Jamski says:
more people!
Jamski says:
John says:
Jamski says:
I hear he's a Nazi
Vev says:
Like Arnie?
Vev says:
Jamski says:
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
So Micha what do you do IRL?
Jamski says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
student of computer science and economics... (like said in my 'poly profile

Jamski says:
but everyone lies in them
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Ah economics, poor you, the lesser social science.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Vev says:
like I am a profressional 'truth extractor'
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Hmm, perhaps I'll get a chance to put my theories about nuclear deterrence into practice in this demogame.
Jamski says:
I hope so
Jamski says:
is your theory that if you nuke everyone - then they'll be really really deterred?
John says:
Micha: the preturn you posted looks good
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
nah, no detterence... Real war!

Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
bust it was your preturn

To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
lol, not quite, it's nuke the other bastards first before they can nuke you back.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
lol, this is deterrence?
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Vev says:
deters people from living?
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Deterrence comes in when you try to get so many nukes that the other guy could not destroy them all even if he tried and so he won't nuke you because you'll have enough left over to nuke him after.
Jamski says:
I like the idea of deterring them from living
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
but since you´ll nuke him anyway he´ll just go on striking back
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Did you know that two U.S. nuclear submarines have enough warheads to take out all major Soviet cities (pop. above 10,000)
Jamski says:
then why havn't they done it yet?
Jamski says:
Vev says:
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Because the Russians can do the same after teh Americans nuke them.
Jamski says:
The US couild nuke all the russian nukes first
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
No, they can try, but there would still be enough left over to cause "unacceptable damage" to the US.
Jamski says:
but great sunsets eh?
Jamski says:
and it would be a price to pay for lasting peace
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Did you know that all ABM programs during the Cold War were not designed to protect the population of the countries, rather the nukes?
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Both governments cared more about keeping their nukes safe than their citizens.
Jamski says:
really? - I'm not surprised
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity has left the conversation.
Jamski says:
we should do the same with our PBs
Vev says:
offf now
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Except SMAX is unrealistic in its simulation of missiles, since the other guy can take yours out before you can respond, whereas in real life you'd have maybe ~30 min warning where you'd use that time to launch all you have agianst him.
Jamski says:
seeya Vev
Jamski says:
but we can protect them with sats etc
John says:
if you're running IP
John says:
with simulateous turns
John says:
you see the first missle go off
John says:
and then you can start responding
Jamski says:
you still have time to send yours yes
Jamski says:
but you can respond untill the first one has already hit
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
How effective are orbital defense satellites in guarding against missiles anyway?
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
I've never quite understood how those work.
Jamski says:
they are about 50% effective for each sat
Jamski says:
the sats are destroyed in any case
John says:
John says:
the sats are only destoried on their 2nd attempt
Jamski says:
John says:
vev was experimenting with it
Jamski says:
well, how often do you get nuked?
John says:
depends on how many sats are around
John says:
and whether they're depolyed or not
John says:
and whether you have fletch defences
John says:
each fletch defences work independantly from sats for 50%
John says:
if you have three bases with fletch in range the chances of you getting nuked are 0.5^3
John says:
so 12.5%
Jamski says:
so.. 0.125?
John says:
then with sattellites
Jamski says:
now it gets fun
John says:
an undeloyed satellite has 50% chance of shooting down a PB
John says:
so if you have 5 ODP
John says:
and 1 PB against you
Jamski says:
John says:
the chance of PB going through all the undeployed satellites is 0.5^5
Jamski says:
I can't do probabliites very well
Jamski says:
so, pretty slim
John says:
John says:
John says:
if the PB is still going to go through
John says:
deployed satellites can fire
Jamski says:
not very likely
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
so a second chance
John says:
only they destory themselves
John says:
after they fire
John says:
so it goes down to 0.0977%
John says:
so 0.1% of the PB hitting you
John says:
however the random number generator will probably make it more likely than that
John says:
or make it less likely
John says:
probably more likely
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
but still in the very low region
John says:
anyway if you've got like 10 sattelites
Jamski says:
you need not worry about PBs
Jamski says:
The worry zone is between nukes and ODPs
John says:
and 2 PBs, it goes down to 0.000286%
Jamski says:
for both to get through
John says:
ahh you mean if the ODP attacks you?
John says:
I think there's a different formula when attacking between satellites
Jamski says:
I assume all factions will be building them
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity has been added to the conversation.
John says:
I'm not so sure all the factions will be around by space flight
Jamski says:
We shall see
Jamski says:
I hope the pirates are not

Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
no the pirates will be
John says:
I'm pretty sure of that
John says:
unless a 3 way alliance against the pirates develop
Jamski says:
Who will be the first to fall then?
John says:
Most likely the B land
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
b faction
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:

To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Jamski says:
we should aim for a 4-way allaiance agaist the Uni

Jamski says:
that'll be FUN
John says:
they won't go for that
Jamski says:
everyone gains
John says:
100% sure
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
I'd join up
John says:
because it unbalances the power towards the hive
Jamski says:
but everyone would gain from it
John says:
while the university is in play there's enough people to offset the power of the hive
Jamski says:
we could agree to share the bases 4 ways
John says:
no the pirates would know they're giving the hive an advantage
Jamski says:
and even offer uneven shares as an incentive?
John says:
the advantage is without the university
John says:
the hive can keep up with the tech rate
Jamski says:
John says:
and hence our industrial bonus will keep us leaders forever
Jamski says:
which will be nice
John says:
which is what the pirates would see

Jamski says:
BUT with the Uni as an ally...
Jamski says:
which I would prefer
John says:
I would perfer that too
Jamski says:
feeding techs to us untill we can turn agaist the drones

John says:
but it's not going to happen with the anti-university sentiment
Jamski says:
from whom?
John says:
Jamski you're impossible
John says:
*goes to get a glass of water*
Jamski says:
I want to ally with the Uni, you do, Micha does, Dario probably does - who else is there? Vev - perhaps, Hong - perhaps
Jamski says:
we have support for a Uni alliance
John says:
we do?
Jamski says:
we do
Jamski says:
count the heads
John says:
I always thought we hated them?
John says:
okay I'll do a poll
Jamski says:
we don't have to sleep with them or anything
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
As Kody pointed out
Jamski says:
but they'll be the MOST usefull allies
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
Without the Uni we gain a great advantage
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
I do not trust Archaic
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Jamski says:
but in bed with the Uni is also great
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
and frankly I do not think we can sustain an alliance with him
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
I'd rather see the uni dead
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Burn the liar!

Jamski says:
GT is head of the Uni now
John says:
there you go
Jamski says:
he is much more reasonable
John says:
Archaic was busy with tests
Jamski says:
so he's back?
Jamski says:
then forget it
John says:
now he's back and they've got joint leadership
Jamski says:
I won't ally with HIM

Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
me neither
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
He´s a Communist Nazi
Jamski says:
I was assuming a GT lead faction
John says:
well GT is
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
oops, no he isn´t
John says:
but I think it's a joint leadership
Jamski says:
burn Arcahic
John says:
so Archaic and GT, with GT as the public face
Jamski says:
feed him to the dogs
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I always confuse him with Sheep
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity has left the conversation.
Jamski says:
then gas the dogs and feed them to pigs
Jamski says:
then shoot the pigs
Jamski says:
then grate the pig corpses and make them into sausages
Jamski says:
then shoot the suasages
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity has been added to the conversation.
Jamski says:
what's going on?
Jamski has left the conversation.
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
:@ Bloody shitty MSN
John says:
that was just jamski playing around
John says:
go to bed
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
is that an order?
John says:
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
I must go temporarely as well
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery says:
John says:
a prudent suggestion
To meaningless French idealisms, of Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity, I present German realities of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery has left the conversation.
John says:
oh crap
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:

John says:
I wrote a poll into the wrong forum
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
John says:
but I can't get rid of the poll options
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
that´s great
John says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
at least we don´t have that bloody discussion about uni-politics anymore
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:

John says:
hrmm yes
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
they´ll hate us for that
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Which is good
John says:
have a look at the poll again
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
We need an enemy of the state
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
you indeed managed to turn this around!
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
well at least I'm quick on me feet
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
yay... this is great... I´m gonna writing what you really posted there

Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
if you really want to
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
nah... just kidding
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I hoped you´d be getting angry about that

Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
but you´re too much of a compromiser
John says:
well all that's really would effect would be our diplomatic relations you see
John says:
also the university might launch a surprise attack on us
John says:
I hate how you can't change the poll
John says:
did you vote in the poll?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
uh oh
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
you did?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
wrong smiley

Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
why should I?
John says:
hrmm I think someone saw it
John says:
No, I'm going to write in what I think here
John says:
someone voted for that
John says:
it doesn't help being absent minded like that
John says:
John says:
minute mirage was the one that saw it
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
dunno him
John says:
he's in university
John says:
now we'll be wondering if he saw the original document
John says:
or the edited one
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
actually if I just keep track of the private posting
John says:
128 posts
John says:
102 visiable posts
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
did you ever work in StaSi?
John says:
what is that?
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
what is that
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
the eastern-German state security, they knew everything about everybody... There was a public coverage of about 90%
John says:
why do you say that
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
If you watched Western Capitalistic TV, they got you and you have been arrested
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
because you´re so eager to keep track of anything

John says:
this time it does matter
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
You know everything
John says:
no I don't
John says:
googlie probably knows everything
John says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
He´s a Communist Nazi
John says:
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
lol, I confused him with Sheep
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
he IS
John says:
John says:
that name sounds familiar
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
hm, he´s a strange person
John says:
he's in the hive isn't he
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Jamski says he´s a commie, but he always plays Nazi-Germany with all that roleplay
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
he was joing us for some time, but I never saw him posting
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I think Jamski invited him in
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
I always confuse him with GT, because these two were my "neighbours" in the Politic game
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
*diplomacy game
John says:
John says:
Jamski express anti-drone sentiment
John says:
and I posted it into the CGN
John says:
Jamski says:
feeding techs to us untill we can turn agaist the drones
John says:
think I should edit that out
John says:
Jamski has gone to sleep
John says:
you know what I figured out a way you can keep track of how many people are looking at your thread
John says:
John says:
so much activity
John says:
that blunder started people talking about how to do the university early game
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
Jamski posted that publically?

John says:
no I did
John says:
but I edited it out
John says:
Jamski keeps mentioning killing off the drones in all the MSN chats though
Comrade Micha / Province 14 / Pits Of Pity says:
John says:
anyway cya
John says:
I should go back to doing work