Director of the KGB? Then join the new Alpha Centauri Police State Game !!!

Yes indeed: we have started a new "democracy game"! That is a shared single player game of SMAC, where many players vote in polls to make decisions on what actions to perform in-game. This time we are playing with the Human Hive. It is a faction with a totalitarian ideology - hence we called the game "Police State Game" instead of democracy game. You roleplay as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and in that position you discuss policy alternatives and decide state policy through polls organized by elected government officials. Of course you could also create or join one of the existing secret societies and try to overthrow the ruling government. But while being involved in political intrigues, do not forget the dangers of an alien planet! The experienced CMN Darsnan has been contacted to create a world which will prove a challenge for your skills. Beefed up AIs, a specially designed map, modified rules: it's all in!

Does this sound like fun to you? Then have a look at our forum and join us in the adventure!


Edit: Oh yeah, I've PMed DanQ and MarkG with a request for a new forum.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

Last edited by Maniac; October 5, 2003 at 15:01.
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