HongHu: hey our msn was on the forum too?
HongHu: didn't know there was anything useful there lol
John: hehe
HongHu: no he eats peanuts
John: I think that's why vev posted it
HongHu: lol
HongHu: he was doing his job well
HongHu: here he comes again
HongHu: haven't timed how long can legoes keep a baby quiet : p
John: it's a inverse function of how busy you are
HongHu: wow and the last part too
HongHu: what was vev thinking
HongHu: lol
John: heh
John: you mean the part where you were discussing how to say goodbye?
HongHu: that part too
HongHu: but the part you guys are sneaking other people's pc?
HongHu: that's federal offense isn't it
HongHu: don't you want to keep it out of fbi's file?
HongHu: 923+
HongHu: 5*5oo
HongHu: 2066666666666663
HongHu: oops
HongHu: here he goes
John: only if you're not a FBI agent
HongHu: oh you can always hope

HongHu: oh now i've lost the entire control of the mouse
John: look there's a birdie!
John: quick it went out the door
John: if you run you might be able to catch it
HongHu: I'm forced to stay focused on your illegal activities
HongHu: fbi has no interested in birdies
John: you mean my bootleg stone selling?
HongHu: you have to be smrter
HongHu: A
HongHu: a
HongHu: what do you sell
HongHu: again/
HongHu: 0?
John: granite
HongHu: ?
HongHu: 989999999999999923
John: and river pebbles too
HongHu: lol
HongHu: ok
HongHu: don't you love a three way conver10sa0tion
John: heh
John: if only vev was here to converse properly with michael
HongHu: lol I think I should go play with him a little
HongHu: lol
John: two minds that are alike can communicate better
HongHu: yes definitely