November 6, 2003, 16:46
Local Time: 11:16
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Empire of China
Emperor Huang Di´s public speech related to the 800th anniversary of the "northern capital" Beijing had been cancelled today, officially due to his bad condition. The leader of the Asian Confederation is suffering from a strange disease since more than a year now, and it seems to get worse and worse.
Thousands of royalists donated flowers and joss sticks to the emperor, hoping the good ghosts will help him defeat the illness.
Our editorial office wishes fast recovery!
As a result of the recent outbrake of hostilities on Mars, the Grand Counsil has come together to discuss the involvement of the Asian Confederation. However, it has been decided that without the violation of Chinese territory, there is no reason for war.
China wishes for good relations to all nations, as long as they are peaceful, reasonable and free. Although the NBE doesn´t meet all those criterias, she has shown to be open to democratization. Therefor the Empire of China, as well as the Asian Confederation, will remain neutral in the current conflict, awaiting further development of the situation.
The shaky emperor Huang Di has expressed his wish for a peaceful solution on the Mars incident, while he sees no relistic chance that his wish will be granted.
Chengdu, Zhigong, Guiyang
Four days after the horrible bombardment on those three cities, the tidy-up teams have almost completed their work. Now the task is to rebuild the losses, like the huge sportwear production and innovation facility in Zhigong. The 540.000 employees have already begun to help in rebuilding, while the imperial government pays 80% of the expected costs.
Again the people of China and other Asian states are asked for small donations to the IWF (Imperial War Fonds), which will be used to pay the expenditures this war has caused.
Meanwhile, all Tv and radio stations throughout the empire have ceased their broadcasts for one hour in comemmoration of the 1,436 civilians who were killed during the missile bombardment. One of them was Jin Guan, a famous talk show moderator, who found death while taping his 1000th show.
To Republic of India
Now that you have regained control of your ancient lands, do you need us any longer? We don´t maintain a conscriptional army, so most of the Chinese soldiers are volunteers who now want to return to their families...
Also we´d like to propose the strengthening of the economic relations between our two nations, since we both are suffering from a depression right now. Why do we still have taxation of each other´s products? Toll-free trade is what we need to reanimate our dying economies! No boundaries for Asian goods! What do you think?
To Chinese Colony on Mars
Brothers and sisters! We know you won´t fall to the excessive propaganda warfare of the NBE, since you are given full autonomy in all internal affairs. However, we´d like you to remain neutral in the upcoming conflict. There is no need for our people to become involved into a war about something we both already have - freedom!
As part of the Empire, you´re also included into the mutual economic help program with India. So you shouldn´t act hostile versus the Indian colonies on Mars, bor should you block the trade routes to and from them. Expect massive increases in trade between earth and Mars within the next years, since we have now the huge space fleet needed to protect the convoys.
In peace and unity!
We won´t participate in the conflict you have started yet, but we urge you to cease hostilities now! You cannot stand against half of earth´s forces, and the benefits you long to gain are not justifying the deads you have to expect. Mars has not been a place of war yet, so please don´t start the circle that will lead to the destruction of the green red planet!
To all nations
We want to remind every one of you of the neutrality of China, the Asian Confederation, the Chinese Moon colony and the Chinese Mars colonies in the current conflict. By international law we will confiscate every warship, troop transport and supply convoy that crosses the territory or air space of the regions mentioned above. The personnel and troops will find accomodation there until the war is over. Thank you
ORDERS- Upgrade economy twice (4 turns, 6 turns) by using the current sentiment of solidarity and the increasing trade between India, Mars and China
- Finish the Asian University (2 turns)
- Rebuild the industry in the bombed regions
- Act as described above (neutrality, confiscating warfare equipment etc.) in case any participant in the war crosses friendly territory
- Work on further improving relations towards all Asian nations, as well as those towards the CDA
- Start surveys concerning the feelings of Asian Confederation members towards joining the Empire, and ask for their reasons, too
November 6, 2003, 16:57
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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To China:
No, we do not need you.
And you wish for free trade with India, yet you sit idley by as we are invaded by a foreign power, AGAIN? Bah!
The only nations we will even consider a Free-Trade agreement are the AEU, Brazil, and Russia for they have helped us in our times of need. You helped when it was convinent for you.
November 6, 2003, 18:49
Local Time: 05:16
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From: Brazil
To: India
We would advise you to scale down your tone concerning China. We do not want our 2 Asian friends at each others' throats.
From: Brazil
To: The world (and Mars)
Brazil has no quarrel with Mars and its people. It has no regrets for its treatment of the Brazillian settlers there, as it has always dealt fairly with its subjects regardless of locality or situation. The New Boston Empire is simply an aggressive bully: if stood up to, he and his minions will back down and keep quiet. We urge all nations to at least issue a statement denouncing the New Boston Empire's imperialistic actions, if you can do nothing more.
From: Brazil
In response to your "liberation" of Indian territory: Will this new state take the form of Hitler's Croatia, which was nominally independent while under his rule in actuality, or will it take the form of the Kingdom of Poland, which, though technically part of Russia, was ruled directly by the Czar?
In response to your "Earth imperialism" angle: We on Earth have already wisened up after the first wave of revolutions. We are no longer the evil tyrants you like to portray in your schoolbooks (don't try to fool us, we have copies). Earth nations now treat Martian settlers as equals, though separated by great amounts of space. Brazil is especially immune to this, because it has always treated its people, regardless of locality or situation, as equals under Brazillian law to any Earth resident. There have been relatively few revolts compared to other nations.
About your "Pan-Martianism": Hitler tried it with the Austrians and the Dutch. It didn't work. Despite the fact that they all live on Mars, each and every resident there maintains his or her national identity. Your statements only aggravate such feelings of nationalism.
Last edited by Specialist290; November 6, 2003 at 19:21.
November 6, 2003, 19:10
Local Time: 05:16
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Brazillian News For Brazillian People... From the Brazillian Capital
Citizens Enthusiastic, Poll Says
The people of Brazil have stated that they support the firm stance taken by their government against the aggressive acts of the New Boston Empire. This is supported by the results given in yesterday's poll in the newspaper:
Poll Results (winning choices in bold)
1. How do you feel about New Boston's current actions?
A. They have every right! (28%)
B. They shouldn't do that! (70%)
C. No opinion (2%)
2. Would you support war with New Boston were it to come?
A. Yes (63%)
B. No (31%)
C. Undecided (6%)
The total votes were:
Q #1: 155,410,379
Q #2: 162,316,144
The results of this poll have emboldened our nation's government to take a firmer stance. We thank all voters for expressing their opinions.
Martio Rep. Assembly Mobilizes Provincial Guard
Thanks to a vote by the governing council of the Martio Province, thousands of Brazillian Regular Army troops have been freed up to take part in actions against New Boston.
At 2:30 AM BST (Brazillian Standard Time; Earth-based), the Consejo Martio passed a resolution calling for the mobilization of 12 Provincial Guard militia units, all consisted of local volunteers who signed up at one time or another. The grand total of the men in these units comes to about 6,300, which should provide adequate defense to the province should New Boston decide to attack New Rio or Martio Amazonas (cities in Martio Province, for those not familiar).
The Brazillian Presidio has thanked the citizens of Martio Province for their continuing loyalty and devotion.
Last edited by Specialist290; November 6, 2003 at 20:02.
November 6, 2003, 19:17
Local Time: 03:16
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Republic of Akassou
Akassou Free Press
The Senate published officially the results of last weeks Councilar elections, last years Junior Council Gaius Voltaire returned again to the senate floors in the post of Senior Council with overwhelming plebian and senatorial support.
Voltaire is expected to face many challenges in this upcoming term, with growing pressure from foreign forces for Akassou to take a position on the Earth/Mars conflict. Internally the Senior Council has publicly stated that he will seek to improve the economic conditions of Akassou.
Ascoli Daily
The new Senior Council since taking office has been bombarded with foreign communiqués from all across the Solar System, most of which were pertaining to the position of the Republic on the brewing rift between Earth and Mars as well as the violence seen in the past few months.
Analysts say that other nations are hoping that Senior Council Voltaire will take a position on the conflict, since his predecessors were set against taking sides. The Senior Council refused to comment on this thoughts on the issue, but he has called a special closed door meeting of the Senate and the Plebian Assembly to discuss the matter.
To All Nations:
The Republic of Akassou refuses to take sides in this conflict which does not concern our interests; we will not side militarily with either party in the conflict. Our primary interests lay in open and unrestricted trade with other nations, and the Republic of Akassou hopes to promote open investment and trade within our borders be declaring officially our neutrality in this conflict.
To Uruk, Capo, and New Mascates:
The Senate and People of Akassou have shared a common bond with their northern brothering for a long time, we wish to invite the peoples of Uruk, Capo, and New Mascates to become Friends and Allies of the Republic of Akassou. Akassou would commit itself to defending the territorial integrity of your nations in exchange for your participation in such an alliance Akassou asks for the right to enlist your citizens into its armed forces as well as gradually reduce economic and political barriers between our nations in order to facilitate political and economic exchange.
-use treasury funds to sponsor Akassou corporations in asteroid belt mining;
-being a publics works project to establish a industrial colony in the Saturn planetary system.
November 6, 2003, 19:32
Local Time: 05:16
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From: Brazil
To: Akassou
While we are not entirely pleased with this stance, we are at least relieved and thankful that you will not be enemies.
-After hearing that Akassou is starting an asteroid mining project, we've decided it's not a bad idea. Start work on an asteroid-mining project of our own (3-6 turns, depending on how the war goes) once El Sol is well on its way.
-Begin a two-pronged attack on New Boston. The first group (the smaller one) will be dispatched to the Indian colony to aid Indian troops there. The larger group will aim for a direct strike against New Bostonian territory and a sudden knockout blow.
-Impose a full sea and space blockade on the NBE. Let no ship pass through either way (unless it is confirmed to be an allied war or troop ship) regardless of nationality. Warn all nations before putting this into effect that any ship attempting to run the blockade will be searched and turned away, or sunk (or otherwise destroyed) if it refuses to halt, or to accept a search.
November 6, 2003, 20:50
Local Time: 11:16
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To Akassou
From Empire of China
We are pleased to hear that you´ll stay neutral in this destructive war. Since the Asian people seek for free trade too, we´d like to introduce new trade routes from China to Akassou. There is no need for duties on our goods, as well as yours. Would you be willing to establish free-trade zones between Akassou and the Chinese Colony on Mars?
To India
From China
We are shocked by that diplomatic insult! We suggest you replace your current embassador in China by a better trained one.
November 6, 2003, 21:22
Local Time: 03:16
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To: World
From: Russia
The Indian Republic has betrayed Russia. We were once great friends but that ends. India accused the Russians and WAF's and said we were planning to invade. Be carefull of what India tells you as it may very well be a lie.
November 6, 2003, 21:31
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
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To Akassou:
India would REALLY like it if you attacked the NBE
To China:
These words come directly from the new President: Tassadar II:
The Indian colonies, for a period, faced destruction yet you and your alliance remained neutral in the conflict. You did not support your Asian brothers. If we had not been stronger, we would have fallen...and because of your neutrility, more have died than need be.
And then you come to us and wish for free trade...I find that appaling. I am classifying this as a peoples issue and it will go on the ballot...
To the WORLD:
Indian intelligence sources indicate Russia may be preparing for an invasion of India and/or it's allies. I advise all nations to be cautious of Russia.
To the AEU:
We believe Russia may attack India or the AEU, as we are accesable. We would appreciate any protection you may be able to offer.
The following has been prepared for you by the government. Please fill it out and return it to your local Cenus Centre.
Have your views about India changed ever since our liberation? If so, how have they changed?
A: I feel more Indian. More patriotic. B: I feel the same. C: I feel less Indian, and less patriotic. D: I don't know. E: Write in.
(Martia India and India polled seperately on this issue)
Do you support the current invasion of the NBE?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
What are your feelings towards China not helping us defeat the New Boston Empire?
A: I don't like it one bit. B: I'm disapproving, but not hateful. C: I'm neutral. D: I'm kind of glad, actually. E: I'm very glad about it. F: I don't know. G: Write in.
Under an old Indian law, Tassadar II is the sucessor to Tassadar. However under Freedom of Peoples Act of 2021, the Indian people can override this other law. Do you choose to override the law? NOTE: If you choose yes, that is casting a vote AGAINST Tassadar II.
A: I do not support Tassadar II, and therefore vote YES to overriding the law. B: I support Tassadar II, and therefore vote NO to overriding the law.
Do you believe Russia would attack India?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
Should India break down all trade barriers with China?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
Should India adopt a new flag?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
Should the official name of India be "Republic of India"?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
What are your feeligns towards the Pakistani situation?
A: We need to invade them again. B: We need to give up territory to them. C: Let's keep things as they are. D: I don't know. E: Write-in.
Tassadar II is discussing throwing an Independence Party in Calcutta, Bombay, and Dehli. It would involve free drinks and entertainment. Would you support this?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
The Communist Party wishes to make privately-owned corperations illegal. Do you support this?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
The Capitalist Party wishes to privatize the school system. Do you support this?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
The Green Party wishes to make it so India cannot tear down trees. Do you support this?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
Should India attempt to join the Asian Alliance?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
Should India keep it's intellects in the Asian University?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
(Useless stuff like "What's your favorite movie?", etc)
Begin polling.
Put military on high alert for Russian forces.
November 6, 2003, 21:43
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
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Oh, and one more question on the ballot
Russia has proposed an alliance with India. Would you be in support of this?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write-in
November 6, 2003, 23:04
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AEU to India :
We very much doubt that. Russia has been perfectly consistent in their alliance with us. Unless you can provide some hard evidence, we will have to consider your claims speculative at best.
Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
November 6, 2003, 23:16
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November 7, 2003, 11:05
Local Time: 11:16
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Chinese Newspaper
Diplomatic Insult by Tassadar II. of the Republic of India
Since China had been host to the Indian exile regime during the alien occupation of their country, and since Tassadar II. had been supported and even provided six million Chinese soldiers for his recapture of his homelands by the Empire, the people thought of the Indians as their closest friends.
Never had there been a discussion about India "being in debt" to us, nore had there been any disloyal sentiment towards our fellows in the West.
However, the "great leader" Tassadar II has recently dropped us as their ally. In the explaination he speaks of China "sit[ting] idley by as [India is] invaded by a foreign power, AGAIN? Bah!". As a response to the emperor´s offer of a free trade zone to recover from the economic crisis in both of our countries the Indian head of state said "The only nations we will even consider a Free-Trade agreement are the AEU, Brazil, and Russia for they have helped us in our times of need. You helped when it was convinent for you".
When Chinese soldiers finished the recapturing of their Indian brother´s lands (being paid and supplied by CHINA, with nothing to gain from the war but honour) and wished to reassign the Indian defence to the Indians (and to return home after seven months of war), all that India said was "No, we do not need you [anymore]". That´s it.
Obviously this was meant as a diplomatic insult, and is not linked to the Indian citizens. While the population still considers the Indians their closest friends, the new Rebulic´s government has immensly lost credit over here.
As a result, most Chinese companies are now looking for other investors, which improves the trade relations to the AEU, the La Paz pact and even the North American continent. Russian ecological engineering skills have gained great reputation in the Western provinces, and rumors say that it´s now only a question of time until Russian terraforming companies start working on Chinese territory for a fairly large amount of money...
To India
By China
The reasons for our neutrality are the following:
a) Chinese dislike for any kind of violence, rooted in the strong buddhist faith
b) The superiority of India´s allies related to those of the NBE; They are no match for your forces, and our intervention won´t change anything but our income and death figures
c) The quasi non-existence of Chinese army on Mars. The defence of the Chinese colony there is up to themselves, as they wished in the Colonial agreement of 2135. Shipping army to Mars would cost us more than we could bear with our current economic crisis; How would you cover our expenditures?
d) The Chinese Army has already fought in India, and the soldiers are tired of war. Fighting on Mars requires special training due to the different gravity there, which we can´t afford by now.
e) Or country has followed a strict line of neutrality since it´s birth out of the old Communist regime. We won´t attack until we are attacked. India is not member of any military alliance with China, since it isn´t part of the Asian Confederation. Our help in the alien war hasn´t be thanked yet, so why should we waste more lives for your ruler´s dreams of power?
ORDERS- shift trade from India to other nations, especially AEU, LaPaz pact members, Canada, USA, CDA and Russia.
- cancel all projects about merging China and India that are currently worked on. Store the data gained, perhaps we will need it later
- Invite Russian terraforming teams into Northern and Western China; offer 130% of the usual pay
Last edited by Micha; November 7, 2003 at 11:14.
November 7, 2003, 11:23
Local Time: 03:16
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To: China
From: Russia
We will gladly help you. We thank you for the extra money you are willing to give us. But we need to ask you a question first and then a request? Do you still want Western and Northern China to have some mountains? And here is Russia's request. That our service be apart of and advertised at the Asian University in Khuming.
November 7, 2003, 12:14
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To Russia
From China
Of course the Asian University will appreciate this project, since it provides a huge amount of practical work for the students as well as a great portion of experience to be learned by the professors and engineers 
Regarding the terraforming:
Inner Mongolia (north) is a dry and barren land, but since it is mostly flat, it could be well used for farming in the future...
Furthermore we´d like the Gobi desert to be worked on, as well as the Tian Shan mountains to our far west. This should be more than enough work for the next dekades
November 7, 2003, 12:37
Local Time: 03:16
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To: China
From: Russia
We will start working on it now. The cost would normally be about 150 Billion INR. How much more are you offering?
November 7, 2003, 13:31
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Republic of Akassou
Akassou Free Press
The Tribune of the Plebs approved the new budget proposal by the Senior Council this week that called for extensive public spending on projects and investments. Senior Council Voltaire called a special committee before the Senate to administer the spending of public funds. The budget highlights are as follows:
1. Investment into asteroid belt mining will continue to be supported by treasury funds, the treasury has lent out a considerable sum to private holders in order to help the development of zero-g mining;
2. 100,000 aureus were approved on the development of industrial colonies in the outer-solar system;
2. The Senate will donate 100,000 aureus, to the 400,000 aureus already allocated from the public treasury toward the establishment of orbital Earth manufacturing colonies.
To Empire of China:
We would be most pleased to establishing a free-trade zone between the Chinese Mars Colonies and the Republic of Akassou. The free flow of goods between our two territories will serve to benefit both peoples.
We hope our improved relations will facilitate the free flow of trade in the inner-solar system on a whole.
ORDERS- Increase public investment in asteroid mining project;
- Continue plans for Saturn industrial colony;
- Begin work on orbital Earth colonies; &
- Continue diplomatic pressure on Uruk, Capo, & New Mascates.
November 7, 2003, 14:40
Local Time: 11:16
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To Russia
From China
The Grand Counsil has discussed the offer and has agreed to spend 195,000,000,000 INR on the terraforming project. The money will be divided into degressive annual sums, on a 30% ratio. That means we will pay:
1. year: 58.5 billion INR
2. year: 40.6 billion INR
3. year: 29.0 billion INR
4. year: 20.0 billion INR
5. year: 46.9 billion INR (last payment)
Do you accept?
To Akassou
From China
We welcome this decision!  Shall the free trade zone boost both of our economies, and shall it be a shining example to all martian states!
November 7, 2003, 16:01
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Update Started
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 7, 2003, 16:54
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July 2180
To: India
From: Pakistan
We are glad we finally could reach peace with you.
To: China
From: Pakistan
Since our country is in bad shape, and we don't trust the Muslim - Hebrew Grand Alliance anymore, we ask for membership of the Asian Confederation.
Not only this would be highly beneficial for noth of us, but it will probably bring a definitive peace in the region.
We humbly await your response in the hope it shall be positive.
To: Russia
From: Kazakhistan
We are just staring to adopt the ruble as our national currency, if all goes well our two repubblics shall be united once again by the end of the year.
To: NBE and Allies
From: Canada
We suggest you stop this war, the Earth Nations are too much for you alone. Even the US when it rebelled from England was fighting against England alone, and with help from France and other European country.(/secret)
To: The Solar System
From: Canada
The NBE claims that the Martian people want independence, the nations of Earth with Martian colonies claim the their citizens don't wish to be separated from their mother countries.
Canada says: Why don't we just ask them? Earth should allow Mars to be free if they wish to, but in order to do that we should probably organize elections in the Martian Colonies asking if they wish for Independence, or if they wish to remain part of their mother country.(and monitor them, so that we are sure that nobody will try to alter the resuts).
I hope that at least those countres that call themselves "democratic" will like this idea, and accept its verdict, as it would finally solve this stupid war.
To: The World
From: Delopoi, Cavasini, Larr, Tura
We think that the Canadian proposal would be the best for the future of both Mars and Earth.
To: Brazil
From: La Paz Pact
The LPP doesn't have enough armies in Mars to declare war on the NBE now, especially given the vicinity of our colonies with the NBE.
For now we shall only give you, and the CDA diplomatic support.
To: Akassou
From: Uruk, Capo, New Mascate
While we wish for good relations with the Repubblic of Akassou, we can not agree on your neutral policy i this war. Therefore we shall keep our current alliance with the New Boston Empire, Flores and Diamoutene
To: Akassou
From: Diamante
Hello my dear neighbor. frankly we don't understand how you can stay in peaceful in such a great moment for Mars, join the war, and help us liberate Mars from Earth Imperialism
To: Akassou
From: Delepoi, Cavasini
We greet the powerful Repubblic of Akassou, and we applaud your chioce of neutrality in this stupi conflict, may our nations live in peace forever.
Unfortunatly the diplomacy took me more time than I thought.
So I will have to stop the update here for now.
I shall complete it later this night. As I'm running out of time right now.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 7, 2003, 16:57
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November 7, 2003, 17:01
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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November 7, 2003, 17:01
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To China:
We apologize for our remarks about your nation. But we still are not happy about your neutrility.
November 7, 2003, 22:02
Local Time: 11:16
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 7, 2003, 22:19
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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I can't do anything until I know the results of that poll....
November 7, 2003, 22:21
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November 7, 2003, 22:54
Local Time: 03:16
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Post this ad in the Asian University and all countries embassies:
If you want something terraformed just ask Russia. We have the greatest terraforming skills in the universe.
Mountain terrain: 130B (6 turns)
Moon: 170B (7 turns)
Mars: 110B (4 turns)
Desert: 140B(5 turns)
Artic: 150B (5 turns)
Of course any haggling and other trades are possible. And depending on the size of the terrain will depend on the amount of time. Also the more money you spend the faster it goes.
Start storing all cash made so far. Which is $313,000,000,000.
India-Moon (7 turns)
China-Mountain and desert (11 turns)
Last edited by Tassadar500; November 8, 2003 at 00:10.
November 7, 2003, 23:09
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: We are all Asher now.
Posts: 1,437
The Indian Association for Standard and Fair Business Practices (IASFBP) recently rated the Russian Space Agency for it's terraformation abilities.
When observing Russian workers, we noted that they seemed very focused on tasks at hand. When we entered they were very friendly, showing us everything and explaining everything.
We did note that most Russian workers under 20, however, were extremly rude. One began to call out racial slurs to us. But this was not indicative of the entire staff.
The components were very fine, with a qualtiy grade of AA. We tested the integrity of these components (Exposure to high levels of energy, zero gravity environments, etc) and they held up very well. However the Taiwanese Maxtor SuperLasre200 did explode after being subjected to high levels of radiation.
The most surprising thing was that most of these were not Indian components but Russian ones. Most of them were very durable, and cost-effective as well. The most energy lost to "waste" was .003%, which is not that bad.
We did note, however, the skill of the operators was a bit low. Russia should invest more in training.
Tech support was very bad, primarily because none of them spoke Hindi.
Quality: 99
Durability: 97
Staff Quality: 85
Tech Support: 23
OVERALL: 98 (Highest Score Ever)
November 7, 2003, 23:13
Local Time: 03:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 6,468
Start teaching all the tech support many different languages.
November 7, 2003, 23:56
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: We are all Asher now.
Posts: 1,437
Indian Press Corp.
People's Daily
Deutschland Uber Alles
Nous Mours
Fox News
Dehli Deli
Calcutta Times
The Salt Lake Tribune
Zhongguoi Renmin
Australia Times
National News Agency of Pakistan

Declassified Project Information
The Russian Federation and the Republic of India would like to announce the beginning of the formation of the
and the
space stations. These space stations are estimated to have a combined cost of over $2,163,245,814,163 Indian Rupees.
The NOVAYA MIR will be stationed high above the Earth, in orbit like a satellite. The ANTORASHTRIO will have a scenic setting between the MOON and MARS.
These two space stations will signify human evolution. They will be equipped with state-of-the-art electronic security systems including Pulse Laser Cannons and EMP Missiles, as well as internal security systems such as facial detection, heat signatures, and internal gun installations.
It will also be equipped with high-tech propulsion systems which will allow it to reposition itself in case of emergency. These systems are estimated to be able to travel from Earth to Pluto and back in around 120 days.
This station will feature cutting edge entertainment including Video Rooms for watching all the latest movies, the Antiriaa(TM) Music Store with every song ever recorded, and even a rare Holographic Simulation Unit which will literally immerse the user in his or her own world.
Both stations would have on-board crew and cilvian quarters for both tourists and those whom wish to reside on the station.
Imagine: A place where there are no wars, no major disease, no poverty...
Space Station populations are projected to be 10,000 occupants each, with possibilities of expansion being limitless!
Can you see the potential of the SPACE STATION PROJECT?
Governments and Corperations seeking to help build and fund the space stations are welcome! The payoff in research, military protection, and consumer spending is likely to bring returns like never imagined! Yay! 
For those whom are thinking of residing on either of the stations, please contact either the RUSSIAN or INDIAN governments today!
Legalese here.
Copyright here.
Last edited by Nubclear; November 8, 2003 at 00:09.
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