October 5, 2003, 22:57
Local Time: 06:07
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 648
The Kosmist philosophy
As we approach the new world beneath us, there is still much we do not know about the universe itself. What purpose do we serve -- or, perhaps, what purpose can we serve, in the years to come as we build a new society on Planet. The answer to this question will profoundly shape our political deliberations and our society itself.
The Kosmist philosophy, quite simply, believes there is a natural order to the universe. The Chinese understood this and called it li, as did the ancient Greeks who called it kosmos. This order is not said to be the creation of a god or gods, but is believed to be inherent in the universe itself. This order is transcendent, and it is inescapable. This order tends towards and encourages enlightenment, but enlightenment itself must be grasped; it cannot simply be bestowed.
The tenets of Kosmism, from the "Adma Veda."
1. Enlightenment is the one correct goal. Other goals such as good, evil, freedom, and control are valuable inasmuch as they contribute to enlightenment.
2. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent. To identify not with the egoistic self, but with the self of the group and of humanity, is true enlightenment.
3. Expressed in the world, enlightenment takes the form of unity. The unity of the social order is a form of enlightenment.
4. Excessive freedom blocks the way toward enlightenment and thus is enslaving rther than liberating.
5. Control is justified insofar as it produces unity. Cooption, social pressure, and coercion are useful tools toward unity.
6. Excessive control may disrupt unity and block enlightenment. Enlightenment itself will allow one to find the correct balance between control and freedom.
7. Because only the most enlightened are able to find this balance, the enlightened must control the State and govern it in order to bring wider enlightenment to others.
8. All are capable of enlightenment, even the lowest drone or the meanest counterrevoultionary. However, none will find enlightenment through misguided mercy.
9. Enlightenment produces zeal. A vivid zeal for conquest is an appropriate pursuit for the enlightened.
10. Enlightenment produces tranquility. A tranquil life of isolationism is an appropriate pursuit for the enlightened.
The principles of Kosmism, from the "Mani Sutra." These principles expand on the general tenets of Kosmism and apply them to Hiverian society.
1. Enlightenment is our goal. Enlightenment is a state of consciousness of unity with the universe.
2. Unity with the universe is achieved by rational and intuitive insights in the fundamental processes and order of the universe, one's place within that universe, and acting upon that knowledge.
3. The fundamental process and order of the universe is one of continual cyclical change between sets of two virtually opposing concepts, which actually form a union. Day and night, summer and winter, birth and death of stars and galaxies, order and entropy, creation and destruction...
4. Life is a creative order- and unity-increasing force within the universe. Thus as living beings it is our natural inclination - one could even say "task" - to bring order and unity in our surroundings.
5. Though in general life is a creative order-increasing force, it can be divided in smaller subcycles of creation and destruction: birth of new and extinction of old species, death of elder people to make room for the younger generation, old technologies growing obsolete and being replaced by newer versions, the rise and fall of civilizations, economical booms and busts, social cooperation against conflict and competition... it can be seen all around us: it is evolution at work. As these examples indicate, destruction is often necessary for creation and change towards more order.
6. The Hiverian political and economic structure is the perfect incarnation of these principles of order, unity, creation and destruction. Thus rebellion or opposition against the state must be crushed. It follows as well it is justified for the superior Hive to go to war, conquer inferior factions and eradicate faulty ideologies. These are temporary acts of destruction which ultimately lead to more order, unity and creation.
7. It is impossible for individual human beings to escape the order of the universe. In other words, freedom is an illusion. What some people call freedom is merely the state of not being aware of what factors influence you. It follows freedom is not a political goal that one should strive for.
8. Humans are inequal. Not everyone is able to comprehend the principles described above as easily. Therefore democracy is repulsive and a core elite of "Bodhisattvas" have to take control of the Hive state and guide humanity towards enlightenment.
The adherents of Kosmism, as of last update:
The path of Kosmism is open to those who would walk it. May you find enlightenment, no matter what your path.
Adam T. Gieseler
Last edited by AdamTG02; October 6, 2003 at 08:58.
October 5, 2003, 23:18
Local Time: 05:07
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 861
A very reasonable philosophy, but for a few points:
1) Enlightenment is a function of willpower. Anybody can have the will necessary to achieve enlightenment if they are properly taught, especially from a young age. This one of the main functions of our society.
2) Once enlightenment is achieved, one no longer needs to worry about individual freedoms or sacrifice. When true enlightenment is achieved, the individual does not merely become aware of the supremacy of the group, but the individual actually loses all sense of self-identity, and becomes the group, just as the group becomes him/her. This is the true goal of our society.
3) There is no 'order' that all things in the universe obey and cannot escape. The so-called 'natural laws' can all be bent shaped to human will once one attains sufficient enlightenment. This is called 'science', the study of how to use enlightenment to best bend and remold these rules to our liking.
Your ideology has failed to address these crucial points. Especially regarding the last. To admit that we cannot escape this 'Kosmos' is to uselessly and pointlessly cripple ourselves.
(OOC: That's really being overused... we need a better quote)
Comrade Corellion, Secretary of Science and Social Engineering for the Human Hive in the Alpha Centauri Police State Game (ACPSG).
Function Corelli Omega-9, Internal Affairs Function (Terms 110, 101, 100, 011, and 010) and Advisor on Foreign Affairs (Term 001) for the Cybernetic Consciousness in the Alpha Centauri Democracy Team Game (ACDTG).
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one.
October 5, 2003, 23:26
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:07
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They call themselves enlightened, yet they throw me out of their movement. Why? It surves no purpose. It causes dukkha.
But do they care? No. Because this "enlightenment" bit is simply a fasod for their pathetic attempts at becoming "Bodhisattvas" and controlling the Hive.
Therefore, the Hiverian Defense Guild warns the members of this guild that they will be under intense scrutiny by the guild. And we shall work closely with Hercules to ensure the survival of the Human Hive.
October 6, 2003, 01:29
Local Time: 03:07
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 476
It appears that the ego of one has clouded his perception of enlightenment. Emotion is not the path to enlightenment. Nor does one become more enlightened by blocking those that seek to better their society and themselves. Further, why should we not have those that are more enlightened leading our great new society? Shall we have the ignorant lead us to doom?
(OOC: Sign me up. I like  )
She cheats her lover of his due
but still contrives to keep him tied
by first deciding to refuse
and then refusing to decide
October 6, 2003, 09:12
Local Time: 06:07
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Williamsburg, Virginia
Posts: 648
Comrade Corellion: Much of what you say rings true. Enlightenment is a function of wilpower; furthermore it is willpower skillfully applied, as you indicate with your emphasis in the importance of teaching. However, for the will to be skillfully aplied, one must be aware of the principles and order of the kosmos, whether one calls them by that name or not. The kosmos is not inescapable in the sense that it is an omnipotent giver of commands; it is inescapable in the sense that the picture canot escape the page it is drawn on. But still, by knowing, understanding, and creatively applying the principles of the kosmos, one can surmount any obstacle, and perhaps more importantly, find wisdom.
Comrade Tassadar: The General Secretary and I chose to sever ties with you due to your threats toward General Secretary Maniac. The enlightened should understand that actions have a consequence; blind mercy and compassion do not produce enlightenment, but obscure it. As I said to you before privately, I hope that you find enlightenment no matter what your path.
Comrade Vander: I am glad to hear your words, which show insight. Let us seek the path to further enlightenment together.
Adam T. Gieseler
October 6, 2003, 09:46
Local Time: 12:07
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Originally posted by Corellion
1) Enlightenment is a function of willpower. Anybody can have the will necessary to achieve enlightenment if they are properly taught, especially from a young age. This one of the main functions of our society.
Indeed as you say anyone can reach enlightenment. This is expressed in the Eight Tenet. However, as stated in the Eighth Principle, humans are inequal. This means some have more willpower than others, and thus can reach enlightenment more easily.
2) Once enlightenment is achieved, one no longer needs to worry about individual freedoms or sacrifice. When true enlightenment is achieved, the individual does not merely become aware of the supremacy of the group, but the individual actually loses all sense of self-identity, and becomes the group, just as the group becomes him/her. This is the true goal of our society.
Naturally.  This is expressed in the Second and Third Tenet.
I disagree with you on your third point. AdamTG has answered you well.  Perhaps I might give my own version of an answer as well(, but now I've got to run to lessons).
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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October 6, 2003, 11:23
Local Time: 11:07
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Great another Hive philospohical society to infiltrate.
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