October 13, 2003, 20:41
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When do certain interludes come up?
I've been playing alpha centauri for a while now, and I finally figured out where i could find all the interludes from the book of planet in one document. (It's in the game files)
However, there are several interludes that I've not seen. These are all in the original game (including the 4.0 patch)
The ones that I've not seen come up in a game are Interlude 6: Despair (where you're chief brood trainer gets killed by a rival faction), Interlude 7: Alpha Prime (where you take over a base of the rival faction and name it after your protoge), Interlude20: Epilogue (where you go into space on a shuttle to assume leadership of the Council).
Has any one ever got those interlude messages? If so, how? Interlude20 sounds like a diplomatic victory, but every diplomatic victory that i've achieved just had the regular conquer interlude.
Last edited by swillwater; October 14, 2003 at 04:02.
October 14, 2003, 01:57
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Some of the interludes were included in the game as files, but are not triggered by any events.
Fitz. (n.) Old English
1. Child born out of wedlock.
2. Bastard.
October 14, 2003, 02:26
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(The interludes mentioned, should any reader wonder, can be found in "interlude.txt" where the game is installed.)
I'm not too sure about Interlude20, but Interlude6: Despair and Interlude7: Alpha Prime certainly do come up in gameplay. Before them comes Interlude4: Brood Trainer, which I believe is triggered upon completing your first native unit.
Interlude6 can, after this, be triggered by losing a native unit - I'm not sure if it has to be the same one. Within this interlude, an enemy faction is mentioned, as is a particular one of their bases. "I want $BASENAME5 disassembled piece by piece."
Should you later conquer this base, Interlude7 is presented. It mentions the renaming of the captured base, and the interlude does actually rename the base.
October 14, 2003, 04:04
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That would have been my guess for those 2 interludes. I would guess that in addition your mindworm has to be killed by an enemy rather than planet.
October 14, 2003, 16:02
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I think I have sean them al...
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October 14, 2003, 17:44
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It has to be the same unit for interlude6; I've actually had it happen within two turns of first making my first mind worm... ^^;
October 14, 2003, 22:04
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I've only ever seen the revenge Interlude (6 and 7) once. And yeah, it has the be the mind worm that your Talent commands. Luckily, it happened the first time I played the game and I was more than happy to avenge my fallen Talent.
Now, the only one's I haven't seen are a few of the Progenitor interludes. Can someone tell me how they are triggered?
It's really Synthetic God... I guess I didn't notice my own typo.
October 14, 2003, 22:31
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Typical- Right after I ask the question, I manage to trigger interlude 6. I am in no position to trigger 7 though.
Thanks again
October 18, 2003, 01:58
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Interlude20 looks like what would appear if a faction refused to accept a Supreme Leader and was finally defeated.
Third paragraph:
All of the remaining faction leaders have at last agreed to unite, putting aside the last vestiges of faction rivalry. All of the true enemies have been vanquished, those of your former colleagues who refused to unite for the common good, who foolishly place ideology ahead of humanity's survival.
It is recorded as a Conquest Victory instead of a Diplomatic Victory, even if Conquest Victory was turned off when you initialized the game.
I've experienced Interlude18 a few times. It happens if you are Pacted with the faction that Transcends.
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October 20, 2003, 03:19
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Originally posted by wrg
Interlude6: Despair and Interlude7: Alpha Prime certainly do come up in gameplay. Before them comes Interlude4: Brood Trainer, which I believe is triggered upon completing your first native unit.
Interlude6 can, after this, be triggered by losing a native unit - I'm not sure if it has to be the same one. Within this interlude, an enemy faction is mentioned, as is a particular one of their bases. "I want $BASENAME5 disassembled piece by piece."
Should you later conquer this base, Interlude7 is presented. It mentions the renaming of the captured base, and the interlude does actually rename the base.
As wrg said and SynthetGod8 confirmed, Interlude4 is shown upon completion of your first native lifeform, and Interlude6 is shown when that same unit is killed by another faction (not a wild unit).
The enemy base named in Interlude6 is significant, not random: It is the home base of the unit which killed yours.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't your thing.
January 11, 2004, 05:58
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Originally posted by gwillybj
Interlude20 looks like what would appear if a faction refused to accept a Supreme Leader and was finally defeated.
It is recorded as a Conquest Victory instead of a Diplomatic Victory, even if Conquest Victory was turned off when you initialized the game.
I've experienced Interlude18 a few times. It happens if you are Pacted with the faction that Transcends.
Well, I just tried to win in that way. I committed an atrocity against the Gaians, then won the votes of the council for supreme leader. The Gaians rebelled and I vanquished them, but I still did not get interlude 20. Perhaps Fitz is correct that interlude 20 cannot be triggered (in which case it is the only one that cannot be triggered).
Are there any other ideas? Thanks
January 11, 2004, 18:00
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I can't remember if I've seen interlude 20 or not. Sorry.
I definitely see Despair all the time, though, at least when I use the Gaians. I find it quite annoying.
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January 12, 2004, 11:00
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I've never seen Despair -- but then, I rarely use native units for anything but scouting and transport.
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January 13, 2004, 11:13
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i have definiterly seen interlude 20. i believe it is triggered by a coop victory - that you are pacted with 4 factyions and at treaty with the restr., in five years of playing i have only seen this once and i am not sure what other elements cause it.
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January 13, 2004, 14:40
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Interlude20 definetely appears for diplomatic victory- seen it again and again - don`t know what the heck are you talking about.
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January 13, 2004, 15:32
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obstructor- I get Interlude 19 when I achieve diplomatic victory. As far as I can tell so do most other people who've responded to this thread.
Alinestra- co-op victory, eh? [rubs chin meaningfully].
I'll see if I can get that to count, but that sounds much more achievable in multi-player than in single player.
Thanks for the tip
January 13, 2004, 15:38
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You may have better luck using the sceneditor to force all nations to be happy with you and then choosing one to be angry with you and then smiting that one verily, yea forsooth. If you've done this righteously, then the endscene may come up.
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January 13, 2004, 15:42
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But interlude19 is a conquest interlude ! I get interlude 20 whenever I achieve diplo victory. I am sure that there are more people who have seen it too. What kind of crazy bug is this when it is not affecting me?
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January 14, 2004, 18:19
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It may be a version thing. I've played SMAC for a very brief time before switching to SMAX and upgrading. Do the different versions have different outcomes?
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January 14, 2004, 19:31
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Could someone out there post those interludes and how they are activated?
I know it's alot to ask for  but would sure be terrific.
January 15, 2004, 01:58
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I actually did that for myself earlier. Since DataAeolus requested it, I will transcribe my findings here. I play the original Alpha Centauri with the latest patch (version 3 I think...)
Interlude 0: A waking Nightmare
This occurs the first time one of your bases is attacked by mindworms
Interlude 1: Antibodies
Occurs when your faction discovers Centauri Empathy. If you obtain the tech in a trade, you will not get this interlude.
Interlude 2: Planet Dreams
Occurs when your faction discovers Centauri Meditation. If you get the tech in a trade, you will not get this interlude. Storyline wise, this follows from I1, but I don't think that you need I1 to activate I2.
Interlude 3: Penance
Occurs the first time you get a fungal bloom due to eco-damage
Interlude 4: Brood Trainer
Occurs when you first breed your own mindworms. Capturing mindworms does not count, nor does breeding other alien lifeforms.
Interlude 5: Planet Dreams II
There are two ways to get this. The more common way is if you get an additional fungal bloom after I3. A 2nd way is if you build a Centauri Preserve before your 2nd fungal bloom.
Interlude 6: Despair
You need interlude 4 to have happened for this. If your first bred mindworm unit is attacked and killed by an enemy faction, I6 will come up. Note that if the unit is attacked and killed by alien lifeforms not under control of an enemy faction, or your unit attacks and gets killed in the process, this interlude will not come up. Also, it myst be your first bred mindworm unit. No other will do.
Interlude 7: Alpha Prime
Once interlude 6 has happened, you now have an enemy base to conquer as a kind of optional quest. The enemy base is the home base of the unit that killed your first mindworm unit. (Thank you SynthetGod8). Once you have conquered that base, you get interlude 7, which among other things results in the base being renamed in honour of your fallen talent.
Interlude 8: A failure to Communicate
If interlude 5 has occurred, and you get an additional fungal bloom (either 2nd or 3rd), this interlude comes up.
Interlude 9: Growth Dream
This occurs when you build a Centauri Preserve. I think it should always be your first one, but at least for me, when it occurs depends on when or if your 2nd fungal bloom occurs. If you build your 1st Centauri Preserve before you get a 2nd fungal bloom, I5 comes up instead and you get I9 when you build your second Centauri Preserve. If you build your 1st Preserve after you get a 2nd fungal bloom (and thus I5 has already happened), then I9 comes up directly.
Interlude 10: The Voice of Alpha Centauri
This occurs if you're faction starts on the Voice project, and no other faction has started on said project.
Interlude 11: The Voice of Alpha Centauri
This occurs when the first faction (provided it's not yours) starts on the Voice project.
Interlude 12: Inception
Occurs when a faction finishes the Voice project.
Interludes 13 and 14: Planetvoice
These form a 2 screen interlude. If you complete the Voice project, these interludes come up after the movie plays. Otherwise, they follow directly from 12.
Interludes 15 and 16:No title
These come up a turn or two after the Voice project has been finished. They're really one interlude spread over 2 screens. I think that they only come up if you are not currently running the Ascent to Transcendence project.
Interlude 17: Epilogue
This occurs if you're faction achieves Transcendence
Interlude 18: Epilogue
This occurs if another faction achieves Transcendence
Interlude 19: Epilogue
This occurs if you achieve Diplomatic, Conquest or Economic victory
Interlude 20: Epilogue
I've not successfully triggered this one. Obstructor has triggered it by achieving Diplomatic victory, and Alinestra Covila believes it is triggered by a Coop victory.
Interlude 21: The Borehole Cluster
Discovery by one of your land units of the Borehole Cluster provided you've not discovered Ecological Engineering.
Interlude 22: The Borehole Cluster
Discovery by one of your land units of the Borehole Cluster provided you've discovered Ecological Engineering.
I'm actually not completely clear whether this is quite correct or not; I'm pretty sure that I've triggered both I21 and I22 though, and given the language, the discovery of Ecological Engineering seems the most logical choice, given that I tend not to build Borehole Clusters. (Hate Eco-damage...)
Interlude 23: The Manifold Nexus
Discovery by one of your land units of the manifold Nexus.
Also, I think for the purposes of I21-I23, Gravships count as land units; maybe Locusts of Chiron also.
Alien Crossfire of course has additional interludes, but I have not played Alien Crossfire (yet). When I do, if no one else has, I'll contine the analysis.
Last edited by swillwater; January 17, 2004 at 05:19.
January 15, 2004, 03:48
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Many thanks, swillwater
January 15, 2004, 06:55
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I've gotten interlude 20 lots of times.
It's co-op victory, no doubt about it.
You guys shouldn't be such warmongers!
January 15, 2004, 07:19
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From the game I played, it appears that I23 has been dropped from SMAX (it's still "there", but the game didn't play it). I assume it's because the "discoveries" you find there you will have already gotten from the aliens.
Can anyone confirm?
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this Administration, we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!" — Henry Morgenthau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Treasury secretary, 1941.
January 16, 2004, 16:21
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I actually played SMAX and achieved a fast diplo victory -to my surprise interlude19 played. Since this is my first diplo victory in SMAX which I have for about two months I can come to conclusion that interlude20 played in SMAC for diplo victory. Perhaps it was a bug fixed in SMAX? I have to check this in plain SMAC and report back. It is notable to mention that I use a non-patched version of SMAX.
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
January 17, 2004, 00:41
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Originally posted by obstructor
I actually played SMAX and achieved a fast diplo victory -to my surprise interlude19 played. Since this is my first diplo victory in SMAX which I have for about two months I can come to conclusion that interlude20 played in SMAC for diplo victory. Perhaps it was a bug fixed in SMAX? I have to check this in plain SMAC and report back. It is notable to mention that I use a non-patched version of SMAX.
I used a non-patched version of SMAC until quite recently. I don't have SMAX yet. All diplomatic victories that I've achieved have resulted in I19- but I've never been allied with a free faction when I've won the game (submissive factions yes). I think that Enigma_Nova has the right of it.
January 17, 2004, 03:59
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ok- I can confirm that interlude 20 does indeed come up. As Enigma_Nova and Alinestra Covelia pointed out, it is triggered by an allied victory; specifically an allied conquer victory. When I tried an allied diplomatic victory I got interlude 19 even though my allies voted for me in the "unite behind me" vote. The same is true for allied econ victory.
The ally must be a genuine ally as opposed to an ally obtained by total surrender of a faction, or an ally obtained from a "Unite Behind me as supreme leader" vote where there is a rebel faction.
Last edited by swillwater; January 17, 2004 at 05:11.
January 17, 2004, 09:53
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Enigma gives Alinestra a high-five
Sweet. We worked it out.
You guys shouldn't be such warmongers... the AI facs -do- occasionally ally themselves with you.
January 17, 2004, 15:20
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A friend of mine who occasionaly plays plain SMAC has agreed to play and achieve a fast diplo victory - he got - what it seems interlude19. Main difference between us (in computer play sense) is that he has WINXP while I still use 98. Could this be possibly related?
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
January 29, 2004, 13:24
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I use windows98; in fact, initially I used win95.
I just found out something interesting: You can activate interlude 6 and end up getting really upset at yourself.
Here's how. I was playing the Morgans, with a green economy and the Gaians decided that that just wasn't good enough and so attacked me. Eventually they mind controlled the base where Jeneba's mind worms were stationed. (Jeneba is Morgan's promising young talent..)
The Gaians had the Hunter Seeker algorithm so I retook the base by force, destroying Jeneba in the process. At that point interlude 6 came up, and my people decided that we should take over one of our bases piece by piece....
I decided to go with the principal of interlude 6, and took over the home base of the probe team that had mind controlled that base. (Coincidentally this base had the Hunter Seeker algorithm). Once I'd done that, I renamed that base.
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