the americans are down to 7 cities...of which we only know 4
Then beeing a democracy rules out the possibility of bribing those cities.
Let's start all the way south of the map:
(this is what happens when you are affraid to invest 150G in the future

We should be sending in our troops (since bribing is out of the question)
1) switch Madras and Delhi to war-production
(Dragoons and cannon to be send out as duo from Madras, Dragoons from Delhi)
2) the fanatic N of Delhi goes to the fort S of Delhi where the Engineer is working now.
3) troops ordered to move to Bombay:
- The dragoon from Famine
- The riflemen and 1 fanatic from Plenty
- the Dragoon from flood
as you can see, not much...
therefore I would like to see some cannon production in Pleghethon(use some gold to partially buy them, or use the forests(5 turns/cannon)) and Flood(there is a rivered forest

All these troops(except those from Delhi and Madras should group together at the Fantic sentinel(n°1)
Maybe a new Diplo would be usefull.
The troops can then go to their attack spots and do what they do best, kill, crush and destroy.
Of the other cities only Atlanta can be targetted easilly,
the other 2(Denver and New Orleans I would take out after taking out the Zulu cities east of it(army would go from east to west arriving at those cities when the Zulu's are gone

Here I have 1 tactical problem if our techrate stays like this we have an army of useless units(muskets) if we upgrade it to 50% then our sciencerate would drop to 14 turns(ie ~7 turns to next tech) and we would still have 450G profit.
So assuming we go for the 50% science/50% tax:
useable army:
- A cannon from Styx
- a musket from Boston+an other musket and riflemen just outside Boston
- 2 muskets from Philadelphia
- A musket from St.Louis+one North of it+1musket and cannon south.
- 2 cannons and 2 dragoons from Washington
- A dragoon from NY
The lone american musket is a problem...leave it there untill it does something stupid(like comming out of the fort

Use the 3 diplo's in an attempt to take out those walls, and then finish of whith the army.(it should take more then 7 turns to get them all there, so the 7 muskets could be the units to surround the city(and hope the try to kill the riflemen with their muskets, killing or weakening them so we can take them out quickly)
(1 detail, move all units into place at the same turn, ie units who are early should wait 2/3 squares from Atlanta before taking position)
That's it for america.
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