Originally posted by axi
We should consider the difference in the medium. A movie is something one usually watches once and, if it's really THAT good, one may watch it a couple of times again. A CD is something that one might want to listen to hundrends of times in his lifetime. That's why there is a movie rental industry and not a CD rental one. That means that since the average spectator will only want to see the film once, he will gladly pay 7 Euro to a cinema or 1,5 Euro to a DVD/VHS rental rather than pirate it (asuming that pirating will cost him less money than that, which isn't the case yet) just because he won't need to keep a copy of the film afterwards.
I usually watch movies lots of times... Most of the movies I've bought, has been watched more than 2 times during the last 12 months...
I usually only buy two movies a year though...
About cd's:
I don't use the cd anyway, so buying songs directly from internet would be a great solution... if it wasn't for the fact PayPal doesn't work

Downloading cd's directly from the internet would solve a lot of problems (Like having to spend lots of time converting the music from the cd to mp3)