Got your attention didn’t it?
With MrWIA’s request for the non-ministerial people participating in this game to step up and discuss more options for the game I have a few questions and suggestions for this game. Please keep in mind they are only suggestions, but if we do have more people discussing options then this game may find it’s democracy roots again.
First off, per MrWIA’s recommendations for the work force in
this thread I definitely agree with them. Move the work force in Bifrost, Ring of Vikings, and Spanish Are Greedy.
Second, why is Bifrost building a barracks? With three improved flood plains tiles this city should be a worker pump. We need more workers.

With all that jungle terrain near Thor’s Hammer and the forest and hills on the southwest peninsula, 7 workers isn’t going to cut it for a non-industrious civ. Plus we also have future expansion to think about. Bifrost is ideal for a worker pump. To that end I propose we switch to a worker immediately as well as sending George W. Viking and Rainbow to mine the plains tile 3-3 of Bifrost. The mined tile would allow the city at pop 2 to have 2spt to finish the job quicker each time. Some future micromanagement would be needed, but the workers are worth it. Workers are the soul of a good game.
Third, where is the settler in Bifrost headed? I apologize if I missed that before. My recommendation for next city site is 2-2-1 of Bifrost on the plains tile. In it’s immediate city radius we’ll have a wheat flood plains and a bonus grassland as well as another wheat and game after culture expansion. I don’t recommend settling on the bonus grassland as it would effectively get rid of the immediately good tiles in the area. We can settle a city on the southern continent soon to grab the cow and wheat tiles down there. I also recommend we should have BigFurryWorker start roading toward the new city site (2 of Bifrost). It doesn’t need immediate hookup so roading the plains and the flood plains tile will be better than roading the forest tile.
Fourth, we have map making now, are we going to start building galleys to explore and settle the southern lands? Again I apologize if I missed this or if it was in chat. Are we waiting for Thor’s Hammer to build a harbor before building a galley?
Fifth, regarding Thor’s Hammer, jungle chopping needs to begin now! With a harbor, fish and bonus grassland that city can be one of our best, but it has no where else to grow with all that jungle. I recommend Thor’s Worker immediately start chopping either the roaded jungle or the unroaded river jungle (that one will have extra commerce, but is harder to get to). Either one of those two tiles can be worked by either New Asgard or Thor’s Hammer so it is doubly useful.
Sixth, regarding the worker stack 9-9 of Ring of Vikings, they can build a road this turn. Next turn I’d recommend sending one of the native workers 4-4 toward the bonus grassland tile. Ring of Vikings will expand it’s culture radius next turn and that tile will be very useful to get roaded and mined. The other native worker and two slaves can irrigate the tile in two turns if all of them work it, and can then move on to jungle chopping.
That’s about it for now. It’s looking good. I haven’t looked into FAM or military too much (beyond building more

), but I definitely approve of researching polytheism. Great trading tech!