July 24, 2000, 10:34
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Sorry to disturb:
Shocking the Civ2 world, I have finally released Darius the Great version 2.2!!!!! There's a thread for the disbelievers
Awesome map, BeBro. I'll check it out more carefully later on.
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July 24, 2000, 11:15
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As I´m writing this I´m downloading D2.2...
Thanks for the comments, nowt to your questions:
Shadowstrike, the map size is 75x130.
Prometeus, thanks for the hints, I have seen some nice relief maps, but I don´t know what type of terrain they have north of the Black Sea and around the Caspian that time. Aren´t there also some deserts?
BTW, the thing I most like on this map is the viewing angle. Therefore, this map doesn´t show to much of the (unnessecary) areas in the northeast...
July 24, 2000, 13:03
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Originally posted by BeBro on 07-24-2000 11:15 AM
I don´t know what type of terrain they have north of the Black Sea and around the Caspian that time. Aren´t there also some deserts?
According to paleobotanic sources, forest was common around reliefs in the area; the other places were mainly steppes. Desertification process started later, in late medieval times.
Ave atque vale...
July 25, 2000, 18:13
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According to paleobotanic sources, forest was common around reliefs in the area; the other places were mainly steppes. Desertification process started later, in late medieval times.
Thee da man!
St. Leo
July 25, 2000, 20:34
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Uhh, that server slowdown thing make me crazy...
Thanks for the terrain advices Prometeus  .
And yes, St.Leo, you are right with the starting positions.
July 25, 2000, 21:30
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The Macedonian starting location looks like its in Thrace. Isn't it a bit further north?
July 26, 2000, 04:39
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[This message has been edited by Stefan Härtel (edited July 26, 2000).]
July 26, 2000, 04:40
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No, the Macedonian starting position should be only one square to the west. Right now it's on the Chalkidike, and has got access to the sea (The Macedonians had only one harbour, I believe it was Methone).
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July 26, 2000, 13:39
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Pidna, Stefan. :d
According to a book of mine that details the rise of Philippos II, the royal harbour of Macedonia was Methone. Pydna was a fortress on the coast. But it lay more south of Pella. On the other hand, it came under Macedonian rule earlier than Methone, so I can of course be mistaken
BeBro: Will you give the Illyrians a significant role in your scenario?
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July 26, 2000, 14:56
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To the start positions: I´m usually not very careful with them in the map editor, but I correct such things directly in the scn via cheat mode (create settler on the right location  ).
Stefan, I´ll try to include some of the Illyrian cities in the Mediterraneans civ. It would be nice to have their coastal cities as bases for little pirate ships (if the AI isn´t to stupid for this  ). But this is another thing that has to be tested.
Do you know the (beta-) scn from SCDARS , currently on the Largest German Civ2 page as "Kelten"? He had exactly the same idea, but his AI pirates do nothing, except sailing around...
July 26, 2000, 15:06
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Sorry, stefan, i misunderstanded you... 
Anyway, Pidna and Demetrias were not only coastal fortress in Antigonids times ( so, after Alexander the Great ), but also harbours and granaries.
[This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited July 26, 2000).]
July 26, 2000, 16:15
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BeBro: Some facts about the Illyrians. During the time the scenario starts, the leading power there were the Dardanians. The lived a little north of Macedonia (in today's FYROM), around the city of Stobi. Their cities were invincible fortresses because they were situated above clips and so forth.
Their most important king was Bardylis, who was a distant relative of Philippos. Bardylis got very old (nearly 100, I think). A big threat for the Macedonians in any way.
BTW, are you going to note the time when Philippos was viceroy of Lynkestis?
Prometeus: It is very interesting to know that during the classical Age, there was a new foundation of Pydna. The elder Pydna remained a fortress, but the settlement was moved a bit north.
Methone, BTW, was the only Poleis of Macedonia...
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July 27, 2000, 00:40
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Originally posted by Stefan Härtel on 07-26-2000 04:40 AM
(The Macedonians had only one harbour, I believe it was Methone).
Pidna, Stefan. :d
July 27, 2000, 08:14
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Thanks for the info, Stefan!
At the moment I do the first serious work on the scn, placing cities and so on. Currently, the biggest civ are the Barbs...  . Nice to see when they capture around 20 cities in one turn  . This time it seems also that they would produce the units they should, the shield rows filling up. I hope that it remains like this, it would save a lot of events space...
July 30, 2000, 16:46
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Hello BeBro! How the scenario going? Still need more ideas? Or help?
July 31, 2000, 02:40
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BeBro: Barbarian cities CAN generate units, but it all depends on how many cities they have. Once the total number of Barbarian cities exceeds a certain threshhold (8?) they shut down production altogether. If you can live with 5 or 6 Barbarian cities, and given the lack of Event space, it may be worth trying.
July 31, 2000, 06:10
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Kull, thanks for the info, but this time it seems that the Barbs produce, despite that there are around 20 cities in there hands. I need them to make the conquest of the northern regions more challenging, so I have Barb cities in Britain, Gaul and Germany. If all works correct you can expect lots of different Barb units attacking from the north (different Germans, Gauls, Celts and so on).
Shadowstrike, I´m working now very hard(  ) on the first playable version. Most of the cities are placed, there are some more as in V1.0, but there is still enough place for new cities. Only in Hellas it´s a bit difficult, due to the map scale Sparta, Athens, Corinth and Thebes are close to eachother (but I think it´s ok so).
Now the Independents are the biggest civ, their cities including some Greek colonies as well as Etruscan or Samnite cities. My idea is to make settlers obsolete for this civ, because this civ is only a "victim" for the great powers Rome, Carthage, and Macedonia...  . However all the other civs have of course their settlers.
Another idea: as said before I´ll inplement a rising level of difficulty, so that the first conquests for Romans and Macedonians are easier then the next. This can be done via the city improvements (walls/barracks) and with placing different defenders (movement 0, not to build) in the cities (this will mostly affect Barbs and Independent cities) so that the weakest defenders are in the cities near Rome/Pella, but when your troops advance deeper in enemy territory, they´ll encounter more dangerous opponents. But all these ideas have to be tested...
July 31, 2000, 06:29
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The idea of a rising level of difficulty seems fine to me: if need to be tested...it will be!
July 31, 2000, 07:50
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Originally posted by BeBro on 07-31-2000 06:10 AM
... Gauls, Celts ...
"... tertiam ( incolunt ) qui ipsorum lingua
Celtae, nostra galli appellantur." Caesar, "De bello gallico".
July 31, 2000, 08:40
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Please Prometeus, share your wisdom with me  ...I can´t read Latin, so what does your post say? Do you mean that gauls and celts are the same???
July 31, 2000, 08:46
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Yes, BeBro, it means exactly what you wrote in your previous post.  Gauls and Celts are the same people.
July 31, 2000, 09:47
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Ok, I know that Gauls were Celts, but I think not all Celts were Gauls...
August 3, 2000, 10:27
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Ihr seid mir ja ein paar Strebertypen!!
Good work, BeBro!
August 4, 2000, 00:21
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BeBro: Prometeus' quote comes from "The Gaulic War", the book that Caesar wrote and means as much as:

... in einem zweiten die Aquitaner und im dritten die Völker, die in der Landessprache Kelten heißen, bei uns jedoch Gallier.
(Piecing my knowledge of Latin together I was able to recognize the first sentence of Caesar's work  )
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August 4, 2000, 07:28
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Thanks Stefan, ich kann leider nur ein paar dumme Sprüche auf Latein
BTW, I have to admit that the Barbs now have done what Kull has said: shutdown of prod... 
However, events will do this job.
August 4, 2000, 13:19
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Good idea Civfan, but to late...  , I´m close to the first playable betaversion  , and I´ve chosen Rome, Macedonia, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Egypt and the metioned Independents. Ok, I know I had much to leave out, but I think it would be still a funny scn...
August 5, 2000, 00:43
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from your very first statement about what civ to replace the Germans (gauls) with, why not Parthia. It played a major role in the east as the destroyer of the Greek kingdoms in Bactia and Syria (Seluids) wrong spelling.. They can start really small, say a settler in the beginning... give them abit of advantage over the region. They were a major problem with Rome for 200 years.
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