I wrote this long ago while playtesting Orbis Terrae for Jorrit Vermeiren and thought it was too good to waste.
Jorrit's Site
Level: Deity
Tribe: Romans
Name: Caesar
Turn I: Punians unsuccessfully bombard Occidens, the Western Outpost, and land a small party. Mongols land an army that includes Genghis Khan near Oriens.
Turn II: Genghis does some major pillaging and camps next to the city.
Turn III: Vikings attack an Auxiliary fort in the North while reinforcements arrive in the Oriens.
Turn IV: Caesar falls valiantly defending the city of Oriens. The nation enters mourning.
Turn I: Punians once again resume their futile attempts at besieging Occidens while Mongols land on the Eastern Shore.
Turn II: The Great Caesar proudly leads the charge against the doomed Mongols and slays Genghis Khan with his own bloodied sword. A Mongol Golden Horde defects to the Roman Cause and quickly annihilates an enemy Siege Machine.
Turn III: Viking Heroes camp next to the NE Auxiliary Fort.
Turn IV: Caesar, the ruler of the Known World, rushes to the threatened part of his domains with reinforcements now that the Mongol threat has been silenced. Meanwhile the local garrison deals with the initial assault by itself.
Turn V: The gods were angry, for a Zulu army magically appeared on the Southern Coasts. It is not known if slaying it will anger them further. Canute, the cursed Viking chief, had slain a Legion before another slayed him.
Turn VI: Zulus, the Southern Horror, have stormed and brutally slaughtered a SE Auxiliary Fort. The immortal nation weeps for its fallen warriors.
Turn VII: A crazed Viking Druid lands on the Northern Shore and is promptly slain. Reports of Viking ships in the Orient also arrive to the Praetorium.
Turn VIII: Simultaneous Viking bombardment of Septentrio and Occidens raises eyebrows in the capital. Even more hated Zulus and Mongols appear on our eternal borders.
Turn IX: Punian Cavalry had briefly penetrated the Orbis Mountains only to be sent to the Underworld.
Turn X: Strange beasts of burden and war are slain by our noble troops in their attack on Occidens. Our Priests proclaim them to be the products of evil Punian sorcery.
Turn XI: Viking Heroes fall near Occidens, Zulus land near Meridiens.
Turn XII,XIII,XIV,XV: The drill
Turn XVI: Our beloved emperor Caesar has slain Shaka, the Curse of the South. A Triumphal Arch is built in the Praetorium in honour of this great victory.
Turn XVII,XVIII,XIX: The drill
Turn XX: Caesar, the greatest emperor to ever live, has slain Hannibal in one on one combat. Instant celebrations break out in all the five cities of the eternal Roman Empire.
Mar 676: An Occidens Quinquereme sinks 6 units.
Mar 678: An Occidens Quinquereme sinks 9 units.
June 680: An Occidens Quinquereme sinks 4 units.
Sept 681: A Meridiens Quinquereme sinks 6 units. Punians capture Occidens and plunder 4 gold.
Mar 682: An Oriens Quinquereme sinks 5 units.
Dec 682: Ulundi falls to our armies. Oriens falls to the Mongols.
Dec 683: Zulus bribe Ulundi. Mongols bribe Septentrio. Caesar falls defending Praetorium.
Sept 685: Praetorium falls to the Mongols.
Sept 687: Mongols capture Meridiens and I lose.
St. Leo
[This message has been edited by St Leo (edited July 22, 2000).]