OOC: Obviously six months
To the New Boston Empire:
When have we said you must pay us to end this embargo? We have never said such a thing. You must be very new to diplomacy...Always keep your lies as close to the truth as possible. Or else you'll slip up and be found out.
The truth is, I have never said you must pay our corperations to go to your land. I have clearly stated in all my diplomacy that you must end the embargo against Asia or else we will blockade your nation.
To the World:
Look at the NBE. 95% support the embargo, they say. It is highly unlikely the numbers are not modified, however....They say five percent oppose but then they admit, IN FRONT OF THE WORLD, that the 5% opposing it should be locked up.
They are not giving their people free say. No wonder people do not vote no...They know if they do, they will be locked up by this tyrannical government.
The rest of the world tied my hands when it came to the WAF, and now they are a fascist dictatorship. However, they were not being openly totalitarian as the NBE is doing.
They first claim they boycott Asian goods. Yet they arrest anyone who tries to do business with Asian governments or companies.
Now they openly say that anyone opposed to the boycott deserves to be in prison. This is not democratic.
To Asia (Minus Russia):
In response to the anti-democratic threat posed by certain nations both on Earth and Mars, I recommend the immediate development of an economic and military pact. This will be called the "Asian Brotherhood Alliance".
Top Asian leaders would begin conducting meetings in, possibly Seoul or even at our university (which is a triumph, by the way). We must formulate plans to make sure that these fascist influences do not ever touch Asian soil.
I propose that the rules be the following: No nation within this alliance be able to attack any other nation without a majority vote of the ABA Council.
If any Asian nation is attacked by another nation, the entire alliance activates and the attacking nation will either be given a chance to completly surrender to all of Asia or be destroyed.
We would begin a process of modifying trade laws to allow goods to go through freely in Asia. We have the most seasoned cultures in the world, and Asia holds much of the worlds population. We would have considerable power to contain these fascist influences such as that from the NBE (Whom seeks to embargo Asia simply because they did not respond "in time").
To Russia (Secret):
Our satellites are noticing some military activity....Are you planning on attacking someone? I can readily help a friend such as yourself get rid of counter-revolutionaries.
To the People of India and China:
Hello! The Indian government would like to know your position on the following issues:
1. Do you support the blockade against the New Boston Empire?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
2. If our Asian brothers wished it, would you support a war to remove the Jack regieme in the New Bostom Empire?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
3. If the New Boston Empire were to attack India or any of our Asian brothers, would you support a war to remove them?
A: Yes. B: No. C: I don't know. D: Write in.
4. Concerning trade with America...What do you want to see happen?
A: Increase trade! B: Decrease trade. C: Embargo them. D: Blockade them. E: Keep things the same. F: I don't know. G: Write in.
5. Do you consider Russia to be an ally or an enemy to Asia?
A: Ally. B: Neutral. C: Enemy. D: I don't know. E: Write in.
6. Do you consider the AEU to be an ally or an enemy to Asia?
A: Ally. B: Neutral. C: Enemy. D: I don't know. E: Write in.
7. Do you consider the New Boston Empire to be an ally or an enemy to Asia?
A: Ally. B: Neutral. C: Enemy. D: I don't know. E: Write in.
8. When it comes to Indian foreign policy, what would you like to see happen?
A: Less hostile. B: More hostile. C: Same. D: I don't know. E: Write in.
To the people of the New Boston Empire:
India knows what you are going through. Both ourselves and our allies in China have been through great opression from the Mongols, the Japanese, the British....Yet we have triumphed. India is the most powerful nation in the world militarily, scientifically, economically, and socially and China is quickly climbing the ladder. Our friends in the world are also coming out of economic hardships and triumphing over oppression.
Recently your dictator said that those whom opposed the embargo would be sent to prison. This reminds me of when the British shot hundreds of Indians for protesting against British occupation.
As I talk to you, the glorious people of the New Boston Empire, resistence groups are beginning to form against your government. I want you to know that you are not alone for your quest for freedom. The New Boston Empire regieme may ask you questions and force you to answer in their favor, but know that there are places where you can be safe. There is a little-known (Read: Non-existent till now

) resistence group called the Boston Tea Party Association which is dedicated to your freedom. With cooperation of their leaders, we now know their major locations, and are actively supporting them.
As I speak, brave Indian civilians are now heading onboard a ship called the IND Freedom to assist you in joining the BTPA. These civilians are protected by international law, and they will help you in your quest for freedom and in ensuring that your totalitarian regieme does nothing to try to harm the BTPA.
Form "Boston Tea Party Association" using reminants from old, young, and/or scattered resistence groups.
Send two ships, the IND Freedom *SECRET* and an unmarked, small vessel to the New Boston Empire loaded with civilians whom are opposed to the NBE.
Infiltrate the government of the New Boston Empire, and place them at Priority 1 Intelligence.