MSN - Themed year
Kody says::
hi you there
Octavian X says::
Hello again
Kody says::
I was thinking it's about time to have another themed day
Kody says::
basically we change the base names and the landmarks and many other things
Kody says::
so to particular theme
Octavian X says::
Exactly what we need for Pravda fodder...
Kody says::
you interested in helping me choose something
When General Kim Jong-Il shouts out loud storms always happen, HUGE STORMS ALWAYS HAPPEN! has been added to the conversation.
Octavian X says::
I gues...
Kody says::
no euthsiasim?
Octavian X says::
Kody says::
is chairman back yet?
Kody says::
guess not
Voltaire says::
Sorry I'm back
Octavian X says::
Kody says::
well we could go starwars
Voltaire says::
what are we talking about?
Octavian X says::
A new theme day...
Kody says::
but starwars theme is overdone
Kody says::
for example if we choose starwars
Octavian X says::
Star Trek? 
Kody says::
then we make volatire the "Emperor"
Voltaire says::
That was going to be my suggestion
Kody says::
Kody says::
and we name our bases as places in starwars
Kody says::
units as storm troopers
Kody says::
and those red hand?
Kody says::
is that the emperor's guard
Voltaire says::
I have no clue
Kody says::
me neither
Octavian X says::
heh... could work
Kody says::
But I don't know starwars well enough
Kody says::
so need a list of names etc
Octavian X says::
I get to be yoda.. 
Kody says::
we have to choose either the empire or the rebels
Voltaire says::
I'm certain there's someone in the Hive who knows star wars well enough to do that
Kody says::
because having both is wrong
Kody says::
well doesn't have to be starwars
Voltaire says::
we'll be the empire of course
Kody says::
could be ummm
Voltaire says::
star trek?
Octavian X says::
I could get a good list of names myself...
Kody says::
Kody says::
and we need to write theme diplomatic messages to the other factions too 
Kody says::
we can change the leader name multiple times
Kody says::
so we can have vader and the emperor both talking in the diplomatic window
Voltaire says::
i think star trek is much easier for that purpose
Kody says::
okay well star trek then
Voltaire says::
we can pick one of the races
Voltaire says::
and assigne others to everyone else
Kody says::
but you have to know the stuff really well
Voltaire says::
the uni can be the federation or whatnot
Last edited by Vev; October 16, 2003 at 19:06.