October 11, 2003, 08:53
Local Time: 10:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 30
EU2 codes that don't work???
okay so i bought Crown of the North yesterday and it kinda sucked, but thats not what this is about. I started to play the EU2 version that comes with Crown of the North and i sometimes like to put ina couple codes in the beginning and when i went to do that the event codes did not work why, and if they were changed and you know what they were changed too can you tell me.
October 11, 2003, 13:01
Local Time: 05:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 823
i copied this from the eu2 boards....
Cheat codes 1.07
Certainly I would NEVER use them ( not that there's anything wrong with that!), here are the new event numbers for random events . Probably made more than a few mistakes interpreting the scripts but here's my contribution after lurking for so long.
Scaled events are based on country size:
94nnn country size 1-3
95nnn country size 4-8
96nnn country size 9-29
97nnn country size 30-79
98nnn country size 80-199
99nnn country size 200+
Sometimes an event code will be missing, i.e. have a 94nnn event and only a 98nnn one. In that case all empire sizes under 80 provinces will use the 94nnn event.
94000 Pirate offers his services to the english monarch
94001 Random Revolt
94nnn = 1 revolt, 97nnn = 2 revolts, 98nnn = 5 revolts, 99nnn = 10 revolts
94002 Religious Turmoil (Europe)
same as above, year > 1529
94003 Conversion of Heretics
94004 Conversion of Heretics triggered by INNOVATIVE value < 3
94005 Gift To the State
94nnn = 50, 95nnn = 100, 96nnn = 200, 97nnn = 300, 98nnn = 500, 99nnn = 1000
94006 Gift To the State = 100, year < 1500
94007 Gift To the State = 200, year > 1500
94008 Gift To the State = 300, year > 1600
94009 Gift To the State = 400, year > 1700
94010 Gift To the State triggered by serfdom value & aristocracy value 6 or above
94nnn = 75, 95nnn = 150, 96nnn = 225, 97nnn = 375, 98nnn = 750, 99nnn = 1500
94011 Gift To the State triggered by serfdom value => 7 & aristocracy value => 8
94nnn = 100, 95nnn = 200, 96nnn = 300, 97nnn = 375, 98nnn = 1000, 99nnn = 2000
94012 Temporal Insanity of Monarch
94013 Excellent Minister
94014 Scandal at the Court -50 to relations DIP which = -3 value = 4
94015 Scandal at the Court -100 to relations DIP which = -4 value = 4
94016 Scandal at the Court -25 to relations DIP which = -1 value = 4
94017 Wave of Obscurantism revolt risk = 3
94018 Exceptional Year: cash = 100, inflation -5
94019 Exceptional Year: year 1400-1550, cash = 100, inflation -5
94020 Exceptional Year: year 1550-1649, cash = 200, inflation -10
94021 Exceptional Year: year 1650-1800, cash = 300, inflation -15
94022 Rush of Colonists: year => 1550, +2
94nnn +2, 96nnn +3, 98nnn +4, 99nnn +5
94023 Diplomatic Move: relations +50, +1 Diplomat
94024 Diplomatic Move: relations +75, +1 Diplomat
94025 Diplomatic Move: relations +25, +1 Diplomat
94026 Diplomatic Fame
94nnn = +10 3 countries, 96nnn = +10 6 countries, 97nnn = +20 6 countries, 98nnn = +25 8 countries, 99nnn = +40 10 countries
94027 Colonial Dynamism: year > 1549, 1 Conquistador plus
94nnn = 2 colonists, 96nnn = 3 colonists, 98nnn = 4 colonists, 99nnn = 5 colonists
94028 Colonial Dynamism: after 1599, innovative < 4 (?), 1 conquistador
94nnn = 2 colonists, 96nnn = 3 colonists, 98nnn = 4 colonists, 99nnn = 5 colonists
94029 Conquistador (actually same as 94027, get conquistador + colonists, year > 1499)
94030 Unexpected Invention: Free Manufactory: innovative > 6 and Infra level > 2
94031 Unexpected Invention: Free Manufactory: innovative > 8 and Infra level > 3
94032 Rush of Merchants: +5 merchants
94033 Plague: -1 stability AND -1000 pop in varying number of provinces
94nnn = 1 province, 95nnn = ditto, 96nnn = 2 provinces, 97nnn = 2 prov + 1 prov -1500, 98nnn = 4 prov + 1 -2500 + 2 provs = -1 manpower, 99nnn = 8 provs + 1 prov -4000 + 4 provs = -1 manpower
94034 Plague: -1 stability AND -1000 pop but more severe for larger empires
94nnn = 1 prov, 95nnn = 2 provs, 96nnn = 2 prov + 1 prov -1500, 97nnn = 4 prov + 1 prov -2500 + 2 provs -1 manpower, 98nnn = 8 prov + 1 -4000 + 4 provs = -1 manpower, 99nnn = 10 provs + 1 prov -7500 + 6 provs -1 manpower + 6 provs -1 tax
94035 Reformation of the army
94nnn +250, 95nnn +500, 96nnn +750, 97nnn +1000, 98nnn +2500, 99nnn +5000
94036 Reformation of the navy: must have Navy level 2 tech - NOTE: below is for EUROPE, non-EUROPE gets 1 level lower, i.e. Asian Empire meriting 99nnn, gets the 98nnn values
94nnn +250, 95nnn +500, 96nnn +750, 97nnn +1000, 98nnn +2500, 99nnn +5000
94037 Enthusiasm for the army - NOTE: below is for EUROPE, non-EUROPE gets 1 level lower, i.e. An Asian Empire meriting 99nnn, gets the 98nnn values
94nnn = +5000 inf, 97nnn = 2x5000 inf, 98nnn = 4x5000 inf, 99nnn = 4x10000 inf
94038 Enthusiasm for the army: based on Offensive < 4, land > 2 and land/army tech > 6, non-Europe receives 1 level less, i.e. 99nnn would get 98nnn numbers
94nnn = 5000 inf 20 arty, 97nnn = 2x5000 inf 2x20 arty, 98nnn = 3x6000 inf 3x25 arty, 99nnn = 4x10000 inf 4x40 arty
94039 Enthusiasm for the army: - NOTE: below is for EUROPE, non-EUROPE gets 1 level lower, i.e. An Asian Empire meriting 99nnn, gets the 98nnn values
land/army tech > 1 and aristocracy > 6
94nnn = 5000 cav, 97nnn = 2x5000 cav, 98nnn = 2x10000 cav, 99nnn = 4x10000 cav
94040 Enthusiasm for the Navy (warships) - non-EUROPE 1 level less
Navy Tech 2
94nnn = 5 warships, 97nnn = 10 warships, 98nnn = 2x10 warships, 99nnn = 4x10 warships
94040 Enthusiasm for the Navy (mix) Navy Tech 4, aristocracy > 4 - non-EUROPE 1 level less
94nnn = 1 warship 5 trans, 97nnn = 2 warships 10 trans, 98nnn = 2x2 warships 2x10 trans, 99nnn = 2x5 warships 2x20 trans
94042 Enthusiasm for the Navy (galleys) Navy Tech 2-10 - non-EUROPE 1 level less
94nnn = 5 galleys, 97nnn = 10 galleys, 98nnn = 2x10 galleys, 99nnn = 2x25 galleys
94043 Enthusiasm for the Navy (warships) land < 2 - non-EUROPE 1 level less
94nnn = 5 warships, 97nnn = 10 warships, 98nnn = 2x10 warships, 99nnn = 4x10 warships
94044 Agricultural Revolution: province manpower +1
94nnn = 1 prov, 97nnn = 2 provs, 98nnn = 3 provs, 99nnn = 4 provs
97045 Devastating Fire (must have at least 30 provs): lose manufactory
94046 Good Government Policies: stability +1, infra & trade raised by following:
94nnn = +100, 95nnn = +200, 96nnn = +400, 97nnn = +1000, 98nnn = +2500, 99nnn = +5000
94047 Bad Government Policies: stability -1 infra & trade decreased by following:
94nnn = +100, 95nnn = -200, 96nnn = -400, 97nnn = -1000, 98nnn = -2500, 99nnn = -5000
94048 Unhappiness with the Clergy: innovative > 2
94nnn & 97nnn either stability -1 or innovative -1
94049 Unhappiness with the Clergy: innovative > 5
94nnn & 97nnn either stability -1 or innovative -1
94050 Unhappiness with the Clergy: innovative > 7
94nnn & 97nnn either stability -2 or innovative -2
94051 Unhappiness among Artisans: serfdom > 2, 2 options: infra hit or serfdom and treasury hit
94nnn = infra -100 or serf -1 treas -25, 95nnn = infra -200 or serf -1 treas -75, 96nnn = infra -400 or serf -1 treas -100, 94nnn = infra -1000 or serf -1 treas -150, 98nnn = infra -2500 or serf -1 treas -250, 99nnn = infra -5000 or serf -1 treas -500
94052 Unhappiness among peasantry: stability -2 and a number of revolts
94nnn = 1 revolt, 97nnn = 2 revolts, 98nnn = 6 revolts, 99nnn = 12 revolts
94053 Unhappiness among peasantry: serfdom > 5, stability -2 and a number of revolts
94nnn = 1 revolt, 97nnn = 2 revolts, 98nnn = 6 revolts, 99nnn = 12 revolts
94054 Unhappiness among peasantry: serfdom > 7, stability -3 and a number of revolts
94nnn = 2 revolt, 97nnn = 6 revolts, 98nnn = 12 revolts, 99nnn = 20 revolts
94055 Unhappiness among merchants: trade investment decreased by amount
94nnn = -100, 95nnn = -200, 96nnn = -300, 97nnn = - 500, 98nnn = -1000, 99nnn = -2500
94056 Unhappiness among merchants: mercantilism > 5, trade investment decreased by amount
94nnn = -100, 95nnn = -200, 96nnn = -300, 97nnn = - 500, 98nnn = -1000, 99nnn = -2500
94057 Unhappiness among merchants: mercantilism > 7, trade investment decreased by amount
94nnn = -200, 95nnn = -400, 96nnn = -600, 97nnn = - 1000, 98nnn = -2000, 99nnn = -5000
94058 New Mineral in Mine: +10
94059 Political Crisis: stability -3
94060 Corruption: choice between inflation +10 or stability -1 AND a variable amount from treasury
94nnn = -25, 95nnn = -75, 96nnn = -100, 97nnn = -150, 98nnn = -500, 99nnn = -1000
94061 Corruption: choice between inflation +10 or stability hit AND a variable amount from treasury
94nnn = -25 stab -2, 95nnn = -75 stab -1, 96nnn = -100 stab -1, 97nnn = -150 stab -1, 98nnn = -500 stab -1, 99nnn = -1000 stab -1
94062 Deflation : year > 1599
94nnn = -12, 95nnn = -10, 96nnn = -7, 97nnn = -5
94063 Deflation : year > 1699
94nnn = -15, 95nnn = -12, 96nnn = -10, 97nnn = -7, 98nnn = -5
94064 Diplomatic Insult: Give a Casus Belli (CB) for 12 months, relations -50
94065 Diplomatic Insult: Give a Casus Belli (CB) for 6 months, relations -25
94066 Diplomatic Insult: Give a Casus Belli (CB) for 24 months, relations -75
94067 Diplomatic Insult: Give a Casus Belli (CB) for 60 months, relations -100
94068 Fortification Efforts: increased by 1 for variable number of provinces
94nnn = 1, 97nnn = 2, 99nnn = 3
94069 Fortification Efforts: offensive < 4, increased by 1 for variable number of provinces
94nnn = 1, 96nnn = 2, 97nnn = 4, 98nnn = 6, 99nnn = 8
94070 Fortification Efforts: offensive = 1, increased by 1 for variable number of provinces
94nnn = 1, 96nnn = 2, 97nnn = 4, 98nnn = 6, 99nnn = 8
94071 Bank: year > 1650, infra = 7: inflation -5 plus variable cash
94nnn = +75, 95nnn = +150, 96nnn = +200, 97nnn = +300, 98nnn = +500, 99nnn = +1000
94072 Stock Exchange: year > 1749, infra > 6, trade > 8: inflation -2, same variable cash as above, variable infra invest
94nnn = +250, 95nnn = +500, 96nnn = +750, 97nnn = +1000, 98nnn = +2000, 99nnn = +5000
94073 Company of Trade: year > 1649, receive 2 Merchants and variable cash
94nnn = +250, 95nnn = +500, 96nnn = +750, 97nnn = +1000, 98nnn = +2000, 99nnn = +5000
94074 Colonial Uprising: year > 1599: variable number of colonies revolt
94nnn = 1, 98nnn = 2, 99nnn = 4
94075 Colonial Uprising: centralization > 5, year > 1599: variable number of colonies revolt
94nnn = 1, 97nnn = 2, 98nnn = 4, 99nnn = 6
94076 Colonial Uprising: centralization > 7, year > 1599: variable number of colonies revolt
94nnn = 2, 97nnn = 4, 98nnn = 8, 99nnn = 12
94077 Heretic Uprising: variable number of religious revolts
94nnn = 1, 97nnnn = 2, 98nnn = 6, 99nnn = 12
94078 Heretic Uprising: innovative < 5: variable number of religious revolts
94nnn = 1, 97nnnn = 2, 98nnn = 6, 99nnn = 12
94079 Heretic Uprising: innovative < 3: variable number of religious revolts
94nnn = 2, 97nnnn = 6, 98nnn = 12, 99nnn = 20
94080 Explorer: need trade > 2, naval tech > 10, land < 4, year > 1549: get Explorer + colonists
94nnn = 2 colonists, 96nnn = 3 colonists, 98nnn = 4 colonist, 99nnn = 5 colonists
94081 Explorer: need trade > 3, naval tech > 10, land < 2, year > 1549: get Explorer + colonists
94nnn = 2 colonists, 96nnn = 3 colonists, 98nnn = 4 colonist, 99nnn = 5 colonists
94082 Explorer: need trade > 4, naval tech > 17, land < 4, year > 1599, mercantilism < 4: get Explorer + colonists
94nnn = 2 colonists, 96nnn = 3 colonists, 98nnn = 4 colonist, 99nnn = 5 colonists
94083 Explorer: need trade > 4, naval tech > 17, land < 2, year > 1599, mercantilism < 2: get Explorer + colonists
94nnn = 2 colonists, 96nnn = 3 colonists, 98nnn = 4 colonist, 99nnn = 5 colonists
94084 Nobles: aristocracy < 10: 3 options: aristocracy +1, revoltrisk +2, aristocracy -1 AND stability hit
94nnn = -3 stability, 95nnn = -2 stability
94085 Trading Company Disaster: subtract from trade research
94nnn = -200, 95nnn = -400, 96nnn = -600, 97nnn = -1000, 98nnn = -2500, 99nnn = -5000
94086 Internal Trade: province tax value +1 for variable number of provinces
94nnn = 1 prov, 97nnn = 2 provs, 98nnn = 3 provs, 99nnn = 4 provs
94087 Internal Trade: province tax value +1 for variable number of provinces
94nnn = 1 prov, 96nnn = 2 provs, 97nnn = 3 provs, 98nnn = 4 provs, 99nnn = 5 provs
94088 Meteor Sighted: stability -1, revolt risk +1
94089 Saint Performs Miracle: if catholic or counter-reform: stability +1, revolt risk -3
94090 Medical: year > 1649, pop addition
94nnn = 1 prov +1500, 96nnn = 2 provs +1000, 97nnn = 3 provs +1000, 98nnn = 4 provs +1000, 99nnn = 6 provs +1000
94091 Medical: same as above
94092 Medical: same as 94090 except 1 prov has greater pop increase of following:
94nnn = same, 96nnn = +1500, 97nnn = +1500, 98nnn = +2000, 99nnn = +2500
94093 Noble Feud: aristocracy > 3, 3 options: revolt reduced in number of provs, stability hit, treasury hit
94nnn = 1 prov, -3 stability, -25 cash; 95nnn = 1 prov, -2 stability, -75 cash; 96nnn = 2 prov, -2 stability, -100 cash; 97nnn = 3 prov, -2 stability, -150 cash; 98nnn = 4 prov, -1 stability, -250 cash; 99nnn = 6 prov, -1 stability, -500 cash
94094 Nobles ally with Foreign Power: stability hit AND casus belli for 24 months
94nnn = -3 stability, 95nnn = -2 stability
94095 Assassination: stability hit
94nnn = -2 stability, 95nnn = -1 stability
94096 Cessation of Church Functions to Nobility: Catholic or Orthodox: vp -5 or (1 prov tax -1 AND treasury +100)
94097 Sale of Offices: vp -5 or (1 prov tax -1 AND treasury +100)
94098 Monopoly Company Formed: cash bonus
94nnn = 50, 95nnn = 75, 96nnn = 100, 97nnn = 150, 98nnn = 300, 99nnn = 750
94099 Monopoly Company Formed: mercantilism > 6: cash bonus
94nnn = 50, 95nnn = 75, 96nnn = 100, 97nnn = 150, 98nnn = 300, 99nnn = 750
94100 Nobles Demand Increased Pensions: aristocracy < 7: stability hit or treasury hit
94nnn = -3 stab, -75; 95nnn = -2 stab, -150; 96nnn = -2 stab, -200; 97nnn = -300, 98nnn = -500, 99nnn = -800
94101 Grant Export Licenses: -1 stability hit or variable cash hit
94nnn = -20, 95nnn = -35, 96nnn = -50, 97nnn = -75, 98nnn = -150, 99nnn = -400
94102 New Land Claimed: pop +2000, prov manpower +1, prov tax +1
95103 New Land Claimed: prov > 3: pop +2500, prov manpower +1, prov tax +1
96104 New Land Claimed: prov > 8: pop +2000, prov manpower +1, prov tax +1
95105 New Land Claimed: prov > 3 AND prov < 30: prov manpower +1
97105 Establish Cantonments: prov > 29: prov manpower +1 in variable number of provinces
97nnn = 2 provs, 98nnn = 3 provs, 99nnn = 4 provs
94106 Establish Cantonments: land > 5: prov manpower +1 in variable number of provinces
94nnn = 1 prov, 97nnn = 2 provs, 98nnn = 3 provs, 99nnn = 4 provs
94107 Nobles Demand Old Rights: aristocracy < 9, centralization > 2: either -3 stability or -1 centralization
94108 Nobles Demand Old Rights: aristocracy > 0, centralization > 5: either -2 stability or (-1 centralization AND +1 aristocracy)
94109 Cities Demand Old Rights: centralization > 0: -3 stability or -1 centralization
94110 Cities Demand Old Rights: centralization > 5, aristocracy > 5: -2 stability or (-1 centralization AND -1 aristocracy)
94111 Non-enforcement of Ordinances: centralization > 2: -1 centralization
94112 Bourgeoisie Request Privileges: aristocracy < 10: aristocracy either -1 or 11
94113 Bourgeoisie Request Privileges: aristocracy < 10: aristocracy either -1 or (+1 plus 1 revolt)
94114 Italian Engineer Available: 1450 > year < 1600, EUROPE only, offensive > 2: either -1 vp OR (offensive -1 AND variable cost)
94nnn = -50 cash, 96nnn = -50, 97nnn = -75, 98nnn = -100, 99nnn = -200
94114 Italian Engineer Available: same as above
94116 Foreign Drill Instructor Available: offensive < 10, quality < 10, EUROPE only: (offensive +1 AND quality +1 for a variable amount of cash) OR -1 vp
94nnn = -250 cash, 96nnn = -250, 97nnn = -400, 98nnn = -600, 99nnn = -1000
94117 Foreign Drill Instructor Available: same as above
94118 Build a Great Palace: year > 1649, aristocracy < 10, centralization < 10: Either -50 vp OR +25 vp, -500 cash, +1 aristocracy, +1 centralization
94nnn or 97nnn same effects
94119 Indulgence Peddler: catholic, year < 1514: province tax -1 in variable number of provs
94nnn = 1 prov, 96nnn = 2 provs, 97nnn = 3 provs, 98nnn = 5 provs, 99nnn = 8 provs
94120 Uncooperative Philosopher: year < 1650, innovative < 10: either stability +1, innovative -1 OR stability -2, innovative +1
94121 Regional Heresy: -1 stability or -50 cash
94nnn and 96nnn same
94122 Boundary Dispute: either (60 month casus Belli plus -50 relations plus -1 stability) OR (+25 relations plus +1 stability plus variable cash)
94nnn = -25 cash, 95nnn = -50 cash, 96nnn = -75, 97nnn = -100, 98nnn = -200, 99nnn = -200 and +75 relations
94123 Boundary Dispute: either (24 month casus Belli plus -25 relations plus -1 stability) OR (+25 relations plus +1 stability plus variable cash)
94nnn = -15 cash, 95nnn = -30 cash, 96nnn = -45, 97nnn = -75, 98nnn = -100, 99nnn = -200
94124 Boundary Dispute: either (120 month casus Belli plus -100 relations plus -2 stability) OR (+25 relations plus +1 stability plus variable cash)
94nnn = -50 cash, 95nnn = -75 cash, 96nnn = -100, 97nnn = -150, 98nnn = -400, 99nnn = -800
94125 Merchants Harassed: either (casus belli for 60 months plus relations -50) OR (relations +25 plus variable cash subtracted)
94nnn = -100 cash, 95nnn = -200, 96nnn = -300, 97nnn = -500, 98nnn = -1000, +50 relations, 99nnn = -2000, +75 relations
94126 Regional Population Boom: either additional Colonists OR additional pop in 1 prov
94nnn = 2 Cols OR +2000 pop, 97nnn = +3 Cols OR +5000 pop, 99nnn = +4 Cols OR +10000 pop
94127 Petition for Redress: centralization < 10: Either (-4 stability plus centralization +1) OR (stability -1 plus 1 prov tax -1 plus 1 revolt)
94nnn and 96nnn = same
94128 Grant Nobles Aid: either stability hit OR cash hit
94nnn = -2 or -25, 95nnn = -1 or -50, 96nnn = -1 or -75, 97nnn = -1 or -150, 98nnn = -1 or -300, 99nnn = -1 or -600
94129 Support for Dissidents Abroad: either -1 stability OR -25 cash plus -25 relations
94nnn and 95nnn same
94130 Foreign Trade Competition Rises: mercantilism < 10: Either mercantilism +1 OR (mercantilism -1 plus subtract variable trade invest amount)
94nnn = -100 cash, 95nnn = -200, 96nnn = -300, 97nnn = -500
94131 Exceptional Court Painter Available: year < 1575, innovative < 10, Europe or Asia ONLY: Either -variable vp OR (+variable vp plus innovative +1 plus variable cash)
94nnn = -5vp, -25 cash +5vp; 95nnn = -10vp, -50 cash +10vp; 97nnn: -15vp, -75 cash +15vp; 98nnn = -20vp, -150 cash +20vp; 99nnn = -25vp, -300 cash +25vp
94132 Chartering of a University: year > 1549, innovative < 10: Either -50vp OR (infra invest +250, innovative +1, treasury -200)
94nnn and 97nnn same
94133 Commission of a Cathedral: stability < 3, catholic, counterreform, protestant, reformed, orthodox: Either -20vp OR (stability +2, treasury -200, missionaries +1)
94nnn and 96nnn same
94134 Great royal hunt: not at War: -50 relations with 3 countries, +50 relations with 3 countries
94135 Birth of a heir to the throne: +1 stability
94136 Commission of a great mosque: Sunni or Shiite, stability < 3: Either -20vp OR (stability +2, treasury -200, missionaries +1)
94nnn and 96nnn same
94137 Noble families unite: stability < 3: stability +1, subtract variable cash
94nnn = -15 cash, 95nnn = -35, 96nnn = -50, 97nnn = -75, 98nnn = -125, 99nnn = -250
94300 Real badboys suffer from more political crisis: Badboy = 70: stability -3, ADM +12
94301 Badboys motives are questioned more often: year > 1649, innovative < 10, badboy > 35: Either (stability +1, innovative -1) or (stability -2, innovative +1)
i think some of these codes are extremely useful in single player for influencing the computer players. after 50 yrs or so the ai is usually lagging behind in tech/infra/trade so i do a couple 99046s, 99035s, and 99036s so they can catch backup. example "event 99046 bra" will let you raise brandenburg's stability, and infra/trade.
Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.
Last edited by pg; October 11, 2003 at 13:07.
October 12, 2003, 18:11
Local Time: 10:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 30
the codes work on everything but the independent europe scenario, why do you thing that is?
October 22, 2003, 15:26
Local Time: 11:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 121
Originally posted by ambrose33
the codes work on everything but the independent europe scenario, why do you thing that is?
It's a bit odd, since the IES also use the same scaled events IIRC. You could try yo get the latest version (1.56) to see if that helps.
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