November 11, 2003, 17:28
Local Time: 11:16
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Location: Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
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Empire of China
ORDERS- Continue upgrading economy twice (3 turns, 5 turns) by using the increasing trade between India, Russia, LaPaz, Northern America, AEU, Mars and China
- Finish the Asian University (1 turn)
- Work on further improving relations towards all Asian nations, as well as those towards the CDA
- Start surveys concerning the feelings of Asian Confederation members towards joining the Empire, and ask for their reasons, too (Gio you forgot the reasons last turn
- wire 58.5 billion INR to Russia (first installment)
- Do the petition for a referendum about possible independence of Tian Tang (Chinese Colony on Mars); Additionally ask for their support of a participation in the current war
November 11, 2003, 17:50
Local Time: 11:16
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Ok here start the Update
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 11, 2003, 18:11
Local Time: 11:16
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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January 2181
To: Akassou, Brazil
From: Diamante
We entered this war as ally of the New Boston Empire in their quest of liberating Mars from Earth control, however we are peaceful nation and surely do not wish for war against Akassou. We will wait for a peace deal to be reached between India and NBE, but for the moment we shall stop our attacks.
To: The Solar System
From: Canada
We understand you may consider us as an ally of the NBE, but we are neutral in this war. So we are open to take part in the peace talks as a mediator, but only if all sides agree with it.
To: Russia
From: Gulustan Rebels
We were already communists, and we were about to become one of your best allies... and what was your answer? you annexed us.
Surely... our government shall be communist, but do not expect any sort of alliance between Gulastan and Russia.
We simply can not trust your words after you so brutally annexed us.
To: China
From: Pakistan
We are working in order to meet the criteria you set up for us, we hope this will bring a new era to Pakistan, and the other members of the Asian Confederation.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 11, 2003, 19:30
Local Time: 11:16
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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The Newspaper
January 2181
Chinese Martian Colony (Tian Tang) poll resuts:
Remain Chinese: 57%
Independence but Asian Confederation Member: 32%
Independence and not an Asian Confedartion Member: 11%
It seems that in the Chinese Colony many citizens are also more worried about the NBE than in the homeland, many local politicians have taken this moment in which the whole country was looking at them by declaring their support of a Chinese entrance in the war against the NBE and their allies.
Brazilian Questionnaire Results
Brazil as well issued a similar questionnaire, although this one asked also question on what they think about the current gov't and if they support or not the war.
1. Do you support the war against New Boston and its allies?
A. Yes 63%
B. No 37%
2. (Only for Martio province, poll north half and south half separately) How are your feelings on autonomy from Brazil?
Northern Half.
A. Bad idea; we should remain loyal to our homeland. 56%
B. Good idea; we can provide for ourselves.
C. Don't care.
D. Write in.
Southern Half.
A. Bad idea; we should remain loyal to our homeland. 43%
B. Good idea; we can provide for ourselves.
C. Don't care.
D. Write in.
3. (Also only Martio province) If granted independence, what ties should we maintain with our home country? (Answer all that apply.)
Northern Half:
A. Military alliance 12%
B. Economic and customs union 20%
C. Membership in La Paz Pact 64%
D. None 4%
E. Write in
Southern Half:
A. Military alliance 8%
B. Economic and customs union 12%
C. Membership in La Paz Pact 73%
D. None 7%
E. Write in
4. (Poll Mars and Earth seperately) What are your feelings about the current gov't. and its actions?
A. Strongly agree 23%
B. Moderately agree 35%
C. Moderately disagree 31%
D. Strongly disagree 11%
A. Strongly agree 15%
B. Moderately agree 38%
C. Moderately disagree 27%
D. Strongly disagree 20%
(Other uselss stuff like "what's your favorite soft drink?", etc.)
(Useless answers such as "Rio Cola", etc.)
Brazilian Asteroid Mining: is it really worth it?
The new Asteroid Mining companies seems all to have a negative balance, apparently the costs of capturing them are too high, compared to what those asteroid reall are worth, not to mention the difficulties of capturing them.
Nonetheless it seems that in one of them it was found a very strange mineral, the government immediatly steped in and took the asteroid into government facilities to be studied. Unfortunatly our reporters have not been guaranteed access to the area so we are unable to provide any further informations. (OOC: it shall be up to Specialist to declare what the Brazilian really discovered).
Is Jupiter the next target?
The WAF have pubblicaly announced their intentions of colonizing the Jupiterean moons, the first rocket shall take off in 2 years.
How much do you like the Asian Confederation? Do you think the AsCon will be the nect AEU?
This were just two of the various question asked to various citizens living in member nations of the AsCon.
Of the people polled 62% declared that they like the AsCon and feel that it would benefit the various people living in Asia, the other 38% said that the AsCon will fail, and that this idea is going to ruin their cultural heritage.
Roughly half of them: 54%, said that they believe that the AsCon will follow the same route as the AEU, the other 23% believe it would just remain what it is now, and another 23% think the AsCon will fall, sooner or later.
At the question: Would you support the merging of your country into China, just like what happened in Tibet? (Chinese people were not polled in this) Only a mere 34% answered, saying that such an Union would create great wealth to them. The majority: 56% said that they would not lthink that joining into the Empire of China would be good, but they'd like more to see a merging between China and their nation, whith the creation of a new Asian Conderation Country, much like what happened in the Austro-European Union as well. A small 10% instead declared that they would never support such an union, as they feel that the people would benefit more if administered by the loval government, who knows what the problems of the people are, rather than being administered by some Chinese who can not even speak their language.
Joint Russian-Indian Space Station: a new dream
A joint project between Russia and India for creating a new space station is going on, the Russian analyst seems positive that the project shall be completed in a short time, and will provide a great base for scientific experiments and space exploration.
Russia the New Heaven
Tired of where you are living now? Want to seek the opportunity of joining the Communist dream? Becoming a Russian citizen has never been so easy!!!
Take this opportunity, and emigrate to Russia. The costs for moving are very convenient, especially if you are moving in from India.
So take this opportunity now! Go to Russia and start a whole new life.
Letters from the Front
In Gulastan a Russian counter-attack against the rebels was not very succesful, the Russians did manage to grab some territories in the south, but at the cost of too many lives. Also new rebel groups were formed in the north, it seems that the Gulustan citizens are united in their quest for independence.
In the East Indian Colony the fight was stopped, the Diamanta forces stopped their attacks, and with much surprise the Indian military there was not ordered to attack the Diamante army.
In the Russian Colony a joint attack of Russian and American forces proved succesful, the Flores army was forced to retreat back into Flores.
The Russian Space Navy started bombing raids over Flowerton and other important Flores centers.
However the Flores Navy, with help from Diamoutene, managed to defeat the Russian one in a big battle on the north of Flores. This prevented the Russians from starting a real invasion of the country.
In the NBE The Boston Military managed to defeat a weakned Brazilian army, which had to retreat and was transported back to the Brazilian colony. The Brazilian Navy however was good in defeating the NBE one, and from there they are bombarding the NBE coast.
In the Indian West Colony the Indian Forces managed to capture many NBE soldiers, as they attacked their last possesions in there.
The rest of the NBE forces retreated back into the NBE proper.
In the space
The Earth Space Fleet managed to finally defeat the Martian one, the martian were heavily outnumbered at start, but fought with honour by inflicting high casualities to the Earth forces
On Earth 10 space ships,, flying the banner of the Republic of Delopoi, one of the neutral Martian nations, arrived near Delhi today, and bombarded the Indian capital with large amount of missiles.
The Indians were taken by surprise, but once they managed to recover from the first shock they destroyed all 10 ships.
The damages suffered by Delhi were big.
The Republic of Delopoi denies any involvment, they stated that they are a peaceful republic and that they long since declared thair nautrality, and they friendship toward the Indian people.
The government of Delopoi is asking for whoever used such a "dirty trick" to come out and face the consequences of their actions.
Map and first page update shall come later
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 11, 2003, 19:39
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
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To Delopoi:
India believes you, and this is obviously a trick by the NBE to destroy India.
We withdraw our previous peace agreement with the NBE. Now that the spacefleet has been taken care of, the NBE will submit to the coalition lest it be destroyed.
November 11, 2003, 20:48
Local Time: 11:16
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Location: Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
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Empire of China
Delhi, Republic of India
Thunder echoed in the streets of the 40 million metropolis Delhi, when yesterday evening ten Martian space ships began dropping their lethal load.
Today the emperor´s spokesman confirmed what could be heard as rumors before: Princess Liu, second oldest daughter of Emperor Huand Di, has been killed during that civilian slaughter.
As official sources tell, she had been on a diplomatic mission to India in order to improve the tamished relations after the insults of last year.
When Huang Di was told about the shocking news, he immediately retired in mourning. The political power is now held by the Grand Counsil alone, until the emperor retakes his responsibilities or his successor is crowned.
Public outrages and war demonstrations determine the character of the Chinese capital today. In front of the Forbidden City more than 2.5 million citizens protest against the neutral stance of the AsCon in the ongong conflict. After the tragedy in Delhi, the public seems to crave for war.
Until now it´s not clear who was in command of the attackers there, but all signs point to the NBE so far.
While the Grand Counsil is still debating the issue, the Asian Confederation is asked for a crisis session on wednesday. However it is expected to show a rather big majority for war supporters there.
Right now the first issue to deal with is the death of the beloved Princess Liu, a symbol of peace and hope for the people in China. Her tragical fate has caused the biggest public movement since the foundation of the Chinese Empire.
Royal doctors are worried about the condition of the emperor, especially now that he has to deal with such a great shock. But also the king of Manchuria isn´t recovering yet, which doesn´t improve his chances to see another midsummer...
Tomorrow (OOC: in about 12 hours) both the Empire of China and the Asian Confederation will vote on their possible war entry. Until then all diplomats still in the affected Martian countries are pulled out. The Army as well as the CSC (Chinese Space Corps) are mobilized. The public is awaiting these decisions unpatiently.
November 11, 2003, 23:20
Local Time: 02:16
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To: Solar System
From: NBE
Yes it was us who launch the attack on the India capital. This was done because of the total destruction of our space navy. This attack was aimed as you can see only at India. We reget the death of Chinese Princess Liu. We agree to pay the Chinese government for the death in what they feel is right and the government of NBE is sorry for this. If we had know that she was at risk of being killed in the attack we would have etheir dealyed it or called it off all togather.
We also respect the decession of the Chinese people to stay as a colony to China and we will not make any efforts to change this. We will not attack any Chinese colony on Mars.
As for India, this is our message:
We will not agree to your terms for peace. We will never give in to the demands of India!!! We rather die fighting and be free then become a slave of India.
I think all of our Mars allies would agree with this statement.
November 12, 2003, 00:15
Local Time: 03:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 6,468
**The New Boston Empire has now claimed responsiblity for the vicious and cowardly attacks against the Indian city of Dehli. These attacks were not aimed against any military target, but instead violated International Law and targetted civilians resulting in the deaths of hundreds of people.
Initially the martian Republic of Delopi was blamed as they had electronic identification as such and hull markings consistent with that of the Republic of Delopi. However satellite imagery showed no vessel from the Republic of Delopi being launched, and quite simply they had no reason to attack.
The New Boston Empire, angry over the destruction of it's space fleet, decided to willingly target innocent people in their attack.
The economic damage was severe but can be repaired, however the lives of the over 700 people including Chinese Princess Liu and a Russian ambassador cannot. They cannot be brougt back. All we can do now is cherish their memory and avenge their death.
Both the Russian Federation and the Republic of India call on all nations to assist us in wiping out the New Boston Empire and it's allies for they are responsible for this attack.
November 12, 2003, 00:26
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
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*(Current Program interrupted)*
At approximately 5:43 PM, 10 space-vessels with electronic identification and hull paintings matching that of the Republic of Delopoi attacked our capital city of New Dehli which resulted in the death of 749 civilians of 26 nationalities including the daugther of Chinese Emperor Huang Di.
This attack however was not carried out or endorsed by the Republic of Delopoi. It was inconsistent with both the foreign policy of that country and what is expected out of every human being.
We did not expect any attack against civilians from any nation. By the Geneva Conventions, such attacks are completly forbid as they go against humanity.
However the New Boston Empire did not care. They did not care that they would be terminating the lives of 749 people. They did not care that they would be ripping these people out of the lives of their family and friends. All they cared about was harming India for the coalition had destroyed their space fleet.
This attack was carried out by a deranged group of people whom were ordered by a deranged group of people. I cannot express in proper words how revolted and disgusted I am at these attacks. Nearly one third of those killed were CHILDREN. Leader Jack of the NBE killed children ages 4-14 to spite India.
Make no mistake this was an intentional bombings against civilians. So far our agencies are reporting that NO MILITARY STRUCTURE was damaged, and only 7 military officers are dead as a result of this attack.
However we must clairfy that this was not an attack against India by the opressed people of the New Boston Empire. This was an attack by Leader Jack, the terrorist who holds that nation hostage. Even as we speak, the resistence group "Boston Tea Party Association" is reporting hundreds of people attempting to join it which is a testament to the disgusting mutually felt between the people of India and the people of the NBE against its current government.
I assure all Indians that these deaths will not be meaningless. I assure China that the death of beautiful Princess Liu will be avenged! For this attack has united us all as brothers regardless of race or nationality or religion or sex or age against the terrorism of the New Boston Empire for it was not simply India that was attacked on this day: It was humanity that was attacked.
Good day.
*National Anthem plays as Tassadar II leaves*
To the NBE:
You have made a grave mistake.
We extend our condolences to you for the death of Princess Liu. Liu and I had met many times before, and she was a very pure human being.
Ha! I remember a time when she came and one of our cats was sick and instead of going out to Indias many places of shopping she would simply sit and attend to that cat until all the time had passed by!
She gave India something on her visit...A jade pendant with the chinese symbol for "UNITY" on it. However it would be wrong of us to keep this...Therefore I am sending a personal delegate to return this symbol of our brotherhood back to the Emperor.
To the Asian Confederation:
The recent attacks against humanity have humbled India. After our independence from the Martians, we falsely alienated our Asian brothers in celebration of our "new" nation.
However we now realise what has been preached all along: We are simply Asians, and we wish to stick with our Asian brothers in this symbol of unification, this confederation.
So...We kindly ask to join the Asian Confederation.
Massive Anti-NBE Protests Breakout as Support for War Climbs by nearly 70%
Only hours after the cowardly attack on our people which is estimated to have killed over 700 civilians, a massive anti-NBE protest broke out in the streets of Dehli paralyzing traffic, which continues even as I write this article.
"THE INDIAN PEOPLE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS ATTACK! WE SHALL MAKE THEM PAY THREE FOLD FOR THIS ATTACK!!!!!" yelled Martina Gugagara, a factory worker. She was selected to come up and voice her opinion on the attack.
With a crowd of over 5 million, many polling agencies began sending out agents to collect information. Here are the unofficial results:
Would you support the complete annexation of the New Boston Empire?
YEA: 64
NAY: 34
Do you now support the current war against the New Boston Empire?
YEA: 93
NAY: 3
Do you support the decision to label the NBE government as a "Terrorist Nation"?
YEA: 80
NAY: 14
Do you support Tassadar II?
YEA: 60
NAY: 36
Do you wish to attempt to join the Asian Confederation?
YEA: 99
NAY: 1
One thing is for certain: This attack against us has united us with all of Asia! We shall not let this attack deter us but instead it will make us stronger and give us resolve to do what must be done: Free the people of the New Boston Empire!
November 12, 2003, 00:43
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
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To the Senate and People of Akassou:
Our colony is having troubles, and we request that your soldiers act as peacekeepers in our territory.
November 12, 2003, 00:51
Local Time: 03:16
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To India:
The Senate and the People of Akassou would be most pleased to help their Indian neighbors to the south; therefore the Senate authorizes the deployment of 10 legions (100,000 troops) in Indian territory to halt Diamante aggression.
November 12, 2003, 18:07
Local Time: 11:16
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Location: Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
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Empire of China
To India
message by India
We extend our condolences to you for the death of Princess Liu. Liu and I had met many times before, and she was a very pure human being.
Ha! I remember a time when she came and one of our cats was sick and instead of going out to Indias many places of shopping she would simply sit and attend to that cat until all the time had passed by!
She gave India something on her visit...A jade pendant with the chinese symbol for "UNITY" on it. However it would be wrong of us to keep this...Therefore I am sending a personal delegate to return this symbol of our brotherhood back to the Emperor.
To the Asian Confederation:
The recent attacks against humanity have humbled India. After our independence from the Martians, we falsely alienated our Asian brothers in celebration of our "new" nation.
However we now realise what has been preached all along: We are simply Asians, and we wish to stick with our Asian brothers in this symbol of unification, this confederation.
So...We kindly ask to join the Asian Confederation.
We really appreciate your condolations. Thank you very much.
If the death of a single human being would mean the end of Sino-Indian feelings of unity, then there was no hope for final peace on earth. Take the piece of jewelry as a symbol for what ties our countries together, and honor Liu´s memory with it. She wanted you to have it, so how could we not grant her this wish.
Furthermore we are glad to hear that India has found back to its origins! We embrace our brothers, and welcome you in the Community we are. Your petition to enter the AsCon has been forwarded, and it will most likely be accepted, but right now the AsCon has to pay full attention to the Martian war.
However, the Republic of India has been accepted as the second Candidate to the AsCon together with Pakistan. Remember though, that the Asian Confederation is meant as an economic Union and a defensive alliance only.
Asian Confederation voting on war entry
Official polling results, AsCon Issue 12690 # war against NBE
Empire of China [30 votes]:
pro - 23; con - 0; abstain - 7
Republic of Myanmar [8 votes]:
pro - 8; con - 0; abstain - 0
Thailand [12 votes]:
pro - 11; con - 1; abstain - 0
Republic of Taiwan [12 votes]:
pro - 3; con - 0; abstain - 9
Phillipines [10 votes]:
pro - 10; con - 0; abstain - 0
Kingdom of Manchuria [8 votes]:
pro - 8; con - 0; abstain - 0
Kyrgyzstan [2 votes]:
pro - 2; con - 0; abstain - 0
[2 votes]:
pro - 2; con - 0; abstain - 0
Chinese Mars Colony [2 votes]:
pro - 2; con - 0; abstain - 0
Pro : 69 / Con : 1 / Abst : 16
Today the Asian Confederation has come together in order to discuss the further dealing with the war on Mars. After the cowardly attacks on civilian facilities in Delhi yesterday, when Princess Liu of China found death together with hundreds of other people, the outcome of this meeting was quite predictable. At 6:50 am Chinese time the AsCon decided, based on an 80.2% majority vote, to enter a state of war with the NBE and her allies.
Seven hours later, the flaggship CSS "Empire" was launched from the Chinese orbital station, followed by several hundred smaller space ships and a convoy of 410 troop transports, which carry 370,000 CSC specialists and supplies to Mars.
A few hours ago the NBE officially admitted to have ordered the civil bombing raid, together with formal apologies and the offer to pay for the loss of Princess Liu.
While the public turned mad at those words, shouting slogans like "A billion hearts for Princess Liu" or "Thousand skulls for every bomb", emperor Huang Di just commented with "No money can bring back my daughter. I didn´t want that. Why has so much blood to be shed?".
Meanwhile, the Grand Counsil has decided to support the decision of the AsCon and ordered the final mobilization of all troops. The Tian Tang is advised to introduce martial law, since the Asian war contingents will need several days to arrive at the Martian orbit.
Huge crowds of ecstatic citizens are reported to celebrate on the streets of Beijing, Nanjing, Dalian, Shenyang, Fuzhou, Kunming, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Qingdao, Chongqing, Wuhan and Xi´an, as well as most of the other towns in the Chinese Empire. Protest was only to be heard from Lhasa, where the decision to join the war has been accepted, but not supported.
But right now it can be said that the AsCon war entry has boosted the popularity of the Comfederation throughout the empire. Now the new alliance can show whether it remains a "stone pact" in its heart, or whether it´s just a bunch of honey phrases with no actual meaning behind.
November 12, 2003, 18:11
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
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Have a few Indian ships protecting the AsCon ships.
November 13, 2003, 07:53
Local Time: 20:16
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Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
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WAF Orders
Continue doing as I had before.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
November 13, 2003, 18:09
Local Time: 05:16
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Location: A deserted island somewhere...
Posts: 237
The Rio Times
Viva la Rio! Viva la Brasil! (3 Centivos)
In its quest to exploit the wealth of the unknown, Brazillian scientists have discovered an extremely strange mineral that seems to give off great quantities of energy. Named Brazillium by the scientists, this potential source of energy could serve to render most other forms of providing electrical power, from coal to solar cells, obsolete. However, at this point, experts are still determining where the power comes from and whether it is stable enough to be used to power populated areas.
"It seems to function like a giant battery," Hernando de Salines, chief technician of the project, told reporters. "While it iwas in space, it seems to have charged itself with large amounts of electrical and heat energy. Exactly how these things collected such large amounts of energy is unknown, but it is speculated that it may feed off the magnetic fields of the Sun and the other planets, as well as the particles emitted by the solar wind."
De Salines added, "It seems to act as a giant catalyst where various particles are taken in, then emitted in the form of energy and other matter substances." He refused to elaborate on exactly what these "matter substances" were.
Brazillian Correspondent Killed In Delhi Shuttle Bombing
A Brazillian news correspondent was killed in the New Boston attack on India while on his way to visit an orphanage to demonstrate the ties between the two countries.
Reporter Jose Fontanella, former Brazillian sportscaster for the World Cup Futbol Tournament, was seriously injured by flying debris from the explosion. Rushed to the hospital within the hour, Fontanella nevertheless was not able to make it through the night, dying at 11:23 PM. Along with him were cameraman Vasco Demetri, who was killed instantly, and Presidio representative Juan Ponce Guerana, who suffered serious injuries but is convalescing in the India National Center for the Healing Arts.
Brazil mourns the unfortunate death of the valiant sportscaster who brought joy, sorrow, and the daily scoreboard to millions of Brazillians.
Recruiting Offices Overflow with Volunteers
Brazillian military recrutiment offices are so crowded that people are actually being turned away.
After hearing the news of the attack on India ("Despicable," as one volunteer, an Army private 5 minutes fresh, said), thousands of volunteers have lined up at local recruitment centers to help the war effort by directly contributing to it. The lines are beginning to extend down the streets, and it is not uncommon for a person to have to push through a crowd to get to a store that is close to one of the centers.
Of course, despite the large amounts of potential inductees, the recruiters has insisted on following recruitment procedures to the letter, turning away the elderly, ill, or physically unfit. They have also asked several overly-patriotic citizens to return to their homes for "causing a public disturbance" while in line. Some of the activities which caused this reaction included leading in chants (such as, "New Boston's got to go!" and "Long live the Federatio!"). While the chants in themselves were not distracting, the volume with which they were chanted and the amount of people participating has almost literally rocked the city.
Brazil wishes to thank its citizens for displaying their patriotism.
Presidio To Vote On Proposed Division of Mars Colony
The Presidio of Brazil has called a special session this week concerning the proposed division of Martio Province into two separate territories.
The proposal originated in a letter by a bright young student at the New Brasilia Technical Institute to his Presidio provincial representative. The letter outlined a division of the Brazil colony into two halves, a "loyalist" north half and a "secessionist" south half. The north half would remain a full province of Brazil, while the south half would be granted the status of "autonomous administrative territory" and prepared by the Brazillian government for eventual independence.
The Presidio's Committee on Domestic Affairs made only slight changes to the bill before it reached the assembly floor, moving part of the proposed boundary south to allow the north half access to the sea. Of course, this means that the "loyalist" half will be slightly larger.
The Presidio is expected to have reached a decision by the end of the week (tommorrow). It will then convey its decision to the general public.
Last edited by Specialist290; November 13, 2003 at 19:17.
November 13, 2003, 18:35
Local Time: 05:16
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Posts: 237
To: the world (and Mars)
From: Brazil
Brazil loathes this act of terror against the nations of Earth. We DEMAND full and unabated retribution for this criminal act!
To: India
From: Brazil
We offer our condolences and a package of aid in the form of $7MIL and various packages of food, clothing, etc. to help rebuild the damage done and provide for the survivors of the attack.
To: the world (and Mars) (again)
From: Brazil
Brazil wishes to state that it will officially recognioze the state of Gulastan.
To: China
From: Brazil
We hold the deepest regrets for the death of your Emperor's daughter and ask you to remember our unfortunate sportscaster. While he was not of royal upbringing as was Princess Liu, like her he was revered and respected by his countrymen, as we here in Brazil take soccer very seriously.
Again, Brazil offers great condolences for your great loss and requests that you honor the memory of ours.
To: NBE (personal message to Leader Jack)
From: Brazil
You are scum. Not only did you knowingly kill hundreds of innocent civillians, including children, but your actions resulted in the death of one of Brazil's national figures. We may in time forgive you for the attack, but we can NEVER forgive the death of Fontanella.
-Tighten the blockade against the NBE.
-Return the soldiers involved in the NBE invasion to the Brazillian colony to regroup, reequip, retrain, and recieve reinforcements and loss replacements (try saying that 5 times fast).
-Now that there is no more enemy space navy, begin bombarding New Boston military targets from space, particularly spaceports.
-After the Delhi Shuttle Bombing, we don't want to have a repeat on our own territory. Impose a security alert and blow any unauthorized space vehicles out of the sky without awaiting confirmation. If any neutral or ally's ship is caught in this, issue an apology and reimbursement for the destroyed craft.
-Continue investigations of the new "wonder mineral" Brazillium found in the asteroids. If possible, begin constructing power plants to harness its energy.
-El Sol should reach the Sun soon. Begin listening for transmissions from it.
-Continue to mine the asteroids. If any companies want to pull out of the effort, they can turn over their operations to the government and be reimbursed for their losses.
Last edited by Specialist290; November 13, 2003 at 19:21.
November 14, 2003, 08:17
Local Time: 05:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: A deserted island somewhere...
Posts: 237
Some more orders:
-Using the overflow of recruits, begin upgrading Army to Large (6 turns) then Huge (7 turns), the Navy to Small (3 turns) then Medium (5 turns), and the Space Navy to Large (7 turns). Once the Space Navy's upgrade is finished, upgrade the Air Force to Small (4 turns).
-Begin upgrading the economy to great (5 turns) using the funds that have been provided by other nations.
Another newspaper to come later today (hopefully).
November 14, 2003, 16:07
Local Time: 11:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Once againI'm forced to delay the "friday Update" a little bit.
I shall do the update tomorrow morning or afternoon
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 15, 2003, 13:27
Local Time: 03:16
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Location: Too close to the sea
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3 months ago, the AEU publicly announced that the target for the next colonization effort would be Jupiter's moon Amalthea. Now the colonization fleet has arrived there. It is an ideal target, relatively small but more than large enough to meet resource and space requirements. Tidal forces create heat that radiates from the interior of the moon, thus a convenient and readily available energy source. Taking advantage of its close orbit, the moon will be a base for mineral and gas crawlers of the Jovian atmosphere and a refinery for these materials. To this end, a space dock will be one of the first things constructed. Some of the ships from the colonization effort will be staying in the area in anticipation of further colony missions being assembled. As gas giant atmospheres are the most economical sources for the much coveted gas and mineral components of space fuel and good way to run large scale energy generators, analysts expect that the base will soon begin to turn a tidy profit.
Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
November 15, 2003, 15:04
Local Time: 05:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: A deserted island somewhere...
Posts: 237
Brazillian News for Brazillian People
Presidio Makes Decision; Mars Settlement Split!
The Brazillian Presidio has decided that the Mars settlement shall indeed be split into two halves. The north half shall retain the name of Martio Province, while the southern half will be granted the name Brazillian Mars Autonomous Territory (BMAT). The capital of BMAT shall be New Algericas. The Brazillian government has granted the BMAT the right to raise its own standing army and elect its own Presidio and other government positions, but the southern half shall remain nominally under Brazillian control until full independence is granted.
November 15, 2003, 15:14
Local Time: 05:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: A deserted island somewhere...
Posts: 237
Double Post
Last edited by Specialist290; November 15, 2003 at 15:20.
November 15, 2003, 18:19
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: We are all Asher now.
Posts: 1,437
Poll results:
Do you wish independance from India?
YES: 3%
NO!: 94%
98% Districts Reporting
DO you wish for autonomy from India?
YES: 42%
NO!: 42%
100% Districts Reporting
Do you wish for independance from India?
YES: 1%
NO!: 98%
Do you with for autonomy from India?
YES: 24%
NO!: 62%
A recount is needed in Eastern India. However, the proposal for independance has been defeated.
November 15, 2003, 18:31
Local Time: 03:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 6,468
Poll Results:
Northern Martian Russian Colony
YES: 80
NO: 15
(Gulistan) Russian Colony
YES: 50
NO: 48
November 16, 2003, 13:55
Local Time: 05:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: A deserted island somewhere...
Posts: 237
November 17, 2003, 19:35
Local Time: 11:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
Posts: 2,649
*Caugh Caugh*
November 17, 2003, 21:31
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 10:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: We are all Asher now.
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November 18, 2003, 15:01
Local Time: 02:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
wine what happened to you? Were are you? Were is the update?
November 18, 2003, 17:35
Local Time: 11:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
I'm terribly terribly and terribly sorry for not updating during the weekend... but I had a rough weekend, on Saturday my girl showed up claiming that Iwas spending more time on that beutiful site that is Apolyton than with her (ok she didn't say this words.... but quite the opposite).
Sunday I had my football match, and since we won we went out all day with the team
Monday... well... monday is just.... monday... isn't that a good enough explanation?
So as you see... I don't really have an excuse for not updating it, but the fact that I couldn't find much time.
I'm very very sorry
Anyway... i shall do the update now
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 18, 2003, 19:43
Local Time: 11:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
July 2181
To: India
From: Delopoi
We thank you for not falling into the dirty NBE tricks, we hope you’ll manage to put an end to the New Bostonian Tiranny
From: Delopoi, Cavasini
This war has gone for long enough, your armies can not win, and with the exception of your allies Mars does not want for war with Earth. Stop now too many young brave soldiers have died because of your foolish dreams.
To: India
From: Diamante
Only now we can see what the New Boston Empire wants to do. We thought they were fighting to give Mars a better future, but their attack against Delhi opened our eyes.
We will immediatly withdraw from the territories we occupy on Martian India, and give them back under the control of the Indian government.
We hope you will accept this and will sign a new peace with us and your allies.
From: Flores, Diamoutene, New Mascate, Uruk, Capo
We are with you, we’ll rather die than give in to those Indian scum
From: Gulastan Rebels
Please help us in our fight for freedom, maybe we won’t be able to liberate the whole of Mars, but if we manage to at least free one country this war can not be considered a total defeat.
To: China
From: rest of AsCon Pact
Our Ships are ready to help you, they shall be placed under your control for the duration of the war.
To: Brazil
From: La Paz Pact
We heard of this new source: the Brazillium: A few of our best scientists wish to join this project, if it was possible off course.
The Newspaper
July 2181
WAF economy better than ever
According to the economical experts the economy of the WAF, thanks to great government subsidies, and help from their bigger brother: Canada has been growing stronger and stronger, it was believed that the WAF economy would have reached the status of “great” only in 2 years, but the analyst claim that given many factors and the many investors that the WAF has been attracting lately, its economy can already be defined as “great”
NBE collapsing?
The war effort and the fact that the Earth powers have now managed to organize their defenses around Mars, and managed to blockade the NBE both on sea and on space is making the economy slowly collapsing. The Domestic Minister is asking its people to hold on, that soon the war will be over. And for the moment the New Bostonians seems to be fully behind the government.
In the meanwhile the NBE managed to expand it’s Navy a bit, while their spacefleet have been utterly crushed once more by the combined Earth Space Navy.
In Flores and Diamoutene things are not looking any better, while only the countries of New Mascate, Capo and Uruk seems to be in better shape, but that’s mostly because they didn’t play much of a role in the ongoing conflict.
AEU and WAF: race for Jupiter
Both the WAF (first) and the AEU (later) declared their intentions of colonizing the Jupiterean Moons, the AEU has even gone further and have already set her claim for which moon they wish to colonize, it shall be: Amalthea.
We only wish luck for these great explorers and pioneers.
Brazilian Mars split in two
The Brazilian government have accepted the wish of it’s colonies, despite the fact that the results were very uncertain (48 vs 43) the Brazilian government have declared the southern half of it’s Martian territories the independent country of: Brazillian Mars Autonomous Territory, with capital on New Algericas.
Tragedy in the US Moon Base
The “Nimitzian Palace” which was the tallest building in the US Moon Base today collapsed on itself with no apparent cause. The US authorities on the moon are still investigating on what could have caused such a disaster.
The destruction of the big building caused the death of almost 83 people and injured another 100. 6 people are still missing.
The disaster also caused damages worth of almost 20 Million INR.
Letters from the front
In Gulastan the rebels managed to gain momentum, the Russian armies seems unable to effectivily contrast the rebels armies.
In the Indian Eastern Colony the Akassoun Legions arrived just in time to see the armied of Diamante withdrawing from the region. Still the troops of Akassou have started to patrol the border to make sure that no tricks will be played by Diamante.
As the Akassoun moved forward in liberating the Indian colony they discovered with much surprise that the colony was left almost untouched, as the Diamentese proved to be a very “human” invader.
In the Indian Western Colony all has gone strangely quiet. With the Indian still in control of their colony.
On space the Earth Space Navy, although victorious is suffering from Kamikaze suiciding themselves against the biggest Space ships with lightly armoured but speedy spacefighters.
Nonetheless many of those kamikaze are suiciding for nothing as the Earth ships are good in destroying them before they may reach their target.
On Diamoutene a Russian admiral, seeing as most Diamoutenes ships were busy in defending the Flores coast, took it upon himself to circumnavigate the Western continent and reach the southern coast of Diamoutene, were he started the bombing of the southern city of Dara.
The Russian Military Leaders of Mars are still debating weather Admiral Zhukozov should be awarded a price for what he achieved, or should be punished for disobeying their orders.
On Tiang Tang the Chinese militia ther is styaring to mobilize.
The rest of the fronts were strangely quiet, is this the end of the war and the beginning of peace... or is it just the prelude of the final battle
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 18, 2003, 19:52
Local Time: 11:16
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
The Map:
As you see things are almost as they were prior to the war (with the exception of Gulastan and a little red zone in Diamoutene)
Specialist: could you tell me if the little dotted line across your colony is where you intended the border between the northern and southern half to be? If not please tell me.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
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